Jack Stratton: Jacks Are Wild Part 14

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"Well, you have. And those two Feds are back. Now everyone is screaming."

Jack put his elbows on the table and leaned into the ice pack.

"What am I supposed to do, Cindy?"

"Are you going to throw away your career on a gut feeling, Jack?" She rubbed his shoulder. He looked at her and then at the ceiling.

What the h.e.l.l am I supposed to say?

"Yes. Yes, I am. I'd rather throw it away than do nothing."

Cindy frowned as she shook her head. "Can you just try to back off for a little while?" She pulled at her hair.

Walter Prescott surged through the door. "Oh, your boy is going to back off for a while, now. He's been suspended."

"What?" Jack and Cindy both got to their feet.

Jennifer came in behind Walter, and Jack noticed the disapproving look on her face.

"You don't have the right to suspend him." Cindy wagged a finger in Walter's face.

Walter sneered. "I don't. Collins does. I'm sure he'll want to officially notify Jack once he's done signing the paperwork."

"Jack." Cindy put her arm on his shoulder. "Don't say anything without your delegate."

"Jack's a big boy-he can talk to me." Walter nodded sarcastically.

"Stop it, Walter." Jennifer walked over to Cindy. "Cindy, we need to talk to Jack, alone."

Cindy looked at Jack, and he nodded. She patted his arm, leaned in closer, and whispered, "If you need Peter, I'll get him. You have a right to a delegate." She glared at Walter as she left the room.

Jack dropped the ice pack onto the table. "No way. There's no way I'm getting suspended because I went into a friend's apartment-WITH A KEY."

Walter sneered. "You're right, Stratton. You're not suspended because you went to a friend's apartment. You're not suspended because you went to meet with a known felon who is the head of the Mancini crime family. You're not even suspended for going to Chinatown and meeting with the Yakuza."

I guess they really did have all those places under surveillance...

Walter pulled out the chair and sat down while Jennifer stood beside him.

"No, Stratton, you're suspended because you used an authorized police account to send an unauthorized email."

"What? They've been dragging on that investigation for weeks. You're trying to tell me they made a decision now and it has nothing to do with this?"

I didn't even send that stupid email. Replacement did. I can't say anything or I'd jam her up.

"Stratton, you're one stupid son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h."

Jack walked around the table. "You know what? I'm sick of hearing words come out of your mouth," Jack snarled.

Jennifer stepped forward and raised her hand. "Walter, can I please have a moment alone with Jack?"

Jack turned his head to glare at her.

"You better listen to her if you want to see the sun in the next couple of weeks." Walter's voice grated. "Since 9-11, we have a little bit more leeway, if you understand me. But, since you just crossed the line when you met with two groups I can lump with terrorists, you'd better sit down or we'll handle you how I want to handle you."

Jennifer scowled as Walter stormed out. Jack stayed on his feet while Jennifer sat down.

"I tried to warn you." She crossed her arms and leaned back. "Seriously? You met with Severino?"

"You said I did. I haven't confirmed that." Jack stared at the door.

She put down the manila folder she held and flipped it open. There were pictures of Jack walking up to Ilario's house. Jack tried to act casual as he flipped through the sequence. They all appeared to show Jack arriving at the house and not leaving. Jack held up a close-up and grinned.

"Can I get this one in an eight-by-ten?"

Jennifer laughed. "Maybe you can get yourself a job in stand-up since you seem so intent on throwing your police career away." Jack's smile vanished. Jennifer continued, "What did they say?"

Jack shrugged and sat down. "Nothing. He told me Walter had called him, and he thought Walter was a b.a.s.t.a.r.d and that's about it. They haven't heard anything."

"How many men were inside?"

"You're asking me?" Jack leaned back. "Why don't you check the drone surveillance?"

Jennifer frowned. "So Severino didn't say anything. Did he give you any idea who could be involved?"

"Have you talked to him? He's not a real great conversationalist." Jack looked directly at the two-way mirror and raised his voice. "It went something like this: 'Walter sucks; you're a cop; get out. Walter is a piece of garbage. I haven't heard anything. Tell Walter he sucks.'" Jack held his hands up and leaned back.

"Shut up, Jack. Severino hated Walter long before Marisa. Besides, Walter has a right to hate Severino." Jennifer cleared her throat as she moved the pictures around in front of her before she continued. "What about the Yakuza? Who did you meet with?"

Jack stared down for a moment.

There's no picture of me with Ilario. He was waiting on the far corner of the street. These photos were taken from someone standing on the opposite side. They may not have seen us.

Jack looked up. "Four guys rushed me-"

"Four?" Jennifer's voice was lower.

Jack grinned but winced as his lip curled. "Four guys came at me in the bathroom, and then I talked with a guy."

"Who did you meet with?"

"I think he was j.a.panese. He called himself the owner."

Jennifer frowned and took out her smartphone. She pressed a few b.u.t.tons before she slid it across the table to him.

