Sweet Carolina Girls Part 10

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"You mean apretty boy.' Oh, he's so far in the closet, he can't see the door. Sandy caught him bare backing with one of the construction workers."

"I knew he was too pretty."

Chapter Eleven.

The day broke on a beautiful, clear, Carolina blue sky. Jasper rose with the chickens as usual. Harper determined to get that dog door installed, as soon as possible, while she stumbled down the stairs to let him out. After she let him out, she went to the kitchen for ibuprofen and a bottle of water. She left the door open and went back to bed. Harper was definitely not ready for her day to begin. She had gotten in bed about two a. m., just four hours ago. She needed sleep.

At ten, Jasper decided Harper had slept long enough. He pawed and whined at her until she got up. Deciding a jog might help, she dressed, descended the stairs, ate a power bar, drank another bottle of water and went out the door with Jasper, who was ready to run. Running was out of the question. All Harper thought she could manage was a light jog.

She had been drinking quite a bit more than she usually did and it was taking its toll. Harper really needed to find a different way to deal with Lauren. She couldn't stay drunk, until Lauren got her s.h.i.+t together. She'd be an alcoholic, in no time. No, drinking was definitely not the answer.

As she jogged she thought about last night. She wondered what happened when Shelby finally caught up with Lauren, after she stormed out. Was Abby right? Was this the end of the perfect couple? What did all this mean to Harper? She'd probably find out at practice this afternoon.

After the jog, which was much too short for Jasper, she threw his tennis ball until he was exhausted. She ate a quick lunch of soup and a turkey sandwich. Harper wasn't sure what was going down at practice today, so she decided to leave Jasper at home. He was very disappointed, and pouted, at the door, when she left.

At one thirty, Harper pulled into the parking lot, at the field. She did not see Lauren's Tahoe or Shelby's Lexus. All the other players were on the field huddled in a full-blown gossip session. Harper was pretty sure she knew the subject at hand. They quieted when Harper walked up.

Abby was the first to speak, "How are you, today?"

"Fine, I think," Harper said truthfully, because she really wasn't sure how this drama was going to play out.

Dee poked Chita and pointed toward the parking lot. Shelby's car was pulling to a stop right beside Harper's Hummer. Shelby got out alone. She slowly made her way toward the group. Harper actually felt sorry for her. It was like watching the fox run directly into the hounds. Shelby looked worn and tired with large dark circles under her puffy eyes. She'd been through h.e.l.l. There was no hiding it.

Abby met Shelby and hugged her, because she looked like she needed one. Shelby forced a smile and faced the silent women in front of her.

"So I don't have to talk about this, I am going to say what I have to say and I would greatly appreciate it, if we did not discuss it any further," Shelby said, with a heartfelt plea.

The team all nodded in unison, agreeing to Shelby's request, at least until she was out of earshot.

Shelby took a deep breath and continued, "Lauren has moved into her studio in Durham. She will not be here today and I'm not sure when she's coming back. We are separating, for the time being. That's all. Now can we just play ball."

Harper had seen this coming. The way Lauren had the studio set up; it was obvious she was planning this for a while. It had been just a matter of time. Shelby should have seen that. Their relations.h.i.+p was in trouble, long before Harper came into the picture. She told herself she had nothing to do with this breakup. Whether she believed that or not was the question.

Jane honored Shelby's request by starting practice immediately. Harper never had to speak to Shelby; she never was close enough to have to. The way Shelby threw the ball to Harper during infield, said all she had to say. Harper thought about burning it back to her, but restrained herself. She felt bad for Shelby. She looked so broken. Shelby's world was cras.h.i.+ng down around her. Harper guessed she came to practice so she didn't have to watch Lauren move out.

On the other hand, Harper couldn't help thinking about what this break-up meant to her personally. What would happen next? Harper knew Lauren was angry with her, considering their brief exchange before Lauren stormed out. Above all, she hoped Lauren did not tell Shelby about her feelings for Harper. That would definitely make a bad situation worse. Harper still had to go work in the same department, in the same building, with Shelby.

