Dare To Love: Dare To Desire Part 18

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"Is there a problem, Mr. Ridgeway?" the judge asked.

Jonathan partially rose. "No, Your Honor." He lowered himself back into his seat.

"So after your mother took off and your father abandoned you in a shopping mall," the other attorney asked as he paced in front of Madison, "after seven unsuccessful foster placements, you landed with the Graysons. In a big house in a wealthy neighborhood, in the best school district for miles. You were bought new clothes, given your own room... Be honest, Ms. Evans. You saw the gold pot at the end of the rainbow, didn't you? An easy target in an older woman who couldn't have more children, who wanted a daughter ... You knew it would be better to suck up to her than to cause trouble like you had in your other homes, isn't that right?"

Madison's jaw worked back and forth before answering. "No. I loved Franny."

She folded her arms across her chest, a protective gesture Alex knew well. He also knew how hard it was for her to admit to those feelings, and it took all his willpower not to launch across the room and drag her into his arms and out of there.

But the lawyer wasn't finished demolis.h.i.+ng her pride. "Mr. Grayson testified you were always spending time with his mother when you weren't in school. Sucking up to her, putting thoughts in her head as you got older about how much better you'd treat her than her own son when she got sick. From there, it wasn't difficult to a.s.sume Daniel Grayson would include you in his will. And ultimately, you gained Franny's power of attorney, where you could put her in a home, sell her house from beneath her, and put the proceeds toward a rec center."

"That Franny wanted! She wasn't interested in destroying the land with overdevelopment. Eric, you know this. You know your mother better than that."

"You lying b.i.t.c.h!"

Alex rose to his feet, but the judge banged the gavel hard. "Silence."

"Your Honor, there are no questions being asked here!" Jonathan said loudly.

Eric's lawyer looked at the judge, acting contrite and sorry. "I apologize. I was just trying to establish undue influence, Your Honor."

The judge rapped his gavel. "You've more than made your point."

Hopefully the judge felt sorry for Madison and understood the true dynamic of her relations.h.i.+p with Franny Grayson, Alex thought. It was obvious how much she'd needed a mother, even if she hadn't said as much.

But as the next group of witnesses testified, things didn't get any better. Parents of Eric's friends backed up the amount of time Franny spent with Madison, who they all agreed hadn't gone out of her way to make friends in her new school. They all said they admired Franny for taking in a difficult child but wondered why she chose her over her own son, the implication of undue influence on Madison's part clear. Said it wasn't like the other woman, who valued her blood relatives dearly.

Although the hearing was supposed to last just one day, Eric's lawyer had drawn things out, and by the end of the day, everyone was exhausted, and it was too late for Jonathan to present Madison's witnesses to Franny's intent and state of mind. Or Jonathan's terrorizing his own mother at the nursing home.

The hearing would continue tomorrow. When, according to the message Alex played during a recess, he was scheduled to fly to New York.

By the time the long day ended, Madison's entire body trembled from exhaustion. Outside the courtroom, they parted ways with Jonathan, who promised to meet her at nine a.m. tomorrow.

Alex was quiet on the way back to her apartment, and Madison didn't have anything to say either. He stopped for food, and they ate it in silence. He allowed her the s.p.a.ce she needed to decompress. Once again, she was amazed at how well he knew what she needed. Even last night's argument took a back seat to today's drama, and she was too wiped out to even think. He parked in a guest spot at her building, and they walked inside and up to her place.

She sat down on her bed and pulled off her heels, groaning as she stretched her feet. Alex walked past her into the bathroom, and she heard the sound of running water.

"What are you doing?" she asked as he walked out.

"Running you a hot shower so you can relax." He shot her a smile and headed for her dresser, pulling out her favorite lounging pants and camisole.


"I'm serious. You need a breather. I want you to take one."

Her heart melted at his thoughtfulness. "Under one condition."

He raised his eyebrows.

"You take one with me." She didn't care what had kept them apart last night; she needed him now, and clearly he was here.

"I'm glad you asked."

They undressed in silence. Nothing erotic or s.e.xy about her exhausted movements, she thought. And as she stepped into the shower naked along with him, the hot water streaming over them, she didn't think anything had ever felt better.

She let out a long sigh of appreciation as she tilted her face up and let the spray wash away the stress of the day. She refused to let her mind replay the embarra.s.sment, mortification, or painful memories, concentrating instead on letting each tight muscle relax.

When his warm body wrapped around her from behind, his chest against her bare back, his thick erection between her cheeks, his arms around her waist, head on her shoulder, she melted back into him.

His hands settled on her belly, palms splayed, fingers dipping downward. "How much do you need to relax, Angel?"

His fingers trailed a path down to her thatch of hair and slid over her outer lips. "Alex," she moaned, her hips thrusting of their own accord, her c.l.i.t seeking pressure he wasn't yet willing to give.

One finger on either side of her s.e.x, he played with her, teasing, arousing her until she couldn't stand another second. "Alex, please."

