Freak Of Nature Part 16

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"It was Ca.s.sidy," Lucas said gently. "You're Kaitlyn now. Unless you want to be Ca.s.sidy?"

She shook her head. "No. Ca.s.sidy died a long time ago."

"How did you feel when you met him?" Lucas looked away as if he didn't really want to hear the answer.

"Strange. He's married now. I didn't feel a pull towards him the way I thought I would, the way I do with you."

Lucas's shoulders relaxed, and Kaitlyn realized he had been jealous.

"You have nothing to worry about, Lucas." She didn't know why she was comforting him after all the lies.

"Why are you back? You should have kept running. Everyone is looking for you. If they find out you were herea"

"I don't want to run," Kaitlyn cut in wearily. "Run to where? I had a lot of time to think on the train."

"Tell me what you want, Kate, and I will do everything in my power to make it happen."

"I thought about the woman that was raped. Ca.s.sidy was brave and wanted to help others. I want to honor the girl I used to be. I have all of these upgrades and skills that I could put to use. There is so much bad in the world, maybe I can help. Even if just a little. This is who I am, Lucas, and we should use it for good."

He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "We can't hand you over, they'll just use you as a weapon. I need to think this over. If we can get Harrington to keep youa I just have to make him understand. We'll have to tell him that you have emotions and your own thoughts, Kate."

"That's fine. I'm sick of hiding who I am. I'm sick of all the lies."

He stood, coming to sit beside her, his hands gently cupping her face as if she were made of gla.s.s. "If we can't convince Harrington, we'll run away together. I'm not losing you again, Kate. I was going crazy without you."


"I promise." He tugged her into a tight hug, resting his head on hers as she leaned into him. The cat jumped off her lap and ran out of the room.

"I need a shower and change of clothes. But right now, I just want to sit here with you, if that's okay?" Kaitlyn asked.

"More than okay."

"Has the guard entered the house?"

"No, he just sits out there all day and night. They switch s.h.i.+fts at nine."


"I think it makes Harrington feel like he's doing something. He's going crazy."

She pulled away to look into his eyes. "Can we wait till tomorrow to talk to Harrington?"

"Absolutely." Lucas entwined his hand in Kaitlyn's and slowly rubbed his thumb along her knuckles. "Anything for you. Besides it's Sunday anyway."

When he leaned down and kissed her, Kaitlyn sank against him, comforted by his presence, the feel of his chest beneath her fingertips. It had been a long couple of days, and in the end, she was where she belonged.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

Lucas whistled as he tossed Kaitlyn's clothes in the was.h.i.+ng machine and dumped a cup of detergent inside. Everything will be okay, he told himself. Somehow, they would work it out. He wouldn't hesitate to run away with Kate if that was what it came down to, and that fact alone brought a sense of calm to him. He would do anything to keep her safe.

Even if it meant walking away from everything he knew.

He paused, staring at the way the leftover detergent pooled in the bottom of the cup. Wasn't that exactly what they had done to her? They had stripped her of everything that made her *Ca.s.sidy' the night she lost her life.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her walk into the kitchen. She was wrapped in a grey towel that matched her eyesa and nothing else. Just the sight caused his heart to pound and his breathing to change. He put the cap back on the detergent and shut the door to the washer, but forgot to hit Start.

"Feel better?" he asked, unable to tear his gaze away.

Her hair was wet and tousled. She looked fresh-faced and innocent. Gone was the blank stare he had expected from her for so long, replaced with a look of wide-eyed wonder. She had been stuck on the compound for so long, it must have been such a stark contrast to be free, to see all the things, the knick knacks and belongings that make up a person's home. Freedom looked so unlike her bland room on the compound. He wanted to be the one to share in her newfound freedom. There was so much for her to explore and learn. He smiled at the thought of being by her side to experience it with her.

The sight of her bare shoulders was too much. The way she clutched the towel pushed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s up, spilling cleavage over the top. His mind started speeding down a road he knew should be left alone. At least for now. She wasn't ready to take their relations.h.i.+p to that level. Not yet.

