The Bleeding Worlds: Resonance Part 22

The Bleeding Worlds: Resonance -

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"No. She seems strong and sure of herself. All the things I could hope for."

"And if love and anger are strongly tied, it fits that your answer of hope seems to be the perfect counter to fear. You see, what gives you strength, what pushes you forward, is opposite to Cain. Even in summoning a sword named Xanthe, you each could tie your own personal meaning to it."

"So why won't it answer my call?" Gwynn asked. "Is it because Cain took my right arm?"

"No. We may wear our markings as Anunnaki on our right arm, but the power is within our genes. That can't be severed with a limb. Xanthe no longer answers your call because you fear it. In your story, you summoned it using many of the same emotions Cain is driven by. And now you carry the burden of being the destroyer of worlds. You fear becoming Cain, or that you have already become Cain, and so you shun anything a.s.sociated with him."


Marduk grasped Gwynn's shoulders.

"Stop denying yourself. You were duped into committing something you view as an atrocity. A part of you cannot let go of the guilt. You are afraid to admit the truth of yourself."

"My truth, or the one you want to choose for me?"

Marduk's head fell back with a roar of laughter.

"Ah, she said you would be a quick student. No, this truth is simple to see, and it is also obvious why you refuse to take owners.h.i.+p of it. Admit the truth-you think you deserve punishment, that you deserve misery. Instead, you are happier than you can recall. You have mourned ones you loved and lost, you carry the weight of your deeds like a modern Atlas. At the moment you summoned Xanthe, and I imagine in the months following, your emotions were clear-it was easy to feel the darker moods which birthed the sword for Cain. But now you are happy, content, even though you think you should not be. Stop causing yourself conflict. Love and hope. These are not things to battle Cain with, they are the things that set you apart. The library is saying you are not Cain, you will never be Cain, because you are defined by his opposites. Stop fearing and denying aspects of yourself. You must be whole before you can be strong."

Gwynn returned to the bookshelf and returned the book. As his hand left it, the spine went blank once more.

"You know, in the past seven years, I've heard time and again what happened wasn't my fault. But those words never help."

Marduk extended his left hand. Gwynn took it after some hesitation.

"I forgive you," Marduk said.


"The G.o.d of judgement has heard your words and seen your soul. You do not need pandering. You destroyed lives in the trillions. But it was not your desire or intent. You were a victim of deception, yes, but it does not mean you escape blame completely. So, instead of lying to you, I say you did this thing. The worlds we inhabit have been forever changed by your actions. But I forgive you."

Gwynn's throat constricted. It was difficult, but he managed to say, "Thank you."

"I brought you here to provide focus, and to help dispel your fear of becoming what you hate. The true learning of your strength and story lies outside the door. I will not go with you this time. When you push the door open, you will be exposed to the true immensity of the Veil. Since my soul no longer s.h.i.+elds you, your own will come and you will face it. Saying "face it" is an over-simplification. You will need to confront every aspect of your soul-even those parts you shun. Only when you have done this and survived, will you be ready."

"How will I know when it's over?"

"If you have enough of a mind left," Marduk said, "that will be answer enough."

Gwynn approached the door and pushed it open only a crack.

"If I fail, you'll tell them I loved them, won't you?"

Marduk nodded.

"I will say you cherished their love-that I saw proof it was the thing which defined you. But when you return, you can deliver the message yourself."

"Thanks. I'll do my best."

Gwynn pushed the door open all the way and stepped over the threshold.



They'd reached the southernmost sh.o.r.e of Cyprus just as alarms sounded the end of their fuel reserves. Jason managed to set the chopper down on nothing but vapours.

Fuyuko searched her contacts and stabbed at the screen when she found the number she needed.

"Miss Takeda, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Zeus answered.

"Lord Zeus, I'm hoping you would see fit to give us some aid."

"I may be convinced. What are your needs?"

Fuyuko motioned to Toms for his phone. She opened a GPS app and pinged their location.

"We're a few miles west of Lima.s.sol on the island of Cyprus. I was hoping you might be able to arrange transport for us from here to Larnaca International Airport. Lord Quetzalcoatl is arranging for our flight home from there."

Zeus laughed.

"He can arrange an aircraft from Larnaca, but he can't get a vehicle out to pick you up?"

"Lord Zeus, it was his opinion that since the lands of Cyprus fall within your purview we should first ask your permission before travelling the distance across land. Also, we thought you would be the best person to ensure the transport was...trustworthy."

She waited, an extended silence came from the other side.

"How many did you lose?" he finally asked.

"Twenty-six. I've already put my request in to lead the forces to suppress Anubis."

Zeus sighed.

"A ground war will go on too long and over extend our forces. We should just carpet bomb the entire country."

Fuyuko didn't answer. He was right, of course. But his solution meant heavy casualties of non-combatants-the thought caused a twisting sensation in her lower abdomen.

"Well," Zeus said, "these are all things the Pantheon will have to decide at a later date. Yes, Fuyuko, I will arrange safe transport for you. I have some trustworthy individuals in Lima.s.sol, so they shouldn't be too long. What are your coordinates?"

She read the lat/lon from Toms' phone.

"I'll contact them immediately. We'll talk again, Miss Takeda."

"Thank you for your a.s.sistance, Lord Zeus."

Fuyuko ended the call and slipped her phone back into her pocket and handed Toms his back.

The flight time had granted them all enough of a reprieve they'd been able to heal their wounds-though the dirt and blood stains on their clothes spoke of their ordeal. None of them used the time to grieve. Instead, their eyes looked empty, stones set in an equally expressionless face. She looked at them and could only think one word, drained. These few survived, but their days in the field were probably done.

"I'm going to have to put these back on you," she said to Jason, holding out the collar and restraints.

