The Guardian Angel: Oblivion Part 5

The Guardian Angel: Oblivion -

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His words warmed me. I loved that Eli was always so attentive.

"I fell asleep, apparently." I yawned and there was a dull ache in the bottom of my spine from sleeping on such an uneven surface.

A soft smile played across Eli's lips as he watched me. An unsettling, guilty feeling rested in the pit of my stomach.

"I visited Hunter today," I blurted out, dropping my sight to the second pile of clothes on my bed. I kept my eyes down and he leaned over, his biceps tensing as he pushed most of my clothes off the bed and onto the floor. My little purple suitcase was buried somewhere underneath the mess of fabric and when I looked up at him, he seemed unapologetic for it. He sat down on the bed next to me, his legs placed firmly on the floor. I shuffled along the mattress until I was right next to him.

"I know," he said, with no trace of frustration or disappointment on his face. "Faith told me."

Of course she did. I never thought I'd say it, but I was looking forward to going to the council's city. Perhaps then they'd call off their dogs...Faith was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Faith." I sighed, falling backwards on the bed. I shoved my hands under my head and Eli turned his body, looking at me from over his shoulder. I could see him hiding a smile and I glowered at him.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?"

He shrugged, leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows. He was so close to me and I tried to keep the glower on my face, but the clean, crisp smell of the cologne that emanated from him was distracting-he was distracting. He chuckled under his breath as his finger curled under the hem of my s.h.i.+rt and he drew little circles on my hip bone.

"I don't enjoy Faith toying with you, but I enjoy seeing you deal with someone who wants something that's yours. It sucks, doesn't it?"

I let out a slow, controlled breath, not wanting him to see how badly his touch was affecting me. "Yes."

His warm finger slid across my skin to circle my belly b.u.t.ton and I caught my bottom lip between my teeth to keep from giggling. I was very ticklish, especially in that area. His hand smoothed out, gliding over to my other hip and my eyes stayed locked on his as he gripped me and pulled me against him.

"I meant it when I said you have nothing to worry about. I'm yours."

His voice was low and smooth. It filtered through my flesh and ignited my blood, making my skin tingle. He angled his head and my breath caught in my throat as he pressed his tantalizing lips against mine. My body responded immediately, like our kiss was some sort of chemical reaction. I s.h.i.+vered as Eli ran his tongue along my bottom lip, coaxing me into opening my mouth. I did without hesitation. There was something nagging at me in the very back of my mind. Something I was supposed to do, but conveniently couldn't remember. It wasn't until Eli's hand slid down my waist and over my hip before hooking his thumb underneath the hem of my pants did I remember. I pulled back abruptly, clamping my hand down on his wrist and biting my bottom lip. How was I going to tell him about Hunter? Eli looked at me and his lips twitched into a confident smile.

"I sent the elites to dinner. It's just us."

He leaned in again and I pressed my hand to his hard chest, preventing him from making contact with his lips... boy, were they nice lips. I shake my head. Focus! "It's still cutting it close. I can't give Faith a reason to ruin my life or yours." I sighed. "Anyway, this isn't just about her...It's about Hunter."

I fought the urge to cringe as Eli's previously vibrant green eyes darkened. He removed his hand from my s.h.i.+rt.

"It's true, he's sired to me."

"And you believe him?" His tone wasn't accusing or sceptical. It was casual, like he was trying to be understanding. I nodded.

"He knew you and I were together yesterday."

"Not a difficult a.s.sumption. We're almost always together."

I sat up and Eli mimicked my movement.

"No, he knows we left Sage and he knows we..." I left my sentence for Eli to finish in his own mind.

"Knows we what?"

c.r.a.p, now I have to say it. I felt heat flood to my cheeks. "You know, in the car."

Realization flashed over his countenance. "Oh...right. He knew?"

Eli tried to hide a smirk, but he couldn't, and I nudged him with my shoulder.

"Let me guess, he asked you to stop spending time with me because he can't handle it."

"No, it was quite the opposite, actually. He doesn't want me to stop."

He laughed once, his smug expression falling. "I don't know which is worse."

I rea.s.suringly ran my hand over his shoulder and into his hair, letting the short strands slip between my fingers.

"We're leaving tomorrow to see the council, so we should probably cool it for a little while, anyway," he added and I leaned in close.

"For a little while," I repeated, kissing his soft cheek.

We admired each other for a little while longer. We touched and kissed, but didn't take it into heavier territory. Eli wanted to, though. Every move and look he gave me told me he wanted to go further, but I couldn't. Not until the connection between Hunter and I was sorted out.

