Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 14

Music And Lyrics: Soul-O -

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Tanner says, "Yep, that's true."

We all laugh. Tanner has never been vain and I'm certain he has no idea how hot he really is. Tanner coaches Lorenzo on what to do and when to let go of the rope. Lorenzo sits on the back of the boat and fits the board on his feet, grabs the rope and drops into the water.

Lorenzo yells, "Hit it." Tanner guns the boat and Lorenzo falls over and holds on to the rope while he's dragging in and out of the water. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Lorenzo shouts, "Let's go again." Two more times and he gets up and stays up for about forty-five seconds, which is quite good for his first time. Tanner is like a proud dad. He coaches him a little more and Lorenzo gets right up and even cuts through the wake. When he gets on the outside of the wake, the lake is so that he face plants into the water. He waves his hand and says, "I surrender." We swing around and pick him up to get back in the boat. Tan asks Anthony if he wants to wakeboard and Anthony gives him a look.

"I'm good right here, thanks." Lorenzo is going on about how much fun he had.

Tanner says, "Y'all good to stay out for about another hour? Dylan has to get some stuff organized for the wedding.

The guys say, "We go where you go."

It is unbelievable that we not only have this beautiful boat but that we can pull it right up to our house.

When I get inside, I immediately call the florist and he says, "Oh honey, that's too soon. You're asking me to pull off a miracle."

"I know, but I heard you're the best."

"The best? Well that's sure nice to hear. Okay, I'll make it happen."

I clap my hands like a geek and say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

We discuss what I'm looking for and then I give him the credit card information and he says, "Okay honey, we'll see you on the 25th at your house at 2 p.m. sharp."

"Perfect. Thank you." Next I order the chairs, tables, and linen to be delivered at noon. I look out the window at our backyard and b.u.t.terflies swim in my stomach. This wedding is going to be gorgeous.

My phone rings. It's Mom. "Hi, Mom. What'd you hear?"

"It's all done. I ordered a nacho bar and chicken wings."

Yum that sounds perfect."

She yells, "Dylan! I'm just kidding. Of course, I didn't order that honey."

I laugh and say, "Sounded good to me. So really, what'd you order?"

With excitement in her voice she tells me, "Right after the ceremony, there'll be a beautiful spread of fruit, veggies, and cheese. An hour later, they will put out a buffet of smoked brisket, sausage, green beans, bbq beans, and an array of squash. She hand makes b.u.t.ter rolls too. Oh, and she also brings a load of sweet and unsweet tea. So, what do you think?"

"Mom that is absolutely perfect! Thank you so much."

"What about the cake?" All the air huffs out of me and a wave of panic replaces it.

"The cake! Maybe we should have just eloped."

"You know, I've been going to Bea's Bakery since Brent was a baby. Of course, Bea pa.s.sed away some years ago, but her daughter Sue Jane bakes almost as good as her mama did. Would you like me to call her?"

I immediately say, "Yes ma'am, please."

"What kind of cake do y'all want?"

"Mom, whatever you get will be perfect. Thank you."

"How often does a mom get to help plan her son and daughter's wedding? Okay, that sounds bad, but hey we're in the South."

I choke on the water I just drank. "Mom, that sounds gross, but it'll make for a great story."

Mom says, "Let me call her and I'll call you back. Oh yeah, don't forget to take pictures of the dress tomorrow and send them to me."

"Of course!" Now we just have to pray for no rain!

Tanner comes up to me and says, "Come with me, please."

I look at him and say, "Where?"

He smiles and says, "We haven't recorded one song yet. I have the studio set up and I want to hear the song you wrote at Mom's house."

"Right now? We have so much to do still."

He smiles and says, "Babe, whether the flowers are perfect or the chairs aren't right, I'm still marrying you on the 25th. Please, come with me into our own private, bada.s.s studio!" Reluctantly, I rise and take his hand. He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it. "I love it when you are obedient." I give him a crooked look and he flashes me his 'just kidding' smile. Of course, I melt like b.u.t.ter and forget what he even said.

