Jack Stratton: Jacks Are Wild Part 19

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Jack watched Replacement.

Neither am I.

"Hey, kid, easy." Jack tried to get her eye, but Replacement coldly glared at the woman.

The three of them stared one another down.

Jack kept his gun level. "What's it gonna be, lady?"

"I guess here is a good place to talk after all." The woman spun the gun around and held it out to Donald. She looked at Jack and offered a smile. Donald grabbed the gun and took two steps sideways. She straightened her s.h.i.+rt before she continued. "I am looking for Angelica Mancini, too, Officer."

"And you are?"

"My name is Kiku."

Her words were clipped and crisp with an edge of refinement to them. She stood with one foot forward, the other slightly angled. There was a sense of action about her even though she didn't move.

Poised. She's not breaking a sweat. Three on one and she doesn't bat an eyelash. Girl is a pro.

Her medium-length, feathered hair was a rich charcoal that matched her outfit. She could have easily been waiting in a beauty salon instead of standing in an alley with two guns pointed at her. She met Jack's gaze as she raised a dark eyebrow.

"Where is she?" Jack took a step back while he kept his gun pointed at her chest.

"That is what both of us are trying to figure out." As she inhaled, her entire body seemed to relax. "I think our little tete-a-tete may have attracted unwanted attention."

Jack could hear a siren in the distance. Replacement kept her gun up but looked at Jack. He could see the questions in her eyes. He glanced at Donald.

"Head toward Cus.h.i.+ng Street. Go home that way." He turned to Replacement. "You got my back. Stick with me. Put your gun away. I'll keep her covered." He turned to Kiku. "Start walking."

"Jack, I can help. What do you want me to do?" Donald asked.

"You've done enough. Thanks. I don't want you mixed up in this." Jack's tone was clipped.

Donald's head nodded although his eyes bulged out. "I think you meant 'mixed up any more than you already are' in this."

Jack grinned crookedly. "Exactly."

"Before you go," Kiku interrupted, "would you please give me my shoes and jacket?" She pointed under the trash container. Donald looked at Jack to make sure it was okay. Jack nodded his approval. After Donald picked them up, Replacement took them from him with a frown.

"I'll hold onto them. She can get her feet dirty." Replacement tucked the jacket under her arm.

All four listened as the sound of sirens drew closer.

"I'd better get going." Donald turned and jogged away.

"Give her the shoes." Jack shot Replacement a look and she tossed them at Kiku's feet.

She'll be slower in heels.

"Move," Jack ordered Kiku.

"Gladly. I have no desire to meet with the police."

The three of them walked quickly down the alley. Jack kept his gun concealed by his jacket and cringed when Replacement put hers in her waistband.

"What're you doing, Jack?" Replacement fiercely whispered.

"She's looking for her, too."

"Aren't you believing her a little too easily, even for your truth meter?"

"I have my reasons."

"Where are we taking her?"

Replacement was now trying to walk beside him, but he kept his arm out to keep her slightly behind him.

"My apartment."

"Home? Our home?"

When Replacement tried to scoot up, he had to hold his arm firmly so she didn't get between him and Kiku, who marched five feet in front of them.

"Will you stop pus.h.i.+ng me for a second-?"

"Can you get her under control, Officer? The police are getting closer." Kiku looked back, annoyed.

She definitely doesn't want to talk to the cops.

"Stop," Jack growled quietly at Replacement. Kiku huffed but stopped walking. "Not you. Go. And hurry. Trust me, kid."

The rain came down heavier, making the night even darker. As they neared the end of the alley, the woman looked back again and then stopped.

"If your intention is to march me down the street with your gun in your pocket, may I please save us the trouble and flag down a police car?"

She's right.

"Pat down her jacket then give it to her."

"You're not taking her back to my home," Replacement protested.

Jack ran both hands through his hair. "She's already been there."

Replacement's head turned slowly around to glare at Kiku.

"Very impressive, Officer," Kiku said.

Thanks for confirming a guess.

"You broke into my house?" Replacement's fists quivered at her side.

"I need to talk to her. Give her the jacket."

Replacement started going through her jacket. She rifled through the pockets while a little grin formed on her face as she balled it up and felt around for anything.

"Nothing." She tossed it at Kiku.

"You stay on my left and a foot and a half out, the same distance behind," Jack instructed.

Replacement's eyebrow arched.

Jack switched hands with his gun as he turned to Kiku. "Don't try anything."

