Jack Stratton: Jacks Are Wild Part 31

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"Nothing s.e.xual about lying on top of a man?" She glared at Jack.

Kiku smiled. Replacement scowled at her.

Kiku pulled the sheet a little tighter around herself. "I honestly did come out to check on him, but, I agree, you can't lie with someone like that and have it not be s.e.xual."

"Thanks." Jack turned back to Replacement. "Nothing happened."

Wrapped in the sheet, Kiku walked with little steps back to the bedroom. She gazed over her shoulder at Jack. "I am sorry. That is also true." She shut the door.

Jack and Replacement stared at each other. Replacement's face began to scrunch up.

Jack c.o.c.ked his head. "You and I are stopped, remember?"

"It's my fault, I suppose," she muttered as she walked over to the couch to sit down.

"Why?" he blurted out.

Shut up, you idiot.

She frowned. "You're right. I'm not fair to you. I'm sorry."

Nod your head.

Jack pressed his lips together and nodded.

"Go sleep in my room." Replacement held her hand out toward her bedroom.

"No. I got the couch-"

"Yeah, right." Replacement rolled her eyes. "I'm not leaving you out here alone. Go."

I'm not getting her a gun.

Jack dipped his head, turned, walked to her bedroom, and shut the door.

Damocles As Jack opened his eyes, he stared at the ceiling. When they had moved downstairs, Replacement picked out a simple, single bed for herself. She'd originally gone for the cheapest, but he got her the super comfortable one instead. After sleeping on it himself now, he didn't want to get up. He was exhausted but he knew he couldn't just lie there.

I got that one call from Ilario and nothing. Where is she? Paolo was only told to come to Darrington. Told to come.

Jack tossed the comforter off as he leaped out of bed.

d.a.m.n. My clothes are in front of the couch. Great.

He opened the door and peeked out. Someone was making breakfast, but he could see Replacement at the computer so he closed the door and grabbed a blanket off the bed.

I should have just sprung for her own apartment.

After he wrapped the blanket around himself, he walked over to the couch. Kiku looked up from the kitchen and smirked. Replacement spun around in her chair and, after she closed her mouth, a satisfied grin spread across her lips.

"Morning," he mumbled as he grabbed his clothes before he shuffled into the bedroom.

After he pulled on his pants, he headed straight for Kiku.

"How are you feeling?" He looked at her now black eye.

The swelling had gone done considerably, but a long, deep bruise caused him to wince just looking at it.

"I feel well. Would you care for some breakfast?"

"Love some."

Jack glanced at the stove clock: 11:45 a.m.

"Don't worry, we both slept in." Kiku smiled.

Replacement's keystrokes got even louder. "I didn't," she called over her shoulder.

"Have you eaten?" he asked.

Replacement nodded.

He looked at Kiku, who shook her head. "I waited for you."

Replacement's mouse banged against the desk.

I'm surrounded by way too much estrogen.

Jack bowed his head and, just as his eyes began to close, he saw Kiku do the same. With one eye open, he stared at her. After a moment, she opened her eyes to look questioningly at him.

"Would you like for me to say grace, Officer?"

"Sure...I didn't know you...I say grace, but I didn't want to force you."

She closed her eyes. "G.o.d, I thank you for this food, and I ask that it make our bodies and minds strong. Give us the grace to accept the trials that come our way. In Christ, I ask this."

Replacement spun around in her chair. "That was nice."

Jack leaned closer to Kiku. "She rates prayers. That was actually a big compliment."

"Thank you. I spent two years in a Christian orphanage in Korea."

"How old were you?" Replacement asked.


"I guess we're more alike than I realized," Replacement said.

As Kiku nodded, Replacement turned back to the computer to continue typing.

"What is the order of the day, Officer?" Kiku inquired.

"We wait." Jack plopped down on the couch.

They spent the day waiting for something to break: Jack paced and did push-ups, Replacement searched the computer, and Kiku cleaned her guns. Replacement checked on Marisa's bank activity, phone, and email, but there was nothing. She looked through every system she could access for any and all clues. After sitting for hours in a chair, Jack saw her shove the mouse away, put her head back, and rub her eyes with the palms of her hands. He walked over to rub her back. "Should I order subs?"

