Prarie Fire Part 26

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"Well, yeah, but...oh..." Devlin moaned softly as Sarah's hands wandered across her body.

"I want you, Devlin." Sarah whispered the same demand that Devlin had teased her with at one time.

"Oh, Sa, you don't know what you're doing to me," Devlin muttered in what sounded like utter defeat.

Sarah saw her chance as she steeled her nerves for the next move. She put her hand under Devlin's chin and tilted it upward. Her gaze locked on Devlin's. She faced Devlin and straddled her thigh. Her arms circled Devlin's neck and she pulled herself toward her.

It was at that point that Devlin realized the oversized s.h.i.+rt Sarah wore to sleep in was so long it hid the fact that she wore no underclothes. Sarah's wetness coated Devlin's thigh as she slid closer to Devlin. Devlin s.h.i.+vered.

Sarah moved her lips to Devlin's ear. "Oh, but I do, tashka," she whispered as her tongue ran the length of Devlin's ear. She used her teeth to nip at Devlin's earlobe.

"Good Lord," Devlin moaned.

"I want to hear how much you want me, tashka."

"Please, Sarah..."

"Yes, my love," Sarah whispered into Devlin's ear.

"Please, Sa, don't stop."

Devlin wrapped strong arms around Sarah's waist and pulled Sarah against her. With their bodies pressed tightly together, she imparted the depth of her love with one kiss. Their lips pressed together, soft flesh meeting equally soft flesh, until pa.s.sion swept both women along on an immense wave. Devlin's tongue slipped past lips parted for her, feeling Sarah's intense heat rising as quickly as her own. She lost herself in the kisses that for the past months she had only dreamed of.

Sarah had her fingers buried in Devlin's dark locks. She pulled her lover closer with a strength and a pa.s.sion she didn't know she possessed. Her hips began a slow grinding motion against Devlin's thigh and she moaned at the pleasing friction against her center. Devlin's hands slid down Sarah's back and grasped her hips, encouraging the rocking movement.

Sarah pulled away from the kiss and leaned her forehead against Devlin's chin. Both women gulped in a breath of air. Sarah wondered if Devlin could feel her heartbeat pounding against her chest. She swore she could hear it echoing against the walls around them. She had never experienced a need this intense, this raw, before. All she could focus on was the overwhelming desire to take Devlin, to show Devlin all the pa.s.sion of which she was capable.

Devlin pulled back to gaze into emerald eyes. She recognized the need there, just as her own eyes must have reflected that same pa.s.sionate glaze. She saw something else there, too. Sarah had a feral look in her smoldering gaze that Devlin recognized from her past. She had worn that expression during past s.e.xual escapades. The look was all intensity, heat, and desire.

"Off," Sarah ordered, pulling on the s.h.i.+rt that Devlin wore.

Devlin could feel her body respond to the command as a raging river flowed from her aroused s.e.x. Her body hummed like a taut bowstring as she unb.u.t.toned the garment. Sarah pushed the s.h.i.+rt from Devlin's shoulders and gazed at her body with hungry eyes. Whether Devlin was willing to admit it or not, Sarah's aggressive actions excited her.

Sarah tossed off her own garment and pushed Devlin back onto the bed. Both women groaned at the long-denied feeling of skin against skin. Sarah desperately explored every inch of Devlin's body. Her hand found Devlin's breast and kneaded the full flesh. Her fingers pulled gently on Devlin's nipple, eliciting a groan from Devlin. Capturing Devlin's mouth in a pa.s.sionate kiss, Sarah thrust her tongue past her lips.

Devlin had to pull her mouth away from the kiss, but Sarah never stopped her a.s.sault on her breast. Sarah watched as Devlin wet her lips, then parted them. She panted as she breathed much-needed air into her lungs.

Sarah bent to Devlin's neck and sucked at the soft flesh there. She bit the supple flesh of Devlin's throat and sucked harder. Devlin's fingers entwined into Sarah's hair and drew Sarah closer.

"Yes, Sa...harder," Devlin groaned.

Devlin's fervent request was enough to convince Sarah that Devlin desired the same thing as she. She lost awareness of the outside world. At that moment, there was only Devlin and her own need to consume her.

Sarah's thigh moved in between Devlin's legs and pressed against her mound. "Oh, yes." Sarah moaned against Devlin's shoulder as she felt her wetness. Her lips slid down Devlin's neck and across her shoulder. Each gentle bite and subsequent caress of her tongue drew gasps of pleasure from the writhing figure under her.

"Please, Sa." Devlin moaned. They seemed to be the only words of which she was capable. She arched her back, silently begging Sarah to her breast.