"I'll be good." She grinned. Jack saw her large canine teeth, which only added to her wolfish appearance. Jack grabbed her by the elbow, so the three of them walked at a faster pace as the rain continued to pour down. At the first intersection, Jack stopped suddenly while he still held onto her arm.

Kiku pulled forward; Jack was surprised at the strength in her arm. Replacement b.u.mped into him as she glanced around. Jack frowned and started to walk again.

"I said keep a foot-"

"Yeah, yeah, stay two meters out and at a forty-five degree obtuse angle." Replacement wobbled her head. "You're the one who just seized up."

"He's keeping you away from me. He also stopped to check my strength," explained Kiku.

"Stop talking until we're back. Someone saw us and must have called it in. I don't feel like answering any questions, either."

He hurried them along until they reached his apartment. Replacement clomped up the stairs, making her displeasure at his decision known. Once inside, Kiku walked toward the bedroom. "Do you mind if I dry my hair?" She said the words so casually Jack almost nodded, but he shook his head.

"Sit. Big comfy chair." He pointed to the large recliner in the corner.

It's awkward to get out of.

Kiku walked into the middle of the living room, where she stood and watched them. Replacement drew her gun.

Jack put his hand out to Replacement. "Put it away. She could have killed me three different times now. She didn't."

"Who says she won't try for four?"

Kiku took off her jacket and held it out to let it drip on the floor. "Can you hang up my coat?"

Replacement frowned but stepped forward.

Jack reached out to stop her from walking between them but, before he could, Kiku flipped the jacket up and over Replacement's head. Lunging forward, Kiku hit Replacement's forearm with her left hand while she grabbed the gun with her right.

"Now it's four." Kiku smiled as she pointed the gun at Jack's chest.

Strange bedfellows Kiku stood in the living room with Replacement's gun pointed at Jack's chest. Replacement held her left arm with her right hand as she glared at the woman, who grinned triumphantly.

"Sit down, Officer." Kiku angled her head slightly as she observed him.

"Like I said, you could have killed me but you didn't. You won't now." He started to take off his jacket.

"Don't," she said. The gun didn't waver.

A wisea.s.s grin spread across Jack's face. "Shoot me." He took off his jacket and then walked over to hang it up on the back of the door.

Kiku's eyes narrowed.

She's dangerous.

"You are correct. I won't shoot I want to speak with you, Officer," she said in an even tone. "But in a civilized manner."

"Sure, we can talk." Jack smirked as he held out his hand. "After you give me her fake gun."

Kiku's eyes widened as she looked down at the gun in her hand.

Replacement pouted. "How did you know?"

"Fake guns are a cop's nightmare. Besides, it's an M9. I had to clean a thousand of those in the service. It's not the best replica. The barrel is too short, the dust cover is too fat, and the sight is huge."

Kiku let the gun swing around her finger before she handed it to Jack. She gracefully bowed her head. "May we talk?"

"Right after I stab you in the face." Replacement took a step forward, but Jack grabbed her arm.

"Why are you here?" Jack asked.

Kiku smiled at him. "When I said civilized, I didn't just mean without guns. May I please have a towel and something to drink?"

Replacement looked back and forth between Jack and Kiku twice before she headed into the bedroom and returned with three towels, which she handed out. "What kind of name is Kick-u anyway?"

"It is p.r.o.nounced KEE koo," she replied coolly.

Replacement stood toe-to-toe with Kiku. "Tea, coffee, orange juice, or drain cleaner?"

"Tea, hot." Kiku toweled off her hair while she walked toward the windows.

Jack leaned against the kitchen counter. "How did you find me?"

"The spiked hair and baggy pants were a good look on you." She smiled, turned to the window, and then drew the blinds. "You lost one group of men sent to follow you, but you still have a lot to learn, Officer."

"If Takeo didn't have anything to do with her disappearance, why are you here?"

"Someone has taken Angelica Mancini, and I've been sent to find out who. The Mancinis believe it was my employer. Tensions are high between our two...organizations. Now, if something were to happen to Angelica, the Mancinis will think Takeo is responsible, and tensions could escalate. The Mancinis are preparing for war. My orders are to prevent it."

"And you're telling me the Yakuza isn't trying to move in on Severino's knock-off operations. How do I know they didn't grab Angelica because of that?"

She wiped her face. "Regardless of any business, the ninky dantai were not involved in the abduction of that woman."

"The who?" Replacement asked as she laid out cups.

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