Practice went well and Harper thanked the Lord there was no drama, as she walked to the Hummer. Harper thought she might actually make it out of there without having to talk to Shelby, but it wasn't to be. Just as she hit the remote to unlock the doors, she heard Shelby call her name. The rest of the team, in the process of getting in their cars, all stopped to see what was about to happen. Abby put an end to that when she told them all to go home.

Harper opened the back door and put her bat bag in the seat. She closed the door and leaned back on it, waiting for Shelby to have her say. Harper had known this was going to happen sooner or later, so she might as well take it now and get it over with. Shelby rounded the front of her car, coming to stand just a few feet away from Harper.

Shelby cleared her throat, looking down at the ground, "Harper I don't know what went on between you and Lauren. She says nothing happened. I'd be a fool to believe that, after the little scene you two had last night."

Harper backed Lauren's story, "Lauren's right, nothing happened."

"I've seen the way you two look at each other. I hoped it was just a crush that would pa.s.s."

"Look, Shelby, I won't deny that I am attracted to Lauren. I'm sure I'm not the first person ever to feel that way, during your relations.h.i.+p. My G.o.d, she's beautiful."

Shelby looked at Harper, "You're the first one that ever scared me."

Harper didn't know what Shelby wanted from her. She wanted this conversation to end in the worse way.

"Shelby, I have not and will not interfere with your relations.h.i.+p with Lauren. I'm sure, if you really think about this, you'll know your problems started a long time ago. She's known me less than a week and she was leaving you, way before I came into the picture."

Anger flashed across Shelby's face, "What makes you say that?"

"I listened to her, something you might try," Harper snapped back.

"Don't patronize me," Shelby said, now with an edge to her voice, "I'm not someone you want to play games with."

"Then what do you want from me?" Harper was becoming equally defensive.

Shelby stepped just a little closer to Harper. At least six feet tall, she was one of the few women Harper had to look up to. Shelby's eyes were dark brown, almost black. That made them even more intimidating, when she locked eyes with Harper.

"Stay away from Lauren. Let her have this time alone to clear her head. Give us time to fix this relations.h.i.+p. You're just here for the ride, I'm here for the long run. Don't f.u.c.k this up," Shelby finished pointedly.

There were so many things Harper wanted to say, but all she said was, "I will not contact Lauren, but I need you to know something." Harper stretched up as tall as she could, while she thought carefully about what she said next.

She glared back at Shelby with a wicked grin on her face. "When Lauren at last breaks free of you, and you can be sure it will not be because of anything I've done, I won't turn her away when comes to me, in the end."

Shelby's unrelenting glare was matched by Harper's. Her nostrils flared with anger, but Shelby gathered herself and said, "Just stay away from her. I hope I've made myself clear."

Harper didn't like being talked to like a child, but she also did not want to p.i.s.s Shelby off, anymore than she already was. She managed to say, without too much sarcasm, "Crystal."

The two women continued to glare at each other for a minute, before Shelby brushed past her, got in the Lexus and left Harper standing in the parking lot.

Harper got in the driver's seat and slammed the door, "s.h.i.+t, I need a beer."

She threw the Hummer in reverse and squealed out of her parking s.p.a.ce. By the time Harper reached the Tarr Barr, she had calmed down considerably. She whipped into the parking lot and almost hit the white Tahoe barreling out the other way. The two vehicles came to a stop inches away from each other. Behind the wheel of the Tahoe, Lauren stared back at Harper.

At first, Harper was so surprised to see her there that she didn't recognize Lauren under the baseball cap and Harper's heart leapt to her throat. She had just told Shelby she wouldn't see Lauren, but now here she was face to face with her. The Tahoe slowly rolled back so Harper could get the rear end of the Hummer out of the road. Once Harper was safely in the parking lot, she pulled up beside the Tahoe, so that their driver's side windows were facing each other.