Sarah's mouth enclosed Devlin's aching nipple in its wet warmth. Her tongue teased the hard flesh, flicking across it lightly, then sucking and grazing it through her teeth. Devlin felt the pulling of her nipple straight through to her center. Her hips thrust against Sarah's thigh. Once again, Sarah reached up and captured her lips in a kiss filled with seductive fire.

Devlin could barely breathe, let alone speak. She should have known that Sarah could be such a lover. Sarah always expressed herself pa.s.sionately, but that was nothing compared to the enthusiasm she put into her lovemaking.

Sarah continued to kiss Devlin. She dragged the palm of her hand across Devlin's stomach and along the top of a muscled thigh. She ran her fingers back up along the inside of the same leg and rested her hand against the damp curls, feeling the heat radiating from Devlin's center. Devlin raised her hips toward Sarah's hand and Sarah slid her fingers across the slick folds in teasing strokes.

Devlin's breath caught in her throat when in one fluid motion, Sarah slid two fingers deep inside her. Devlin splayed her knees and pushed herself up to meet the gliding motion of Sarah's hand.

"Like that?" Sarah whispered with a knowing smile.

"Yes, like that...right there...oh, yes!" Devlin then felt her voice go out the window after her dignity as she shamelessly begged Sarah not to stop.

Sarah followed the rhythm Devlin's hips set, not even trying to suppress a groan when Devlin lifted her thigh up and pressed it firmly between Sarah's legs. She ground her hips against Devlin's leg. Devlin's hips thrust harder against Sarah's hand and her whole body trembled uncontrollably. Her eyes rolled back in her head just before her eyelids snapped shut.

"Devlin, look at me," Sarah managed to gasp, her own body begging for release. Devlin opened her eyes. She could feel the tremors run through her body.

"I love you, Devlin," Sarah whispered.

The effect was immediate as Devlin pulled Sarah into a kiss filled with all the intense emotions she had felt since laying eyes on the woman now making love to her. The fire in Devlin's belly soon transferred itself into Sarah's through that one kiss. A growl of pure pleasure rumbled deep from Devlin's chest. She could feel herself about to leap from the precipice, liquid fire rus.h.i.+ng from her s.e.x, was.h.i.+ng over Sarah's hand.

"Sarah." Devlin moaned. It was the only sound she made to indicate her impending release.

"I'll love you forever, tashka."

Devlin's head slammed back into the bed at the sound of Sarah's promise. Her body convulsed and shook as wave after wave of sweetly intense pleasure swept through her. The growl that had started as a low rumble emerged from Devlin's throat as nothing short of a roar. The sound was enough for Sarah; at Devlin's cry, she joined her in release. She felt as if flames had consumed her body, a fire as intense as any prairie fire. When she felt as though the heat would overwhelm her, she melted.

Sarah collapsed against Devlin's body and they melded together. Neither woman attempted to move as Sarah lay atop Devlin. Devlin's arms enfolded the spent woman and they tried in vain to bring their breathing under control.

Eventually, Sarah lifted her head and leaned up on one elbow. Looking down into her lover's face, she grinned. "Hi, I'm glad you're back."

Chapter 23.

"Oh, Dev," Sarah said tearfully as she placed her head against Devlin's shoulder. Devlin wrapped one arm around Sarah as they looked at what was left of Art Winston's ranch house.

They stood before the burned-out sh.e.l.l of the main house. Many of the buildings had escaped the flames, but the fire had reduced the house and the barn to ashes.

"I'm awful sorry, Mrs. Tolliver, Dev. We stayed until there wasn't a chance left. I feel like I let ya down," Bud said.

"We know you did your best," Devlin said.

"Well, the wind turned the thing before it got to anything else south of here. The houses by the creek, the bunkhouse, and the old barn we used to use for storage are fine."

"How about the men, Bud?" Sarah asked. "Do you need anything?"

"No, ma'am. Thanks, but we're riders. We're kinda used to gettin' by with just the clothes on our back. We wouldn't know what to do if it was any different. I'll be sure and let you know if that changes, though. With no cattle to winter here, you probably won't need us till spring."

"I know most of you usually go down to Texas or Mexico for winter work, Bud. You tell all the men that if they're willing to take the winter off, they can rest here during the cold months. I owe it to them. Besides, this rider here," Sarah slipped an arm around Devlin's waist, "she's made me a wealthy woman. You just tell the men to take it easy for a spell."

"We surely do thank you, ma'am. I promise you, we won't take advantage of your generous nature. Well, I best be goin'."

Bud left Devlin and Sarah standing there. Even though Devlin hadn't lived in the ranch house long, she felt the loss of the place. "We can rebuild, Sa."

"I know." Sarah nodded. "It won't ever be the same though, will it?"

"Probably not."

"I guess Cordy hit it pretty square on the head. This is all temporary." Sarah motioned to the house's remains with her free hand. "If you keep your memories tucked safely in your heart, you can't ever lose them."