When we heard the scuff of heavy boots on the porch, we decided we didn't want to be in the house anymore and Eli was adamant about me eating dinner, so he forced me from the house with the promise of Caesar salads with the 'most delicious' cherry tomatoes. Faith and Tate followed closely behind us as we made our way toward the dining hall. Eli a.s.sured me the students had gone to back to their dorms and I prayed that was the case. It was weird. I didn't a.s.sociate myself with the other students here anymore. I felt older-wiser, even.

Two teachers I didn't recognize sauntered from the hall and pa.s.sed Eli and I with a nod. Once inside, we chose a table in the far corner, away from the eager ears of the elites. Eli disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a salad topped with cherry tomatoes just like he promised.

I could feel Faith's dark eyes on my face while I ate. Every now and again I'd look up at her and she'd be glowering at me from under her thick, black eyelashes. Eli was talking about tomorrow. Apparently, I'd be traveling with Mr. Aleksandrov, Mila, Hunter, and Tate. He'd be travelling with Xavier and Faith.

"The setup is a bit weird, don't you think?" I asked.


I shrugged, popping a juicy tomato into my mouth. "Yeah, our car is packed full, but there's plenty of room in yours. Besides, how'd the elites get here? Shouldn't they take their own car?"

I watched as he brought his water bottle to his lips and took a quick sip. He smiled, wiping the back if his hand across his mouth. "I guess it's a little weird, yeah, but you didn't expect Mr. Aleksandrov to stick you and me in a car alone, did you? We're only driving for a two hours, anyway. The rest will be by plane."

I choked on my own saliva. "Plane-as in airplane?"

h.e.l.l no! I couldn't go on a plane. The thought of being so high up made me sick.

"You're scared of being in the air?"

"Absolutely. If the plane falls, we are all dead. Eli, I can't go on a plane."

He screwed his lid back on his bottle. "Okay, so I'll let Mr. Aleksandrov know you're anxious and he'll sort something out."

"Like alcohol?" I perked up. "Because I'm going to need at least one whole bottle of vodka to-"

"First of all," he interrupted. "You're tiny, one whole bottle of vodka would probably kill you, and I'm one hundred percent sure Mr. Aleksandrov won't give you alcohol."

I slumped into myself. "No fun."

"I'm sure being trapped on a plane with the Elites and Hunter will be fun enough."

I rolled my eyes. If the anxiety from being in the air wasn't enough, I also had to deal with being in very close proximities with Faith, Hunter and Eli. Maybe I should sneak some vodka on the plane...

Chapter Four.

I can hear him laugh a dark, cold laugh and it pierces my flesh, sinking straight to my bones and chilling me from the inside out. No. It can't be. I killed him...Lucian is dead.

"Ruby," he calls, his voice echoing through the darkness. "I'm coming for you."

A jolt of fear courses through me as I frantically search the dark room. It's pitch black and all I have are my hands to guide me. I keep them outstretched in front of me, waiting to run into a wall or a piece of furniture. I feel myself breaking into a cold sweat as full-on panic bubbles inside of me...I'm going to die.

"W-what do you want from me?" I ask, my voice quivering.

I stop walking and spin slowly in a circle, continuing to stare anxiously into the blackness.

"What do I want from you?" He laughs once and I flinch. "I want to take your life, like you took mine."

I'm slammed from behind and a scream tears from me. The wind is forced from my lungs as I'm crushed against the concrete beneath me by a cold, hard body. Suddenly, the lights come on in a flash, leaving me squinting into the sudden brightness. The smell of decomposing wood fills my nostrils.

"You didn't think I'd kill you in the dark, did you?" He chuckles. His chilling breath freezes the hair on the back of my neck. "No. I want to see the fear in your eyes. I want to hear you cry." He lowers his voice until it's barely a whisper. "I want to taste your tears."

His hands curl around my arms, squeezing with devastating force and I gasp as he flips me onto my back. Pain splits my head in two as it crashes into the concrete. After a few seconds, I open my eyes. The minute movement sends a headache surging through my skull. My heartbeat instantly skyrockets until it's violently slamming against my ribs. Looking Lucian in the face again is terrifying. I grit my teeth and clench my jaw against an onslaught of tears. I won't cry for him.

One of his hands releases me as he reaches behind him and produces a stake from his back pocket. I eye the thin, sharp weapon as he draws it to my chest and teases the b.u.t.ton on my s.h.i.+rt with its pointed tip. I grimace every time it scratches against the plastic b.u.t.ton.

"I'm going to kill you with this stake," he tells me. I swallow harshly.

His black, soulless eyes glare into mine as he presses the tip of the stake into my chest.

"I'm going to go slow," he growls. "I want you to feel every single jolt of pain that I'm going to inflict on you."

He presses harder and I feel my skin begin to stretch and give way under its point. A pain-filled groan escapes my lips as I thrash underneath him.

