Jack Stratton: Jacks Are Wild Part 34

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"Ilario, look at me." He turned his head. "Angelica's counting on us. They're going to call soon. When they call, you have to let me know."

He nodded. "I have to get back."

Jack got out of the car, and Ilario sped off into the night. Jack looked up at his apartment and saw Replacement and Kiku looking down at him.

He shook his head, and Replacement turned away.

Jack paced the floor of the apartment and listened to the police scanner. It was a constant stream of police officers' voices as they radioed in their positions. Detectives were now at Arber's house, and Collins must have called out half the force.

"Well, we can rule out the two people who may have had a local angle to grab her." Jack stopped pacing.

"You suspected Arber and Shawn?" Replacement typed away at the computer.

"I didn't rule them out. Shawn wanted to buy her business, and Arber was a sc.u.mbag ex-boyfriend."

"We can rule out the Yakuza and the Mancinis," Kiku said, not looking away from the window as she stared off into the night. She held a cup of tea with both hands.

Jack was silent.

Kiku turned around and lifted an eyebrow.

Jack's lips pressed together.

"You still distrust me, Officer?"

"You checked in with Takeo."

The wolf-like smile spread across her lips.

"You rat us out and now you're smiling?" Replacement's chair tipped over and crashed onto the ground.

Jack saw Kiku go rigid, and he tensed.

"I didn't tell him anything not already known," Kiku sighed, "but I had to check in."

"What did you tell him?" Jack asked.

"Why did you even have to talk to him?" Replacement demanded.

Kiku looked from her to Jack and back again. She turned and leaned up against the window frame, peering back out into the darkness before she spoke. "If I didn't call him, he would send more men, and I would face repercussions."

"What did you tell him?" Jack asked again.

"That we have heard nothing. I let him know that I am following you...closely."

"Did he say anything?"

She looked down into her teacup. "He is going to send men if there is not progress soon. He would rather fight a war someplace other than his front steps."

"Anything else?"

"He wanted to know if Angelica lived someplace else before coming here."

"Why?" Replacement asked.

"If we did not take her, it must be someone else," Kiku explained. "He has men looking at our enemies, but that has not been fruitful."

"So you're going to say you're being framed?" Replacement sneered.

Kiku glared.

"Anything else?" Jack asked again.

Kiku looked back at him, and her lips pressed together. "I did not inform him of your suspension...yet."

Jack's heart sped up, but he nodded and forced his face to remain expressionless.

Replacement turned around to look at him, and Jack could see the fear growing in her eyes as she realized what Kiku was saying.

Smart kid. She figured it out.

Jack smiled.

Replacement spun around to face Kiku. "Because Jack's a cop, Takeo was hesitant to kill him."

Jack could see Replacement's shoulders rise and fall as the speed of her breathing increased. He took a step closer to her.

Kiku nodded.

Replacement connected the last dot and lunged at Kiku. Jack caught her around the waist and groaned as he tried to hold her back. A string of profanities poured out of her mouth as she tried to get to Kiku.

Kiku continued to lean against the window but kept her eyes on the struggle.

After a moment, Replacement stopped fighting and stood panting with Jack's arms around her waist.

"So if you tell Takeo Jack is suspended-" Replacement surged forward again, and Jack lifted her off the ground.

"Alice, sto-" Jack groaned as her flailing leg connected with his thigh, and he dropped her.

She landed on her b.u.t.t, and he fell to one knee.

"Sorry," she blurted out and spun to face him. "Is it your bad leg?"

Of course.

He grimaced and nodded as he worked to stand. The pain shot deep into the muscle and rippled up his side as he put weight on it.

"Do you want ice?"

Jack shook his head. "Are you good?"

The concern vanished from Replacement's face as she nodded, and then stared coldly back at Kiku.

Jack moved between them.

Replacement's eyes narrowed. "I'll do more than take your pinky if you even think about hurting Jack."

Kiku folded her arms across her chest. "I've been nothing but honest. Would you like me to lie?"

"I'd like you to die." Replacement grabbed the pen off the desk.

"Alice." Jack grabbed her arm.

"Seriously, Jack?" Replacement spun around and pushed him. "She's sent to kill you, and you go on like it's nothing. You let her sleep here. We still don't know she's not the one who took Marisa and is just pulling the strings behind the scene."

"She didn't."

"No." Replacement shook her head. "You have to give me more than your BS detector on this one. Give me a fact. It's your life. How do we know she didn't come and take Marisa?"

Jack froze.

She glared up at him and tapped her foot. "Answer me, Jack."

Jack walked past her to Kiku. "You followed me here?"

Kiku shrugged. "What? You brought me here."

Replacement stepped forward. "But you knew where our apartment was."

Jack shook his head. "After the restaurant. Think. Did Takeo tell you to come here, or did you follow me?"

"I told you. Takeo sent me, and two men, to follow you. They lost you when you changed in the store, but I did not."

Jack cracked his neck. "The Mancinis didn't come until they got the phone call."

Kiku and Replacement exchanged a look to see whether the other understood what he was saying.

"And you said Takeo asked if Marisa lived someplace else." Jack walked to the kitchen.

"Can you clue me in?" Replacement threw her arms up.

Jack exhaled. "Neither group knew where Marisa was. Do you know that program you wrote?"

"The one for the cars at the tollbooth?"

He nodded. "I need-"

The police scanner snapped on. "All available units. 10-31 on West and Newton. 10-31 Handle's parking lot."

Jack ran for the door; Kiku and Replacement scrambled after him.

"Shots fired. Two blocks away," Jack explained as he pulled on his jacket.

They raced down the stairs, and the Impala's tires were spinning in seconds.

"Handle's Liquors." Jack tried to picture the storefront as the Impala slid around the corner and he punched it. "Large parking lot. Small apartment building next door. Three floors. There's a restaurant next door."

"What kind?" Replacement asked.

"What kind of what?" Jack shrugged.

"What kind of restaurant?" Replacement held onto the ceiling handle.

"Italian." Jack scanned the oncoming car.

An older truck with a young couple. Nope.

"Italian. They have to eat." Replacement's hands went out.

Jack frowned, and Kiku rolled her eyes. Jack let the wheel spin as he straightened out on the last turn.

"There." Kiku pointed to a car in the parking lot with both doors open.

Jack could see Paolo lying on the ground and Ilario kneeling beside him. Whoever was in the driver's seat was slumped over the wheel.

"You two stay in the car."

Replacement went to jump out, and he saw Kiku grab her arm.

Gun in hand, he sped out of the car and raced over to Paolo. Ilario had his hands pressed against Paolo's thigh.

"Get him out of here." Paolo growled and gestured in Ilario's direction.

"No." Ilario shook his head.

"Go, boy. I'm dead."

Jack looked him over and counted at least five bullet wounds. His face was ashen, and blood ran out of his mouth.

"Ilario. An ambulance is on the way. Go."

Paolo pressed his huge gun into Ilario's hand. He grabbed Ilario by the back of his neck. "You're a good man. Become a great one." Paolo pushed him away and coughed.

"Go to my car now," Jack ordered and Ilario ran and got in the Impala.

Replacement jumped in the driver's seat and Jack waved for her to take off. He could hear the sirens getting closer. Replacement cast a worried frown his way and took off.

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