"This the guy you met with?"

It wasn't the type of picture Jack expected. He a.s.sumed it would be a grainy, slightly blurred photo from some surveillance van at dusk. Instead, it was a professional headshot.

"Did he pose for the FBI Christmas calendar?"

Jennifer smirked. "Funny. Really. That was funny. He's Takeo Is.h.i.+kawa. He's part of the new Yakuza. Business suits and board meetings. Don't get me wrong, they're still very happy to kill you."

"He didn't."

"Yet," Jennifer added as she took back her phone. "Why did you go see him?"

"I followed Severino's men."

"Just like we" Jennifer scowled. "Why did Severino's men go there?"

"Ask Walter. He called Severino. Did Walter tell him the only description we have is of an Asian man with tattoos?"

She's satisfied, and I didn't have to tell her about Ilario.

Jennifer's right hand clenched. "What did Takeo have to say?"

Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "He said they had nothing to do with it."

"Did you believe him?"

"Do you care if I did?"

Jennifer pressed her lips together as she studied him for a minute before she nodded. "On one hand, you don't think before you act. On the other, you figure things out other people don't."

Jack put his elbow on the table as he ran his thumb against his lip. "Have you been reading my file?"

As Jennifer laughed, she brushed back her red hair. "No. I've been reading the newspaper. I'm surprised Collins doesn't have your picture up on a dartboard in his office."

"I thought he did. Do you guys have anything?"

"We're in the same place we were before you went all rogue, ex-boyfriend crazy. What happened to your face?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. I went to Marisa's apartment, and there was a j.a.panese woman there. She broke in."

Several different expressions played across Jennifer's face: disbelief, anger, confusion.

"A woman? Are you trying to tell me a woman did that to you?"

"I take it you're not a big believer in the whole women's equality thing?"

She scoffed. "I did read your file, and I find it hard to believe you got your a.s.s kicked by a woman. Yes. Are you also telling me she got away?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah. She's good."


"She was j.a.panese."

Jennifer turned to the window. Jack heard the viewing room door open. Walter came into the room and glowered at Jack.

"This makes no sense. Why-?"

Jennifer cut him off. "We'll need you to take a look at some mug shots."

"Oh, now I get it." Walter smacked himself in the forehead. "Way to go, Jack. I still think Ms. Vitagliano just went away for the weekend and this is total BS. But now you've gone and kicked the bear." He thrust a finger in Jack's face. "You had to go and see Takeo and now you've stirred everything up. You let them know where Severino's daughter is. You just went and put a huge target on her head."

"She's already missing, you moron. Besides, I didn't bring that girl from Marisa's apartment here. No one followed me."

"Get real, kid." Walter jeered. "I've done this for twenty years. Anyone can be followed."

Was I?

Walter walked to the door and smacked the frame with the palm of his hand. "Since you let her get away, I hope you got a good look at her. You get to look at some mug shots before you go. Before you argue, know this: Sheriff Collins is ready to hang you out to dry." He turned to look at Jack but after a second shook his head. "You're just hanging yourself, Stratton. But if you're a good boy and look at the pictures, then you get to go home. AND if you keep your nose out of it...I'll see what I can do for you with Collins."

Walter shot Jennifer a look before he left.

Jennifer watched Jack and her lips pressed together. "I don't have to tell you: if someone was in Marisa's apartment, that's not good. Can we work together to try to find her?"

"Do you believe me?"

Jennifer looked away and then back at Jack. "I believe your face." She looked down at the pictures and then back at Jack. "It doesn't feel right. I'm going to talk to Walter."

"Like he cares."

She put both her arms on the table. "You don't know him, Jack. Give him a chance. I know he comes off as an old curmudgeon who's about to retire, but if he didn't give me a chance, I'd be stuck behind a desk. I had no way to move up at the Bureau and I was going to transfer. He knows what he's doing. He's an expert on the Mancinis."

"An expert?"

"No one in the agency knows the Mancinis like Walter. He knows not only them but their enemies. Let me work on Walter."

Jack's hand tightened into a fist.

I'd like a chance to work on Walter.

The little fat man Jack walked into his apartment a little after midnight and his phone buzzed. He looked at the text from Kendra.


Jack tossed both phones on the counter and then picked his up again. He pressed redial. After a few seconds, Marisa's voicemail kicked in. He carefully laid the phone down and looked at his shaking hand. The computer was off and so was Replacement's bedroom light. He listened.

No shower. She must not be home yet. Great. Now I have to start worrying about her out there, too.

Jack walked over to the cabinet and took down a bottle of aspirin. The front door whipped open, and he dropped the bottle as he spun around. Replacement rushed in. Tears streamed down her face and she was panting. Jack hurried over to her, but she held her hands up.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Jack asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing. I was...I was...I was..." She sobbed loudly, ran into his bedroom and slammed the door behind her. Jack stood there, blinking.

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About Jack Stratton: Jacks Are Wild Part 14 novel

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