"Stop!" I beg, letting my tears fall.

I try harder to push him off me, but he doesn't budge. I cry out as I hear a distinct crack and pain flares sharply through my chest. A rib? I can't tell. There was too much pain going on in that area. I squeeze my eyes shut, not giving Lucian the satisfaction to read my emotions.

Suddenly, the pressure in my chest is relieved and my eyes shoot open to see Lucian fly through the air before landing hard on his back. Strong arms seize me and pull me to my feet. Instinctively, I hunch over, grasping my chest. Two fingers slide under my chin, tilting my face up to the bright light and I squint, trying to see into the face of my savior. The tall figure leans to the left, blocking out the harsh light and relief floods me as my gaze rests on a pair of green irises.

"Eli?" I gasp, melting into him and resting my cheek on his chest.

He's here. He's going to save me.

I pull my face back as something wet and sticky rolls down my cheek. A dark liquid stains his black s.h.i.+rt and I reach up to touch it. When I withdraw my fingers, I see they're covered in blood. Panic tears through my veins, stealing my breath. I snap my neck to look at Eli's face and he doesn't seem to realize he's bleeding profusely from his chest.

"Eli, you're bleeding," I tell him, my voice quivering.

"So are you."

I glance down at my white b.u.t.ton up s.h.i.+rt. Blood has drenched the entire front of the fabric and continues to spill, leaking sticky blood down my stomach.

A blood curdling scream rips from me as a burning pain shoots up my arm, on my bicep. Eli's face cringes and he hunches, grasping his own arm. I look at my arm and almost faint at the sight of the thin chunk of wood that's protruding from it.

"Well, isn't this interesting." Lucian chuckles, yanking the wood from my arm. I cry out, dropping to the floor.

Eli copies my movements and blood trickles down his arm, from the exact same place as mine.

"It seems whatever happens to you, happens to him."

I can hear the c.o.c.kiness in Lucian's tone and it infuriates me. I jump to my feet and whip around to Lucian. I grab the stake from his hand and kick him backwards. He stumbles, barely, and instantly zips forward, taking the stake back and slamming it into my shoulder. I scream-Eli groans-and I immediately fall to my knees.

"Beg for me to stop, Ruby," Lucian growls in my ear.

I shake my head, refusing to give in to him.

"You're no fun," Lucian huffs.

His black leather shoes clap against the smooth concrete floor as he slowly makes his way over to Eli. Gritting my teeth, I crane my neck to look at Eli. His face is pinched in pain as his hand clasps his shoulder. I don't know what's wrong. Why won't he fight Lucian? Why isn't he talking?

"It seems physical pain doesn't bother you. Congratulations, you can't be tortured."

I watch him as he kneels behind Eli. My breathing is shallow and every large breath I take sends a new world of pain around my body. Eli's green eyes flick to my face and he watches me blankly. There's no emotion on his face-no pain-and tears begin to stream down my cheeks. It's all so weird, so strange.

Lucian c.o.c.ks his arm back and I throw myself forward. "No!"

He thrusts his arm towards Eli's back, sending the stake through Eli's chest. Pain spreads up my spine, forcing me to the floor- I shot up out of bed, grasping my chest and raking my hand through my damp hair. My chest rose and fell in a deep pant and I watched as my blanket fell off the edge of the bed. I exhaled and dropped back onto my pillow. I was was all a dream. I was never going to get used to this nightmare thing. Was it ever going to stop? Normally, I dreamt about running through a forest, desperately trying to find Mila and Eli. Most nights I found them, only to watch them be slaughtered in front of my eyes. Other nights, I was killed before I could reach them.

I turned my attention to the window. The sun was barely up, coating everything in an eerie, dull light. Outside, I heard Tate clear his throat. I had to give it to them. The elite guards definitely had dedication. I rolled onto my side, trapping my hands underneath my pillow. My breathing began to slow, taking the light sheen of sweat with it. I wish Eli was here with me...I wanted to snuggle into him. He made me feel safe and that's what I wanted right now.

To feel safe.

I handed my suitcase to Lyric and he lifted it over his head before sliding it into the car. I ran my hands over my face, desperately trying to wake myself up. I hardly slept a wink last night and after the nightmare, I didn't want to.

I heard Faith yawn and I glanced over my shoulder as she stretched her arms high.

Hearing her and Tate chat outside my door in low tones all night didn't help much, either.

"Sleep well?" Hunter's familiar voice filtered through my ears and I snapped my head to the left, meeting his bright blue eyes.

A smile spread across my lips. It was nice to see him out in the fresh air-and in the sun. It made everything I went through to bring him back worth it.

"You know I didn't."

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