Four hours pa.s.s like nothing and Tan says, "Babe that's perfect! Come listen to it on playback." I'm exhausted now and four hours have pa.s.sed and I got absolutely nothing else done for the wedding. When I get inside the control room, Tan says, "You're a superstar babe. Listen to this and how amazing you sound." I roll my eyes because we all know he's the superstar. He plays it and it is good. I'm incredibly impressed with myself. He says, "Lyrics, I think this is a perfect demo to send out."

"I never wanted to be a singer, babe. I'm the writer and you're the singer. We can make a demo, but it will be of you singing. We can even do one with both of us, but not me solo."

He repeats, "You are a superstar."

I kiss his lips and say, "Don't want to be. I just want to write. I write, you sing. That's always been our deal, remember?"

He smiles and says, "I remember, I just think it's lame. You're talented, babe."

"You are talented."

"Yes, I know I am. We aren't talking about that though."

I put my hands on either side of his face and say, "I want to start a family, babe, and traveling on the road isn't what I have in mind."

He kisses my lips and says, "You're gonna make such a good mommy." So, we'll just keep doing gigs when we want to. It's not like we need the money.

I bring my face to his and say, "I love you."

He looks me in my eyes and says, "I love you more."

Chapter 25.

'Take my soul, my heart, my air...but not my girl.'

Tanner It's only six in the morning, but I've been awake since four. My mind is spinning and I can't get the nightmare I had out of my head. It was so vivid, I woke up in a sweat with my heart thumping out of my chest. Lyrics and I were at some bar and I was called up on stage by Tyler. He handed me his guitar and whispered in my ear, "Your gonna enjoy this one, bro." I smiled and said, "I'm sure I will." His look was evil as he smirked at me. I was singing and the crowd was really getting into it. Every groupie I had ever banged was in the crowd. As I was singing, I kept trying to find Lyrics and somebody was constantly blocking my view. When I finally got sight of her, Jennifer was right next to her with the two dopes from Australia. I looked at Tyler and he said, "Having fun yet? They're gonna have fun with Dylan. Think I may take a turn too." It was as if I were in quicksand. My legs weighed about three hundred pounds each and I could barely move them to get to her. The flings in the crowd kept stopping me and by the time I got to where Lyrics was, she was gone and so was Jennifer and the two men. On the microphone, Tyler said, "Let's hear it for the man that broke mine and many of y'alls heart." The crowd started booing and I couldn't find Lyrics anywhere. That's when I woke up in a panic. I reached over and felt Lyrics' warm body, took a deep breath, and laid still for about two hours. I haven't seen anything on the news about Jennifer and she hasn't sent any threats since Stephen and Sophia's wedding. Guess it's normal to have nightmares after something so horrible happens to you.

Sitting here in the backyard staring at the lake sure helps to calm me down. I hear the door open and Lyrics comes out, bundled up in a thick bathrobe.

She asks me, "How long you been out here?"

"I couldn't really sleep and I didn't want to wake you up. Been out here since about six."

She asks with concern, "You okay?"

I nod my head yes and say, "You're right here, I'm groovy, baby." She turns my chair and straddles me as her body falls limp molding onto mine. My hand finds her warm thigh under that bathrobe and her softness entices my hand to continue up. She scoots herself tighter onto me, immediately arousing me and it's undeniable.

"The neighbors can't see in here you know."

I smile and say, "I don't care if they can." I pull the knot holding her robe together and it opens like a package. She sits on me, allowing me to soak in her beauty. Her skin is glowing, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are perfect with nipples deliciously hard, and her hair falls to the side like curtains to this body of a G.o.ddess. She takes my hands and places them on her heaving chest. My thumb and forefinger squeeze her nipples just enough for her to fling her head back in pleasure. As I take one of her buds into my mouth, my hand slides down and her wetness is all too inviting. My finger glides between her folds slowly as she lets out moan after moan.