He cleared his throat. "I left you some clothes in the bathroom."

"I saw them." She smiled sweetly and crossed the room until she was a few feet away.

Without another word, Kaitlyn dropped the towel and stood before him, unflinching. There wasn't a hint of modesty or self-consciousness. She was breathtaking. Her body was strong and yet still feminine with curves that begged to be touched.

Lucas clenched his hands, focusing on deep breaths as his body responded to her. "Kate, what are you doing?"

She stepped forward, her clean citrusy scent wafting towards him, and spoke in a low voice. "When you returned my memories, I found out I wasn't a virgin. I know you were concerned about that. So I thought we could have s.e.x now. If you wanted to. I want to see what it feels like. I can't remember."

Lucas closed his eyes and then opened them, sweeping his gaze over her. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "My G.o.d, you are stunning," he whispered.

"You don't find me repulsive?"

"Of course not. It's who you are Kate. You take my breath away."

Slowly, she took a couple more steps forward.

He should probably stop it, but he really didn't want to. Any self-control had gone out the window when the towel had hit the floor. Her fingertips touched his check. Lucas stared into her grey eyes. The color of storm clouds, he thought as he grabbed her hand from his face and moved it to his lips. He gently kissed her palm, and then each finger, relis.h.i.+ng the way she s.h.i.+vered beneath his touch.

She closed the distance between them, running her hands up his arms. Her firm, naked body pressed against his, and heat radiated throughout his body.

"Not here. Upstairs," he said roughly.

He entwined his hand with hers and showed her the way. He had wanted her for so long; he still couldn't believe it was coming true.

His bedroom was cool, a window open to the fall breeze as suns.h.i.+ne spilled through the open curtains. Thankfully, his room was on the backside of the house.

He turned to face her, fighting the urge, he willed himself to put the breaks on. "Are you sure? I'm willing to wait as long as it takes. We don't have to rush into this."

"More than sure."

His palms were clammy and his breathing erratic. He was nervous. Never in his life had he wanted anything more than he wanted Kaitlyn, and he was afraid he would mess things up. He pushed the thought aside and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. He waited, giving her plenty of opportunity to change her mind. When she didn't, he pulled her body to his. Her arms snaked around his neck, and she pressed her bare chest against his.

Lightly, he trailed his lips down her throat to the hollow of her neck and down the gentle curve of her bare shoulder. A gasp escaped her full lips. He was the luckiest man alive.

His heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. Her hands moved up his stomach and every nerve in his body felt electrified. He breathed in the scent of her; she smelled citrusy and clean, like his shampoo. He wanted to bury his head in her hair and get lost forever.

Kaitlyn reached for his pajama bottoms, her hands brus.h.i.+ng over his skin which caused him to groan as she tugged off his pants. Desire shot through him. Stepping out of his pants, Lucas walked her backwards to the bed and gently pushed her down onto the mattress. He climbed on top of her. His lips found hers, his hand trailing down her side. Kaitlyn arched her back, and he thought he was going to go insane. He moved his hand up her inner thigh, her skin velvet underneath his fingertips, and he felt her body tense.

He paused. "Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?"

Kaitlyn bit the inside of her mouth, and her face was flushed. "What if I don't know how to do it? I wasn't programmed for this."

"No, you certainly weren't," Lucas laughed softly. He rolled off her and propped himself up on one arm. He traced his finger on the full curve of her hip, his body tightening as her gaze moved over him, hunger in her eyes. "You weren't programmed to want to be with me, either, Kate, but here we are. There's an attraction between us that even science couldn't destroy."

Without another word, Kate pulled his head towards hers and brushed her lips softly against his. She climbed on top of him, her hair spilling down onto his chest as she captured his lips. His hands trembled as he ran them up her strong thighs, pulling her hips to settle on his. Their bodies locked togethera"flesh on flesh. Kaitlyn gasped, her body tensing.

