Reinvention Of Chastity Part 9

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Something woke him up. Disoriented, Sebastian looked around. Where the h.e.l.l was he? Feeling a warm body next to his, he suddenly remembered. This was Chast.i.ty's bedroom. He could smell the scent of their mingled s.e.x in the air.

It hadn't been a dream. Now there was no going back, but he wasn't sure he wanted to. Granted, it was a sticky situation getting involved with an employee, but he could no more walk away from her than a thirsty man from a gla.s.s of water. The s.e.x had been earth-shattering. Nothing had prepared him for this.

Looking over at Chast.i.ty's sleeping form curled so snuggly under the covers, she looked so vulnerable. She reminded him of a sleeping angel, her dark hair fanned out against the stark white pillow and long lashes practically resting on her cheeks. She looked so peaceful he had to strain in order to hear her soft, even breathing. One hand lay under her head, cupping her cheek.

He bent over and brushed his lips against her temple. Sebastian's c.o.c.k stirred. Just a mere touch and he was rendered h.o.r.n.y. She must have put a spell on him or something. Why else would he feel this way, after f.u.c.king her not so long ago.

When they'd made this date, Sebastian suspected it would be good between them, but what happened exceeded his wildest expectations. Now that he'd had her, once wasn't enough. He wanted more.

A warm swash of fur slid over his arm. He jumped. What the h.e.l.l? Two pairs of glowing yellow eyes stared back at him. Chast.i.ty's cats. Chuckling to himself, he released a sigh of relief. "You two mongrels don't belong up here." When he reached to lift the closest feline off the bed, it swiped an angry paw at him.

"s.h.i.+t! You little monster!" he hissed, rubbing his injured hand.

"What's going on?" Chast.i.ty rose slowly into a sitting position. She rubbed her eyes and looked over at him. "Sebastian." The way she said his name almost sounded like she was surprised to see him there. "What happened?"

"Your d.a.m.n cat scratched me."

"Oh, no! I'm really sorry about that. Monty doesn't particularly care for strangers and you are sleeping on the side of the bed he usually occupies." She shooed the two cats off the bed.

If Sebastian didn't know better, he would have said the cat who'd taken a swipe at him glared before jumping off. "So, you sleep with those fleabags every night?"

"Be nice. They have feelings, you know."

"Don't tell me you're one of those weird cat ladies."

Chast.i.ty giggled. "Well, if loving my cats makes me a weird cat lady, then I guess I am. I'm not ashamed of my feelings for them."

Something in her tone caught him off guard. "I meant no offense."

"None taken. Just letting you know. I see you're holding on to your hand. Is this where he scratched you?" It didn't escape his notice how quick she was to change the subject. She picked up his hand in hers.

"It's fine."

"No, it's not. This welt feels pretty nasty. Get up and I'll clean it for you." Sliding out of bed, she walked over to her closet.

Sebastian admired her generous backside, the rounded curve making his d.i.c.k harder than it already was. He licked his lips in antic.i.p.ation of another go round with her. Chast.i.ty had the kind of a.s.s rappers glamorized. The next time they f.u.c.ked, he'd take her from behind, and maybe she'd let him slide his c.o.c.k between those luscious cheeks. Just the thought of slamming into that succulent a.s.s made him spring out of bed.

He walked up behind her just as she pulled out a robe. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he nuzzled her neck.

She moaned. "What are you doing, Sebastian?"

"I want you again," he murmured, pressing kisses on her skin, as he rubbed his erection against her bottom.

"But your hand-"

"Forget about it. I told you it was fine."

"It could get infected though." Cupping her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his palms, he ran his thumbs over puckered nipples. Chast.i.ty's head fell back against his chest. "You don't play fair."

"Neither do you. Have you any idea what you did to me these past couple months? I'd say some payback was in order." He let one chocolate mound go to trail his hand down her stomach before sliding two fingers into her still wet p.u.s.s.y. "Ride my hand."

Her hips gyrated up and down come-drenched fingers. Reaching up to encircle his neck, Chast.i.ty held his head close to her face, their lips meeting. Sebastian's tongue poked out to greet hers, circling and entwining with it in a sensual dance of seduction.