"Please what?"

"Touch my c.l.i.t. Make me come." She heard the plea in her voice, the whine through the thick haze of arousal.

His harsh laugh vibrated through her body, his c.o.c.k hot and hard against her. "All you had to do was ask."

He s.h.i.+fted his wrist and captured her c.l.i.t between his fingers, starting slowly, gliding his fingertip up one side and down the other. She rolled her hips in time to his movements, whimpering at the onslaught of desire peaking inside her.

"Is this what you need?" he asked, sliding a finger deep inside and curling forward, hitting her in exactly the right spot.

"Yes," she groaned, her body so very close.

In and out he pumped the long digit until the ultimate wave crashed over her. At exactly the same moment, he tweaked her c.l.i.t with his free hand, and she shattered in his arms. He kept up the pressure and pumping of his hand until she rode out her o.r.g.a.s.m and fell against him, limp and sated.

He waited until she could stand and shut off the water.

She turned and looked into his dark eyes. "That was amazing," she said in a husky voice. "Your turn." She grasped for his erection, but he stepped out of reach.

"I told you, you needed to unwind and relax. You did. Now, let's get you dry and into bed."

She was amazed at how sleepy she actually was and let him run a towel over her hair and helped dry herself off before dressing in the clothes he'd picked out. "We usually sleep naked," she said drowsily.

"And we usually have s.e.x. If I have to lie next to your naked body, you won't get any sleep, and that's exactly what you need."

"Yeah," she said gratefully and over a yawn as she climbed beneath the blanket and cuddled into her pillow. "You're staying, right?" A part of her recognized that, had her defenses not been down, she wouldn't have asked. She couldn't bring herself to think, much less care.

"d.a.m.n right," he muttered. "I'm going to get dressed and join you." He brushed a kiss over her lips. "We'll talk in the morning," she thought she heard him say before darkness overtook her completely.


Madison awoke with a jolt, looked at the clock, and realized they'd both overslept. She remembered falling asleep first, and after Alex had taken care of her, he had obviously forgotten to set the alarm.

She shook him awake. "You have to hurry or we're going to be late."

"s.h.i.+t," he muttered, sitting up. The sheet draped around his waist, and his gorgeous chest greeted her, making her wish they had more time.

"Quit ogling and go shower," he said in a gruff voice.

She grinned and jumped out of bed, glad she'd woken up feeling better, with yesterday's nightmare behind her. One more day to get through.

They raced through their morning routine. She grabbed a quick shower and blow-dried her hair. When she was finished, she cracked open the bathroom door to get some cooler air while she put on a little bit of makeup.

Alex's voice sounded from the other room. "I understand it's an inconvenience, but I can't help it. Something important came up, and I need to be in town today. Remind them they called me about it at the last second yesterday, so me canceling today can't come as too much of a surprise."

She walked out of the bathroom as he ended the call. "What was that all about?" she asked, dressing for court as they talked.

He met her gaze, but his expression showed he was clearly uncomfortable. "I didn't get a chance to talk to you after the hearing yesterday. You were so tired and-"

"Just tell me," she pressed him.

"I got a message during a break in the hearing yesterday. My agent said the people in New York set up a flight and meetings for today and a test with Allison for tomorrow. I agreed because I thought the hearing would be finished, but things changed. So I postponed traveling."

A mixture of feelings a.s.saulted her at once. Grat.i.tude for his thoughtfulness, annoyance that the job existed at all, intruding on what would otherwise be a perfect situation between them, and then a gut cramp as the reality of what this job meant settled around her again.

"You need to go." She zipped her skirt and fussed with her blouse. "It's important, and today won't be nearly as grueling as yesterday. It's Jonathan's turn to prove our side, so Eric will be the one grilled, not me. I'll be fine." And she needed to relearn to stand on her own feet and not fall back on Alex when things went bad.

He narrowed his gaze. "I said from day one this was a we situation. You and me. I'm not going to leave you mid-nightmare just so I can-"

"Go test for something that could very well change your life? That means a lot to you? Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't need you there." Did she want him there? More than anything. But she wouldn't let him sacrifice his dreams for her.

"They can reschedule."

"What if they can't? Or won't? Or decide you're being difficult and go with someone else?" She picked her earring off the dresser and inserted it into her earlobe, doing the same to the other one.

He frowned at her. "You're pus.h.i.+ng me away."

"I'm being realistic. Today will be cake for me compared to yesterday, and if you weigh things, you need to be in New York more than you need to be here."

He studied her, as if he could get inside her head and decide if she was telling the truth or saying what she thought he wanted to hear. "Alex! Call them back and go to New York."

She turned away, hoping on hope she was doing the right thing by sending him there. Her mind insisted it was best, for him and for her. They were two independent people who would either make a relations.h.i.+p work or not. She didn't want to be a burden to him. But her heart? Oh, that had been battered and beaten so badly over the years she couldn't imagine how things could work out for them if he became a celebrity television star with the world-and women-at his beck and call once more.

