The Guardian Angel: Oblivion Part 3

The Guardian Angel: Oblivion -

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Chapter Three.

The next morning, I stood at the base of my bed packing my clothing into a purple suitcase Mila had lent me. She was doing the same thing as me this morning. It turned out that the council wanted ALL of us to go-Mr. Aleksandrov, Mila, Lyric, Xavier, Eli, Hunter, and me. Aaron and Sera were the only ones neglected from the request. Not that it mattered, they were out on a mission, somewhere. On my porch, a woman cleared her throat. Last night, while we were sleeping, elite guards from the council were sent in to keep an eye on things and to make sure we got there safely. I rolled my eyes. Basically, they didn't trust our guardians so we weren't allowed to use them. It was annoying. Low voices filled my house and not a second later, Xavier and Lyric's heads peered into my bedroom.

"You're still packing?" Xavier chuckled, like it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen.

"Yeah, I don't even know where we're going." I held up a short sleeved s.h.i.+rt and a thick jumper. "Do I pack for hot weather or cold weather?"

He shrugged. "Both...I guess."

I exhaled and threw them both into my suitcase. "What are you guys doing here, anyway?"

"It's time for training."

"That's happening today?"

Lyric snorted. "What kind of question is that? Of course it's happening. We train in rain or s.h.i.+ne."

"But we're leaving tomorrow...I have to pack."

"Pack later. Put your uniform on and let's go."

Somehow, Lyric was more a.n.a.l about training than Eli was. Eli...I hadn't seen him since we left Mr. Aleksandrov's house last night. He was probably sleeping now. I wished I could sleep. Last night was filled with endless nightmares-like every night since the attack on the school. I just couldn't get away from it. With a heavy sigh, I pulled on a fresh guardian uniform, tied my hair into a high ponytail, and met Xavier and Lyric on the porch. They stood opposite the elite guards with their back to them. It was weird seeing the exact same uniform in two different colors. I preferred the black uniform. It looked more bada.s.s.

The elites followed us off the porch and I glanced at them awkwardly over my shoulder. They kept their heads high, watching the world in front of them. One of them was a female, the other, male, and they looked eerily similar-no doubt brother and sister. Both had brown eyes and dimples regardless of their facial expression and the male on the left was taller and wider than the girl.

Some of the guardians we pa.s.sed on the way gym watched us. It was clear n.o.body liked having the elites here. I sure as h.e.l.l didn't. They represented uncertainty... and everything else I was trying to stay away from.

Training went smoothly. I was a little disappointed Eli didn't come and watch me like he usually did because today I managed to block every punch and kick that Xavier threw at me. It was awesome. The elite guards stood against the back wall-watching, always watching.

"You did good today, Ruby. I'm very impressed." Lyric said, bringing me a small bottle of water. I gulped back a mouthful and it hurt my chest. I was definitely exhausted.

"Thanks." I panted, closing the lid. "I was really trying."

"I noticed. Maybe I should have elite guards around during our training sessions more often. It seems to be the only thing that makes you focus."

I rolled my eyes. "I was just making a statement. I might be small and girly, but I can kick a.s.s when I want to."

"Let's see," the female elite guard called from across the room. I wasn't even aware they could hear us.

I turned to face her and her thin lips smirked at me as her brother chuckled.

"See what?"

She shrugged, smugly. "Let's see if you can kick my a.s.s."

My brows pulled together. "Why would I want to fight you? That's not what you're here for."

Her long legs stretched out in front of her as she made her way over to us on the mats. Her brown eyes narrowed in on me, her distaste coming through loud and clear in her scowl.

"Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you...much."

I arched an eyebrow at Lyric and he returned my look with the same confused expression.

"I'm not going to fight you," I half laughed, half spat.

A wry smile played on her lips. "Are you scared?"

In frustration, I clenched my water bottle tighter in my hand. "Definitely not."

"Then what's the matter?"

I stepped forward, but Xavier grabbed me by the elbow, stopping me from taking another step. I kept my eyes locked on hers as he spoke.

"Ruby," he said, his voice low and gruff. "Ignore her. You don't want to do anything drastic before your hearing."

I glared at her. She seemed hostile toward me and I had no idea who she even was. I pulled my elbow free from Xavier's grasp.

"What's your problem?"

"You're my problem. I don't like you. You're, stubborn and stupid. I hate that you've been given the t.i.tle guardian. You're not and you never will be."

Okay, now I was p.i.s.sed. I took a step forward, prepared to accept her challenge, but Xavier's hand found my elbow again. I yanked my arm free. "You know nothing about me."

"You'd be surprised. Your name comes up regularly in the council meetings."

The gym door opened, but I didn't take my eyes off the random elite girl. I didn't have to. I'd been in enough situations to know exactly who stepped through that door. Eli had some strange sixth sense, I swear.

"Ruby?" Eli asked cautiously.

I didn't answer him.

"This girl is crazy." Xavier informed him. "She's trying to fight Ruby."

The girl's lips twitched at the comment, but here yes didn't dare dart from mine.

"And why are they still in the same room?"

"Because I'm finding this really interesting."

Eli exhaled in annoyance before coming to stand next to me. He wasn't wearing his guardian uniform, just a polo t-s.h.i.+rt and a pair of jeans. His hair was dishevelled-almost sleepy. He looked good from the corner of my eye, but I didn't turn to get a better look.

"Are you done?" he asked and I swear he was implying that I was the one who started it.

I could feel Eli's eyes watching the side of my face, but I couldn't take my eyes off the girl.

"I haven't even started," I growled through clenched teeth.