A raging inferno spread throughout his body, threatening to incinerate him on the spot. He knew she felt it too by the way she trembled against him. "That's it, baby. Don't hold back."

She moved up and down, her a.s.s brus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k. Sebastian wanted so badly to take his d.i.c.k and push it past her tight a.n.a.l ring. The very thought of it gave him such a head rush that his entire body shook.

"Harder," she whispered, writhing against him. He f.u.c.ked her with quick hard strokes, jamming his fingers into her tight hole as deep as they'd go. The soft, sweet moans she emitted intensified his l.u.s.t for her.

Bending over, he nipped her earlobe, tugging it with his teeth. There wasn't any part of her he didn't want to explore. The fragrant smell of her p.u.s.s.y filled his nostrils. G.o.d, he ached. Chast.i.ty tightened her arm around his neck and screamed his name. "Sebastian! I'm coming!" A warm flow of her honey drenched his hand, but he wasn't through with her yet.

He wanted that a.s.s.

Slowly easing his finger out of her sopping c.u.n.t, he slid them between her plump cheeks. She tensed. "Relax, Chast.i.ty. I just want to play with you," he whispered against her ear, sliding his fingers along her tight a.n.u.s.

"I don't like that," she protested, a hint of fear in her voice.

"Has anyone ever done this to you before?"

"No, but it's not right."

"What's not right about it? We're two consenting adults. You can't say you don't like something unless you've tried it." Still sliding his finger against the puckered bud, he kissed her neck.

"Will you at least try?" Sebastian kissed her soft flesh again. "For me?"

"But what if it hurts?"

"Then I'll stop. Relax. Let me in, baby." He pushed his middle finger gently into her r.e.c.t.u.m.


"Relax. Let your body go." He withdrew just until it reached the tip, and then pushed it back in again. He repeated the motion several times before she moaned. "Do you like this?"

"I'm not is starting to feel rather nice," she whispered with stilted breath.

"Good, because I like doing it to you."

Chast.i.ty yelped when he added another finger inside her a.s.s.

"Sebastian," she sighed, contentment evident in her voice.

"That's it, baby. This a.s.s was meant for f.u.c.king. You may not be ready now, but next time, I'm going to use my c.o.c.k. Do you m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e?" he asked, not stopping the rhythm of his fingers.

She nodded.

"The next time you're alone lying in your bed, I want you to think of me. I want you to get that p.u.s.s.y nice and wet. Then, I want you to slide a finger into your a.s.s. I want you to prepare yourself for my c.o.c.k. Will you do that for me?"

"Yes, just don't stop!"

"Oh, don't worry. I won't. This night is just beginning." Sebastian pumped his hand against her until she came again, her body slumping weakly against his. "Where's your bathroom?"

"The door to the left."

Sebastian led her inside and turned the shower tap to hot. Guiding her under the warm spray, he pulled her close to him.

Chast.i.ty moaned. "Mmm, this feels good, but it's going to take forever to dry my hair."

"Don't worry. I'll do it for you."

She lifted one perfectly arched brow. "Oh yeah, and what do you know about doing hair?"

"Not a lot, but I'm pretty nifty with a blow dryer and I know how much I enjoy running my fingers through your hair."

"I just may have to take you up on that offer." She yawned, resting her head against his chest. "Oh, my. I'm not going to want to go to work tomorrow."

"Then take the day off. You have my permission."

"I don't expect special privileges just because I'm f.u.c.king the boss." The offhanded way in which she said it annoyed him.

"I'm not giving you special privileges. I'm simply giving you my permission to stay home if you'd like. You haven't taken a day off, probably since you've worked for the firm to my knowledge. Don't be so d.a.m.n touchy."

"I just-"

"Chast.i.ty, shut up," he said, before covering her mouth with his. She made the entire thing sound so sordid and he didn't like it one bit.

He realized then just how easily he could get in over his head.

Chapter Ten.

Sebastian pulled up to his mother's driveway. Taking deep breaths, he readied himself for the onslaught. Normally when she quizzed him about his love life and when he'd settle down, he'd laugh it off and change the subject. This time, he wasn't sure how he'd answer her.

