One Wild Wedding Night_ Three-Way Part 3

One Wild Wedding Night_ Three-Way -

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She didn't ask about partic.i.p.ant number three, Sean, and what he expected out of this evening. Brandon had called him a professional-whether that meant he was a professional ma.s.seur or a male escort, she honestly didn't know. Nor was she certain she wanted to know.

She wanted faceless eroticism. Anonymous pleasure. The other man didn't matter so much and she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to see him clearly. It was enough to feel the long, firm stroke of his hand down her thigh and the brush of his fingertips across the sensitive skin behind her knee, wondering-always wondering-where he'd touch next and whether she'd really be ready for it.

"Mmm," she groaned as he worked his hand between her legs and gently pushed them apart so he could access the inner thigh muscles. He remained close to her knees, working her skillfully, still well within the bounds of any other ma.s.sage she'd received. But Mia remained on edge, every nerve ending antic.i.p.ating the next move, knowing that eventually one would cross that boundary.

Brandon's hungry stare made her want that touch to come soon. She wanted to see him as insanely excited as she was. Wanted him driven beyond control, until he had to push the stranger out of the way and be the only man touching, experiencing, loving her.

But he doesn't love you. The thought came rapidly, unexpectedly, and she couldn't force it away. Brandon had thought he was falling in love with her. That, however, had been before she'd run out on him with nothing but an easy lie for an explanation. Any fragile, early feelings had to have been crushed by her actions.

It was far too late to regret pus.h.i.+ng away any chance of a future-of love-with Brandon, because tonight wasn't about love. It was about l.u.s.t and unkept promises and unfulfilled desire. It was about eroticism and pleasure. And, she strongly suspected, it was probably also a little bit about revenge.

Mia wasn't stupid. She'd sensed Brandon's anger and knew his taunts about having one s.e.xual night with her before they parted forever had been partially inspired by payback. He wanted to show her what she was missing out on.

His plan would work. She wouldn't soon forget this night, though not for the reasons he might expect.

It wasn't just the sensuality she'd was the realization that she might have made a horrible mistake. She'd refused to let him love her, pus.h.i.+ng him away, without realizing that maybe-just maybe-Brandon was strong enough for her after all. Perhaps he wasn't too good or too nice. Tonight had shown her he was real and unpredictable and open to absolutely anything. Maybe even handling a relations.h.i.+p with a cold, b.i.t.c.hy woman like the Mia the world knew.

And she'd tossed him away.

"How far, Mia? How far do you want to go?" Brandon asked, still watching through heavy-lidded, half-closed eyes.

Thrusting off her cloak of sadness for the mistakes she could not unmake, she forced herself back to the moment. She had one night...d.a.m.ned if she'd waste it on regret.


He smiled in approval and Mia licked her lips, wondering why it was so exciting to watch him watch her. Something wicked deep within her wanted to push him, to drive him to insane l.u.s.t. So she arched her back slightly-two inches at most. Lifting her bottom, she silently invited the stranger ma.s.saging her legs to move his attention higher.

He did so. Immediately. When Mia felt his hands slide high enough to brush the cotton towel and the vulnerable curve where her cheeks met the backs of her thighs, she groaned in sensual response. He soothed her, caressed her...but moved no further.

"G.o.d, I need another drink," Brandon whispered hoa.r.s.ely. He slowly moved out of the room, still watching, as if loath to miss a moment of what was happening.

When he disappeared from sight, Mia tensed. She had a stranger's hands on her-a faceless stranger's. She suddenly realized that Brandon's presence was the only thing that had given her the courage to do this. And that watching his pleasure and excitement had made this interlude a warmly erotic one. Now, with him gone, what had been so d.a.m.ned exciting seemed incredibly risky.

The man seemed to know it because he immediately moved back down her legs, ma.s.saging places he'd already covered. Safe places. Non-intimate places.

A very intuitive one, this Sean.

When Brandon reentered the room, he was carrying something in his hand. Something that was ringing. "Hmm, Bridget Donahue, that's your cousin, isn't it?" he asked.

Mia sucked in a shocked breath, realizing he held her cell phone. "Brandon, don't you dare answer that..."

But he did. "h.e.l.lo?"

Mia swung her arm out, trying to grab for it as he pa.s.sed by her. She missed, of course.

Brandon held the phone out of reach, grinned and sat back down where he'd been before. "You've got the right number."

What her cousin must be thinking, Mia had no idea. Especially when Brandon leaned close to her, pressing a kiss on her bare shoulder and saying into the phone, "I'm sorry. Mia's in the...middle of something."

She heard a low chuckle from the man behind her and closed her eyes in shock. Hopefully her sweet little bookkeeper cousin would never realize that the very wicked Brandon Young meant Mia was in the middle of two men.

"I'm going to get you for that," she vowed after Brandon disconnected the call and tossed the phone onto another chair.

"Give it your best shot." He leaned back, lifting one leg and draping it over the arm of the plush chair. "I'm completely at your mercy."

His green eyes sparkled with amus.e.m.e.nt, but Brandon wasn't the only one who could tease. In fact, Mia knew exactly how to tease him into losing that confident smile.