She asks me, "Should we take this inside?" I shake my head no and lead her to the cabana that was delivered last week. It has sheer sides and a very comfortable futon-like couch that easily folds out into a queen-size bed. I pull the drawstrings on all four sides and we are surrounded by sheer red. I slide her bathrobe off and she stands there naked just waiting for me to take her. I peel off my clothes and she pulls me into her with just one look from her hungry eyes. I pull a pin from each side of the couch and it eases down into a bed. Lyrics is standing there waiting for me to guide her every move. I love when she lets me take over completely. She's such a strong woman, always has been, but she never seems stronger to me than when she lets go of control and trusts me in every way. I grab a pillow from the couch and throw it on the ground. She smirks and I lower her to her knees. Her eyes are looking up at me as she takes me into her warm mouth. My eyes want to close but I don't want to miss a minute of watching her. She gets off harder when I watch her. The louder I moan, the deeper she takes me. I thread my fingers in her hair and guide her to the base of my hard shaft. Her eyes are still looking at me as they get watery from my c.o.c.k hitting the back of her throat. I take her deep a couple more thrusts and then bring her up to an upright position. Her hand is stroking me and I could die a happy man right now. I lie down on my back and she knows what I want. She slides onto me and rides me like she's racing in the Triple Crown. I don't want this to end, but I know I only have a minute left in hold power. When she notices my reaction, she digs her nails into my chest and thrusts on me harder, taking me deeper inside of her. I feel her tightening up and she releases a moan that would make a statue come. I grab her hips and completely unload inside her. I hold her tight onto me, not allowing anything to drip out.

She folds on top of me, smiles, and says, "Good morning."

I kiss her mouth and say, "It is now."

She hops up and says, "Don't forget, I'm going to try my dress on today." I a.s.sure her that I couldn't forget and remind her that she will not be going alone. She pouts and says, "I know." I don't know if it's that I'm freaked out over the nightmare I had or what, but I just have an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Lyrics, why don't you take that 22 that's in the dresser drawer? Please just put it in your purse, please."

"Did you hear something?"

"No, just had a nightmare and it's freaking me out."

"Babe, I haven't left this house without my Uncle Willie in weeks." I smile because her dad always called his favorite gun Willie and in all the years, I've never heard her refer to her pistol as Uncle Willie.

I ask, "Is it loaded?" She shakes her head yes. Not being able to shake this feeling, I say, "I wish you'd let me come with you today. If anything strange goes on, shoot first and then ask questions. Aim for the head and don't stop shooting until you're safe, you understand me?" Lyrics looks at me like I've completely lost it.

"You're freaking me out big time."

Quickly I say, "That's my intention. She's been too quiet since her last text and she won't stop until she feels satisfied. Just call me when you get to the dress shop, please."

Lyrics shows me her phone and says, "I promise. I'm gonna go get Lorenzo and get this over with."

Trying not to be Debbie Downer, I smile and say, "I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle. You're gonna be the most beautiful bride ever."

She leans down and kisses me and says, "Thought you wanted to see the dress off me?"

"Well that too. I love you. Please be safe. Tell Lorenzo to come see me before y'all leave."

She rolls her eyes and says, "Okay, Daddy." That's kind of hot.

"Next time you call me Daddy, you better be on your knees in front of me." She laughs and walks inside.

Lorenzo comes to the backyard and says, "Dylan told me you wanted to see me."

I shake my head and say, "I got a bad feeling in my gut. Please make sure you protect my girl with everything you have. She won't let me go with y'all, so please promise me she will be safe."

Lorenzo looks away and then shakes my hand and says, "I promise." His words do nothing to ease my discomfort. I hear the front door close and I check to make sure my phone is turned all the way up and fully charged. That nervous feeling is d.a.m.n near driving me insane. Anthony walks into the living room with my guitar and hands it to me.

He smirks and says, "When I'm nervous I occupy myself with something I love doing."

