Freak Of Nature Part 19

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"I am. I've already let Harrington know. As you can imagine, he's very pleased."

"I'm sure he is." Lucas tried to keep his apprehension off his face.

"She'll still need to see me on a regular basis. This is a long term solution."

"I know. Thank you for everything you've done. She really has made drastic improvements. Every day she seems a little more comfortable."

"You've been a huge factor in that as well, Lucas. You're her anchor."


"Yes, you keep her grounded." Dr. Chambers eyed him in her knowing way. "I really don't know if she could have done this without you."


"It's the truth."

With a parting nod, Lucas stood up and walked out of the office. Dr. Chambers had said exactly what he needed to hear. She seemed to have a knack for that.

Lucas found his way to Harrington's office. The moment they had all been waiting for was finally here. He knew Kaitlyn was capable of doing whatever was required, but he would still be on edge until she returned from her first mission.

Behind the U-shaped desk in the outer office, the secretary smiled. "He's waiting for you."

Harrington grinned when Lucas walked in. "We've done it, Lucas!"

"That we have, sir," Lucas replied.

The man walked over from where he'd been gazing out the window and clapped a big hand to Lucas's shoulder. "Keeping Kate for ourselves was a brilliant idea. We are going to be the envy of every organization out there."

"Let's not celebrate until we see how it goes."

Harrington waved him away. "I'm sure it will go smoothly."

"Famous last words." Lucas ran his hand through his hair, surprised to find it was shaking. "When will they leave?"

"They fly out in the morning. Six am. They'll touch down by noon our time."

"Will they be safe?" Lucas asked, using Harrington's *they' even though he really only cared about Kate.

"We'll have eyes on them at all times," Harrington said.

At least that was something. He would go insane not knowing if Kate was okay.

Harrington slid a manila envelope across the table. "I'll let you do the honor."

Lucas hesitated, and then accepted the envelope. "Now or in the morning?"

"Why wait?" Harrington boomed. "Let her beautiful mind sleep on it and play out all possible scenarios."

"I'll bring it to them now," Lucas said calmly. Inside, he trembled.

This is it.

It was training time. Lucas found them in the combat room, and stood watching through the window as Kate and Erik stalked in a circle around each other. Erik moved forward swiftly, but Kate was faster. They were both so intent on each other it was as if they were lost in a dance that no one else was allowed access to.

Erik pivoted from his back foot to his front. He threw a flurry of punches, all which Kate blocked with ease.

Kate flipped through the air and locked her legs around Erik's throat dropping him to the ground. Erik somehow managed to get free and sprang back to his feet.

Lucas had seen enough. He couldn't watch them function so smoothly, so perfectly togethera"both powerful and deadly. He pushed through the door, but neither even glanced his way. Kate was aware he was in the room; she was programmed to know. But he wasn't a threat: Erik was.

A flurry of punches were exchanged, and next thing Lucas knew, Kaitlyn was splayed across Erik's body, and he was tapping out.

The sight of her body pressed against Erik's made Lucas's blood boil, but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to accept that Erik was part of her life now. He was also a lifeline, of sorts, for her.

Kaitlyn jumped up and walked towards Lucas. She was so alive; energy radiated off her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, but they were at work.

Lucas held up the envelope. "You leave tomorrow."

"Really?" Kate's eyes danced with excitement.

Erik came closer, leaning his craggy face over Kaitlyn's shoulder. He certainly wasn't a handsome man, but his intensity seemed to draw women to him. Lucas had overheard the nurses talking about Erik on more than one occasion.

It bothered Lucas that Kate didn't mind the Marine in her personal s.p.a.ce.

"Where are we going?" Erik asked gruffly.

Lucas shrugged. "It's all in there. I'll leave you two to go over the details."

Kaitlyn looked like she was about to explode with excitement. She bounced on the tips of her toes and clutched the envelope to her chest. "Thank you, Lucas. For believing in me."

"I will always believe in you," he said softly, but she had already turned to open the envelope with her partner.

Lucas left the room, his heart aching. He really needed to get his jealousy in check.

