The Guardian Angel: Oblivion Part 12

The Guardian Angel: Oblivion -

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I gripped his arm, cutting him off. "Don't."

"What happened in there was unfair and unprofessional."

I nodded. "Yeah, but you're forgetting the main thing."

"Which is?"

"It's over. It's done and I never want to do it again." I stepped closer. "Let Mr. Aleksandrov handle it from here."

Eli surveyed me for a little while before finally nodding his head. He didn't agree with me, I could see it in his eyes. He wanted to defend my honor like the gentleman that he was and I loved him for it, I really did, but it wasn't his place. I knew it had to be let go and although Eli wanted to take on the entire council for me, it was unnecessary. No matter what I said to the council, they'd continue to treat me like I'm evil.

Eli walked with Hunter and I until we reached our a.s.signed building. He also left us with a rather dispa.s.sionate farewell. I mean, I wasn't expecting him to kiss me or anything...but I was hoping he would. We had to talk about my impulsive decision to make Hunter my boyfriend at some point. Both Hunter and Eli needed to know that it was only to save our and help Mr. Aleksandrov's cause. Mr. Aleksandrov was changing the laws to help Eli and I, for the most part, anyway. We were going to end up together regardless of what anyone else said. The other reasons he had for lifting the ban I had no knowledge of. I also knew it was for Mila, too. A while ago, she claimed she was going to avoid guardian angels all together, but I knew better. Pa.s.sing the law was also a good thing for Xavier. He was head over heels for Mia and I'd witnessed them flirt on a couple of occasions now. I had yet to tell Mila about Xavier's feelings out of fear of scaring her off that and I had my own chaotic live life to sort out, before I dared dabble in someone else's.

Hunter opened the large double door and we entered the building.

"Eli was right, you know," he said as we strolled side by side up the s.p.a.cious hall. "That wasn't a hearing. That was a witch hunt."

I shrugged. "Yeah, well, it is what it is."

"You know I have your matter what, right?"

I glanced sideways at him and his sincere blue eyes watched my face. "I know you do."

He smiled, confidently. "And it's because of that, I won't be offended that you a.s.sumed I'd be okay with being your fake boyfriend." He nudged me playfully in the ribs, making me laugh.

"Please, it's not like you drew the short straw. Anyway, I trust you, which is probably the stupidest thing I've ever said."

"Quite possibly."

Hunter walked me all the way to my room. Before I entered, I turned to him. I still had one thing I needed to make clear.

"About what I said in the cupboard earlier..."

He raised his hand to silence me. "It's okay, I know what you meant."

"It's not that I don't love you, I do, but not-"

"-in the same way you love Eli."

I nodded, apologetically. "I'm sorry."

Hunter opened his mouth to say something, but the distinct sound of someone clearing their throat cut him off and forced us to spin around. Tate, the elite guard, sauntered up the hall. He seemed to be on patrol and I found it convenient that he was walking past my door after my hearing.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Hunter asked and the light, loving tone in his voice didn't pa.s.s me by. I blinked at him, until I realized what he was doing. We were boyfriend and girlfriend...right.


Hunter stepped forward, until my back was pressed firmly against the door. I narrowed my eyes at him, warning him not to push it. To my surprise, he stopped and his gaze fell to my lips. I looked at Tate, who was watching us with great amus.e.m.e.nt. It put me in a really hard position. My 'boyfriend' wanted to kiss me...would it be weird to turn him down? I inhaled deeply and exhaled it at the same speed. My next set of actions made my heart ache and guilt flood my chest...I crushed my lips to Hunter's mouth and shoved my fingers in his hair, raking it roughly and urging him closer to me. Maybe I was being a little too dramatic, but we were young. We were meant to have a s.e.xually charged relations.h.i.+p consisting of nothing but pa.s.sion and l.u.s.t, right? At least, that was what it was like between Eli and I. We couldn't be gentle anymore. Every touch, every taste, consumed us. My head buzzed just like it did when we kissed the very first time, after I ran from Sage to save my cousin from Hank. Hunter kissed me then and I liked it...I liked it now, too, but not in the same way. It was different now. This was wrong now. I pulled back and quickly opened my door. The l.u.s.ty haze that glazed over Hunter's face didn't pa.s.s me by and out of panic, I slammed the door in his face. I sighed and slumped against it. What a messed up way to end an 'I love someone else' conversation...

