The Quest: A Novel Part 23

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Chapter 20.

The Forum bar was crowded when Purcell arrived at 5:30, so he took a table by the window and sat facing the entrance, nursing a gla.s.s of red wine.

This wasn't the first time in his life that an ex-lover or estranged girlfriend had wanted to meet in a public place, and sometimes he'd suggested it himself. And maybe with Henry still in the picture, this was a good idea. In fact, he wasn't sure himself what he wanted to happen tonight, except that he wanted Vivian to go with him-and Henry-to Ethiopia. And that, apparently, was what she wanted, though it had to be worked out if she was with him, or with Henry, or with neither.

In any case, despite Henry's toast, Purcell had no guilt about deceiving Henry regarding Vivian's arrival. In fact, Henry probably knew he'd heard from Vivian, and Henry understood that a three-person reunion would not be a good first step toward a return trip to Ethiopia. Purcell had made his separate peace with Henry Mercado, and now he'd do the same with Vivian. Eventually they'd all have a drink together and be civilized-even if Vivian decided to be with Henry. Actually, he was sure Henry would not take her back, even if she wanted that. Henry, like his Italian friends, had a monumental ego-and if he didn't have an inferiority complex before, he'd acquired one in Ethiopia.

It was past 6 P.M., but Purcell knew she'd be late, though he had no idea what time her plane had arrived from Geneva. But the traffic from Fiumicino was always bad, and it was rush hour in Rome, and Christmas, and maybe she was looking for a hotel, which was difficult during the holy season.

He lit a cigarette and looked out at the Colosseum. Or maybe she'd changed her mind. And that was okay, too. Less complicated.

"h.e.l.lo, Frank."

He stood and they looked at each other. She hesitated, then put her hand on his arm. He leaned forward and they kissed briefly, and he said, "You're looking very good."

"You too."

She was wearing a green silky dress that matched her eyes, and her long black hair framed her alabaster skin, and he remembered her as he'd seen her that night at the mineral spa when he realized he was taken with her.


"Oh... would you like to sit?"

A hovering waiter pulled a chair out for her, she sat, and Purcell sat across from her. She said to the waiter, "Un bicchiere di vino rosso, per favore."

They looked at each other across the table, then finally she said, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize or explain."

"But I'd better do that."

He smiled.

"I just needed to sort things out."

"How did that work out?"

"Well, I'm here."

That didn't answer the question, but Purcell said, "Thank you for coming."

"Did you throw my stuff out?"


The waiter brought her gla.s.s of wine and Purcell held up his gla.s.s. "Sono adirato."

"Why are you angry?"

"I thought that meant, 'I adore you.' "

She laughed and they touched She said, "Ti amo."

"Me too."

She put her hand on the table and he took it. They didn't speak for a while, then she asked, "Did you come to Rome to see Henry?"

"I did."

She nodded, then asked, "Does he know I'm here?"


She nodded again and asked, "How is he?"


"Well... I don't blame him... but... at least you two are talking."

"I think he's ready to talk to you."

"That's good. So he's working for L'Osservatore Romano?"

"He is. Seems to enjoy it. Loves Rome."

"I'm happy for him."

"Any other feelings for him that I should know about?"

She shook her head.

"All right... but when you see him, you can work that out with him."

"I will." She added, "I'm sure he's over it."

"He said he was."

She changed the subject and asked, "How long are you staying in Rome?"

"That depends. How long are you staying in Rome?"

"As long as you are."

"All right." He informed her, "I've resigned from the AP office in Cairo."


"Because Charlie Gibson fired me."

"Good. You hated the job and you hated Cairo."

"I wasn't fond of either," he admitted, "but it was tolerable with you there."

She smiled. "I can make any place tolerable, Frank."

"Even Ethiopia."

"That may be overstating my powers." She asked him, "What about our apartment in Cairo?"

"That's the only home I have at the moment."

"Me too."

"We'll keep it awhile." He asked, "Where did you stay in Geneva?"

"My old boarding school." She explained, "We're always welcome back. Twenty francs a night in the guesthouse. Best deal in Geneva." She added, "No men allowed."

"Can you at least drink?"

"Yes. You must drink to stay sane there."

He smiled.

She told him, "I'm not a writer, but I did write a sort of diary about what happened in Ethiopia." She told him, "I also wrote about us in Cairo."

"Can I see it?"

"Someday." She added, "I'm still angry about losing all my photographs."

"You can ask Getachu for them when we go back."

She looked at him for a few seconds. "Are we actually doing that?"

"Well... that's the plan." He asked, "Are you still interested?"

"I am." She added, "I'm surprised that Henry wants to go back."

"I'm not, and neither are you." He reminded her, "He believes he has been chosen by G.o.d to find... it."

She nodded.

"And you?"

Again, she nodded, and asked, "And you?"

"My motives, according to Henry, are confused at best."

"But you do want to go?"

"I do." He informed her, "Henry is working on getting us press credentials with L'Osservatore Romano, then we need to get visas. If none of that works, we may consider jumping the border from Sudan."

"That could be dangerous."

"No more dangerous than trekking through Getachu territory to find the black monastery."

She nodded.

He told her, "Good news. Colonel Gann has been released from prison."

"Thank G.o.d. I thought... they'd kill him."

"They would have, but they sold him instead." He added, "I don't know where he is now, but Henry got a telex from him and Gann says he's willing to accompany us to Ethiopia."

"That is insane."

"He probably had the same thought about us."

"But he's... an enemy-"

"Maybe he'll rethink that trip. In the meantime, he's coming to Rome after the New Year, and if you're up for it, all four of us will go to sunny Sicily for holiday. Berini."

She smiled. "I would like that."

He informed her, "There was a piece in the news... they shot Prince Joshua."

"I saw that... that poor man... and all those other members of the royal family, and all the former government people..." She looked at him. "How can people do that to other people?"

"It's been going on awhile."

"I know... but... there's such evil in the world..." She asked him, "Doesn't it test your faith in G.o.d?"

"Father Armano-and Henry-would tell you it's all part of G.o.d's plan."

"It can't be."

"The devil, then."

She nodded, then looked at him and said, "I always meant to ask you... that night... when we were driving, why did you suddenly turn off the road?"

"I don't know."

"You went right through a wall of bushes. Right where the spa was."

He'd thought about that himself, and he couldn't recall what had made him suddenly crash the Jeep through those bushes. He smiled. "A voice said, 'Turn right.' "

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