I take the guitar and lay it across my lap. "Thanks. Hey, tell me about Lorenzo. I kind of got a weird feeling when I was speaking with him before they left."

"Weird like how?"

I think for a minute so I don't just spew something terrible out. "He seemed to have a hard time looking me in the eye."

"You're a handsome man, maybe your beauty intimidates him?"

I snap with, "You kidding? Seriously?"

He gives a squeaky chuckle and says, "I'm just messing with you. I don't think we have anything to worry about. Lorenzo's worked for me for a while now. He's a good guy, you got my word on that." There's something about this killer Mafia guy that I fully trust. He's been with us now for almost two months, and I trust him more than most of the people I've known for years. I look at my watch and it's only been twenty minutes since she left. I sit down and grab my guitar. In my lame attempt to take my mind off the situation, I play as hard as I can. Finally, my mind and nerves settle down.

The phone rings and I pick up on the first ring. The sound of her voice puts me at ease.

"We made it here safe and oh my gosh, the dress is perfect."

I take a breath and say with a smile on my face, "You're perfect. Hurry home but be safe. Love you, my Lyrics."

"Love you, my Tan." I wanted to make sure Lorenzo was there but I didn't want her to think I was a complete nut case. h.e.l.l, I'm not even nervous about my safety, it's her. I'd rather die than have anybody hurt her.

Anthony walks in the room like he wants to speak to me. I set the guitar down and ask, "What's on your mind?" He looks at me and begins to get fidgety, like twiddling his fingers. I ask again, "Is something wrong?" He sits down and then stands back up, not saying a word. I say, "Dude, just tell me what's up. I'm getting worried. Is she okay?"

He quickly says, "Yeah, she's fine. I ugh, I, we weren't completely honest with you about today."

I stand up and feel myself growl, "What the f.u.c.k do you mean?"

"Jennifer found out that me and Lorenzo were here protecting you and somehow she got Lorenzo's phone number and called him. He was about to cuss her out but then decided to play dumb and lure her in." My mouth is on the floor and I swear I'm going to kill this motherf.u.c.ker if he doesn't talk faster. He puts his hand up telling me it's okay and says, "Together we made a plan to take her down, and thought the less you two knew the better. I know you're p.i.s.sed, but I'm telling you, Lorenzo will not let anything happen to Dylan."

"What's the plan and why the h.e.l.l would you put Lyrics in them?"

"That crazy b.i.t.c.h wants to get her hands on your girl something wicked. Lorenzo and I decided to make Jennifer think that he was willing to turn on us to be with her. Okay, here's the plan: Jennifer already knew you were getting married next weekend and she was h.e.l.l-bent on ruining it, so Lorenzo told her that he was taking Dylan to get her dress measured or whatever and that he would personally deliver her to Jennifer."

My heart is racing and my hands are sweaty. There's a lump in my throat and the only thing stopping me from attacking Anthony is the fact that I do trust him and want to hear the rest of this insane plan.

He continues, "Calm down bro, I told you I'd protect your girl with my life and I meant it. By now, Lorenzo has already filled Dylan in on what's gonna go down. He was gonna wait until she called you to let you know she was okay so that you didn't detect her nerves. By the way, what Lorenzo hasn't told you is that he spent eight years in the service and four of those he was a member of the Air Force Special Teams. He's a bad mo' and I'm giving you my word, Dylan is safer with him than with anybody else. So, the plan is, he's gonna walk in the room with Dylan, take out the men she has waiting with her and then he's going to get her to confess what she did to you. After that, he's gonna play it by ear as to what he does with that s.k.a.n.k."

I interrupt him and ask while biting my nail, "How do y'all know it'll go according to your plan?"

Anthony says confidently, "Lorenzo has never f.u.c.ked up and this one is personal to him. He considers you both family, and n.o.body messes with our family." He looks at his big golden watch and says, "This whole thing will be over tonight, one way or another."

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