Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest Part 18

Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest -

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He rose to his feet like a decrepit old man on the frozen tundra, too stiff to move at anything quicker than a snail's pace.

Ben's heartbeat quickened and became more erratic in Colin's ears, and he almost chose to stop listening to the sounds, afraid he might feel compa.s.sion for his terrified child and not teach him the lesson that so needed to be taught. The more he thought about it, the more he felt certain Ben put on this act in hopes that he would be forgiven and not punished. What a crafty man-child!

Of course he fooled himself that he did not already feel great compa.s.sion for his pretending Benjamin. He broke the rule about keeping the secret of his existence, well Joanna already knew of his existence, but Ben still should not have spoken to her about him at all. Worst of all, Ben knew this the entire time he spoke to her. His overwhelming guilt made that evident.

Hmmm. What did he tell her? Nothing he could say to her would affect him. Nevertheless, Ben needed the punishment to get over his own guilt, perhaps that's why he felt the need to get it off his chest and purge himself.

Colin lurched forward and grabbed the collar of Ben's s.h.i.+rt, tearing the garment off his body. Without even an instant for Ben to react he bent his head and sank his teeth into the young one's shoulder ... no injection of his blood seeker's narcotic to dull the pain.

Withdrawing after only a sip he again jabbed the youthful flesh with as much savage strength as the previous bite, and drank a huge draught of the adrenaline-laced blood.

Ben gasped, his face contorted with pain. He didn't resist, and fought to keep his muscles pliant as Colin pushed him over on the bed and crawled on top of him, his teeth still embedded in his shoulder. No blissful euphoria, only terrible wrenching pain ... he had no idea that a bite could be like this from his maker. Colin ripped his fang teeth from Ben's flesh then drove them into the muscle of his shoulder again. This time Ben couldn't stop himself from crying out in agony.

Colin removed his horrid punis.h.i.+ng teeth and ran his tongue over the savage wounds he had inflicted. He did not enjoy torturing his own offspring this way, but rules must be followed and Ben must realize that there are always consequences for his actions. Colin knew he had been far too lax in the past.

Not moving from his position on top of Ben he whispered into his ear. "You will never speak of me to anyone again. Do you understand?"

Ben nodded his head, just a bit, but enough for Colin to know that he did indeed understand. Colin rose to a sitting position and gazed down at his beloved companion. Lifting his hand to stroke the hair from Ben's watery eyes, he hated to see Ben's face twitch as he flinched and the muscles in his neck tighten as he fought the instinct to draw away from his creator's hand.

With infinite care he placed one of his strong hands on each side of Ben's head, running his fingers through the soft, silky blond hair, capturing some in each hand. He tugged just a bit and smiled down into this face that he loved to look upon so much.

"Your punishment, dear boy, is over." Ben's features sagged with relief.

"However, you are not to speak at all, do you comprehend this, Benjamin?"

Ben's blue eyes rounded and he pursed his lips, about to ask why when Colin interrupted.

"Eh! No speaking at all or you will be soundly paddled like a guilty student in the's office." He released Ben's hair and left the bed with a single bound that brought him almost to the doorway. Turning once more towards his now baffled companion, he spoke before Ben could seal his own fate again.

"Do not force me to do this Benjamin. I do not enjoy punis.h.i.+ng you, but I do believe I would truly enjoy paddling your backside.

Remember, no talking ... at all."

"But Colin, for how long?"

Freezing in place, Colin glared at him. Then without saying a word, he turned on his heel and left the room.

Ben imagined that like a grotesque comedy, all the organs in his body withered, did an abrupt about-face and abandoned him. The sickness in him spread from his groin all the way up to his throat and he choked on it. Realizing that his creator planned to paddle him, all he wanted to do was flee so Colin would have time to cool off. His shoulder throbbed, and he didn't need a sore b.u.t.t to go along with it so he slithered off the bed and ran for the back door.