Kaitlyn laid her head on Lucas's shoulder, breathing in his musky scent. There was a time she had thought happiness was impossible for her, but she had been wrong. Life was better than she could have ever hoped. She had come to terms with her past and looked forward to the future. She still missed her parents, but she felt it was best they thought she was gone.

Lucas ran his hands through her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'll be worried about you."

"Don't be. You know I can take care of myself, and Erik will be there."

"Right. Erik."

Kaitlyn stared at Lucas, his face bathed in the moonlight that filtered through the curtains. His dark hair curled at the nape of his neck, and his strong jawbone drew her closer. She lightly kissed her way from the tip of his ear down his jaw and made her way eagerly to his full warm lips.

"Croatia is so far away." Lucas said softly as he traced his finger around the plastic coating on her arm.

"You saw the file. Human trafficking. All those young girls sold into slavery," Kaitlyn said disgusted.

"He's a monster, and he has to be stopped." Lucas agreed.

"I'll finally be able to use these skills for good."

Lucas turned to his side, his face serious. "Kate. I need to tell you something."

"Yes?" She propped herself on her elbow and stared down at him.

"I'm in love with you, Kate." The words came out in a rush. "I love you so much. The thought of losing you is like a weight crus.h.i.+ng my chest."

She smiled, pushed him back, and climbed on top of him. "I know you love me, Lucas." She pressed her lips to his and ran her hands along his muscular chest. She could never get enough of him. Being so close, skin to skin, drove her completely crazy.

"You know?" he asked, smiling against her lips. "I've wanted to say the words for months. I didn't think you were ready."

She leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I love you, too."

"You do? Are you sure?" He gripped her by her arms and pushed her back so he could look her in the eye. "You don't have to say it back just because I said it first. I just wanted you to know. In case anything happened on the mission."

"I feel like I've always loved you. I thought that was obvious?"

Lucas smiled. "I guess I needed to hear it out loud."

"I love you, Lucas. Should I say it again?"

Lucas wrapped his arms around her, rolling her beneath him. "Maybe one more time."

To Be Continued.

Also by Julia Crane.

Coexist, Book 1 in Keegan's Chronicles.

Amazon US Amazon UK Conflicted, Book 2 in Keegan's Chronicles.

Amazon US Amazon UK Consumed, Book 3 in Keegan's Chronicles.

Amazon US Amazon UK Anna, a spin-off from Keegan's Chronicles.

Amazon US Amazon UK Lauren, a spin-off from Keegan's Chronicles.

Amazon US Amazon UK Mesmerized, co-written with Talia Jager.

Amazon US Amazon UK Dark Promise, co-written with Talia Jager.

Amazon US Amazon UK Eternal Youth, co-written with Nolia McCarty.

Amazon US Amazon UK.

About the Author.

Julia Crane is the author of the YA paranormal fiction novels: Keegan's Chronicles, Mesmerized, and Eternal Youth. Julia was greatly encouraged by her mother to read and use her imagination, and she's believed in magical creatures since the day her grandmother first told her an Irish tale. Julia has traveled far and wide to all the places her grandmother told her about, gaining inspiration from her journeys to places like Nepal, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, Italy, France and many more. And who knows? Maybe the magical creatures she writes about are people she met along the way.

Julia has a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. Although she's spent most of her life on the US east coast, she currently lives in Dubai with her husband and three children.

Find Julia online at Interested in receiving updates on Julia's books? Join her mailing list! She'll only email about her books and will never share your information with anyone.

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A special thanks to my family for putting up with me while I write.

I would also like to thank Heather Adkins, Claire Teeter, and Sarah Billington for their editing skills, and Mayme and Lisa Markson for beta reading, all of whom make this book readable.

Eden Crane for the amazing cover.

My a.s.sistant, Allison Porter, who holds everything together.

My husband for his technical and tactical knowledge.

My fans for all your support which means more then you will ever know.

And the Bloggers who help spread the worda"without you, I wouldn'thave made it this far. Thank you!!!


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