Sea Legs Part 7

Sea Legs -

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aI should probably grab a quick shower. I wonat be but a minute,a Kelly said as she removed her top and briefs and tossed them into a laundry bag in the closet. Then she disappeared into the bathroom.

Natalie collapsed on the couch and buried her face in her hands. She had no self-control at all. So what?

Something was off a bit about Natalie this morning, but Kelly couldnat quite put her finger on what it was. Morning-after awkwardness wasnat unusual, though, and this didnat seem like more than that. Fortunately, Natalie seemed more relaxed now than when she had first gotten up.

aYou can have that last m.u.f.fin,a Natalie said as she propped her feet on the balcony rail. They had polished off most of their basket of bread, a tray of fruit and a large pot of coffee.

aIam stuffed. Room service was a great idea. I wish Iad thought of it.a Natalie popped her playfully with a linen napkin.aVery funny. Iam surprised you didnat want to get out of the room for a bit.a aWhat could possibly interest me out there when I could stay here with the loveliest woman on the s.h.i.+p?a aYou can stop flirting now, you know. After last night, Iad say itas quite unnecessary.a aWho says Iam flirting? Iam just finally saying all the things Iave been thinking since we met.a aAnd what were you thinking through that silly charade of trying to make Didi jealous?a Kelly dropped her teasing smile. aI only agreed to help you because thatas what you wanted. Iad much rather have you be happy with me.a Natalie looked away, shaking her head. aI hate to be the one to tell you this, but Iam not the prize you seem to think I am.a aThatas my call.a She scooted her chair closer and took Natalieas hand. aAs far as Iam concerned, youare the biggest prize there is. This is probably going to sound weird, but I feel like I can be myself with you. Actually, itas more than that. I feel like I can be the person I want to be. I like how we go together.a The smile on Natalieas face as she nodded said she knew it too. aI like the way I am with you too.a aHow are you with me? What is it you feel?a aYou pay attention to me. I feel veryaI donat know, you make me feel good about myself.a aYou should, Natalie. When you take my arm, I feel like the envy of everyone here.a Natalie was blus.h.i.+ng demurely, but obviously enjoying the compliments. aYou know, the people closest to me call me Nat.a aThatas what I want to be, close. Like really close.a They held their gaze for a long, steamy moment until Natalie squeezed her hand. aI think we ought to get off this balcony.a Kelly scooped up the remnants of their breakfast and followed her through the gla.s.s door. She continued on to set the tray outside for pickup, and placed the Do Not Disturb placard in the lock. By the time she returned, Natalie had pulled the curtains for privacy, leaving a gap to allow sunlight into their room. She was sitting on her unmade bed, and had loosened the tie on her robe.

aFeelingasleepy, Nat?a aCome here, you.a Kelly dropped to her knees and slid her arms inside the robe to feel the warm skin. aYou are irresistible.a aI want to touch you. Will you let me do that?a aIam all yours.a She pulled her tank top off and tossed it on the other bed. To that, she added her shorts and briefs.

As she stood naked, Natalie eyed her up and down with obvious pleasure. aYou have the most amazing body.a She s.h.i.+fted and motioned for Kelly to lie down. Then she shed her robe and stretched out beside her.

aI canat imagine anything feeling more fantastic than this.a Kelly couldnat stop herself from running her hand along Natalieas hip to cup her bottom.

aI want you to relax. I didnat get a chance to do this last night.a She ran her hand gently across Kellyas stomach, stopping short of stroking her breast. aWhat do you like best?a aWhatever you do.a She sucked in a breath as Natalie raked her fingernails across her nipple. aI could go for that.a Natalieas mouth found hers and they dissolved in a kiss. A warm hand traveled from her breast to the hollow of her throat and back again, but their lips never parted.

It was all Kelly could do to remain submissive under the tender onslaught. Natalie had taken the kissing lesson to heart, and was exploring her mouth with her lips, tongue and teeth. Finally her hand ventured lower to tickle the stiff hairs of her mound and she instinctively parted her legs. At the first touch, she realized she was wet and ready.