Lauren stared straight ahead, but she didn't leave. Finally she turned to look at Harper. Neither of them rolled their windows down. They stayed like that, just staring. Harper wasn't sure how much time had pa.s.sed, but it felt like forever. She couldn't read the expression on Lauren's face. She was thinking either, "I hate you, look what you made me do," or "What in the world am I going to do about you?" Harper wasn't going to find out which, because Lauren put her vehicle in drive and pulled away.

Okay, round one was over. Harper parked and entered the crowed bar. Evidently, Sunday supper at the Tarr Barr, was a local tradition. She found a stool, at the bar, and ordered a Brightleaf and an order of fries. She wasn't really hungry, her stomach was tied in knots, but she had to eat if she was drinking. Harper had just taken her first sip of cold beer when an arm appeared around her shoulder. It was Abby.

"Don't feel like hanging with the girls right now?" Abby said when Harper turned around.

Harper was so lost in thoughts of Lauren, in the parking lot that she had not looked around for any of her teammate's cars.

"To tell you the truth, Abs, I hadn't even thought about it. I'm a little pre-occupied."

"I presume you saw Lauren," Abby said in a way of understanding.

"Oh yeah, I almost ran over her, but I didn't talk to her. She just drove away." Harper took another sip of beer.

"She came by to talk to Jane about playing on the team. She wanted us to know if we needed to replace her, she would understand. Of course we said no, but then she and Julie got into it a tiny bit and she left a little angry," Abby said, while at the same time signaling the bartender for a refill of her mug.

"What did Julie say to her?" Harper could only imagine.

"Well, you will come to find out, if you haven't already, that Julie basically says what she's thinking. She and B.J. have been my best friends since second grade, so I'm used to it. Sometimes it's even refres.h.i.+ng to have someone around who just says it like it is, but even I think she crossed the line this time. The rest of the girls are in the back giving her h.e.l.l right now."

Harper turned on the bar stool, so she was facing Abby, "Jesus Christ, what did she say?"

Abby wrinkled up her face, like she didn't really want to say, but she gave in, "She said, aWhen you get done f.u.c.king Harper, do you expect Shelby will still be waiting for you?"

"f.u.c.k!" Harper said, a little too loudly, drawing attention from a few other patrons. Then another thought occurred to Harper, "Is Shelby back there?"

"No, thank G.o.d," Abby said, accepting her beer from the bartender.

"Why would she say that? That was just mean," Harper visualized the whole event in her mind. No wonder Lauren didn't speak to her.

"Julie is a b.i.t.c.h. You either love her or hate her, there is no gray area," Abby explained.

"I know she's your friend, but I'm leaning toward the hate side right this minute."

Abby laughed, "I'm used to it."

Harper's fries arrived and she ordered another beer. She and Abby moved to a small table near the entrance.

"So, how did it go with Shelby? I don't see any obvious injuries," Abby snickered.

"She told me to leave Lauren alone, give them a chance to work it out." Harper nibbled on the French fries. Her stomach rolled.

Abby leaned in closer, "Well, what are you going to do?"

"I told her I wouldn't interfere, that I would stay away from Lauren," Harper said matter-of-factly.

Abby was skeptical, "Just like that. You're walking away."

Harper hesitated to tell Abby the whole truth of what she had said, but she figured Shelby would tell her anyway, "Well, I did add that I wouldn't turn Lauren away, if she came to me in the end."

Abby sat back, "And how did Shelby take that."

"Fairly well, I thought," Harper grinned, "She didn't get violent or anything."

"No, she wouldn't do that, but I wouldn't f.u.c.k with her. You do have to work in her department."

Harper threw a fry back down on the plate and pushed it away, "Believe me that is a fact that I am very aware of."

Abby laughed, "So, Harper, how do you like Chapman's Mill so far?"

Harper nearly spit the beer she had just put in her mouth, across the table. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and laughed along with Abby.

When the laughing subsided, Abby turned serious again, "Harper, do you really think you could turn Lauren away, if she came to you right now, before they've had a chance to salvage their relations.h.i.+p. I've seen you two together. You're like magnets. You're bound to come together sooner or later."