He made it as far as the kitchen doorway before he felt the hand clamp to his wrist like a manacle of pure iron. His racing pulse screamed in his ears drowning out Colin's uttered words. In Colin's other hand hung the longest most wicked looking wooden paddle that he'd ever seen.

"You forced me to do this, my errant son. Do not make it harder on yourself by struggling. Bend over, grab your ankles and take it like a man."

Getting sicker by the moment, he clutched his stomach, groaned and prepared to have his a.n.u.s blasted up into his mouth by Colin's mighty blow. a.s.suming the humiliating position that Colin demanded, the blood flooded his face more with embarra.s.sment than the actual position he posed in. His hands locked around his ankles, he squeezed trying to prepare himself for the beating. Seconds went by and nothing. Still more seconds ticked by and nothing. Wis.h.i.+ng to get this punishment over with, Ben took a chance and looked back between his legs to see what took Colin so long.

The upside down view of his creator standing there, arms crossed, the enormous paddle sticking up between those arms like a sacrifice to the b.u.t.tocks G.o.d nearly brought him to tears. A decadent smile spread across Colin's face and when he saw Ben peeking between his legs, he laughed, then laughed even harder when he didn't get up but continued staring at him from his undignified bat's-eye view.

He saw the foot coming towards his rear end, but he couldn't stand up in time to get away. Colin nudged him over and laughed again, his delightful tenor mirth echoing through the empty kitchen and bouncing the melody back to him. Putting the evil paddle down on the counter, he extended a helping hand down to his baffled but disciplined young apprentice.

Colin pulled Ben to his feet, that same devilish grin curving his lips.

"Come now Benjamin, I may drink blood and on occasion kill people but I am not some deranged pervert."

Ben still seemed a little leery about saying anything, but his blank stare spoke volumes. Colin gazed into those open blue pools, his own eyes twinkling. Even when he let his gaze travel down Ben's hairless chest and back up to the hideous wounds on his shoulder his mood did not sour.

"Surely you do not think that I delight in seeing your narrow hips flaunted in the air in front of me much less derive joy from bruising them with a polished tree branch."When Ben did speak, Colin thought he might just run to the toilet and empty his stomach.

"Well, I am ever so pleasant to look at and even more pleasing to touch."

Colin's face collapsed in on itself like he just swallowed something rotten, the corners of his mouth pointed straight down towards his ankles and his bottom lip sucked in. Thoughts of visiting the toilet stayed with him for several long moments until he shook himself and chuckled over his feigned Ben inflicted nausea.

"If you think your head will fit back down the hallway, go ahead and get your backpack and whatever little things you wish to bring.

We will have to stop and purchase appropriate clothing for our Amazon adventure."

Ben rolled his eyes before he even thought about how disrespectful that action would seem. "The rainforest, Colin, why the rainforest of all places?"

Stopping in his tracks, Colin turned back to his mutinous young protege and with the softest of voices he answered.

"There you go again, questioning me and my motives."

Ben's heart skipped a beat.

"No, no that isn't it at all, Colin."

"Oh, so then you are just whining?" Colin spoke in that same soft silky voice. He must not be irritated with him, but Ben knew better than to continue complaining and risk raising Colin's ire, yet again. It seemed he made a habit of annoying his maker ... not a wise or healthy practice. So he thought better of opening his mouth further, flashed a smile at Colin and went to his room to throw his underwear in the dreaded backpack ... for the dreaded trip ... to the dreaded jungle.


The Amazon Adventure

Turbulence on the small private jet down to the Amazon may have made Ben sick, but this crazy canoe ride might just kill him!

Colin sat in front, paddling their dugout canoe down the tributary. Oblivious to his own rain soaked clothing, he didn't even notice Ben's misery. Ben's new safari clothes adhered to his body, sticking to skin he didn't even know he had. He should have tried on these d.a.m.ned cargo shorts before buying them ... way too tight, creeping up to give him a wedgie and strangle his crowded privates. d.a.m.n it all! And Colin didn't look the slightest bit uncomfortable.