Natalie recognized her response and slid her fingers through the slick folds. aI should have known this part of you would be hard too.a Before Kelly could respond her lips were crushed in another kiss, this one strong and demanding. The stroking quickened as their pa.s.sion flowed, and she pressed upward for more contact. Both of them moaned rapturously as Natalie plunged her fingers inside and her thumb grazed the c.l.i.toris. Kelly was torn between the desire to push Natalieas hand deeper or to clutch her round bottom in an effort to draw her body even closer. Her own needs won out and she found herself rubbing Natalieas hand to urge it on its intimate quest.

Natalie was panting furiously in a rhythm that matched her strokes, her open mouth only millimeters from Kellyas ear.

The first deep impulse rippled from within and slowly built to a powerful clenching of her walls. aOh, G.o.d. Feel meafeel what you do.a aKellyaa she whispered. Natalie gripped her in a tight embrace, burying her face into her neck.

Kelly was sure it was more of an emotional gesture than a physical one, and stroked Natalieas head rea.s.suringly. aI donat want to scare you half to death or anything, but if you want to make love with me like that for the next fifty years, you certainly may.a Natalie smiled as the credits rolled on the sappy dog movie she and Kelly had found on the s.h.i.+pas family entertainment channel. Their only foray outside the staterooma"a walk around the Promenade Deck to allow the cabin steward to freshen their rooma"had been cut short by a sudden storm that was now a driving rain. The weather had sent them back to their stateroom after all, where they again gave in to temptation.

The movie had been a pleasant way to rest and pa.s.s the afternoon. When she had offered her lap as a couch pillow, Kelly took her up on it. Now she was fast asleep, and Natalie had no choice but to sit perfectly still through the next movie. Not that she minded. Being close had its own rewards.

Her fingers brushed the hair just behind Kellyas ear. It was soft and baby fine, like worn satin. She would never have guessed that asofta would have described so many things about Kellya"her hair, her skin, her lips, and most of all, her touch. But that wasnat what had made their lovemaking so thrilling and satisfying. Even more than all the physical sensations was the way Kelly had whispered sweet words of endearment, phrases that had made Natalie feel like the most special woman in the world. And the fact that Kelly had climaxed again from her own excitementaNatalie had heard of such a thing, but until last night had doubted it could actually happen, let alone with her.

s.e.x had never been like that for her before. It wasnat that she had never had a powerful climax. But those came mostly at her own hand, and after a lot of practice. The main difference with Kelly was finding herself the object of someoneas l.u.s.t. Neither Theresa nor Didi had shown the hunger for her that Kelly did. Both of them had been focused either on their own satisfaction or their s.e.xual prowess and skill. From the moment she and Kelly had kissed last night, she felt it was all about her.

aWhat are you thinking about?a Natalie was startled by Kellyas voice, and unnerved by the twinkling blue eyes that seemed to be reading her prurient thoughts. aIad better plead the Fifth on that one.a aHmmmayou make it sound so interesting. Sure you donat want to elaborate?a aIam very sure.a Despite her efforts to distance herself from her thoughts, her hand still stroked Kellyas hair. aI canat get over how soft your hair is. I wish mine was like that.a aNo, you donat. Yours is so thick and wavy. And I love the color.a As usual, Kelly had managed to turn the conversation into a stream of compliments. aYouare always so good for my ego.a aIam also house-trained.a aIf only you could cook.a aI can learn. Whatas your favorite dish?a aAnything with shrimp. But you donat have to worry about cooking, because I like to do that.a aAnd I like to eat. Donat you see what that means?a Kelly sat up and grinned. aWeare made for each other. It would be a perfect life.a Natalie laughed aloud. This line of playful banter carried none of the seriousness of their afterglow chat, but the message was the same. Kelly wanted this to last. aAnd what would you be doing while I was slaving over a hot stove?a aIad be busy laying tile somewhere or up on a ladder wiring a new light fixture.a aAre you really serious about doing all this work at my house?a aIf you want me to.a aIam not even sure I can afford you.a Natalie caught herself staring as Kelly stood and stretched, again showing off her flat stomach. aWeall have to go over your skina"I mean your rate. Thatas what I meant to sayarate.a She covered her face as it heated up.

aYouare welcome to go over my skin if you like, Natalie.a She inched her s.h.i.+rt upward. aJust say the word.a Natalie fanned herself. aBoy, it got warm in here all of a sudden.a aThatas because you need ice cream. Iall run up to the stand and get some.a Natalieas eyebrows went up and down suggestively. aAnd what are we going to do with this ice cream?a aItas hard to say. The possibilities are endless.a

Chapter 20.