I had to tell Eli.

Chapter Nine.

I had that same dream again. The one where Lucian is hurting me and every mark is being reflected on a silent Eli. He'd bleed and I'd scream...over and over, it was a never ending cycle, only this time I wasn't forced awake by Lucian, but Mr. Aleksandrov and Eli. I opened my left eye first and surveyed the both of them. They were dressed and alert, seemingly frustrated with me.

"It's about time." I heard Mila groan in the distance. "I was worried you were dead there for a second."

I pushed myself to a seated position and peered through the darkness. Shadows lingered in the living room and I a.s.sumed everybody was here.

"What's going on?" I asked, wiping the back of my hand over my eyes. I was still tired. I could feel the tiredness hanging from my eyes like heavy bags of sand.

"We're leaving," Mr. Aleksandrov stated firmly, arousing panic in me.

I shoved off my blankets and jump from the bed. Surprisingly, I didn't even fall.

"Why? What happened? Is there something wrong?" I reached for a pair of jeans on the floor and slipped them on underneath my light pink nighty. I was ready to fight my way out of here if I had to.

"Nothing is wrong. They're satisfied with the information we've given them and they have enough of your blood to do experiments alone. Get dressed. I want to be on the plane in twenty minutes."

I relaxed a little. "So there's no angry mob after us?"

Even in the dark I caught Eli's lip twitch. "No."

"I know..." Lyric chuckled from the living room. "I'm shocked, too."

Once I clarified that we were, in fact, leaving on our own terms, I was able to pack my things in peace-and in record time, too. Twelve minutes it took for me to shove my things into my suitcase and leave my room. I ignored the looks of distaste on Faith and Tate's face as we pa.s.sed them in the hall. I smirked at her and even stepped a little closer to Eli. Call me stupid (or awesome) but she needed to know Eli wasn't available to her. Ever.

We walked in silence all the way to the plane, neither of us wanting to jinx our departure. Once we were on the plane and in the sky flying back to our homes, we were able to let go and be happy. Everyone was smiling and I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen any of us so cheerful. Eli even sat next to me on the plane.

"I'm so glad that's over." I sighed, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Me too." The tips of his fingers danced along the outside of my thigh and I swear it heated the fabric. "I can't wait until we get back to have you sleep in my bed with me again."

He placed light kisses against the top of my head and I was so calmed by it, I almost drifted off to sleep. Almost. I would have if the pilot's voice hadn't spilled through the speakers.

"We're going to have to make an emergency stop in Fellmont."

I stiffened in my seat as panic seized me. As soon as it hit, it washed away, replaced by a calm hum that rolled through me. Mr. Aleksandrov was trying to keep everybody calm and it was working. I mean, the pilot didn't sound stressed and at least we were still flying. It was as I thought those words that the plane began to shake. I gripped Eli's knee, squeezing it firmly.

"We're experiencing a few problems," the pilot told us. "But we're dropping in alt.i.tude as I speak and we'll reach a field in Fellmont in exactly six minutes. I suggest you fasten your seatbelts."

Eli reached across and fastened my seatbelt before doing his own. I looked around the plane, everyone else had put their seatbelt on and were casually reading books or listening to music-except Mr. Aleksandrov, whose fingers dug so hard into the armrests I was afraid he'd tear the leather or break his fingers.

"s.h.i.+t." I swore, earning a sideways warning glance from Eli. "We're going to die."

He laughed once. "We're not going to die."

"We are." I twisted in my seat. "Kiss me."

His eyebrow c.o.c.ked. "What? Ruby, you're being a little dramati-"

I lurched forward, crus.h.i.+ng my lips to his. Screw waiting around to die, and if I was going to die, I wanted Eli to be the last one I kissed, not Hunter. His lips were soft and I ran my tongue along the bottom one, tasting it. I felt that Eli was tense underneath my mouth, but I didn't stop, and almost a second later, he returned my kiss. The plane shook and rattled again, forcing me to kiss him harder and harder. Only the distinct sound of Mr. Aleksandrov clearing his throat was enough to still our pa.s.sion.

"I'm trying to focus," he hissed. "I can't with all of the noise you two are making, and honestly, we've barely been away from the council for two hours. You couldn't wait?"

Eli cleared his throat and s.h.i.+fted back in his seat while I found myself smiling at Mr. Aleksandrov. He could talk all he wanted, but he supported Eli and I, and I loved him for it.