She parted her legs bit. "Um, my thighs could definitely use some more attention."

The invitation was immediately accepted. Big hands encircled her thighs and strong male thumbs slid close-achingly close-to the bare lips of her s.e.x. Mia hissed, dying for the completion of the caress, not giving a d.a.m.n that she'd never even seen the person doing the caressing because all that mattered was the tension rising between her and her one-man audience.

Across from her, Brandon reacted. His laughter faded and he ran one hand through his thick, tousled hair. With a hiss of approval at the show she was providing, he dropped his hand onto his lap, as if to control his physical response.

She didn't want him controlling it. "More," she murmured, to both men in the room.

She was rewarded with the removal of two things: the towel covering her bottom. And Brandon's last bit of control.

Because as he watched a pair of strong hands move over her cheeks and begin stroking-the touch sliding dangerously close to the seam between them-Brandon slowly unfastened and unzipped his pants. Mia gasped as she watched him release himself, his powerful member fully engorged. He stroked it, obviously needing to pleasure himself as he watched her being pleasured.

The sight sent hot, liquid desire flooding to her s.e.x. She swelled so much she had to part her legs even further, which, to the man doing wild and wonderful things to her backside, must have seemed an invitation to go further.

And he did.

She cried out when those wickedly fast hands moved again. Before she could even comprehend it, powerful fingers were sliding between her cheeks. The ma.s.sage oil smoothed the way as he slid past the sensitive opening of her bottom, which he teased lightly before moving on, as if reminding her of the kinds of games they could get up to this night.

Before she even comprehended the fact that it was happening, she felt his touch gently sliding between the folds of her s.e.x. "Oh, yes," she groaned, urging him on.

When her ma.s.seur slowly slid one finger into her wet channel, she let out a quivery sigh of delight. The man used his other hand to tug her up a bit more, then reached around to toy with her sensitive, swollen c.l.i.t, until she shook and trembled.

Her eyes locked with Brandon's and she saw he was stroking himself harder, obviously in no way turned off by seeing what was happening. He appeared as aroused as she was.

"You're incredible," Brandon muttered.

It felt incredible, but Mia needed more. Needed to see more, feel more, experience more. "Brandon," she groaned, begging him without even knowing what it was she begged for.

He rose, kicking off his pants. His throbbing s.e.x was a few inches away and she wished she could bend far enough off the table to cover it with her mouth. She wanted to suck him in a steady rhythm matching the deep strokes of the other man's fingers inside her, until all three of them were connected.

"How far do you want to go, Mia?" Brandon whispered, repeating his earlier query. He bent until eye level with her, then, before she could answer, covered her mouth with his and plunged his tongue deep. He was warm and delicious and Mia cried out against his lips as the sensations continued to build. They were still kissing as her climax rolled over her, making her gasp and shake against his mouth and against Sean's slowing hand.

When Brandon lifted away and she was finally able to speak-or breathe-she whispered, "Further."

His answering smile was positively wicked. "You got it."

Chapter 4.

Every time he asked Mia how much further she wanted to go, Brandon held his breath until she answered. The truth was, he didn't know how he wanted her to answer. He was waiting for that moment when something inside him would rebel at watching someone else touch her so intimately, but so far, all he felt was out-of-his-mind excited.

One thing he knew, he could no longer remain an impartial observer. He had to touch, to taste, to savor. So, with a nod of warning at Murphy, he reached for Mia's shoulders and helped her sit up. The other man remained behind her, between the table and the bed, still stroking her hips, continuing the ma.s.sage as if he hadn't just fingered her to a rocking o.r.g.a.s.m.

"Kiss me, Brandon," she begged. She reached for him, grabbing his hair, twining her fingers in it.

"Nothing I'd rather do." He came down to her, covering her mouth in another breathless kiss. When it ended, he tasted his way down her neck, wanting to sample those puckered nipples, roll his tongue across them. "You have the most beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s," he muttered before licking one tip. It was as delicious as he'd expected, and hearing her cries of delight made it taste even better.

Sean remained behind her. He was stroking her shoulders now, digging his fingers into the tight muscles there. He probably needn't have. Any remnants of Mia's tension appeared to be long gone, replaced by pure sensual pleasure.

"I still can't believe this is happening," she whispered.

"Are you all right?" Brandon asked.

She nodded.

"Good," Murphy whispered, and Brandon completely understood the reaction. Because watching Mia experience what they were doing to her had to be driving the other man as wild as it was him.

Seeing her so into it made him curious about just how much further she meant. So he nibbled and kissed his way down her body. He breathed in the essence of her skin and the remnants of the heady ma.s.sage oil, knowing her intrinsic scent was much more heady. Especially as he got closer to her quivering s.e.x, pink and luscious and swollen for him.

She'd allowed another man to use his hands on her while Brandon watched. How would she feel about intense oral pleasure under the watchful eyes of a stranger?

"Please, Brandon," she cried, which gave him his answer.

He didn't hesitate, licking into her folds, mumbling, "I love the way you taste."