Bursting with energy, Kelly bounded up the stairs to the ice cream parlor. Funny how a day spent lying around lazily would be the best time shead had so far on the cruise. No question about ita"she and Natalie were both feeling something special.

aWhereas the fire?a She turned at the familiar voice and waited as Yvonne caught up. aHey, stranger! What are you guys up to today?a aIave been in the casino all afternoon losing the eighty dollars I won last night. Steph went back to bed after lunch with one of those books your friend swapped for her. That was a lifesaver, by the way.a aYeah, Jo thought the same thing. She didnat know what she was going to do for the last three days without a new book. Have you seen Didi or Pamela?a aNot since this morning. They were in the picture gallery looking at all the photos from dinner the other night.a Kelly smiled as she remembered her pose with Natalie. aI forgot about those. Iall have to go find ours.a aI know itas there, because Didi found it. Just donat be surprised if she gave you a set of horns and a moustache.a aWhy would she do that?a aYou tell me. Maybe she noticed the breakfast tray outside your stateroom this morning and the Do Not Disturb sign.a Kelly chuckled uncomfortably. aSo much for keeping things low-key.a She wasnat particularly embarra.s.sed for the others to surmise how she and Natalie had spent their morning, but it made her ill at ease to hear that Didi was upset about it. This was a special time for her and Natalie, and she didnat want Didi to spoil it with a tantrum. More than that, she didnat want Natalie to suddenly have second thoughts just because Didi had decided to reinsert herself into the picture.

Yvonne nudged her with an elbow and gave her a knowing wink. aSo whatas up? Are you guys an item, or just having fun?a Kelly was uneasy about sharing too much, though it was too late to try to pretend nothing had happened. aI canat speak for Natalie, but it feels like the real deal for me. Weall just have to take it one day at a time and see where it goes.a Yvonne shook her head. aIam just glad you finally hooked up. I made a bet with Steph that you would, and now sheas going to have to pay up. Good thing, since I lost all my money at the table.a aGlad we could help.a aI have to warn you, though. Stephas been awfully patient about Didi, but she wonat sit by again and watch her best friend rot in another bad relations.h.i.+p. Sheall kick your a.s.s.a aShe wonat have to. I plan to wors.h.i.+p Natalie for as long as sheall let me.a aNatalie deserves that. But Didias got her head so screwed up right now she probably doesnat even know what she wants. I just hope Natalie doesnat jump back into that fire if Didi snaps her fingers.a That was Kellyas fear too.aSo what exactly happened between them anyway?a Yvonne shook her head. an.o.body really knows. Something pretty embarra.s.sing for Natalie, Iad say, because she didnat even tell Steph what it was. All she said was that honesty wasnat always the best policy. We donat have any idea what she meant.a That was pretty much all Natalie had told her also.aWhatever it was, Didi was a fool for letting her go. Women like Natalie donat come along every day.a aSheas a sweetie. Itas a shame the only two women sheas ever been with thought they were the center of the universe.a Yvonne began to walk backward toward the stairs. aI need to go break the news to Steph that my luck ran out in the casino, but she owes me money. See you at dinner.a Kelly studied on Yvonneas words as she moved up in the line for ice cream. Maybe it was time for Natalie to get a taste of being at the center of someoneas universe.