We made it into Fellmont without a scratch (despite the extremely rough landing) and hired cars at the airport to take us to a small motel a few towns away. According to Lyric, we were still quite a long way from Sage. It didn't really bother me. I was just happy we didn't have to spend another second in that stupid, nameless city. The motel was called the Sleepy Hollow and wasn't exactly five star...or four star...or even three star, but it would have to do. Strangely, there was only one other car in the parking lot besides ours, and yet most of the rooms seemed to be taken. Getting rooms right next to each other was impossible, so we ended spread out all over the place-only Mr. Aleksandrov and Hunter were roomed side by side. Mila and I shared a room at the far end on the ground floor. Eli insisted he stay with us for protection, but Mr. Aleksandrov was quick to say no, worrying about his niece's exposure to certain s.e.xual acts. I bit my tongue. First of all, I would never do anything like that with someone else so close by. Secondly, I couldn't anyway because I was still bonded to Hunter, and thirdly, Mila has been s.e.xually active long before I have been, and yet she was the one revered as 'innocent.' How ironic.

Eli, Hunter, and Xavier had room thirty-two on the second floor in the middle. Hunter managed to get his own room, and situated perfectly between all of us was Mr. Aleksandrov.

My phone buzzed as I lay my head down on the pillow and I grabbed it off the bedside table. I wasn't tired. I'd already slept tonight, and usually an hour or two was all I normally got most nights anyway. Beside me, Mila was already out cold. I smirked and opened the text message.

Did you lock the door?

My smirk turned into a full blown smile at Eli's text. Of course he'd be worried about me. I replied: Lock the door? Why on Earth would I do that? This motel seems so safe and secure. Don't worry about me.

I hit send and let my sarcastic text simmer for a little while. Eli would be contemplating how to get out of his room, past Mr. Aleksandrov, and over here right about now and the thought was amusing...but he needed his sleep. When we got back to Sage, who knew what kind of s.h.i.+fts Mr. Aleksandrov would have him doing. I texted him again.

Kidding. The door is locked, the windows shut, and the curtains drawn. We're safe and sound.

Not a second later, I get a reply.

You are too sarcastic for your own good. I got dressed and put my shoes on already. Before I take them off, are you sure there's nothing else I can do there?

I had so many responses to that text, so many requests, but I let them fall to the back of my mind.

The possibilities are endless...but no. There's nothing else you can do that would make me any safer than I already am. Get some sleep. I love you xo.

I waited with my phone in my hand and received his last text before I put it away.

I love you, too, but you already know that. :) I smiled at my screen and dropped my phone against my chest. Its warmth was felt through the thin sheet and I closed my eyes. Soon, things were going to be normal again. Soon, I could spend my days with Eli like I used to, and hopefully, sometime in the future, we could be together-actually together. I loved him...I loved him so d.a.m.n much.

"What was that?" Mila whispered, sitting up and shaking me.

I ran my hand over my sleepy face. Apparently, I'd fallen asleep. Strange...I felt like I only closed my eyes for a second. "What?"

"Shh..." Mila's breathing was quick and nervous.

"It was probably a rat. Have you seen where we're staying?" I yawned and rolled myself onto my side, closing my eyes again. I didn't bother searching the floor or the bed for my cell phone. I would in the morning, when I was fully awake and alert.

I heard a creak and felt Mila tense. " someone."

The thought of waking anyone up over a small creak was absurd. "Mila, we're fine. Will you just go back to-"

CRACK! The thin, plywood door snapped open and Mila and I dove off the bed. Whoever it was, they were fast. Within seconds they had me by the hair and against the wall. My heart slammed into my ribs and I almost became paralyzed with fear. Almost. I thrust my knee up and connected with the flesh between the legs of my attacker. He dropped me and hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Run!" I screamed at Mila and she crawled her way to the door. I dove over the hunched man, seeing the open door so close to me. Before I reached it, he grabbed my legs and I went cras.h.i.+ng to the floor again. Mila stopped crawling and looked to me.

"Go!" I demanded "Go get help!"