The canoe rocked and Colin turned back to see what disturbed his companion this time. Ben wiggled around, pulling at the crotch of his short pants. Colin tipped his hat back, just a bit so that Ben could see the laughter in his eyes when he looked up. Poor Ben looked like a drowned blonde rat with his damp hair plastered to his head. Colin did tell him to pick out a hat, but Ben chose not to wear one and 'mess up' his hair. Heaven forbid that he be seen with hat hair. Colin would be willing to bet that he regretted that choice now.

Ben got his shorts situated the way he wanted then noticed Colin watching his every move. Eyes crinkled with merriment, mouth taut with the corners raised, on the verge of uncontrollable laughter, but he didn't laugh.

He c.o.c.ked his head and smiled a little wider. "Comfy?"

Ben swiped the wet hair out of his eyes and glared at him.

Colin laughed. He laughed hard and long despite Ben's continued glare. Tears slipped from his eyes and he wiped them on his sleeve, then seeing Ben again, he laughed even more. River water suddenly smacked into his face from Ben's oar. Instead of splas.h.i.+ng him back, Colin roared with laughter, spitting the water from his lips as Ben stood and continued to splash him with all his might. Then, Colin grabbed both sides of the canoe and leaned hard to his right.

For a brief moment Ben's eyes went wide with shock as he lost his balance, then he flew out of the canoe and into the brown water with a hideous splash. Funny that he could hear Colin's laughter even under water. He lost all remaining dignity when Colin hauled him out of the water by the collar of his new s.h.i.+rt, but he had long since given up on retaining a speck of self-respect on this trip anyway.

That was only the beginning of his misery.

After leaving the canoe behind to tramp through the tangle of forest, he longed to be back in that canoe, soaking wet or not. The sun glared high overhead though the damaging rays did not reach them under the dense forest canopy.

Still, the oppressive heat and the dank moisture everywhere from the soil underfoot, to the dripping foliage, to the very air they breathed made everything difficult to deal with. Ben found himself panting as he fought to keep up with Colin.

"Creator, please, may we slow down for awhile?" Not waiting for Colin to answer he stopped, dropped his backpack to the ground, then sat on it and breathed a sigh of relief to be off his feet. Colin stopped walking but did not turn back, instead he c.o.c.ked his head and closed his eyes, listening for something very far in the distance. Ben heard nothing other than birds and a few monkeys, and the insects. He leaned against an enormous tree, with leaves large enough to protect him like an umbrella if it stared raining again.

"Remain here and rest," Colin called back to him. "I shall return for you soon." Giving him no time to respond, Colin took off, hacking the vines out of his path as he made his way through the jungle. In moments he disappeared from view, the jungle closed in like he had never pa.s.sed, never even existed.

Ben stretched out his legs, glad for the chance to rest. Subtle noises piqued his curiosity ... something large, moving closer ... the rustle of leaves ... then he saw it move.

"Well h.e.l.lo snakie..." The huge head rocketed towards him latching onto his upper arm. Too tired to move out of the way in time, he felt no alarm as no animal alive could harm him.The hungry constrictor mustered her strength and coiled around her victim's chest and lower body, pinning his other arm to his side.

The arm she held in her grips she left free of the coil, but she embedded many sharp teeth in his flesh and she wasn't about to let go.

It had been months since she'd last eaten.

Ben laughed at his predicament. "Oh you are tickling me, you silly sna..."

Her coils tightened and his voice choked off. Drawing a ragged breath, he began to struggle. Her coils tightened more and with steady pulses, she squeezed until Ben could not move his chest to draw a breath. His heartbeat slowed. The snake squeezed. He fell to the ground and rolled trying to dislodge the snake. She squeezed even harder still. He could no longer breathe ... his heart could no longer beat!