"Are you sure?" He walked up to her, grasping her forearms and forcing her to meet his gaze.

She managed a bright smile. "Absolutely. Now go make your call and let me finish getting ready so I can grab some coffee before I go to the courthouse."

He hesitated. "I don't like leaving you."

"Well, you need to go," she said.

He placed a warm kiss on her lips.

Warm but quick, and in seconds, he'd grabbed his phone and dialed, already distracted by all the possibilities the bright lights and big city had to offer.

Madison had been right about today's events at the hearing. It was Eric's turn on the stand. He looked more disheveled than he had yesterday, giving her hope his appearance would have an impact on the judge. Jonathan was brilliant in his questioning, making it clear yesterday's character had been inaccurate.

Jonathan grilled him on his visit to his mother at dawn that had upset her so much, but Eric had that covered. He claimed he was a distraught son. Seeing his mother in a nursing home, knowing someone else was making decisions for her and for his family home, had all gotten to him. He sounded contrite and genuine, and he was lying through his teeth. But Jonathan had been unable to rattle him or get him to admit to needing the money from the sale of the land instead of donating it as Madison claimed Franny wanted. In the end, they'd done all they could.

Whatever way the judge decided, Madison knew she'd done her best by Franny, the same way the other woman had done for her. That's what mattered, and she could put her head on the pillow and sleep at night, knowing she'd given this fight with Eric her all.

She picked up dinner to eat at home and walked into her apartment at the end of the day, drained. She tossed her keys on the counter and poured herself a gla.s.s of white wine and ate alone before turning in for the night. It wasn't what she'd gotten used to, but it might be what she'd need to expect in the future.

Because the entire day had pa.s.sed, and Alex hadn't checked in. No text, no phone call, no email.

Overscheduled didn't begin to cover what Alex's agent and S&E had planned from the minute he landed in New York. His agent, Kevin Falcon, sent a car for him, and the first stop was a late lunch, at which Kevin toasted his return to the big time.

The other man's enthusiasm made Alex uncomfortable. He'd been out of the spotlight for a while now and had gotten used to the quieter way of living. Kevin began by a.s.suming the television test, which was now scheduled first thing tomorrow morning, would lead to him being offered the television show. Done deal. He had plans ready to go based on that.

Using the new job as leverage, he intended to put out feelers with big companies looking for hot sports guys for commercial ads. "Because within a month of the viral campaign I'm sure they'll launch, you'll be on everyone's lips, and women will flock to you again."

None of which had been on Alex's radar. None of which he was certain he wanted. And though he conveyed his reservations to Kevin, the other man clearly wasn't listening. He had his own agenda, which would line his pockets, and he expected Alex would give in and go along. Probably because, before his injury, he always had.

He then had a pre-dinner meeting with the head of S&E Network so the guy could schmooze with him ahead of the screen test with Allison Edwards. Alex didn't have the opportunity to get to know or a.s.sess the other man, as Kevin was up his a.s.s the entire time, as if he was afraid Alex would up and disappear on him before tomorrow.

And from there, his agent drove him over to the newest hot spot to see and be seen in town, so he could meet Allison for dinner and warm up to her before their on-air pairing test. For this meeting, Kevin decided to make himself scarce. Alex didn't understand the man except that greed was his sole motivation. All the years before, he'd never cared as long as the other man did his job. Today he saw Kevin more clearly and wasn't comfortable with his selfish, shark-like qualities.

"Make sure you get the chemistry flowing," Kevin said as his parting shot before dropping Alex off at the restaurant and a.s.suring him the limo would be waiting for him on his return.

The only good news in the entire day was that Rachel wasn't anywhere to be seen. Apparently she'd been used as the connection to Alex and that was it. Something he was grateful for. He was glad to have made peace with her and his past, but he certainly didn't want her anywhere near him in the future.

The restaurant, a place aptly named Buzz, was hopping with people, many of them famous. He caught sight of Eli Manning, the New York Giants quarterback, and his wife, and stopped to talk for a while. Eli was a guy Alex admired. Whereas while playing, he'd thought the man with his one woman was too tame, Alex now envied the home life the guy had and the way he managed his career. A few choice commercial spots, specific charity events, and time home with his family in between playing. Man, Alex realized now how screwed up his priorities had been before his injury. If his agent had his way, he'd be thrown right back into that fast-track way of life.

He ran his hand through his hair and groaned as he was. .h.i.t by the sudden need to hear Madison's voice. He hadn't spoken to her the entire day. h.e.l.l, he hadn't had five minutes to breathe or even think for himself.

He pulled his phone from his pants pocket and began to dial just as the hostess came over. "Mr. Dare? Your dinner companion has arrived. May I show you to your table?"

Resigned, he slid his cell back into his pocket and followed the woman over to where Allison Edwards sat waiting.

"Alex!" she said, rising as he walked over.

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