It had been a month since that first time with Chast.i.ty and he still didn't know where he stood with her. Three nights out of the week he went to her apartment and the s.e.x was fantastic. His body would react to her diligent caresses in ways he didn't think were possible.

Whenever she was near, his c.o.c.k immediately jumped to attention, which made for some embarra.s.sing moments at the office. Yet, he wasn't satisfied with the way things were between them. At work, she was all business, which was fine with him, but other times when he tried to get closer she wouldn't let him in.

Chast.i.ty always had an excuse not to get together with him on the weekends and she never shared anything about her life except for brief glimpses. It frustrated the h.e.l.l out of him. Despite that, he found himself wanting to be with her. His thoughts were consumed by her. Chast.i.ty had him twisted in knots and he was slowly losing his mind.

Marina Rossi came out of the front door, a large smile on her face. His mother was pus.h.i.+ng fifty, but didn't look a day over thirty-five. Her lovely face was framed by coal black hair she got touched up monthly and she had a slender, pet.i.te frame that had men half her age hitting on her.

Sebastian often wondered why his mother never remarried. It certainly wasn't from lack of offers.

"Come on in. I have some meatb.a.l.l.s cooking and they're almost ready."

Walking over to his mother, he lifted her in a huge bear hug and kissed her cheek. She laughed. "Put me down, you big lug."

When he set her on the ground he looked down into green eyes so like his own. "How are you, Mama?"

"I'm great, but it would seem I should be asking you that question. Tell me, what's wrong?"

He swore the woman had to be part witch to read him so well. "There's nothing wrong at all. Just that I miss you."

"Well, your visits have become few and far between lately, but I understand how busy you get sometimes, dear."

Sebastian sighed as he followed her into the house. Here it comes, he thought with a sense of doom. Settling down in her favorite spot to chat, the kitchen table, he tried to steer the conversation away from where he knew she'd want to take it. "Those meatb.a.l.l.s smell good. Do you need me to help prepare anything?"

His mother shot him a knowing look. "You know I don't like anyone messing around my kitchen. Something's on your mind, son. I saw it the minute you stepped out of your car. Why don't you tell me what's going on?"

He knew his mother would get it out of him sooner or later, so what was the point of prevaricating? "Things at work are great. The firm is expanding and we're looking to bring a few more attorneys on board."

She shrugged. "Okay. That still doesn't answer my question, although I'm delighted about your success. Is everything okay with your sister? That girl doesn't call me half as much as she should."

"No. Robin's great. I saw her a couple days ago. She's making lots of friends, so she doesn't want big brother hovering around. You need to relax about her. She's not a baby anymore."

"But her disability-"

"If she doesn't let it stop her, then we shouldn't either. She's doing fine."

Marina sighed, wistfully. "I suppose you're right. It's hard to believe all my babies have lives of their own. Your brother is thinking about opening his own practice."

Sebastian smirked, thinking of his younger brother Michael, who was now a bona fide doctor. It didn't surprise him one bit that Mike chose to specialize in Obstetric and Gynecology, considering he used to go around giving the neighborhood girls free breast exams when they were kids. Mike had, of course, matured a great deal since then and Sebastian was very proud of him. "That's good news. I'll have to give him a call this week."

"It sometimes feels like you three don't need me anymore."

Sebastian took his mother's hand in his. "I hope you know that we'll always need you."

She smiled. "You're sweet for saying that. Now stop trying to change the subject and tell me what's going on."

"I'm...sort of been seeing someone."

This was obviously something his mother wasn't expecting. "Did I hear you correctly? Did you say you're involved with someone? Oh, thank G.o.d! My prayers have been answered." She threw her arms in the air. "When can I meet her? What's she like? Is she a nice Italian girl? Is she Catholic?"

"Calm down, Mama. I've only been with her for a month and technically we're not really together. If the truth be known, I'm not exactly sure what we are."

His mother's eyebrows furrowed together in consternation. "I'm not sure I understand."

"That's the problem. I don't understand either. You see, she's actually one of my employees."

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