Lucas cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands, his pulse in his throat. He could hear his own heart pounding in his ears as she leaned down and kissed him, and their bodies began to move together.

For hours, they explored each other. Outside the window, the sun disappeared and the room fell into darkness. When they came up for air, Kaitlyn's cheeks were rosy, her eyes s.h.i.+ning.

They lay entwined together. Lucas waited for his breathing to return to normal.

"Wow," she murmured, her head cradled in the curve of his shoulder.

He kissed her head. "I told you, you had nothing to worry about. You're incredible."

"You enjoyed it?" Kate asked shyly.

"Are you kidding me? Couldn't you tell." Lucas ran his hand through her long hair. "What about you?"

"Even more amazing than I imagined." Kaitlyn sighed, twisting to look up at him. Her body slid against his, and desire built between them again. "All my senses were hyper-alert. I couldn't think about anything but you."

"I can't get enough of you," Lucas agreed, sliding his palm over her abdomen.

"Can this last forever?" she whispered, kissing him. "Let's never leave this bed."

"As much as I'd like to say yesa" Lucas chuckled.

"I still have so much to learna" He recognized the devious glint in her grey eyes as she rolled on top of him. "I think I'll have to keep practicing."

Chapter Twenty-Six.

Sunlight filtered through the blinds. Kaitlyn loved the weight of Lucas's arm wrapped loosely around her waist as he slept. She breathed in his wonderful musky smell, running her palm over his bare chest.

They had stayed up most of the night, unable to keep their hands off each other. The evening had been magical. She had been worried that the removal of pain sensors were linked somehow to pleasure, but it certainly seemed that was not the case. At least, not where Lucas was concerned.

A shrill ring broke through the calm silence and Lucas jerked awake. He reached for his phone on the nightstand, accidentally knocked a book to the floor in the process. "h.e.l.lo," he said hoa.r.s.ely.

Kaitlyn s.h.i.+fted away as Lucas sat up and looked anxious.

"Yeah, you woke me. What's up? I'm not due in to work for a couple of hours." He smiled rea.s.suringly at Kate, caressing her arm as he listened on the phone.

She felt a charge of electricity run through her anytime his skin touched hers. She knew she could face anything with Lucas by her side.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he said. "Can you come to my house? There's something I would like to talk to you about in person. It's private, and I'd rather discuss it here. Alone."

He clenched his jaw. "I know I work for you and not the other way around. Believe me, you will want to hear this. It's about Kaitlyn, but I'll only talk to you at my house."

Kaitlyn watched the play of emotions cross his face as his eyebrows knitted together. Every move he made fascinated her.

"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. I know how valuable your time is."

Another pause. Kaitlyn wondered if it was Harrington on the other end.

"An hour is fine. Your time won't be wasted." Lucas ended the call and rubbed his eyes. "Harrington is coming. I think it's best if we talk to him on our turf, not his. I don't want him to have the chance to lock you away before he hears us out." His heart rate was increased and his body was tense.

"What was he calling about?" Kaitlyn scooted up and laid her head on his shoulder.

"He wants to have a meeting to see if we should shut down the project since you haven't been found."

Her eyes widened. "I can't believe he would do that. Do you think we can talk him out of it?"

"I do. Harrington didn't get this far in life without being a shrewd businessman. Plus, deep down he doesn't want to hand you over. Once we explain to him, I think he'll see things our way. And if nota Well, you'll just have to subdue him, and we'll go on the run. Together."

"He might bring more guards with him."

"I don't think that would be a problem for you. But it could make things difficult. Hopefully, he shows up alone."

"Should we tie him up when he gets here so he'll have to listen?" Kate asked.

"I'd rather not. That will be a last resort. Harrington is a reasonable man, and he's well aware of your talents."

The doorbell rang.

Sitting at the kitchen table, Kaitlyn tensed, but her sensors quickly relaxed her muscles again.

"He's not alone. Two others are with him." Kaitlyn said.

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