Natalie inhaled deeply as she slid the door open and stepped out on the balcony in the cool air. The rain had stopped for the moment, but the sun was nowhere to be found. No sooner had she positioned herself at the rail than the door opened from Didi and Pamelaas suite. aThere you are,a Didi said tersely. aI was beginning to wonder if you remembered the rest of us were here too.a aKellyas gone to get ice cream. With this weather, itas been nice to relax inside.a Didi scowled. aYeah, weave been listening to you two relax. Did you realize you were putting on a show, or was that the whole point?a Natalie felt her cheeks redden, but Didias indignant tone made her more angry than embarra.s.sed. aYouare one to talk. At least now you know what itas been like for us having to listen to you two.a aSo is that what this was about? You thought youad get back at me by acting like a couple of dogs in heat?a aDonat flatter yourself. What I do with Kelly has nothing to do with you.a aBulls.h.i.+t.a She rolled her eyes. aYouave been parading around here all week on her arm making sure I saw every little touch and smile.a Natalie was pretty sure Steph had confirmed the charade, or at least hinted at it, so there was no use denying that it had been her intent up until a couple of days ago. aThatas how it started. I thought seeing me with somebody else would make you miss what we used to have, but thenaa She looked over her shoulder in case Kelly had come back already. aIave had so much fun with her, Didi. I understand now what it is with you and Pamela. You needed to be with somebody who could give you what I couldnat. I guess I needed that too.a aSo do you fake it with her too?a The words cut her to the bone, and she turned abruptly to go back inside.

Didi reached around the barrier and caught her wrist. aIam sorry. I just had an urge to hurt you.a aYou did.a aI donat know why I said that.a Natalie knew why. It was because it was never far from the surface, a constant reminder of all the things that had gone wrong in their relations.h.i.+p. If shead had it to do over again, she would have held onto her liea"that Didi was the best lover in the world. After all, thatas what Didi had cared about, not that she had expressed her love intimately in a way that brought them closer together.

aI just want you to realize that you can do a lot better than Kelly.a aIam not so sure of that.a Natalie knew Didi still loved her, and she wanted to believe she had her best interests at heart. aIave never met anyone quite like her.a aHumph. You know lots of men, Nat.a A surge of ire filled her, but she held it in check. aBelieve me, sheas all woman.a Didi shuddered visibly and moved closer, as if suddenly worried Pamela would overhear. aAll Iam saying is that people are going to look at you two and think thatas the kind of woman you like. Is that what you want?a aWhy should I care what people think? Itas n.o.bodyas business but my own.a aItas everybodyas business when you work with the public like we do. How are we supposed to sell womenas fas.h.i.+on when our customers see you with somebody in a hard hat?a aNot everybody judges people by how they dress.a aMore bulls.h.i.+t. You canat tell me you werenat put off when you first saw Kelly. You stood right here on this balcony and said she looked like a man.a aThatas not quite the way I put it.a She vaguely recalled the conversation, and admittedly had been taken aback. aI remember being a little surprised at first but the more Iave gotten to know her, the more I like what I see. We all have to be ourselves. Sheas comfortable with who she is and so am I.a aBut you donat seriously think sheas attractive?a She couldnat tell if Didias question was serious or challenging, but she had vowed never to lie to her again. aShe isnat glamorous like you or Pamela, but she makes me feel like a G.o.ddess.a Didi sighed and looked out to sea. aI could do that for you, Nat.a aDidi, Ia"a aHear me out. Iam going to break up with Pamela when we get home Friday night, no matter what else we decide. What happens after that is up to you. If the New York thing bothers you that much, weall drop it. Iad rather be in Rochester with you than anywhere without you. Is that what you want to hear?a It was what she had wanted to hear three days ago, but everything had changed since then. Besides, she doubted Didi would stick to her conviction. aIam all for dropping the New York part, but donat do that out of some pledge to me. Do it because it makes more sense for our store to stay and grow in Rochester. I donat want to risk everything weave built by moving somewhere that chews up new fas.h.i.+on stores and spits them out.a Didi glanced behind her again.aForget the store. Just promise me that weall get things back the way they used to be.a She must have seen Natalieas incredulous look because she quickly added, aOnly better.a For Natalie, it was a moment of truth, admitting aloud to the woman she had loved for most of the last eight years that she was moving on. aI canat make that promise anymore. Things have changed, and not just for me. We both want what we had a long time ago, but that isnat going to happen. Weare different people now, and thatas why we fell apart to begin with.a aThatas not true. We fell apart because you stopped being honest with me.a aNo, the biggest reason is because I wasnat honest with myself, because I talked myself into believing that what we had was enough. It wasnat, because I wasnat happy and neither were you.a aHow do you know I wasnat?a aBecause it was so easy for you to let me go, Didi. You wanted more than I was giving you, or maybe you wanted less. All I know is that our s.e.x life was just a symptom of things not being right.a aSo youare running off with Tammy Toolbox now?a Didi tipped her head toward the door behind Natalie.

