Weakness: No Longer Weak Part 13

Weakness: No Longer Weak -

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This trip was my opportunity to make sure everything was perfect. I called Luke and announced the good news, then called Caitlyn and let her know. Abbot got the call, but he already knew. I expected him to, since he was Jennifer's shadow.

I purchased the plane tickets and made sure we were on opposite sides of the plane. It had been years since I'd flown coach, but to add to the excitement and to pamper my bride, I'd do anything. We would fly in secret so no one would follow us. Abbot worked on a diversion so there would be no chance of us being followed. Flights were being booked in my name to three different states while our flights and reservations were made in Caitlyn's name. Perfect. No one knew of her yet, not even Jesse.

Surprises were my specialty. When I watched the surprised reaction on someone's face, it created an excitement inside me that I almost couldn't contain. Jennifer couldn't even dream of what I had in store, and that brought a smile to my face.

Two knocks pounded on my office door, and I couldn't wipe the crazy grin away. It was tough being in love, and so madly and deeply that I had no control over something as simple as a smile.

Lori walked in with a huge grin covering her face, and I gave her one of those confused looks. Since Jesse had been fired, Lori had stepped up as though she were meant to wear the pants and run the place. She was my second in command, who was professional at all times, courteous to others, but refused to take c.r.a.p or kiss anyone's a.r.s.e. Leader came to mind when I thought of her. Some people were born with it, and I truly believed she was.

"Finnley. Wait. Why are you smiling like a lunatic?" She flipped her hair over her shoulders and sat at the desk in front of me.

"What are you smiling about?"

I had a feeling we were both happy about different things, but I couldn't be sure.

"I can't say," I said. Everyone had been sworn to secrecy, and though I wanted to tell her, I couldn't.

"I can't either," she said.

Well then, I guess we were at a stalemate, and neither one of us had any more moves.

"Okay, well I can't hold it in any longer. We are planning a spring thing, so I wanted to ask you if I could request a few weeks off in April. We are trying to buy plane tickets for our honeymoon."

I clapped my hands and leaned back in my chair. "A wedding. Congrats, Lori. You deserve to be happy, and since I've got you, what's one thing for your wedding that is a must for you."

"Good cake. I don't care about anything else."

I burst out in laughter, and when she stood, I walked around my desk and gave her a big hug. I couldn't have been happier for her.

"Yes, April is fine. Let me pay for your trip."

"I couldn't let you do that," she said.

"It's my gift to you. Contact travel. Fly first cla.s.s. Book your hotels. I'm paying for it, no ifs, ands, or buts about it."

Her mouth dropped open and she covered it with her hands.

I nodded at her glistening eyes. "Okay. Don't start crying now and getting all soft on me. You know I can't handle that," I said, pus.h.i.+ng her toward the door. She said thank you, gave me a firm handshake, then left. Lori would be married in April. I felt terrible for not telling her about Jennifer and I this weekend, but I couldn't, and I didn't want to take away her thunder. It was her moment, and she deserved to enjoy it.

Mrs. Jennifer Felton would receive the greatest gift of all. Knowing she would take my last name made me so proud, and I couldn't think about anything else. I closed my eyes and imagined every little detail about that day-the happiness on her face, the beautiful dress, and the blueness of the sky. What stuck out the most for me in my daydream was Jennifer. G.o.d, she was breathtaking.

A thought struck me, and I quickly texted Abbot to tell Jennifer because I knew they were together.

Me: Tell your shadow sister that she is responsible for writing her vows.

Abbot: Insert groans. LOTS of them!!!!

I hadn't expected anything less from him.

Being away from her, or at a distance from her for forty-eight hours, would be hard, but I would make sure that I followed through, and I would make sure Caitlyn kept Jennifer in check and that they were safe. Everything was changing so quickly, and once the s...o...b..ll started downhill, I knew it would eventually become an avalanche. I welcomed the chaos. I welcomed Jennifer Downs into my life forever.

Knowing I couldn't work any longer, I scheduled a few days off with Lori, then grabbed my briefcase and left. Before I got into the car, my phone rang, and I noticed it was an unknown number. I held the call up to my ear and waited, just as Abbot always did.

