Weakness: No Longer Weak Part 2

Weakness: No Longer Weak -

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"Shhh," she said, then slowly unb.u.t.toned her dress. f.u.c.k, she was driving me crazy, knowing that I was trapped in the pilot's seat. Carefully, she removed her arms from the sleeves and tucked the material beside her. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s moved up and down with every heavy breath she took. She looked at me, asking with her eyes whether it was okay to unbuckle. I reached over, slid my hands against her bare stomach, and pressed the b.u.t.ton in to free her. When her back pressed against the cool metal door of the plane, she let out a long sigh and her hands drifted over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, down her belly b.u.t.ton, and into her panties.

Holy f.u.c.k. I wanted to rip those lacy panties off her body. I wanted her to feel the pain and pleasure that came from the snap. I wanted to feel her. I sat back in my seat and turned on the autopilot. We were at a high enough alt.i.tude to let the plane fly itself.

The warm glow of the afternoon sun reflected off her hair and washed over her body. What I would give to lay her down and wors.h.i.+p every inch of her body again. I'd had her earlier in the day, but it was never enough. My cravings could never be met. She pulled her hand from down below and slowly slipped the straps of her bra from her shoulders. Her nipples were hard, and little chill b.u.mps covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I f.u.c.king needed her.

I trailed my fingers up her leg and gently caressed her soft skin. She smirked at me, wearing nothing but those black lace panties. I released a deep growl while admiring her beautiful body.

"You're a f.u.c.king G.o.ddess," I whispered. She knew exactly what she was doing to me as she ran her fingers under the waistband of her panties, teasing me. I couldn't take my eyes off her, and I couldn't stand looking at that lace any longer. I leaned over in the seat, lightly trailed my hand up her leg, then grabbed that thin lace with a strong grasp and pulled.


Her mouth flew open and she gasped. I bunched the panties in my fist and tucked them into my pocket.

"Continue on, Ms. Downs. Don't start something you don't intend to finish," I said.

"Oh, I plan on finis.h.i.+ng, Mr. Felton," she said. She took her sweet a.s.s time exploring every inch of her body. My d.i.c.k hardened, and I didn't know how much longer I could be able to hold out. f.u.c.k. The control she had over me at this moment was scary. The wings cut the wind in half, and the sun gleamed through the window. Watching the sunset was one of my favorite parts of flying, but at this moment, my eyes were gravitating to Jennifer.

"Do you like that?" she asked.

I nodded. As if I were giving her approval, she dipped one finger inside her p.u.s.s.y and moaned. I leaned over, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to me. We were eye to eye.

"That's mine." I grabbed her finger and sucked on it, tasting her sweetness, and not letting her eyes move from mine. Then I leaned over and kissed her, hard, so hard that when we pulled away my lips throbbed. Her hands found their way to the b.u.t.ton of my pants. With a hard pull, she popped the b.u.t.ton right off. The zipper was down and Jennifer got on her hands and knees in the co-pilot chair, then kissed my lower stomach, teasing me with her lips. Then she grabbed on to my d.i.c.k, which was so f.u.c.king hard, and placed her mouth around the tip. I threaded my fingers through her hair as she licked and sucked me, but I pulled away before she took me all in.

"I can taste you," she purred, then twirled her tongue on the tip. I swallowed and leaned my head back in the seat, and she took me rough. Between gentle licks and sucks, she pushed me deeper into her mouth, almost gagging on my length. Each time she did it, my d.i.c.k begged for more.

I couldn't deny being a member of the Mile High Club but I had never let someone give me a b.l.o.w.j.o.b while I flew. d.a.m.n. This was something more. This was intense. This was an uncontrollable feeling that I couldn't push away.

I moved my seat back just a little, and when Jennifer stopped to look up at me, I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward me.

"Don't touch the yoke," I said. "Now f.u.c.k me."

She straddled me and carefully slid me inside her. She gasped as my hardness filled her. We were close, so f.u.c.king close, and I could hear her breathing increase in my ear as she rode me. I wrapped my arms around her back, holding her closer to me as I slammed my d.i.c.k inside her. I needed her to know what she did to me. I cupped my hands around her a.s.s and lifted her.