Natalie rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to snap back. Didi was only las.h.i.+ng out because she felt her grip slipping. aI donat know exactly what weare doing.a aBoy, you can say that again.a aThatas not what I meant and you know it. I meant that I donat know whatas going to happen.a This time, she gave her a scolding glare. aLook, I care about Kelly. Sheas opened my eyes to a side of me I never knew existed. Maybe sheas the one, Didi.a Her breath hitched as the words left her lips and Didias face fell. aOr maybe not. Once we get back to Rochester, I might slap myself in the head and say, aWhat were you thinking?a All I know is this feels fantastic, and I have to see it through.a It shocked her to see Didi wipe away an actual tear. aFine, Nat. You do whatever you have to do. But when this turns out to be a flash in the pan, Iall still be here. Thatas how I know what we have is real love, and you ought to know that too.a She took Didias hand and squeezed it hard. aListen to me. If thereas one thing I can promise, itas that Iam going to love you for the rest of my life, no matter what happens to either of us. Nothing about Kelly or anyone else will ever change that.a aSo will I ever get another chance?a Natalie felt pity at her desperate plea. All Didi wanted was a lifeline, something to hold onto until she came to terms with the reality that it was over. Still, Natalie couldnat bring herself to say something that wasnat true just to soothe Didias feelings. She had learned the hard way that it was better not to say anything at all.

The sound of the heavy gla.s.s sliding behind Didi announced Pamelaas arrival on the balcony.

Didi never turned back to acknowledge her presence, instead, mouthing her words silently. aI love you, Nat.a Natalie squeezed her hand again and stepped back inside.

Kelly pushed her wet hair against the grain to give it lift. The result was a disheveled look, which was exactly what she wanted, since Natalie had complimented it the night she had worn the outfit with the tie. Anything to please.

aDoes this look all right?a Natalie asked as she appeared from behind in the mirror. She was dressed casually in Capri pants and a long-sleeved rayon s.h.i.+rt, the latter bunched at the waist with a woven belt she had bought in San Juan.

aYou look fabulous.a Natalie poked her in the back. aYou didnat even look.a aI didnat have to. You always look fabulous.a She turned and eyed her up and down, twirling her finger to get Natalie to spin around. aI was right.a aIam sure if Iave done something wrong, Didi will let me know.a Kelly grabbed the door frame as the s.h.i.+p pitched to the side. aFeels like weare in for another rough night.a aThe TV said fifteen-foot swells. Good thing we donat get seasick.a aLike some people,a Kelly said, tipping her head in the direction of the cabin next door. She handed her dolphin necklace to Natalie. aHow about helping me with this? My outfit needs a focal point.a aYouare making fun of me.a aI am not. Iam showing off the only thing I know about fas.h.i.+on.a The s.h.i.+pas daily planner called for a casual dinner, so Kelly wore her usual tank top underneath a white s.h.i.+rt, and chinos. aMaybe when we get to Na.s.sau tomorrow weall cut out of our carriage tour and you can help me pick out a tropical s.h.i.+rt to wear on our last night.a aThe tour only lasts a couple of hours, so we should have time to do both.a Natalie finished fastening the necklace and reached over Kellyas shoulder to finger the pendant. aItas not too late to change your mind and do something in the water. Itas your last chance.a aItas your last chance to shop too, and I want to be with you.a aAnd, in this case, with Didi and Pamela.a aAs long as youare there, it wonat matter.a Natalie studied her with clear curiosity.aWhy on earth would you give up something fun to come shopping with us? You hate to shop.a Kelly held the door as they headed out to dinner.aIave decided to broaden my horizons.a As they pa.s.sed a long mirror at the entrance to the dining room, Natalie caught the smile she knew she had been sporting all day. And why wouldnat she be smiling? In the past twenty-four hours, shead had five, and not a single one from her own hand.