"It's Baxtor," that scruffy voice mumbled into the phone.


"Jesse is going to make her move tomorrow. Be ready. Not sure what's planned, other than she has a plan."

"Abbot know?"


"She knew we were flying out tomorrow?"

"That's what caused this change of plans on her part."

Baxtor hung up without saying anything else. I couldn't risk one of the most monumental days of our lives being ruined. There would have to be a last minute change in plans. I rushed to buckle up and slammed on the gas while I called the travel department to change our plans.

We would leave by nightfall.

We would leave within the next few hours so we would all stay safe.



"Today?" I questioned Abbot. "Finnley said tomorrow."

"Change of plans, sweetheart." He had just enough sarcasm and annoyance in his tone to set me off. I shook my head at him and he smiled. Jerk.

I threw clothes into two suitcases. Winter clothes and summer clothes, lingerie for every possible occasion, a bathing suit just in case, and toiletries.

Liam, a younger man with dark brown hair and golden brown eyes, walked in carrying my dress like precious cargo. He handed it to me, and I thanked him.

I glanced over at Abbot, who was nodding his head as though he were the boss. "I had you covered. Couldn't leave town without the dress, princess."

I walked to Abbot and gave him a huge hug. It took a minute for him to hug me back, and then he laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing that some of that bad boy persona was an act. Come on, I knew deep down inside he was a sonnet-reading, Shakespeare-loving kind of person, or maybe he was fooling me.

Abbot handed my bags to Liam and rushed me around.

"You're going to make me forget something."

"Tough. Have your hubby buy it for when you get to-"

My eyes widened because when he almost gave it away.

I grabbed a little notebook and decided I would write the vows Finnley was forcing me to write on the plane. What would I say? There was too much. How did a person know when to stop, or whether they had enough? My nerves were getting the better of me, and though it had only been hours since I'd seen Finnley, I already missed him.

"All right. Got to go. No more wasting precious time." Abbot shoved me by the shoulders out the room, down the stairs, and into the back of the limo where Caitlyn was waiting for me. Between her fingers, she held a black cloth. She twisted it then smoothed it out. She looked down at it then back at me.

"What's that?"

"Here," she said, handing me a small little envelope. On the back was a seal, one I recognized from the Elite. I hurried and opened the letter, then read it.

The next time you see me will be on our wedding day.

Caitlyn has instructions for you.

Listen to her.

Can't wait for you to be my wife.

I love you.

-Finnley Felton A chill swept over me and a grin touched my lips when I saw the curly F's. Finnley's perfect little F's.

I tucked the letter back into its envelope and placed it in the front of my backpack.

"So you've got instructions for me? I'm ready." This was a game that I couldn't wait to win.

"You must wear this blindfold until we get on the plane."

I looked at her as though she were crazy. "Through the airport?"

She nodded. "Actually, starting now."

Shocked was an understatement. I turned my body in the seat and allowed her to place the blindfold on me.

"Can you see?" she asked, and I tried to peek, but before I could answer, she was placing another blindfold on top of that one. "For good measure Finnley insists."

He knew me too well.

After minutes that felt like long hours pa.s.sed, I heard the revving of an engine speeding down the driveway, and I knew it was Finnley. My heart sped just at the thought of seeing him because I knew that I couldn't, and that made me want to so much more. The trunk slammed in the back of the limo, and I could smell him when he slipped inside. I wasn't ready for the car to speed off.

"Oh, this is not fair. You get to see me, but I don't get to see you."

Caitlyn laughed, and so did Luke. Luke? But I never heard Finnley, though I could feel him in the car, staring at me. I imagined he was wearing his signature smirk, and that alone made me release a wavering breath. Caitlyn and Luke chatted with each other like they were the best of friends.

"Oh, you should see the dress Jennifer picked out. It's absolutely stunning," Caitlyn said, nudging me. Then all I could think about was how the bottom of the dress flowed like sheets in the wind, and how it fit my body perfectly, and really would after the alterations.