"f.u.c.k," she screamed out. The smell of her filled the c.o.c.kpit.

Her lips found their way to my neck, and she used her teeth to bite and suck.

"f.u.c.k me," I whispered in her ear. She became more animalistic with her movements as I thumbed her c.l.i.t. Jennifer was wild and greedy, taking in every inch of me as hard and fast as she could. We were gasping and struggling for get air as the impending searched for us. With strong hands, she grabbed my s.h.i.+rt and ripped it open. She was fierce. She was in control, but when she came, I was.

She moaned out and screamed my name.

"Finnley. Oh. My. G.o.d. Finnley. I love you," she said. She leaned in, kissing me, panting, struggling to regain control of her body, but she wasn't done yet. She took the time she needed then rocked her hips in slow circles. Once she had recovered, she picked up her pace into long, deep movements that caused her a.s.s to slap against my legs. Before I came, I forced her to look deep into my eyes, to see me, see inside me, see what she did to me. Then that was it. I couldn't hold back any longer as I stared into her deep, brown eyes. We were there, together, in the sky, breaking firsts for me and for her. Time seemed to stand completely still as we fully took each other in. Words couldn't dare make this moment any better. Emotions said everything that we couldn't.

Jennifer Downs wasn't the first woman in my plane, but she was the first woman I had made love to while flying.

"You're mine, forever," I whispered.

"Forever," she said then climbed off me and sat in the co-pilot's chair with a genuine smile on her lips. Her bun was a mess, and little strands of hair stuck to the sweat that had formed on her forehead. She leaned her head against the seat and stared at me. Happiness spread across me, and I couldn't hold back the smile that overtook my face.

"You know exactly what you f.u.c.king do to me, Jennifer. I don't even have to tell you."

"You're right," she said, with a knowing smirk on her face as she pulled at her clothes that were stuck between the seats.

Air traffic control bleeped across the radio, and I spout out the information needed to land. When she heard the word Houston leave my mouth, Jennifer's face instantly lit up. Maybe she knew what she did to me, but I was always a few steps ahead.



"Houston? Are you kidding me?" I asked. Memories of home flooded me along with a thick happiness that covered me like a third coat of paint. Finnley was the master of surprises and I couldn't stop smiling. Houston, I couldn't wait to see that beautiful city.

"When I spent the holidays in the States, away from my family for the first time, it was hard. I know your family isn't here anymore, but I thought if we visited for a weekend, it might help you. I know you're home sick."

"Thank you. Thank you so much," I said, wis.h.i.+ng I could hug and kiss him.

"No need to thank me, babe. I just want you to be happy."

He knew me all too well. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hide my excitement. I put my thigh highs back on, then b.u.t.toned and zipped my dressed. I buckled for the landing and watched Finnley try to adjust himself and make himself presentable. He ran his fingers through his messy hair, which did absolutely nothing, then zipped his pants. Moments later, he was spouting more words, and turned the plane to line up with the runway below. My heart raced as the plane touched down. We slowed and made our way to a private sector of the airport. Finnley pulled off to a cement pad with a big letter on it and stopped the plane. He looked down at his s.h.i.+rt and at the threads that were hanging without b.u.t.tons. He chuckled as he removed the s.h.i.+rt.

"Your death grip ruined my s.h.i.+rt and pants," he said.

"Oh no, Mister," I teased. "We are even for all the panties and dresses you've ruined since I met you."

"Even? I don't think so."

"We are!"

"No. We aren't." He unbuckled his seatbelt, and I unbuckled mine. He reached across my body, heat drifting off him, and opened the door to the plane. I stood and walked down the wing, carefully turned and placed my foot on the metal step, then stood on the pavement as Finnley opened the back door and pulled out a few suitcases. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

I sucked in a deep breath as I stood next to the plane. The air in Texas was very different from the air in Las Vegas. It was thicker and hotter. We had changed at least twenty degrees in temperature, and the wind was blowing hard. The sun peeked through the clouds and revealed nothing but the fading skies and setting sun. Though it was winter, green surrounded me. G.o.d, I had missed Texas.