Harper thought about it for a minute then she said, "Abby, I might only be twenty-three years old, but I've had to grow up fast. I see exactly what's going on here. Shelby left Lauren alone too much. Lauren got lonely and bored, then angry and resentful. Thinking I had anything to do with this breakup is attacking a symptom, not the disease. Do you agree?"

Abby nodded, "Yes, I agree, but you didn't answer my question."

Harper waved her hand, "I'm getting to it. Looking at this objectively, which you can appreciate, being a former fifth grade science teacher."

Abby looked surprised that Harper knew so much about her.

"Lauren told me. Anyway, objectively, Lauren went from home, to the sorority house, to an apartment and roommates and then straight to Shelby. She's never had to be on her own. She's never had to live without considering someone else's expectations or needs. She needs to be on her own. Find out what she wants, what she needs."

"That's a very astute observation. You are wise beyond your years." Abby toasted Harper and took a drink.

"She'll either find her own path or run back to Shelby, for shelter," Harper continued. "But if Lauren winds up standing on her own two feet and it's really over with Shelby, and she is still interested in me, then, well anything can happen. Until then, I'd be a fool to get in the middle of this."

Abby smiled, "That's very rational, but I've known some really rational people do some really f.u.c.ked up things."

Harper held her mug up in a toast, "Here's to not f.u.c.king up."

Chapter Twelve.

The next week crawled by so slowly. It rained most of the week and when it wasn't raining it was too wet and cold to do anything outside. Harper worked on finis.h.i.+ng up the guest bedroom. She found the perfect dresser and mirror, to go with the old four-poster bed, at a thrift store. She had her grandmother's quilt trunk, full of quilts, which she placed at the foot of the bed. Now all she needed was a set of mattresses.

The only furniture store she had visited was the one Lauren had taken her to. She found the address on her invoice. Harper didn't want to buy a mattress over the phone or internet, without at least sitting on it first, so on Wednesday she drove over to Durham. Lauren's warehouse was nowhere near Lakeview Galleries so she didn't expect to see her, but she looked in every white SUV she pa.s.sed.

This being rational was agonizing. Lauren was constantly on her mind, no matter how hard she tried not to think about her. Tuesday night she lost her mind and sent a text to Lauren, "I'm sorry." When she didn't hear back from Lauren she was relieved, well sort of relieved.

Harper was relieved that she didn't have to explain what she was sorry for, because she wasn't sure. Was she sorry Lauren and Shelby were separated? Was she sorry for what she said outside the bathroom? Was she sorry for what Lauren was going through? On the other hand, the part of her, which was becoming all of her, that craved Lauren like nothing she had ever felt in her life, wanted Lauren to know she was thinking of her. Bad girl!

The furniture shopping was not nearly as much fun, without Lauren. She quickly settled on a pillow top and scheduled delivery. She didn't look around the store, because it reminded her of Lauren. She drove out of Durham feeling lonely. Harper had been alone more than most people her age. Loneliness was not something she felt often, after the first year. She filled her life with activity, friends, and an occasional love interest. Today she was lonely and the weather did not help, it sucked.

The phone in the car rang. It was Abby. She wanted to know if Harper wanted to come over for dinner. Harper was lonely, but she didn't want to be around other people. She made an excuse, but promised to come over, after practice. All the way home she couldn't help but look for white SUV's. Once she thought it might be her, but it turned out to be someone who looked like Laurel Holloman from The L Word, she used to live in Chapman's Mill, after all. Harper ended up at home with Jasper on the couch watching "The L Word" DVD's till she fell asleep.

On Thursday the mattresses were delivered and that was the highlight of the day. The rest of the week wasn't much better and when it was still raining on morning Harper rolled over in bed and moaned. She hated being cooped up, in the house. There would be no softball today she was sure. She sulked around the house all morning cleaning and doing laundry. When Jane called saying they'd have to try again tomorrow, she collapsed on the couch in udder disappointment. Jasper even had the blues.

When the phone rang again she picked it up absent mindedly, "h.e.l.lo."

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