Jason failed at hiding his disdain.

"After everything we've been through, you really think that's necessary?"

"I hate to question you, sir," Toms said, "but he has proven himself to be at least a little trustworthy."

"That has nothing to do with it," Fuyuko said. "We're being picked up by agents from another Pantheon. He may have proven himself to us, but he's an unknown element to them and I don't need anyone else getting twitchy trigger fingers around us." Please understand this, she said to Jason with her eyes.

Jason's expression softened. He stretched up his neck and held out his arms.

"You're right," he said. "Everyone's been through enough."

She clipped the collar around his neck and secured the cuffs around his wrists.

Twenty minutes later, they were inside three black, unmarked, SUVs, heading east on the Cyprus A1 highway. After making connections to the A5 and then the A3, they arrived at the Larnaca International Airport. The SUVs dropped them off at a private hanger on the east side of the airport where a private jet stood ready.

The remnants of her team staggered onto the plane and collapsed into the first open chairs they found.

Fuyuko remained tightly wound until they were over halfway across the Atlantic. Having crossed into North American territory without incident, fatigue fell on her shoulders like a heavy blanket trying to smother her. She fought against it, unwilling to sleep until she was well within the armored walls of Quetzalcoatl's compound. Despite tending to each of her injuries with the healing powers of the Veil, her entire body ached like it was covered in one mammoth bruise.

Jason remained blessedly quiet for the trip. To anyone watching him, she supposed they'd think he was asleep, but Fuyuko knew better. She'd watched him numerous times during their days with Suture-his face lacked the peacefulness of real sleep. She did her best to not wonder about the thoughts going on behind his closed eyes. Instead, she tried to solidify the thought this wasn't the same man she'd loved during her teenage years. They'd spent the bulk of their twenties apart-they were different people. He hadn't spent those years trying to find her-he'd become a revolutionary, dedicated to a cause larger than himself. She couldn't trust the relations.h.i.+p they used to have-she was a tool to him, something to help accomplish his goals. There was no telling if anything kind he might say was true or manipulation. The safest direction was to mistrust everything he said and did. Him not spending the past eleven hours of the flight trying to further gain her trust made it easier.

The plane landed at John F. Kennedy airport where two limos waited to transport them to Quetzalcoatl's headquarters-the previous United Nations.

The building still served its primary function, as a meeting place for representatives from the various nations of the world. While the Pantheon reserved ultimate right to make decisions, they left the minutiae of daily grind and policy to elected officials.

As Quetzalcoatl told her, "It is easier to control people when they have the illusion they are ruling themselves."

They pulled to a stop at the main gate. A poured concrete wall obstructed the buildings from view. After a few minutes had pa.s.sed, the air filled with the screeching sound of the metal plate doors sliding open to allow their access. The vehicles moved forward.

Toms, sharing a limo with Fuyuko, Jason, and Stats, openly groaned as they pa.s.sed the buildings repurposed as barracks and instead made their way to the office tower.

"Do we have to meet with him now?" Toms said. "I was really hoping to have a shower, change my clothes, and sleep in an actual bed."

"It's better this way," Fuyuko said. "If we get this over with sooner, it means we'll be able to sleep longer."

Toms shrugged. His expression made it clear he still couldn't see this as a benefit.

They pulled to a stop in front of the office tower. Armed guards exited and approached the limos, opening the doors for the occupants.

Fuyuko stayed at Jason's side. Not only did she not trust his fate without her, but she also wanted to make a clear statement this prisoner belonged to her. This defeat would be a stain on her reputation. Despite Anubis' deceit, she would be seen as weaker than before because she lost so many Anunnaki to mere mortal soldiers. It wouldn't matter most of those were because of bombs. The whispers behind her back would say she should've known Anubis wouldn't mind blowing a major installation to h.e.l.l just to save face.

The guards escorted them past the internal checkpoints and to a set of elevators protected by two Anunnaki, ten armed guards, and several metal security doors that could be sealed shut in a matter of seconds.

Aboard the elevator, their escorts pressed the b.u.t.ton for the thirty-seventh floor.

When the doors opened, the guards motioned with their hands for the group to move forward, but did not follow.

Fuyuko took the lead, taking them to a set of oak doors. She pushed them open and walked to the center of a room filled with gold statuary and lush, red carpets. On a raised platform at the end, a throne carved with scenes of sacrifice and war sat unoccupied.

"Welcome home, Fuyuko," a disembodied voice said.

From behind the throne's platform, a man wearing a crisp suit the color of blood, came around and ascended the stairs. He sat on the throne and closed his eyes, seeming to relish the feel of the symbol of power.

Fuyuko stepped away from Jason and bowed.

"Lord Quetzalcoatl, I have returned."

His eyes opened and he leaned forward.

"With far less than I sent you with."

Fuyuko swallowed hard.

"Yes, my Lord. Anubis laid numerous traps for us. As much as I tried to antic.i.p.ate his actions, they proved even more desperate than I thought."

Quetzalcoatl nodded grimly.

"I have already set discussions in motion for dealing with Anubis. When the time comes, his head will be yours to take-if you wish."

Fuyuko's fist clenched.

"It would be more than my honor."

"And this man with you," he motioned with his chin toward Jason, "is one of the individuals who came through the anomaly?"

"Yes. This is-"

"I am Jason Pisk," he said, stepping forward, "formerly of Suture's North American branch, and currently a member of the resistance force Fenrir on the planet Asgard."

Quetzalcoatl stroked his chin and regarded Jason.

"Yes, I remember you-the only Script in the North American branch until Woten's grandson. And now you say you're part of a resistance on Asgard?"

"I am," Jason said. "The people on Asgard have been forced literally underground by the Aesir. I have been with them these past seven years trying to help them win back their planet."

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