As repulsive as he found cold blood he had no choice. Bending his neck as far as he could Ben tried to drive his fangs into her enormous head, but his fangs wouldn't extend! He tore at her multi-colored scales with his teeth, biting off small chunks of flesh as he pulled on her body with his free hand, trying in vain to make her uncoil. If he could use telepathy he'd tell her to leave him alone, he wasn't food! The lack of blood flow to his brain left him addled and confused. Sheer desperation drove him to a last surge of strength, a do or die struggle for his very life. Focusing all his power down into his pinned arm he managed to loosen the coils enough to suck in a shallow breath.

The snake hesitated, now unsure whether this was a suitable meal for her or not. The prey should've been dead by now and it wasn't. She relaxed her grip and started to uncoil.

"Benjamin, quit playing with that snake and come along now." Colin acted like he found him wrapped up in snake coils every day!

Ben gasped. He drew ragged breath after ragged breath and pushed the snake off his body, shoving her heavy body into the undergrowth with a scowl ... but he watched to make sure she crawled away from him. He'd gained a healthy respect for the large constrictors. He had no doubt that if he were human, he'd be in that snake's belly by now.

Waiting for Colin's response to this screw up, he knew it was coming as sure as he knew his own name. Avoiding Colin's gaze would be good. Disappearing would be even better. Beam me up, Scotty...

"There are easier ways to become one with nature, Ben." Colin's hand appeared in front of his face, palm up, to help him to his feet. Still not meeting his eyes, he put his hand in Colin's and rose to his feet. His legs were still a little numb and there were marks on his left arm from the snake's body. Doubtless there were marks all over his body from his bout with the hungry snake. Curiosity got the best of him and he just had to look so he lifted his s.h.i.+rt and sure enough he had light bruises already forming in stripes across his stomach and chest. He flinched when Colin's fingers brushed the worst of the welts. It didn't really hurt, but he sunk to a whole new level of mortification over the whole incident.

Colin chuckled. "I just cannot take you anywhere, can I young one?" Laughing without sound, he went on. "Nor, can I leave you alone."

Ben just stood there. For once in his life nothing he could say, nothing he could do to defend himself. Head down, hair hanging in his face, the picture of dejection. Whether intending to garner pity or not his posture brought out intense feelings of love and Colin gathered him up in a warm embrace. A father consoling his son after he had been lost at the zoo. He just wanted to see the snake!

The arms felt good, the warmth, the wonderful love.

"Have you rested enough to go on?" Colin released his crestfallen child and studied his face. He did look haggard indeed, but it had become a necessity that they continue and soon. He brushed the hair back out of Ben's face and touched his cheek.

"I am sorry, my beloved boy, but we must reach the territory of the chameleon people by nightfall."

Ben's eyes grew round. "The chameleon people?"

Visions of half-lizard, half-human abominations filled his head. After his bout with the constrictor, he was leery of anything in the least bit reptilian.

Colin smiled, knowing what troubled Ben. Lowering his hand to brush a speck of dirt from his s.h.i.+rtsleeve, he glanced back toward the jungle."An ancient tribe, the chameleon people. They know the answers to secrets that humankind can only imagine. No human has ever laid eyes on them so they themselves are a hidden treasure." He paused, taking off his hat, running his fingers through his hair, wiping the sweat from his face on his sleeve then examining his pale green safari hat as he held it in his hands.

"I chose the name chameleon people for them because they can blend in with the rainforest so well that we may walk right past them and never even see them. I do not know what they call themselves, if anything. They have no spoken language that we can comprehend."

He c.o.c.ked his head, listening again. Ben heard nothing. Placing a finger in front of his lips Colin motioned for silence, listening to the boundless voices in the mysterious forest.

"The problem we face..." Colin dropped his voice to a whisper. " that these are not the only archaic peoples to exist here."

Meeting Ben's eyes, he continued. "We are in danger because they know of us, our ancient breed, and they know what powers are bequeathed with our eternal blood. They would take it if they could, our blood..."

