The Bedding Proposal Part 25

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Rather than draw back to thrust again, he settled against her more heavily, reaching down to angle her legs higher around him. He went deeper still. She moaned as her body stretched to accommodate his impressive size.

"You're tight," he murmured against her ear.

"It's been a long time."

He brushed her lips with his. "Relax. We have all night."

"I don't think I can do this all night. Can you?"

He laughed, the sensation teasing her inside. "You feel so good I just might try." Then he shuddered, his body and mind clearly at war over the necessity of proceeding.

And she couldn't deny him any longer.

Before she could even think, her body took over, gripping him with a velvet clasp as she arched reflexively, her feet pressing flat against his lower back. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him hard. "I'm ready," she murmured. "Take me, Leo. Take me now."

At her command, he began thrusting, plunging in and out, faster and deeper, as he plundered her mouth, his hands moving in wild forays over her skin.

She trembled from head to toe and lost herself in the fathomless, pulse-pounding depths of his possession. Her mind went blank, thoughts scattered like petals, aware of nothing but the need las.h.i.+ng her in ever-increasing waves. Aware only of him.

He thrust even harder, deeper, until he'd gone as far as he could go. She held on, her hands sliding restlessly over his back and hips and b.u.t.tocks, arching high to take everything he could give and more.

Then she broke, a high keening sound filling the air as ecstasy flooded through her, a pleasure so intense that it sank deep into her blood and sinew and bone, where she knew it would stay forever.

A tear slid from the corner of her eye, but it was a tear of happiness.

Of healing.

As if this were her first time all over again and he the only lover she had ever known.

And would ever know again.

She clasped him tighter, pleasure still radiating through her as he claimed his own satisfaction with a shuddering sigh. Smiling, she stroked her hands over him with leisurely caresses, content to luxuriate in the moment.

They lay for an uncertain amount of time, exchanging lazy kisses and murmured words of enjoyment.

"I must be heavy," he said after a while.

She stroked his cheek and rubbed her heel across the dip of his lower back. "No. I like this."

"G.o.d," he moaned, his shaft twitching inside her, "I like that too. Do it again."

"What? This?" She rubbed her heel against him again, circling.

His shaft hardened more and he gave a little involuntary thrust. "I think I've created a wanton."

She trailed her hand over his b.u.t.tocks, then gave the firm flesh a light squeeze. "I believe you have."

He thrust again, his erection stretching her deliciously.

Without warning, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him, still lodged deeply inside. His palms reached up to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, which he began to fondle. "I think we can do this all night. Shall we give it a try?"

She gave an experimental bounce and laughed, amazed at her sudden daring. "Yes," she said on a breathy sigh as her desire flared hot again. "Most definitely yes, my dear Lord Leopold."

Chapter 21.

Leo was gone when Thalia awakened-for the final time, at least.

She stretched her arms over her head, a twinge of soreness making itself known in her thighs and other far more intimate places due to her and Leo's vigorous and enthusiastic lovemaking.

As promised, Leo had roused her at various intervals throughout the night, his prior boasts about his impressive stamina all proving true. But he was more than eager; he was inventive as well, teaching her two s.e.xual positions she'd never heard of with sinful a.s.surances of more to come.

Still, her favorite moments had happened just before dawn when she'd opened her eyes to the sensation of his mouth trailing a line of kisses along her spine.

She trembled blissfully again at nothing more than the memory, recalling how he hadn't stopped when he'd reached the end of her spine but had continued lower. He'd buried his head between her legs to give her the most intimate kisses of her life, bringing her to a climax so powerful she'd had to use her pillow to m.u.f.fle her frenzied cries of release.

Then improbably he'd done it again, lifting her to her hands and knees and sliding heavily into her from behind to make her climax once more.

She'd lost count of the number of times he'd brought her to pleasure during the night, leaving her delirious and exhausted and so intensely satisfied she didn't know how it could possibly get better. Yet he'd whispered to her that their fun was only just beginning-and she believed him.

Leopold Byron didn't lie.

She s.h.i.+vered deliciously and sat up amid the rumpled bedsheets, late morning sunlight flooding into the room. Her recollection of him leaving was hazy; she'd been so tired. But he'd kissed her, whispering sweet words into her ears as he told her to sleep and that he would see her later that afternoon.

There'd been something about taking her for a drive, she thought. Or was it to a gallery? Either way, she'd find out once he returned, she supposed.

A glance across the room revealed that he'd tidied all her evening clothes before he'd departed, draping them neatly over her dressing table chair. Even her shoes had been carried in from the sitting room and placed side by side underneath.

How surprisingly considerate. How discreet, even though all the servants must realize by now that he had brought her home and spent the night in her room.

In her bed.

She was his mistress now.

No, she corrected. I am his lover. My favors are given freely out of mutual desire with no financial remuneration involved.

Mistresses received town houses and carriages, clothes and jewelry and other a.s.sorted gifts. She wanted nothing from Leo, only his company. Only his pa.s.sion, until both of them decided they'd had enough and their affair was done.