The girl chuckled, straightening her stance. "You better do what your angel says." Then she turned away from me, leaving me feeling disrespected. She had the nerve to challenge me and then thinks she can just walk away? No. The plastic bottle creaked in my grasp as my fingers twitched. Without thinking it through, I c.o.c.ked the bottle behind my shoulder and threw it at her. The plastic sailed through the air before colliding with the back of her head. The boys in front of me gasped, and beside me, Eli stiffened. His arm shot out and firmly grasped my forearm. He yanked me toward him, partially tucking me behind his body. The girl whirled around abruptly-her nostrils flaring as she bared her teeth. She was p.i.s.sed but I couldn't help myself. I smiled at her.

"You little bi-" Her brother grabbed her by the arm, stopping her from launching herself at me. I didn't even notice him come toward us. I was too busy watching her.

"Not now, Faith," her brother stated. "Asking for a friendly spar is one thing. Fighting her for no reason is another thing entirely. You don't want to upset the council."

"She threw her freaking bottle at me, Tate!" Faith snapped as she looked at her brother. Her face seemed vulnerable and I wondered how old she was-at least twenty-two. When she realized her brother wasn't going to change his mind, she straightened her stance once again and brushed off her uniform.

"We'll meet you outside when you're finished here." Her brother strode from the gym and Faith followed, but not before her long index finger brushed over Eli's forearm. Oh, h.e.l.l no! I started forward, but Eli's arm gripped me tighter, forcing me to stay put.

"You should be spending your time with a real guardian."

Are you kidding me? In a huff, I shook off Eli's arm and stepped out from behind him. His hand pressed firmly against my stomach, preventing me from stepping any closer to her. Faith winked at him before she exited the building. I stepped away from Eli's hand and placed my hands on my head, forcing myself to take deep, controlled breaths.

"Man, that girl has some serious issues," Lyric said. "She's cute, though."

We all turned to look at Lyric and his dark eyes surveyed us. "What? She is."

I glanced at Eli, whose frustrated gaze bore down on me. His jaw tightened and relaxed as he worked its muscle. Without an order from Eli, Lyric and Xavier left the gym. Was Eli angry at me? What the h.e.l.l did I do?

"Why'd you throw your drink bottle at her head? She was backing off."

I shrugged. "She made me mad." His eyes flared with anger and I scowled at him. "Don't give me that look, she started it."

"You don't need to create more problems for yourself. You've grown so much. Don't bring yourself back to that level."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Ask Xavier or Lyric. She started it."

"I don't care who started it, but Faith is an elite guard. They're called elite guards for a reason. Don't get yourself hurt."

In my chest I felt my stubbornness rise. "I'm not weak and I'm not afraid of her."

"I never said you were."


Eli and I stood staring at each other. My fingers flexed and relaxed at my sides. I was glad I didn't get into a fight, anyway. I was exhausted after that training session.

"You should be spending time with a real guardian," I mimicked in my best b.i.t.c.h voice.

Eli laughed and twirled a lock of hair from my ponytail around his index finger, before letting it drop.

"You're cute when you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

"You're not?"

I sighed. "Okay, fine. Maybe a little." He stepped closer to me, running an index finger down my forearm. "I don't like her touching you."

The way he smiled at me made me feel like an idiot. He took me by the wrist, bringing my hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on my fingertips. His eyes watched me and a familiar pulsating feeling filled my stomach. "Don't stress about those things," he said, releasing my hand. "You are the only one I want."

He turned from me and walked toward the door. I followed closely behind, my fingers still burning from his lips.

The walk back to my house was awkward, to say the least. Faith made it her mission to walk too close to my back. Every time I felt her breath on my neck, I'd purposely stop and she'd run into me, growling in frustration. Eli shot me an unlimited amount of warning glances during the walk and I took them all with a smile on my face.

When we arrived at Eli's house and I saw there were no guards on his porch, I realized I was the only one with guards.

"Why am I the only one being babysat?" I wondered aloud.

Faith scoffed like it was obvious. "The council wouldn't put it past you to do something stupid."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

With a tight, sympathetic smile, Eli trotted up his steps and into his house. I barely got to see the door shut before Faith nudged my shoulder, forcing me down the road. When we reached my house, I stormed up my steps and slammed the door behind me, letting them know loud and clear that they were not welcome. I leaned against the door and scanned the room. From where I was standing, I saw a clear plastic bag on my kitchen counter and I ran over to it. Inside, there was a deck of cards, two novels, and a crossword book with a pen sticky taped to it. There was also a note from Sera.

Ruby, Here are the things you requested for Hunter.

We're back now and heard about the Council hearings.

Good luck.


I smiled. Before Sera and Aaron went on their mission, I asked them to bring back some supplies for Hunter. It was kind of a sorry gift, I suppose. I hadn't been down to visit him since I ran from there weeks ago. I'm scared of him and what he'd say to me. What if he hated me now? I grabbed the plastic bag and pushed packing my clothes for the hearing to the back of my mind. Hunter probably had no idea we were leaving tomorrow, to wherever the G.o.dd.a.m.n council was, and I also wanted to talk to him about the sire thing...I didn't feel any different. Would he even tell me if I asked? The people that have been studying him said that he refused to answer any of their questions or partic.i.p.ate in any of their tests. Why did I think he was going to treat me any differently? When I stepped out, the elite guards were on my tail again.

"Don't you have packing to do?" Faith snarled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll pack later."

"Where are you going?" Tate asked.

"To see a friend."

When I started heading into the forest, getting closer to the protection border, they became more suspicious.

"Ruby, what the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

I sighed as I ducked underneath a low hanging branch. "I told you. I'm going to see a friend. You're not scared, are you?" I asked, unable to keep a snicker from my voice.

"Of course not," Faith snapped. "It's daytime, there's nothing out here."

"You seem certain."

"And you aren't?"

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