Lucrezia Borgia Part 8

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16. Rome, n.d., CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4757.

17. Cited in Gregorovius, Lucretia Borgia, Lucretia Borgia, p. 213. p. 213.

18. See Beltrami, La Guardaroba di Lucrezia Borgia. La Guardaroba di Lucrezia Borgia.

19. Burchard, vol. 3, 23 December 1501.

20. Luzio, Isabella d'Este e i Borgia, Isabella d'Este e i Borgia, pp. 5356. pp. 5356.

21. Burchard, vol. 3, 23 December 1501.

22. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, 30 December 1501, CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4757.

23. El Prete to Isabella 'relazione dello sposalizio della Borgia la sera del 24 dicembre 1501' [transcript], AG, Autografi 84, Busta 4.

24. Pozzi to Ercole, 1 January 1502, ASE Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

25. Pozzi to Ercole, 6 January 1502, ASE Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

26. Beltrando Costabili to Ercole, 6 January 1502, CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4758.

Chapter 7: The Road to Ferrara (pp. 13355).

1. Biblioteca Vaticana, manoscritto vaticano latino 3351, f 49, cited Sacerdote, Cesare Borgia, la sua vita, la sua famiglia, e i suoi tempi, Cesare Borgia, la sua vita, la sua famiglia, e i suoi tempi, p. 518. p. 518.

2. Ercole to Ippolito, cited Gardner, Dukes and Poets in Ferrara, Dukes and Poets in Ferrara, pp. 2423. pp. 2423.

3. Ercole to Ippolito, 19 August 1499, Gardner, p. 350.

4. Ercole to Ferrante, 8 April 1494, Gardner, p. 249.

5. Ercole to Ferrante, 27 February 1495, Gardner, p. 297.

6. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, Foligno, 13 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

7. Ibid.

8. Ferrante d'Este to Isabella d'Este, Rimini, 22 January 1502, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 4.

9. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ippolito, Urbino, 18 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

10. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, Urbino, 18 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

11. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, Rimini, 22 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

12. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, Cesena, 24 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

13. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, Imola, 27 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

14. Marinello, Gli Ornamenti delle Donne, Venice, Gli Ornamenti delle Donne, Venice, pp. 6975. pp. 6975.

15. Pozzi to Ercole, Bologna, 30 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

16. El Prete to Isabella d'Este, 19 January 1502, Luzio, p. 539.

17. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, Bologna, 29 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

18. Pozzi and Saraceni to Ercole, Bentivoglio, 31 January 1502, ASE, Ambasciatori Esteri Roma, Busta 12.

19. Costabili to Ercole, Rome, 17 January 1502, CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4758.

20. Costabili to Ercole, Rome, 20 January 1502, CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4758.

21. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, Ferrara, 1 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 12.

22. Tuohy, Herculean Ferrara: Ercole d'Este (14711505) and the Invention of a Ducal Capital, Herculean Ferrara: Ercole d'Este (14711505) and the Invention of a Ducal Capital, p. 14. p. 14.

23. Ibid., p. 20.

Chapter 8: A New Life (pp. 15683).

1. Zambotti, Diario Ferrarese dall'anno 1476 sino al 1504, Diario Ferrarese dall'anno 1476 sino al 1504, p. 313. p. 313.

2. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, Ferrara, 2 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 14.

3. 'Computo delle nozze della Madama Lucrezia 15011502', ASE, Camera Ducale, Amministrazione dei Principi, n1128.

4. Cited Luzio, Isabella d'Este e i Borgia, Isabella d'Este e i Borgia, p. 541. p. 541.

5. Costabili to Ercole, 1 April 1502, cited Gregorovius, Lucretia Borgia, Lucretia Borgia, p. 253n. p. 253n.

6. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, [?2] February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 14.

7. Luzio, pp. 5434.

8. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, 5 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 14.

9. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, 7 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 14.

10. 'Computo delle nozze della Madama Lucrezia 15011502', ASE, Camera Ducale, Amministrazione dei Principi, n1128.

11. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, 9 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 14.