"I have no doubt that it is as beautiful as she is," Finnley said, and I found myself breathing more heavily, my heart beating more rapidly, and all my thoughts focused on him. His voice was pure seduction, low and s.e.xy, as if he didn't want me to hear him talk as he sat right in front of me, facing me, watching me. He gave me just enough for me to crave more of him. I was halfway tempted to rip the blindfold from my face, but I knew the rules, and I had to follow them. Finnley had always been the referee, and I was always the player.

Heat hit my cheeks, and the car felt warm. Slowly, I removed my jacket and unb.u.t.toned the top b.u.t.ton of my s.h.i.+rt. For a second, I thought I heard him swallow. I unb.u.t.toned another one to show just enough cleavage to drive him crazy, and that's when I heard him inhale. I sat back, crossed my arms, and smiled. He may have won the first round, but I think I just secured a victory for the second.

Caitlyn looped her arm around mine and led me through the airport. While the bags were checked, I stood by the wall in the dark. I wondered what people thought of me as I stood there with a blindfold strapped around my head. When we reached security, Caitlyn undid the material. I turned and searched for Finnley, but he was nowhere around. As soon as I went through, the blindfold was placed back over my eyes, and she led me to a plastic chair. We waited, and I closed my eyes, almost falling asleep. As I dozed off, Caitlyn grabbed my arm, pulled the blindfold off, and handed me my ticket. I glanced down at the ticket, then back at her.


She gleamed as she handed the flight attendant her ticket and headed down the metal hallway that led to the plane. As soon as we stepped in, we were escorted to first cla.s.s and were the first ones on board.

I glanced down at my ticket and realized we had one connecting flight at LAX, Los Angeles. I couldn't wait to feel the warm California sun, even if it was only for an hour. The seat swallowed my body whole, and I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. I woke up when the flight attendant asked if we would like drinks. I shook my head and tried to fall back to sleep, but I couldn't. The sun was setting, and I watched out the window as the sky faded from a warm glow to darkness.

My thoughts wandered to Finnley being somewhere on this plane at this exact moment. I sucked in a deep breath then exhaled. Finnley. All I wanted to do was to feel and taste his lips on mine. Slowly, I was crumbling at the core, and soon I would be nothing more than dust.

Caitlyn grabbed my hand and squeezed it, then leaned in close to me. "I'm so happy for you," she said.

California was warm, but I didn't get the chance to see the sun s.h.i.+ning or the water gleaming. It was close to eight o'clock, and I was starved. We stopped and ate quick sus.h.i.+. Though I never saw Finnley, I knew he wasn't far. No, Finnley wouldn't allow that. Once we were finished, we made our way to the waiting area for Honolulu. The flight would take six hours but would feel like nothing in business cla.s.s. Soon we were boarding again.

Extra large leather seats that reclined lined the windows.

"Welcome to the business Elite experience with Delta, please let me know if you need anything. Enjoy your flight," the flight attendant said. She guided us to our place, and we both snuggled into the comfort of the seats. Flying like this should be illegal. There really was luxury at every alt.i.tude as they claimed.

Six hours and I would be surrounded by white sand and blue water, but I was most excited to see the man who had stolen my heart, captured my breaths, and haunted my dreams.

Finnley f.u.c.king Felton.



I watched her board from a distance and quickly called Abbot.

"Are we still safe?"

"I've got men watching the four of you until you board. Jesse has no f.u.c.king idea and I love it. Make sure to have lots of s.e.x. See you when you get home. If I hear of anything you'll be the first to know. My silence means you're safe."

I relaxed and ended the call as I continued to watch her. It would have been so easy to walk up to her, pull her into my arms, and take her breath away. If it weren't for Luke telling me to wait, I probably would have. Though I had ma.s.sive amounts of control, when it came to Jennifer, it seemed to all slip through my fingers like sand.

I memorized the way she laughed and smiled when she was happy. Her eyes wandered around, and I knew she was looking for me, trying to spot me before she got on the plane, but she never would.

"You really love her, don't you?" Luke asked.

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