Replacement looked up with a lopsided grin. "Steak and cheese, baby."

"Do they have salads?" Kiku lay on her back on the couch while she checked the slide action of her Glock.

"I think I have a menu in here." Jack walked into the kitchen and went through the drawers. Finding no menus, he headed for the nightstand in the bedroom.

Suddenly, he heard the police scanner come to life. He raced back into the living room. Replacement looked up. "They called for an ambulance at the tattoo parlor."

All three raced to put their shoes on and get their jackets.

"I'll drive." Jack ran ahead but Kiku and Replacement rushed behind him.

As the Impala rounded the corner to the tattoo parlor, Jack saw a police cruiser and an ambulance out front. A small crowd of people had gathered outside, making it difficult for Tom Kempy to maintain control as people tried to get in the front door.

Jack walked up as another cruiser arrived at the scene. Because of the crowd, he couldn't see who was driving and, at the moment, he didn't care.

"The paramedics are coming out, and we need to clear this doorway," Tom tried to explain.

One look at the faces of the crowd told Jack Tom's approach wouldn't work. Half of them looked concerned, while the others were just along for the ride, eager to see what was going on.

"MOVE BACK!" Jack didn't have his uniform on, but he was still all cop.

He marched forward, making the crowd immediately start backing away from the entrance.

"MOVE BACK! Give them s.p.a.ce." Jack kept walking until the path was clear.

Two EMTs wheeled a stretcher out with Shawn Miller on it. He'd been really worked over. It was clear he was unconscious.

Black eyes, broken jaw, nose, arm...

Jack stopped his mental list of injuries to look back to an EMT, but struggled to remember his name.

"Hey, boss," he called out, deciding on a nickname that flattered, "did he say anything?"

The young man shook his head. "A girl inside found him. She's still pretty upset. How've you been?"

Jack shook his hand. "Been better, thanks. I'm going to head in to talk to her. All right, everyone, let's move back. Let's keep the sidewalks clear."

"How can you set such a fine example of working police procedures and yet be a poster boy for how to infuriate Sheriff Collins?" The crowd parted as Robert Morrison, a tall, African-American man in his late fifties walked forward. Morrison wore the tan uniform of the sheriff's department without the hat. His curly black hair was short and graying at the temples. Even though he had a smile on his face, Jack could see the look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Undersheriff." Jack nodded as he came to attention.

"Don't do that, son." He stretched out his hand. "I appreciate the show of respect, but save it for Collins. Actually, just stay away from the man for now. Why the h.e.l.l didn't you call me?"

"What was I going to say? Collins had already made up his mind. Why drag you into a fight I can't win?"

"Because I can try to talk some sense into him." As he turned, he looked up at the large sign over Marisa's shop. "The girl you think is missing owns this place?"

Jack nodded and then motioned for Morrison to go in. "The guy they just took out is the a.s.sistant manager, Shawn Miller."

Jack held open the door to let Morrison pa.s.s.

"Can he give a statement?"

"Not right now. Unconscious. EMT said a girl found him. I'd like to talk to her."

Morrison stopped to give him a look. "You're going to let me handle that. Collins is out of town, but I keep expecting him to jump out of the floor and start yelling at me for even breathing the same air as you."

Jack rolled his eyes as he suddenly realized he didn't see Kiku or Replacement anywhere.

"Sir, I-"

"Bring me up to speed after we talk to the girl."

They walked over to one of the front tables where Tom was talking to a crying girl.

Tom snapped to attention as they came over.

"Undersheriff. I have the scene under control, and I'm taking statements now."

"Good job, Tom." Morrison nodded. "Miss? Can I ask you a few questions?"

She sobbed into a handful of tissues but nodded.

Morrison leaned down. "What happened when you came in?"

Her face contorted. "I came to work, but I didn't see Shawn. I called for him, but...I didn't get any answer. I went to see if he was out back. Marisa's office door was open. He was lying on the floor and there was blood everywhere."

"Did Shawn say anything?"

She sobbed as she shook her head. "He was just moaning."

Morrison stood up and turned to Jack. "Do you know if this place has surveillance?"


"I'm going to call it in to start a canva.s.s of the neighborhood."

Jack walked over to the curtain.

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