Ben's jaw dropped. He wanted to ask if the tribe knew he and Colin were here, but was afraid to make a sound. He mouthed his question instead, his lips forming the words. Colin shrugged. So he didn't know if they were aware or not, and judging from the way Colin kept gazing around he didn't know if they were approaching either. It seemed that creatures far more dangerous than a simple snake lived in the rainforest.

"Come." He beckoned for Ben to follow as he slapped his hat back down on his head and turned to plunge through the jungle once more. Travel was tough and it took hours to cover little ground.

The jungle seemed to start thinning out near the forest floor, and they could move faster through the enormous prehistoric plants that invaded the open s.p.a.ces without the usual choking tangle of vines and invasive flora.

Overhead, the forest canopy blocked most of the sunlight with its lush green cover. Beautiful, this bouquet of rich greens, yellows, reds and all the sunny colors in between and the magical browns of the many tree trunks that seemed to grow right up to the very heavens. Flying rainbows hopped from branch to dripping branch, flapping their glorious wings and calling to each other as the day wound down and began to slip into night. Nightfall in the rain forest came in an instant. One moment, daylight filtered through the treetops providing a subtle glow and the next the jungle plunged into inky darkness.

Colin closed his eyes and drew a deep breath, revitalized by the night air and the lack of the oppressive heat. It would be a relief if he were not so worried by the danger that could be stalking them even now. If only he could hear them, for he knew he would not see them before they attacked. So, he listened. He listened to every sound and every lack of sound. So far, nothing to indicate an imminent attack from those fabled killers ... those who practiced human sacrifice just like their primitive predecessors. What a powerful aphrodisiac it would be for them to capture a member of his species. He almost wished they would show their faces now.

His hunger flared. Humans would be so much more appetizing than animal blood.

"Come out, come out, where ever you are..."

"Colin! Have you lost your mind?" Feeling like he was ten years old, he moved closer to his maker and squeezed himself between Colin's back and the rough barked tree he stood by. He didn't care how timid he appeared. Better to shame himself this way than to be devoured by the savages that Colin taunted with his little song.

"Benjamin, there is nothing there. I wish there were someone there, honestly, I do."

"Why?" Ben's nervous question sounded gargled, as if the word choked him and he had to spit it out.

Colin laughed, the rumble deep in his chest.

"Well, the simple fact that I get very cranky when I am hungry should be ample reason for you, Ben."

"But you said that we must reach the chameleon people...""I have changed my mind.It would be most rude of me to feed off the very people that I wish to seek help from, and I am so very hungry that even you look appetizing." Turning to peer over his shoulder, his eyes roamed over Ben's quivering body and back up again to his startled face.

A frenzy of natives erupted from the forest to surround them. They had no chance to defend themselves, no chance to flee, no chance to do anything at all other than gape at the tribe ... at least fifty strong. Their nut-brown skin, camouflaged with various greens and darker brown dyes from the forest palette blended in with the surrounding plant life. No wonder they had not perceived the tribe's presence earlier.

Stinging shame at being caught unaware flooded Colin's features. Even worse that he had no idea what tribe he faced, friend or foe, so he had no idea of how to react, if at all. If they escaped and these were the chameleon people after all, their entire trip was wasted. If they chose to remain and these were not the chameleon people then their eternal lives were in danger. Colin backed up, keeping Ben between his back and the huge tree, guarding him with his own body.

Glaring, silent sentries. What could Colin say? He had the sinking feeling he would be wasting his breath to say anything at all.

Staring, painted faces ... betraying no emotion ... motives unknown. Colin raised one hand without menace, palm up to show his submission, like a wolf exposing his belly to the alpha wolf. When he got no reaction from the natives he let his hand drop. Fresh blood scent filled his nostrils and his hunger flared. One of them had a fresh, open wound.

Searching the circle of male natives he saw no flowing blood, nothing to prove his infallible nose correct. Then the circle broke and from between the army of soldiers stepped a beautiful maiden, fresh blood streaming over her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Colin's nostrils flared and he threw his head back, hitting Ben on top of his head. He had forgotten that Ben stood so close behind him.

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