Reinvention Of Chastity Part 10

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"Oh, Sebastian, you have to be careful with that. I just saw a movie about a guy who got involved with a co-worker. When he tried to end it, she goes berserk. I'd hate for that to happen to you."

Sebastian shook his head. "First of all, you really should lay off the trashy movies, and second, this situation is unique."

"I may not be as worldly as you, but I know a few things, so watch your tone with me, mister. All I'm saying is to be careful."

Squeezing the hand he held, Sebastian nodded.

"You're right, Mama, and I apologize for my tone. However, my problem is a little different. Not very long ago, this woman was a workhorse. She still works very hard, but all the extra stuff she used to do, she doesn't anymore."

"Why do you think she stopped?"

"I don't know, but around that time, she sort of changed. Her att.i.tude, and then her appearance. I had no idea the caterpillar was actually a stunning b.u.t.terfly."

"And let me guess, that's when you started to take notice?"

"Well, yes-I mean no."

His mother lifted a brow, shooting him a yeah right look.

"Let me explain. It's true that I never saw her as more than just a diligent employee, but once she changed, I've never been more attracted to anyone in my life. On the other hand, there's a hardness about her. She used to be sweet."

"And she's not now?"

"That wasn't really the right word. I'll just say she was a lot more open and I didn't realize it before, but I kind of miss hearing about what's going on with her cats and what she saw on television the night before. All the rambling conversations I used to think annoyed me, I miss."

"Well, as the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. So what do you two talk about now...or is there any use for words?"

Sebastian may have been thirty-six years old, but this was still his mother. His face grew hot and he didn't have to look into a mirror to know that he was beet red.

"Hmm, just as I thought. Honey, you really need to stop treating women like s.e.x objects. I can't say I approve of your playboy ways. I hope you're being safe-you know, wearing protection," she finished on a whisper as if she'd just said a bad word.


"What? I'm just making sure. I keep up with the news and realize there's a lot of nasty things floating out there. I know you're a grown man, but I want you to be careful. And try not to break her heart. That's the problem, isn't it? You're ready to end things, but you don't know how?"

"I wish that was it."

"Are you trying to say that you have feelings for this woman? Well, that's wonderful, isn't it?"

A huge lump formed in his throat and again his face grew warm, his ears burning. "She only wants s.e.x."

A look of dismay crossed his mother's face. "What kind of woman is this? She doesn't sound like any girl I'd want for my precious baby to be with."

"Mama, these are different times from when you were growing up."

She rolled her eyes. "This women's lib stuff is a bunch of garbage, if you ask me. It's just an excuse for these young girls to be free and easy. Is this the kind of woman you want to be with?"

"Mama, please hear me out without pa.s.sing judgment."

Pursing her lips, she folded her arms. "I'll try, son, but I don't like what I hear so far."

"We started seeing each other about a month ago, but things are stagnant. I want more, but she doesn't."

"Then get rid of her. A handsome guy like you can have any woman he wants."

A smile tilted the corner of his lips. "I hardly think so."

His mother crinkled her nose and he knew the cogs were spinning. "Do you really have feelings for her?"

"I don't know. I certainly feel something, but she won't let me find out what."

"I can't say I like the sound of this situation of yours, but if you want to find out, force her hand. Make it impossible for her to tell you no."

Sebastian hadn't thought of that before. He stroked his chin and mulled it over in his mind. "That just might work."

"Of course it will. Mama knows. Now, tell me about this woman of ill repute."

"Mama," he said in a warning tone.

"What?" She batted her eyes innocently. "I was just asking a question."

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Okay, okay. Your lady friend, what's her name?"


His mother burst into loud laughter. "Talk about ironic."

"Please, Mama."

Wiping tears from her eyes, she stopped laughing. "I'm sorry, but you have to admit, that's pretty funny. Okay, tell me what Chast.i.ty is like."

"She's a paralegal and very bright. She has a superior grasp of her job. People usually go to her for the answers. And I've never heard her complain once. When I'm with her, I feel calm, yet I can't keep my hands to myself. She's very attractive. But the funny part is, months ago I didn't think so. I see glimpses of her kindness, and gentleness, but when I try to get closer, she shuts down."

"How do you mean?"

"If I ask personal questions, she either changes the subject or gives a flippant answer. I'm not sure how much more of this I can stand."

"Well, if you really feel she's worth this agony you're suffering, then you should take action. I'd certainly like to talk to this young lady and give her a piece of my mind for giving you the runaround like this. Even though you've probably had this coming for all the hearts you've broken in your lifetime, no one messes with one of my babies."

"In that case, I don't want to introduce her to you."

"I'd be on my best behavior."

Sebastian doubted that, but kept his opinion to himself. "There's something else."

"What? It can't be as bad as the other part."

"She's black."

His mother blinked a couple times, not saying a word. Sebastian knew she had her heart set on him settling down with a nice Italian girl, but there were just too many beautiful women in the world to narrow his view. He'd dated outside his race a handful of times, but since he'd never considered bringing any of his previous girlfriends home, it had never been an issue.

"Mama, say something."

"Well, this news does concern me a little. If you settle down with this woman, think of the hards.h.i.+ps you'd face. Think about the children."

"Mama, I'll cross that bridge if it ever gets there, but if anyone has an issue about my being with Chast.i.ty, then that's their problem, not mine. I'd like to think I have your blessing if anything did come of this."

"Well, of course I'll support you in your choices, but you know how cruel the world is. Why make it harder on yourself than it has to be?"

"Is that what you really think?" he asked, slightly dismayed. His parents had not raised him to judge people based on the color of their skin, so hearing his mother talk this way was a surprise.