aI think weare late,a Kelly said, guiding Natalie to the table with a hand in the small of her back.

aThatas because you kept pulling me back to bed,a she whispered naughtily.

aYouare lucky weare here at all.a aYou call that lucky? I was going to ask for dinner in a doggie bag.a When they reached the table, Natalie noticed Didi had switched places with Pamela and was now sitting next to Yvonne instead of Kelly. If it was meant as an insult, it wasnat particularly subtle, and she deflected it by taking Kellyas seat instead of her own.

Kelly smiled across the table at Didi as she pushed Natalieas chair in. aAre you holding up all right with all this rocking and rolling?a Didi looked past her directly at Natalie. aThose pants are nice on you, Nat. Theyare the ones from the spring show two years ago, right?a Natalie eyed the empty highball gla.s.s in front of Didias plate, thinking it had to be at least her second to account for the stilted cadence in her voice. aThatas right. I love how they fit.a aI love how they fit too.a Natalie glanced uncomfortably at Pamela, who didnat seem troubled by the remark. Perhaps it had been an innocent observation after all, instead of the brazen overture she had first perceived. When she glanced back at Didi, she noticed a bandage on her thumb. aWhat happened to your hand?a aBurned it on my curling iron,a she grumbled.

The wine steward suddenly appeared and presented a bottle of cabernet sauvignon for Didias inspection. She nodded, and he worked the cork and proceeded to pour six

aI thought we ought to celebrate since we only have one more day on this d.a.m.n s.h.i.+p,a Didi said, slurring faintly.

Natalie shook her head and sighed. There was no denying it had been a miserable trip for Didi, and it was perfectly understandable she would be ready to celebrate its end. aTo good friends,a she said, lifting her gla.s.s in Didias direction.

aAnd to lovers,a Didi added. She slapped her gla.s.s to Natalieas carelessly, slos.h.i.+ng her wine so that it splashed on both Pamela and Natalie. aOops.a Pamela pushed back quickly and tried to mop her lap with her napkin. aUh-oh, this is going to stain.a aIam sorry. Did I get you too, Nat?a aJust a little. I think I can wash it out if I hurry. Come on, Pamela. Thereas a ladiesa room right outside the door.a Moments later she entered the restroom with Pamela on her heels. aLooks like Didi got an early start on happy hour.a aPoor thing,a Pamela said, scrunching her nose as she saw the reflection of the stain on her top. aEverything that could go wrong on this trip has. Food poisoning, sunburn, getting seasick, and now, burning her hand. I think if Emerald gave her a voucher for a free cruise shead drop it in the shredder.a aIam sure sheall be glad to get home.a Natalie dabbed a wet paper towel to a wine spot on her pants.

aI hate to say this, but I think my topas ruined. Iam going to run back to our cabin and change. Iall be back in a few minutes.a Natalie was impressed at how Pamela had kept her cool after such a careless accident, and even more that Didias antics were getting under her radar. aIall let the others know.a aHowas it going, Spike?a Didi asked, her face fixed in a smirk.

aNot bad,a Kelly answered. It was obvious Didi was drunk, and Kelly felt no desire to pile on to her obvious misery. aItas supposed to be nice weather in Na.s.sau, so maybe the seas will calm a bit as we get closer.a aYou having a good time with Natalie?a From her tone, Kelly got the distinct impression it wasnat a friendly question, and her patience was wearing thin. aGreat. In fact, Iad say it was perfect.a aEnjoy it while it lasts. Sheas just playing a game with you. When we get back to Rochester, itall all be over.a Yvonne shook a finger in Didias direction. aKnock it off, Didi.