12. Benedetto Capilupo to Francesco Gonzaga, February 9 1502, cited in Gardner, p. 422.

13. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, 11 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 14.

14. Bernardino di Prosperi to Isabella d'Este, Ferrara, 18 February 1502, AG, Serie E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

15. Ercole to Alexander VI, 14 February 1502, see Gregorovius, doc. 38.

16. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 18 February 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

17. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 26 February 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

18. See Gundersheimer, Art and Life at the Court of Ercole I d'Este: The Art and Life at the Court of Ercole I d'Este: The ' 'De triumphis religionis' of Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti.

19. I am indebted to Dr Thomas Tuohy for this information.

20. Lucrezia's accounts for 1507, BCAFe, Albo Estense Autografi, BCA, I, 656.

21. Zambotti, p. 338. The ladies who remained were 'Angela Borgia, Elisabetta senese [from Siena], Geronima Senese, Camilla Florentina [from Florence], Madona Juana Castigliana [from Castile], Black Catherina, two handmaids Little Catherina and Eleonora, Madona Cecharella Puzeta from Naples with Cinzia and Margarita, her daughters'.

22. Zambotti, p. 337.

23. Di Prosperi to Isabella, Ferrara, 6 March 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238 24. Ibid.

25. Gundersheimer, p. 21.

26. Lucrezia to Sigismondo d'Este, Belfiore, 26 June 1502, ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 141.

27. Isabella d'Este to Lucrezia, Isabella to Geronima Borgia, Mantua, 18 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 12.

28. Gundersheimer, pp. 224.

29. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 27 June 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

30. Letter of 27 June 1502, in Luzio and Renier, Mantova e Urbino, Mantova e Urbino, p. 125. p. 125.

31. Report of delegation 26 June 1502, in Bradford, p. 179.

32. Lucrezia to Ercole, 13 July 1502, ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 141.

33. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 16 July 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

34. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 24 July 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

35. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 28 July 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

36. Costabili to Ercole, 13 July 1502, CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4758, f 169.

37. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 8 September 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

38. Costabili to Ercole, 8 September 1502, CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4758, f 172.

39. Saraceni to Ercole, 8 September 1502, CUL, Acton MSS, Add. MSS 4758, f 147.

40. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 6 October 1502, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1238.

41. Matarazzo, in Bradford, p. 182.

42. Isabella d'Este to Francesco Gonzaga, 23 July 1502, in Bradford, p. 185.

43. Bradford, p. 197.

44. Gregorovius, pp. 2845.

45. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 10 January 1503, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1239.

Chapter 9: The Heavens Conspire (pp. 184207).

1. Cited in Luzio, Isabella d'Este e i Borgia, Isabella d'Este e i Borgia, p. 697. p. 697.

2. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 16 January 1503, AG, E x.x.xI.3, Busta 1239.

3. Isabella d'Este to Lucrezia, 4 February 1502, AG, Copielettere, Busta 2993, liber 12.

4. Luzio, p. 699. There is no other evidence for this.

5. Lucrezia's wardrobe inventory: Inventario di Guardaroba, 'Inventario 15023', ASE, Camera Ducale, Amministrazione dei Principi, Lucrezia Borgia B1137.

6. See Shankland, The Prettiest Love Letters in the World: Letters Between Lucrezia Borgia and Pietro Bembo 1503 The Prettiest Love Letters in the World: Letters Between Lucrezia Borgia and Pietro Bembo 15031519, p. 21. p. 21.

7. Pietro Bembo to Carlo Bembo, 15 January 1503, in Shankland.

8. Wirtz, Ercole Strozzi, Poeta Ferrarese (14731508), Ercole Strozzi, Poeta Ferrarese (14731508), in in Atti della Deputazione Ferrarese di Storia Patria, Atti della Deputazione Ferrarese di Storia Patria, vol. 16, pt. II, p. 52. vol. 16, pt. II, p. 52.

9. 3 June 1503, Shankland, Letter I.

10. Both letters of 8 June 1503, Shankland, Letters II and III.

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