"Come on, sachu-kash. Let's go see the kids."

They left the ranch to return to the clan village. Sarah barely recognized her son. He was taller than she was, having grown three inches that summer. His long hair made him look like many of the riders on her ranch, and she noticed that he carried himself differently. She was surprised that Matt had learned a great deal of the clan's language while he was away. It helped him to fit into the village immediately. What surprised her the most was hearing her son call Devlin ishki toba. His relations.h.i.+p with Devlin had certainly grown stronger and Sarah looked forward to Devlin's detailed account of the trail drive. Eventually, Hannah also began using the Chahta word for second mother.

Hard work and a great many decisions filled the weeks ahead. When the final tally sheets for the cattle drive came in, Sarah Tolliver became known as the richest woman west of Chicago. The ranchers who had joined in with Sarah and Devlin were so thankful to the couple that they showed up with the supplies one day and put up a new barn at the Double Deuce. They said that by summertime, the house would be done, as well.

For Sarah, the best thing to come of the incident was that the cattlemen didn't seem in much of a hurry to put their fences back up. They went back to the old ways of running their ranches. The nesters, on the other hand, were trying to change all that. Sarah and Devlin would have quite a job when it came to dealing with people who were determined to farm land that was meant for buffalo and cattle.

The winter pa.s.sed as Sarah, Devlin, and the children learned to exist within the clan village. Sarah never brought up the idea of marriage, preferring Devlin to take the initiative. It had been some time since Devlin had seen an example of the engagement protocol. She went to her mother and her uncle for advice. Of course, she appeared much more enthusiastic when the event seemed a great deal away.

"This is very uncomfortable, Nali." Devlin fidgeted as Tima adjusted the special outfit she had made. The leather was a soft buckskin, bleached as white as snow. The garment was traditional dress for a warrior to wear when asking for a marriage bond. Once again, Devlin pulled on the choker around her neck.

"Redhawk, please be still. How will you feel if this isn't ready for today?" Tima chided.

"I don't see why I have to dress up like this anyway. I agreed to ask Sarah to marry me in the Chahta way, but I never said I would get all fancy."

"This is the Chahta way. This is what a woman will recall when she is old. I still remember the day that Tekola sat at my father's iksita. I will never forget how handsome he looked in his white leathers."

"Okay, I understand that." Devlin softened. "But it's not like Sarah's going to refuse me." She chuckled, but the expression on Tima's face abruptly stopped her laughter. "What's that look supposed to mean?"

Tima still looked at her with the raised eyebrow that Devlin had learned to imitate. "It means that perhaps you should not be too overconfident."

Suddenly, Devlin lost all sense of reason. She had always found it hard to be rational when it came to the way she felt about Sarah. Now she felt b.u.t.terflies in her stomach. What did her mother know? "What have you heard, Nali? Is someone else interested in Sarah?"

Tima snorted in such a way as to indicate that it was an idiotic question. "She is Alikchi. Of course, many desire her. She is beautiful and talented. It would mean great status for the family of her spouse. Did you think you would be the only one she would consider now that she is Chahta?" It broke Tima's heart to tease her in such a way, but sometimes Devlin's confidence grew too big. Sarah might take that confidence to mean that she was being taken for granted.

If Devlin had taken the time to think about her relations.h.i.+p with Sarah, she would have realized that for either of them, no other in the world existed. "Should I go early?" She stood still, allowing Tima to finish the last-minute sewing.

"I think yes. It will show your enthusiasm to receive your answer. Do you have a gift for her father?"

"Yes," Devlin said. It was a strange thing to get used to. Her mother spoke as if Sarah were an Indian girl who had lived in this village all her life.

"Very good." Tima patted Devlin's shoulder to say that she was finished. "Beautiful, very beautiful," Tima said when she looked at Devlin. Devlin had her hair pulled back into one long braid down her back and tiny wisps of hair had pulled free to gently frame her face. "Okshakla would be very proud of you today."

Tima's remark surprised Devlin. They rarely spoke of Devlin's mother. It was an odd feeling to still love the mother who gave birth to her, but then again to feel just as strongly for the woman standing before her. "I wouldn't be standing here, with Sarah's love in my heart, if it hadn't been for you, Mother."

Tears formed in Tima's eyes and she placed a kiss on Devlin's cheek. "Go now and don't forget your manners." She abruptly waved her out the door. She stood inside her lodge for long moments, however, remembering the tender way in which Devlin had called her "Mother."

Devlin pretended not to hear the catcalls and whoops that came from the other warriors as she walked through the village in her engagement finery. If the last thing Tima had said to her had been something other than telling her to remember her manners, Devlin would have walked over and punched one or two of them in the nose. Of course, the thought of that made her feel better. She promised herself that perhaps later she would go back and pound them. That idea made her feel much better.