She jumped to her feet and took off, leaving me to fight the intruder. All I had to do was stay alive and keep him here until help arrived. He was strong, much stronger than a human, but not as strong as a vampire. He pressed me into the floor so hard my ribs hurt. He reached up, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling hard. My scalp burned and tears flooded my eyes. Somehow, I managed to snap my elbow back and connect with his ribs. He let go and I shuffled out from underneath him. I flipped onto my back and drew my knee to my chest before letting it go, right into his face. I heard him grunt as his nose cracked and a warm, sticky liquid dripped onto my other leg. He recovered quickly, launching at me like a tiger and punching me right in the mouth. I immediately tasted blood as my lip split against my teeth. My head rolled in my skull and I was dazed. I couldn't think straight or bring myself to use any of my powers. Fingers curled around my throat and squeezed until I couldn't breathe. I grabbed his wrists, desperately trying to pry them off me, but he was stronger than I was. My vision began to darken...I was dying. I thrashed against him, my movements becoming weaker and weaker. It wasn't until my hands fell by my side in defeat, did I truly accept my death. My eyes were closing bit by bit and when only a sliver of vision remained, my attacker was thrown off me. Air flooded my throat and made my head spin. I rolled onto my side as my airways opened up again. Warm, strong hands seized me and I watched Lyric slam his fists into the unknown man. Whoever was pulling me, pulled me around the corner of the door and I felt the concrete the skin on the back of my legs, but I didn't feel the pain. I was in body was tightly wound and yet, I couldn't move it.

"Ruby?" Xavier asked. He removed his hands from underneath my arms and sat me against the wall. He knelt in front of me and tapped my cheek a few times. All I could do was look at him. I was so close to body knew it too, and it tried to remember how to function again. Xavier's finger tapped along a very sensitive spot on my lip and I winced, recoiling from his hand.

"It's all right. You're going to be all right."

n.o.body stuck their heads out of their rooms to see what was going on. No one had called the cops or even cared that there was a brawl going on in the same complex they slept in. Was this what the world had fallen to? No one helped anybody for fear of getting hurt themselves? I could've died-and Mila, too.

I was snapped back to attention when Lyric dragged an unconscious body out the door. Straight after, it wasn't Xavier's face that was in front of me, it was Eli's. He gripped my face, but I didn't say a word. I cringed at the pain as he ran his finger over my bottom lip. I could feel it swollen already, but he didn't care as he pulled me into him, crus.h.i.+ng my body to his. Just like that, my body began to move again and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him as tightly as he was holding me. Then I began to cry. I didn't want to, but it was like I had no control over my body. It all came flooding out, cras.h.i.+ng over me like a raging tsunami. I was meant to be safe. I wasn't expecting someone to rush me in my sleep and I panicked. I couldn't fight the intruder, not like I was taught to. I could have died-I almost did. I fisted Eli's s.h.i.+rt, gathering the fabric in bunches and pulling him closer to me. He was talking to me, words I couldn't hear through my own shock. He stroked my hair, and the soothing movement significantly reduced the tightening in my chest. Soon after, I was lifted and cradled in his arms like a defenseless baby and G.o.d knows I felt like one. I hadn't felt so useless, not since I first arrived at Sage years ago. What the h.e.l.l was I doing? Why did I act like I was on the same par as Lyric, Xavier, and Eli? I swallowed and the movement made me cringe. As my shock wore off, I noticed my body rock as Eli carried me away from my room. Questions began to formulate in my brain one after the other. Who was it? What did he want? He wasn't human, that much I knew.

"I'm sorry I woke you," I said to Eli, completely relaxing in his arms.

I didn't want him to be disappointed with me-Lyric or Xavier, either. They put so much effort into teaching me. They wasted so much time trying to make me like them...and they still had to come to my aid.

"You're sorry you woke me?" He shook his head. "You could have been killed. You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You're not disappointed?"


My stomach dropped.

"In myself. I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach the entire flight. I should have listened to it and stayed with you and Mila, against Mr. Aleksandrov's orders."

Of course Eli found a way to blame himself for this predicament. He always did.

"It's not your fault," I said.

"If this isn't my fault, then it's not your fault, either. Our decisions did not create this outcome."

I nodded despite the nagging voice in my head, telling me I wasn't good enough. Eli squeezed me tighter.

"I'm just glad you're okay."

"Me too."

Eli carried me all the way to his room, bypa.s.sing Mr. Aleksandrov's room altogether. I didn't say anything because I didn't care where we went as long as I was with him. Then it hit me and I gasped.

"Mila!" I s.h.i.+fted in Eli's arms, but he refused to drop me.

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