She answered by arching toward him, groaning when he covered her pretty c.l.i.t with his tongue and played with it.

Mia gasped and sagged back...into another man's arms. Brandon watched for a second as another strong pair of hands moved across her shoulders and down, covering her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and tweaking the nipples Brandon had just been sucking.

That was when the queasiness started.

He ignored it, focused on her little cries of pleasure as he loved her with his mouth. But even as he brought her to another shattering o.r.g.a.s.m, he wondered what would come next. If he asked her again how much further she wanted to go...what would be her response?

Whether they'd go all the way-whether she'd actually take the other man into her body, he didn't know. A quick tightening of his chest and the unconscious clenching of his fingers told him he probably didn't want to consider that yet.

He'd set some ground rules with Sean and one of them was that he'd stop short of actual penetration, unless Mia really wanted it. When he'd said that, he'd intended merely to protect her, in case things got too carried away too quickly. He hadn't considered how he would feel about it.

Well, he told himself he hadn't.

Because tonight wasn't supposed to be about finally having the woman he'd been crazy about six weeks ago. It was supposed to just be about having wild, dirty s.e.x with a woman he was hot her a night she'd never forget, then walking away without ever looking back.

That woman he could take in any number of wicked ways. And the idea of being inside her while she was being pleasured by another man, too, was at the very least intriguing.

But this wasn't that woman. This was Mia. The sharp-edged lawyer who had an adorably sweet giggle that she almost never let anyone hear. The brown-eyed beauty who'd cried in his arms one night over a particularly brutal case she'd had to try. The great cook who'd single-handedly prepared an entire Thanksgiving feast for all their friends.

The woman he'd fallen in love with.

Brandon stopped what he was doing, having to close his eyes to mentally acknowledge the truth. What she'd done hadn't stopped his feelings for her...he loved her more now than he had the day he'd left. And he absolutely did not want anyone else making love to her, having s.e.x with her or f.u.c.king her.

Not while he was in the room. Not while he wasn't. He wanted to be the only man plunging into her. Ever.

Which was pretty bad considering he had handed her to another man.

"What are you thinking?" she whispered.

Brandon looked up at her, lost himself in her big brown eyes, and knew he couldn't be the one to make the choice. "I'm thinking of how badly I want to be inside you."

She smiled down at him, sighing lightly in antic.i.p.ation. Reaching for his shoulders and tugging him up, she touched her mouth to his and murmured, "Then be inside me, Brandon."

He deepened the kiss, tasting her fully, telling her silently everything that he hadn't been able to say out loud. And she kissed him back, languorously meeting the thrusts of his tongue, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and her legs around his hips as if not wanting an inch to separate them.

But there remained one question to ask. "How much further, Mia?" he whispered.

She nibbled his earlobe. Then, casting a quick, apologetic look over her shoulder at Murphy-who she was actually seeing for the very first time-replied, "As far as two people can possibly go."

Brandon made exquisite love to her for the rest of the night. There was nowhere on her body he didn't caress, no inch of skin left unkissed. His stamina amazed her-because though he had seemed insane with need by the time the very handsome, black-haired Mr. Murphy had left them, he still managed to fill her for hours. And within minutes of coming inside her, he'd picked her up, carried her into the bathroom and started all over again in the shower.

She'd never experienced a night like it in her life.

And she almost had trouble believing it had all really taken place.

"Did we really do those things?" she whispered to the ceiling early the next morning. Brandon was sound asleep beside her, one arm resting in casual possession across her middle. "Did it truly happen?"

Glancing at the ma.s.sage table, now collapsed and leaning against the wall, she sighed and acknowledged that yes, it had really happened. Brandon had brought an incredibly s.e.xy stranger into their bedroom. Had watched while that man had brought her to o.r.g.a.s.m with his hands. Had dropped his mouth to her lap and licked her to ecstasy while another man toyed with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and watched every move they made.

Women went their entire lives fantasizing about the eroticism of such a night. Now Mia knew exactly what was possible. How far she could go, how much she would demand. And when, exactly, she would stop.

Murphy had pleasured her...but when it had come right down to it, she just couldn't go that final step. Maybe if she hadn't realized that she still loved Brandon, she'd have been able to do it. G.o.d knows when she'd seen the Irishman's incredible body and ruggedly handsome face, she'd had a mental flash of what could have been.

But she didn't regret it. Any wicked, erotic delights she'd gained from the two of them couldn't come close to what she'd experienced later. Brandon had thrust into her, over and over, whispering sweet, s.e.xy words in her ear as he drowned her in pleasure. Mia was already certain she'd never be able to get used to the emptiness of not having him inside her.

Especially not a lifetime of that emptiness.

"You're awake," he whispered beside her.

Startled, she glanced over and saw him watching her. Mia quite honestly didn't know what to say. She'd had mornings after before, but never ones that had involved not one man but two.

In the light of day, would he regret what he'd started or judge her for going along with it? Now that he'd done what she suspected he'd set out to do-gotten even with her-would he casually toss her aside, thinking less of her for her wanton behavior of the night before?

"You okay?"

She nodded. "You?"

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