Finnley stepped down beside me and placed a pair of black Ray-Bans over his eyes. He was nothing but smiles as he carried a bag over his shoulder and wheeled another. A man dressed in a suit stood next to a silver BMW outside the metal building. Finnley traded keys with the man, opened the back seat, threw in our bags, then opened my door. I buckled, and after he exchanged a few words with the stranger, he climbed inside.

"Gotta love last minute planning," he said, then handed me an envelope. "Go ahead. Open it," he said.

Inside were tickets to the Houston Ballet. "Seriously?" I asked.

He lifted an eyebrow and gave me one of those knowing looks that said, "Of course." He s.h.i.+fted the car into drive, and we took a side road until we were on the main road that led to the highway.

"Navigate," he said. The GPS instantly responded, requesting a direction. "Hotel Sorella."

He s.h.i.+fted into the next gear, and we were flying down the beltway. I stared out the window as we traveled at high speeds. The buildings, the city, and the highways that seemed to go on forever-it was home. Home. I couldn't wait to be there. I knew the saying, "Home is where the heart is," but nothing could ever replace the feeling of being in a place that I had visited almost every weekend growing up. Houston, Port Arthur, Beaumont-they were part of the Golden Triangle. It was home, and I loved being back. What made it even better was Finnley being with me. A smile crossed my face as he exited. We pa.s.sed the Red Oak City ballroom and turned into the parking lot. Finnley got out like he owned the place, grabbed our bags, and laid out his limitless credit card to the lady at the front desk before he slipped her the keys to the car for valet.

"Mr. Felton, here are the cards to your penthouse suite. If you need anything, please let us know. We appreciate you choosing to stay at Hotel Sorella."

"Thank you, Miss. I appreciate it," he said and met her hand as she slid the keys across the counter.

When we walked away, I turned and looked at the woman, whose mouth was wide open. Finnley did have that effect on women. I completely understood.

I shook my head as we walked toward the elevator, not saying a word. The look in his eyes when he glanced at me was almost too much. Funny how a simple look could still make me weak in the knees, make my heart palpitate, and stir a million different emotions inside me. We stepped into the elevator and I smiled as we rode to the top.

"Hold on to your panties, Ms. Downs. I've heard this room has the best view," he said.

"What panties, Mr. Felton? You've already ripped them to shreds."

He grabbed my hand and led me down a long hallway. At the end, he scanned the key and opened the door. I couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped my mouth. Wooden floors, beautiful light fixtures, full bar and kitchen, and a living room with windows that had the most perfect view of the outskirts of the city. We weren't quite downtown, but I was okay with being away from the hustle and bustle of the heart of Houston. Finnley walked past me, and I followed him into the bedroom. He laid the suitcases on the bed and turned with his arms folded.

"Shower. Dinner. Ballet. And another shower?"

I walked to Finnley and opened up his coat jacket. I ran my fingers up his t-s.h.i.+rt and smiled. "No need to boss me," I said, and he laughed at me as he unzipped my dress. I stood wearing just my bra and thigh highs in front of him. When I turned around to walk to the bathroom, his hand connected with my bare a.s.s. The pain of his touch shot through me. I turned and placed my hands on my hips, and looked him up and down.

"That's all you've got?" I whispered. He released a deep groan. I bit my bottom lip as a smirk crossed his face. I turned toward the bathroom, and he followed close behind, leaving pieces of his clothing in our wake.

"Houston, we may have a problem," Finnley whispered into my ear as I stood in the bathroom admiring the stark whiteness of everything.


"I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep my hands away from you during this trip."

"Then don't," I whispered into his mouth, and his arms instantly looped around my waist.

"Yes ma'am."

We exchanged a moment, his hands brushed across my body before he turned the water on scorching. Together we stepped inside. Steam rose to the top of the shower, and soon the gla.s.s doors fogged.

Finnley poured gardenia body wash into a loofah and washed every inch of me. I could get used to this sort of treatment. The sweet smell of honey-like flowers filled the room. I took the loofah and poured more body wash on top of it, then rubbed over it Finnley's abs and chest. Suds dripped down his stomach and legs. His hair was completely wet and slicked back. Each time I touched him, he closed his eyes and fully took in my touch. It was so s.e.xy. We had gone full circle. Our adventure had started with him bursting into my room while bathing, and now we were bathing each other. It was crazy to think how much had really changed between us. It seemed like a century had pa.s.sed, though it had been less than a year. Some people were just meant to be in one's life, and once they were there, it was hard to imagine a day without them. I smiled, and he watched me.