"Do you want me to pretty up my words and tell you that everything will be okay? I can't do that. I'm just trying to be honest with you. At the end of the day, the decision is yours and you're still my son. I love you, Sebastian, and if this woman is who you want to be with, I'll have to accept it. I'd rather gain a daughter than lose a son. I've seen it happen with a few of my friends."

"And that's unfortunate for them."

"I know. It would kill me to have a rift over something like this. The Cohans' daughter married a black guy and they sat s.h.i.+va for her. They act like she doesn't exist anymore, but I think it's sad. They're a couple of a.s.sholes anyway. Polly Cohan is probably better off without those two in her life. I don't want to lose you over something so trivial."

"You'll never lose me, Mama." Sebastian leaned over and pulled her into his embrace.

"You're such a good son, and I trust your judgment. If you want to be with this Chast.i.ty person, I could learn to love her."

Me too, he thought and that was the truly terrifying part.

Chast.i.ty felt like she was being split in two. It was hard to keep pretending an indifference she didn't feel for Sebastian. In the beginning of this huge charade, she thought she'd be able to channel all her anger into the situation to carry on, but the more time she spent with him, the harder it became.

She saw a side of Sebastian she didn't know existed. When he wasn't taking her to the heights of pa.s.sion, he let her in enough to see his true character. He'd always hold her after s.e.x, stroking her hair while he shared tidbits of his life. She learned how his pa.s.sion for law had come about, his hobbies, and goals. She saw the gleam of love and pride in his eyes when he talked about his family.

When he tried to find out things about her, however, Chast.i.ty wouldn't open up. That would mean trusting him and putting her heart on the line again. Maybe things would have been better if she'd never gotten this stupid makeover or better yet, if she'd never heard what he really thought of her. Then she wouldn't be struggling with these feelings.

Each time she was with him, she found herself falling just a little bit more for him. So what if he was attracted to her now? She'd seen enough of his women parading through the office to know his ardor wouldn't last. She wouldn't allow herself to be crushed by him again, so instead, she'd crush him.

Walking back to her condo, she scooped up Fluffy, who'd been waiting by the door. The walk she'd just taken hadn't cleared her mind. Actually, it had only given her more questions to think over. Taking a seat in her favorite chair, she stroked the purring cat absently behind the ear, wondering how she'd escape this mess unscathed. She started coughing violently.

Fluffy jumped off her lap and ran away. Chast.i.ty hoped she wasn't coming down with something. One of the reasons she took a walk in the first place was to shake off the lethargy she'd been feeling lately. Perhaps a cup of tea would make her feel better. As she stood, a wave of dizziness. .h.i.t her, forcing her back down.

Making a second attempt to get up, she did it slowly this time, but still felt woozy. She walked to the kitchen on unsteady legs, and fixed her tea. When she took the mug out of the microwave, the phone rang. Chast.i.ty was tempted to ignore it, but Dallas had said she'd call this weekend to tell her about the new man she was seeing.


"Chast.i.ty, honey, it's me, Brenda."

She wished she would have ignored the phone. Taking a deep breath she tried to inject as much enthusiasm into her voice as possible. "Hi. It's nice to hear from you. What's it been now? A couple months?"

"Well, you know how it is, dear. So many men, so little time. Well, maybe you don't, but I'm a busy woman. I do think about you though."

Her mother never failed to get in a little dig whenever she could. "I understand. So, how's life?"

"It's fabulous, as always. Uh, look, I'm going to be in your area next week, and I was hoping you'd give me a bed for a night."

"Of course you can stay with me."

"You know you'd have to put those filthy cats in the kennel while I'm there. I can't stand those nasty little beasts. And please be sure to give the place a good vacuuming, I don't want cat hairs on my clothes." Brenda sighed dramatically.

Chast.i.ty silently counted to ten before she spoke. "They're not filthy."

"But you will put them in a kennel or something before I come, right?"

"I'll make sure they're not around when you visit. So, what's the occasion? Will you be bringing Jared with you?"

"Oh, him. We broke up ages ago."

"You broke up with Jared? I thought he was the one."

"I thought so too, but there is that pesky little thing about him still being married. That b.i.t.c.h wife of his has threatened to cut him off if he doesn't stop seeing me."

"So he did?"

"Well, of course not. He knows he'll never find another woman like me. Jared only told her he'd stopped seeing me."

Chast.i.ty rolled her eyes. "So, why did you two break up then?"

"She tightened the purse strings anyway. I can't deal with that."

"So, you dumped him because he's not lavis.h.i.+ng you with gifts anymore? That's kind of shallow."

"Sweetie, you're naive. It's a man's world. A woman has to use what she has, to get what she wants. You'd have a man if you took that advice to heart."

It was on the tip of Chast.i.ty's tongue to tell her mother about Sebastian, but she decided against. The last thing she wanted was a running commentary on a situation she wasn't sure of herself. "Yes, I suppose so," she agreed meekly. "So, why are you coming up?"

"I'm driving through on my way to New York for a shopping excursion. I met this beautiful man online and he says we're going to paint the town."

"Brenda, you really should be careful. Will this be your first meeting?"

"Yes, but, we've talked on the phone almost every night. He sent me a present too, the most darling little necklace. It's only 18-karat gold, but it's a start. He's a stockbroker, living in a big empty house on Long Island."

Or an apartment in Bed Sty. "How do you know this guy is legitimate, and since when have you resorted to chatting online."

"Stop being an old fuddy-duddy. Jared bought me a computer so we could chat when he was home. We couldn't talk on the phone because the b.i.t.c.h listens in on his conversations and scans the cell phone bill every month."

"But instead of chatting with him, you used it to talk to other men?"

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