"Halito," Devlin called out to Keeho as she approached his chuka.

"Halito, binili," Keeho greeted Devlin, asking her to sit at his fire.

Devlin made herself comfortable across from the old man. The pleasant spring weather meant that it was time for people to start taking their meals by the outside fires. They exchanged small talk until Sarah appeared with their dinner. They ate the meal that she had prepared and Devlin commented appropriately on how lucky Keeho was to have a daughter who could cook so well.

"It is true," Keeho agreed. He smiled to himself and wondered how long it would be before Sarah broke her silence. He knew how difficult some of the Chahta ways were for her.

"The spirits smiled on you when they gave you a daughter," Devlin continued with the speech she had memorized. "Surely, it will be a blessing to you when your daughter marries and her spouse can provide for your iksita."

Keeho smiled at the respect Devlin paid to his hearth. He nodded and said the words that were expected of him. "Yes, I am truly fortunate to have a daughter. Hashtahli has also given me a daughter who is talented and beautiful."

Devlin grew silent. Tima had prepared her for this, but she had said that Keeho probably wouldn't bring up this trick. It was a father's way of driving up the price on his daughter. Although no goods changed hands under Chahta law, fathers often wanted to hear how dedicated a suitor was. A warrior with a silver tongue usually went home engaged.

"Yes, uh-" Devlin stammered. "I have traveled much and I have seen no greater beauty. But were your daughter of plain face, she would be no less of a prize to the warrior lucky enough to capture her eye. Her heart is pure and that makes her the most beautiful woman on earth." Bingo, Devlin thought, as she saw the pleased look on Keeho's face.

"Perhaps even her banaha will improve, given time." Keeho smiled. He didn't want his daughter's pride to swell too much.

Devlin chuckled as she chewed the slightly dry cornbread. "Well, perhaps perfection will take a little longer for her to attain than we thought."

Sarah arched an eyebrow in Devlin's direction and Devlin realized that she obviously had issues about being teased over her cooking abilities. In all fairness, Sarah was an exceptional cook, but the Chahta recipes were new to her.

After they finished their meal, Devlin opened the hide parcel beside her. She laid the package open before Keeho. Inside was a pipe with a cedar stem and a clay bowl. "This wood spoke to me. I shaped the stem and formed the clay only to realize that I already had a special pipe. I am unwilling to put it away. Perhaps a new pipe is something you would find useful."

"But I could not accept a gift." Keeho stated the obvious.

"Of course not. Perhaps you have something that you could give in the pipe's place."

Keeho nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps I do. I will try your pipe for a time, and if it pleases me, I will give you something of mine in return."

"This is a most valuable pipe." Devlin used the words Tima had taught her. Tima had told her that this was the way Tekola became engaged. "I would not make a trade for just anything. I have spent many hours in the crafting, and this pipe has come to mean a great deal to me."

Keeho nodded again. "I agree. I can see that it is a most valuable possession. I will be sure to give you something that I hold in the highest regard in its place."

Devlin took a deep breath and reached into the pouch at her waist for a few kernels of dried corn. Her palms were sweaty and she couldn't remember ever being this nervous. h.e.l.lfire! All this to get hitched. I'd be calmer if it were a gunfight.

Devlin casually tossed one of the dried pieces of corn on the ground in front of Sarah. She waited for Sarah's response. Traditionally, if a Chahta woman approved of the match, she picked up the corn, went about her, and the suitor left with a smile. If Sarah ran off, it was obvious that the suitor had to look elsewhere. Devlin waited. She continued to wait, as Sarah appeared not to notice the corn.

How in the h.e.l.l can she not see it? It's right in front of her. Devlin tried once more. Again, Sarah looked everywhere but in front of her. On the third try, Devlin flicked the piece of corn directly at Sarah. It hit her on the hand and fell to the ground at her feet. Sarah flinched but continued to ignore the corn.

"Pick it up," Devlin muttered out of the side of her mouth. Sarah rolled her eyes and looked up at the sky. Finally, Devlin understood. Sarah was paying her back for her comment about Sarah's cooking. "Very funny," Devlin muttered.

Keeho didn't understand English, but he could see that the two women were acting foolishly. He had seen many matches end in argument because of adults who acted like children. "Ah, there is young Anoli. Perhaps he will visit my hearth tonight also. Do you like him, Sakli?"

Both women snapped their heads up at Keeho's remark. He wanted to laugh at their expressions. Sarah reached out and grabbed the closest piece of corn. For good measure, she picked up each piece that Devlin had tossed her way. Devlin sighed in relief and the women grinned at each other.

"It is decided. I like your pipe very much, Redhawk. On the next pa.s.s of the moon, I will give you something that I hold dear. Go now."

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