Wine And War: The French, The Nazis And The Battle For France's Greatest Treasure Part 26

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Glossary APPELLATION D'ORIGINE CONTRLeE (AOC) Controlled place of origin. For French wine, it guarantees that the wine not only comes from the place listed (such as Burgundy or Bordeaux) but also meets the standards of quality for that area.

x> ARRONDISs.e.m.e.nT district or borough of a city.

x> BLACK ROT a fungal disease that attacks grapevines, leaving black spots on the green parts of the plant and shriveling the fruit. Most virulent in warm weather and high humidity. Treatment is with copper sulfate.

x> BOCHES derogatory name given the Germans.

x> BORDELAIS a resident of Bordeaux.

x> CAVE a cellar, generally a wine cellar.

x> CHAMPENOIS a resident of Champagne.

x> CHTEAU (PL.: CHTEAUX) literally, castle, but generally used to signify an entire wine estatehouse (irrespective of whether it is a castle), vineyards, caves and other buildings. Most Bordeaux wine comes from chteaux.

x> CHEMINOTS railway workers, derived from the French for railroad, chemin de fer, literally iron road.

x> CHEVALIERS literally, knights; now frequently used for members of a wine society, in French a confrerie, or brotherhood.

x> COMITe INTERPROFESSIONNEL DU VIN DE CHAMPAGNE (CIVC) the semi-governmental interprofessional body which regulates the Champagne industry.

x> COMITe NATIONAL DES APPELLATIONS D'ORIGINE the governing body for the guarantees on place of origin and quality in French wine.

x> COPPER SULFATE a copper salt, sometimes called blue stone, used to treat vines against fungus.

x> CTE D'OR literally, the Golden Slope or Escarpment; the area of Burgundy between Dijon and Santenay where some of the greatest Burgundies are made. Both red and white wines are made here.

x> CUVeE contents of a wine vat or a special lot of wine.

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