"I don't think you realize how much you mean to me, Jennifer."

Little shots of electricity coursed through me when I realized what Finnley had said. He opened his arms, and I leaned into his touch. The hot water poured over us as we stood in a close embrace, our bodies pressed against each other. I never wanted to let go.

Once our skin pruned, I turned off the water and opened the door. Steam flooded from the shower. Finnley handed me a robe from the hooks beyond the gla.s.s doors of the shower, then he took one as well.

"I just realized I didn't pack any clothes," I said.

"I've got you covered, literally," he said, then grabbed my hand and led me back to the bedroom. He leaned over and unzipped the suitcase, then pulled out navy lingerie and panties, a black dress with b.u.t.tons lined up the front, and a pair of heels that seemed to go on for days. I grabbed them and looked at him.

"Elite training, babe. They teach you to walk in heels way higher than that."

"Last time you're choosing my clothes."

"Doubt it. One must dress to impress for the theatre. It's etiquette," he said and pulled a suit from inside a zip-up bag.

I lay on the bed in my robe, stared at the ceiling, and yawned. I hadn't realized how tired traveling had made me.

Finnley zipped up his pressed dress pants and buckled his belt.

"We have a few hours before our reservations for dinner. We can visit the city tomorrow. Take a nap. You look tired."

That was all the permission I needed. I smiled, closed my eyes, and instantly drifted off to dreamland.

I tried to run away, but she always caught me. No matter how quick my feet were, I couldn't escape her wrath. The sharpness of the blade hummed as she swooshed it close to my face. The breeze from the swipe moved loose pieces of hair that had fallen from my ponytail. Since she missed, she aimed even lower. I felt it rip through my blue jeans and calf. I fell to the ground. The pain-it felt so real. It burned. I cried out, but no one was around to hear my pleas. With every bit of upper body strength I had, I tried to crawl away from her, but Jesse kept coming toward me with that snarl and maniacal laugh.

She wanted me dead. She would succeed.

I turned to look back at her as she gripped the knife, her knuckles white. Streaks of mascara ran down her cheeks as if she had been crying, but I knew her soul was too black for emotions like that. Her blood red lips curled into a smile. "You're dead," she whispered as she reared the knife back. As she inched closer, my heart rate increased, and I screamed again.

"Stop it. Stop. Stop."

I tried to kick her away, but it was useless. She stood over me and sat on my chest. She was too heavy for me to push away. With both hands around the hilt, she lifted the knife above her head and stabbed it into my heart. My life slipped away and pain filled me. Her laugh-all I could remember was her laugh.



She woke up screaming. I rushed to her side and pulled her into my arms. No matter how deeply she breathed, she couldn't seem to get enough air.

"I'm here, baby. I'm right here," I whispered. I rubbed my hand across her back in the hopes of calming her until she was fully awake, until she knew she was safe, until she realized I was by her side.

"It's never going to stop. This is never going to end," she said between gasps.

"It will. I can promise you that." And it would. I would make sure that this stopped.

I pressed my lips against hers, trying to kiss away the pain and fear that clouded her. I wanted to take it all away. She looked up at me as if I could save her from herself, and if I needed to be that man for her, I would be. She placed her hands on her face and sucked in a few deep breaths. Then, just as if nothing had happened, she changed the subject.

"My childhood dream was to perform in the Houston ballet. It was something I wanted. As I danced through college, I thought of quitting business and doing something I loved."

"I almost forgot that you danced. How silly of me," I said.

"I'm glad I didn't pursue it, though."

She received a raised eyebrow as a response.

"Because I would have never met you," she said as she interlaced her fingers with mine.

"I'm happy you didn't either, but who knows. We could have still met, fallen madly in love, and gotten married even if you were a ballerina." I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. My heart was so full of love for her. The cotton robe dropped to the floor, revealing the smoothness of her skin. I brushed my hands over the bare skin of her shoulders. Little chill b.u.mps formed on her arms, and I dipped my head down to kiss her shoulders. I walked to the closet, pulled her dress from the hanger, and handed it to her.

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