Perhaps it was a small distinction in the eyes of the world, but not to her. She was her own woman, independent and self-sufficient, and she would stay that way. Being with Leo did not change that at all. If people wished to think otherwise, she couldn't stop them. It was a hard lesson she had learned well.

But why was she dwelling on such doleful thoughts when she had felt absolutely spectacular only moments ago?

I am going to enjoy this affair, she told herself, for as long as it lasts. For once in my life, I am going to enjoy myself.

Enjoy him.

In every wicked, delectable, sinful way possible.

Sliding out of the bed, she padded barefoot and naked across to the bellpull and gave it a tug. She needed a bath and something to eat, since she was utterly famished. Then she was going to dig through her meager wardrobe and find something pretty to wear.

She wanted to look attractive for Leo.

Her new lover.

Smiling, she went to fetch a robe.

"You're whistling again."

Leo jogged down the last of the stairs at his and Lawrence's town house, the tune he'd been accused of harmonizing still on his lips. He offered a final tonal flourish, then looked at his twin. "Am I?"

Lawrence raised an eyebrow. "Which means, I take it, that you had a good evening last night."

"I did, yes." A smile moved over Leo's mouth as thoughts of Thalia replayed in his mind.

"I also presume this good evening was had after you got into an argument with Lord Kemp and strangled him in front of several dozen witnesses at Drury Lane?"

Leo strolled into the study.

Lawrence followed.

"I didn't strangle him," Leo clarified in a casual tone. "It was more of a corrective throttle." He took the stopper off the wine decanter. "Claret?"

"No, thank you."

Leo shrugged and poured himself a gla.s.s.

"Corrective throttle?" Lawrence asked.

"Kemp insulted Thalia. I was correcting him."

Lawrence gave a short laugh. "Gallant of you, I'm sure, but given her history and reputation, insults will unfortunately come her way."

"Well, they had better not come her way around me." He drank a large swallow of wine, his other hand squeezing into a fist. "You'd have throttled Kemp too if you'd heard how he spoke to her. It was unpardonable."

Lawrence sobered. "I'm sure it was. Just don't let your defense of her get out of hand."

"In what way? What do you mean?"

"Just that I heard there was talk of a duel between you and Kemp last night, but that he refused your challenge."

Leo scowled. "You seem amazingly well-informed and here it is only"-he paused and reached for his pocket watch, clicking open the case-"eleven twenty-three in the morning."

"It's the talk of the town-how could I not be well-informed? I had a letter about it over breakfast from one of our friends. It won't be long before the news wends its way to the family."

"Let it wend. Kemp is a villain and a coward. I am only sorry I didn't have a chance to put a bullet in him at dawn this morning."

"I, for one, am glad you did not."

Leo tossed back the rest of his wine. "That's what Thalia says. She told me to let it go."

"Then listen to Lady Thalia. It sounds as if she has a great deal of wisdom."

"She's not what you think, you know," Leo said, meeting his brother's eyes. "She's not what anyone thinks. She's gentle and intelligent and kind. She's quite the most fascinating woman it has ever been my privilege to know."

Lawrence stared for a long moment. "I realize this is none of my business, but just how serious is this . . . relations.h.i.+p between you and Lady Thalia?"

"I'm going to keep seeing her, if that's what you're asking. As for anything more, I don't know. We're taking things as they come and it's still early days yet. Don't worry, it's not as if I'm in danger of falling in love with her."

Or am I?

He stilled, the idea tumbling through his mind. He discarded it seconds later. He liked her, yes. And he desired her-last night was vivid proof of that. But anything more, well, he was looking forward to a heated affair, but the fire between them would burn out soon enough and then it would be over.

They would be over.

An odd constriction gripped his chest. He set down his gla.s.s, using the movement to hide his unexpected reaction. He forced a carefree smile that he hoped his brother couldn't see past.

Lawrence gave him another appraising look, then nodded, apparently satisfied. "Sorry. I promised not to meddle, didn't I? Just be a bit more discreet in future, will you? I don't relish having to exile myself in France with you when you do something hotheaded enough to set the law on our tails."

"You're a barrister. So am I, come to that. We'd think of a way out before it came to exile."

Lawrence laughed and relaxed. "I suppose we would. And speaking of the law, I have a visit to conduct."

"Meeting about a new client?"

"No," Lawrence admitted with mild chagrin, "going next door. Northcote has agreed to see me about Lady Higgleston's complaints."

Leo grinned. "Has he, now? That should prove interesting. Fruitless, but interesting."

"And you will be with Lady Thalia, of course."

Leo's grin widened. "Of course. Where else would I want to be?"

"What a pretty day for a drive," Thalia remarked a couple of hours later as she sat next to Leo in his curricle.

Gazing upward, she watched a trio of cottony white clouds lumber past in the pristine blue sky, a flock of sparrows winging this way and that as if they too were celebrating the fine weather. Only the cool, late October temperature offered any sort of challenge, but even that was easily moderated with the help of warm gloves and a thick woolen cloak.

"Are you taking me somewhere in particular?" she ventured as it became increasingly clear that they were leaving the city behind.

"Perhaps," Leo said cryptically. "You'll simply have to wait and see."

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