And go easy on the wine before you fall over in your plate.a aYou stay out of this. Itas not your f.u.c.king business.a aI donat care whose business it is,a Steph interjected. aYouare drunk and you donat know what youare talking about.a aThe h.e.l.l I donat. You heard what Natalie said. aMight as well be with a man.a Wasnat that it?a Kelly flinched inwardly at the words and studied Stephas reaction. It took only seconds to realize Didi was speaking the truth.

Steph was clearly fl.u.s.tered. aShe didnat really mean that, Kelly. It was justaa Yvonne spoke up. aNatalie hasnat been around butch women much. I think she was just a little surprised at first.a Didi drained her winegla.s.s and banged it on the table.aThatas what she really thinks of you, so donat go fooling yourself into believing youare more than just a f.u.c.k. The woman hasnat been laid in two years. She told me today while you were off fetching ice cream that she has no idea what sheas doing with you. And for your information, she also said she loves me, and nothingas going to change that.a Kelly got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. As much as she wanted to dismiss Didias drunken rant, there was just enough plausibility in her words to make them stick. When she saw Didi look up and smile, she knew Natalie was behind her, and she wanted nothing more than to leave them all here quibbling about who said what.

aMy spot came out, but Pamela wasnat so lucky. She had to go back to the room and change.a Kelly resisted her natural inclination to help Natalie with her chair.

aWhyas everyone so quiet?a aDidias been running her mouth,a Yvonne groused.

aAbout what?a Didi shrugged, feigning innocence.aI just told Kelly what you said this afternoon, you know, about getting home and slapping your head because you didnat know what you were doing.a Natalieas face turned beet red, and she glanced nervously in Kellyas direction. aThat is not what I said.a aCome on, Natalie. You said if you were going to be with someone like that, it might as well be a man.a aI did not.a She grabbed Kellyas hand under the table. aI might have said I thought she was a man the first time I saw her, but thatas because she was standing behind Yvonne and I couldnat see her very well.a aBulls.h.i.+t. Canat you be honest just once in your life?a Didi looked over at the others. aYou guys heard her say that, didnat you?a Yvonne glared across the table. aDidi, youare such a b.i.t.c.h.a That was all the confirmation Kelly needed, and she wriggled her hand free from Natalieas and stood.aIam sure thereas probably some debate about the semantics, but I think I got the gist of it.a aHey, Nat. Did she know you were faking? Did you tell her you did that?a Kelly didnat wait to hear the answer.

aI canat believe youad be so mean,a Natalie said, her voice shaking with fury. aI hope youare proud of yourself.a aDid I say one thing that wasnat the G.o.dsa truth?a She wanted to throw her wine in Didias face, and would have if Steph and Yvonne hadnat been trapped in the middle of the spectacle. She stood and leaned menacingly across the table. aHowas this for some truth? When we get back to Rochester, weall sit down with the lawyers and accountants and draw up the papers. Iall sell you my half of the store, and you can take it and move to New York. Better yet, why donat you move to Mississippiaor Timbuktu?a Didi tossed her chin defiantly. aAw, come on. I just saved you all the trouble of telling her to get lost. You know as well as I do that sheas not good enough for you.a aWhat I know is that after ten days, she knows me better than you ever did because she cared enough to find out. You never cared about anyone but yourself.a She threw her napkin on her plate and leaned closer to deliver her parting shot in a low, venomous hiss. aAnd for your information, I donat have to fake it with her because sheas a thousand times better in bed.a

Chapter 21.

The inside cabins were black as pitch, but Kellyas backlit watch showed a few minutes after seven. They had been in port for a while because the s.h.i.+pas engine had gone perfectly still about an hour earlier, and moments ago she had heard a m.u.f.fled announcement that the gangway was open. She tightened her shoelace and groped in the dark for her

The figure in the other bed stirred. aHey, mate. You can turn on the light if you need to.a aSorry if I woke you up. I really appreciate you letting me crash here.a Jo sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. aNo worries. Julieas trying to squeeze in every last second with her new lady friend, so she probably wonat be back until itas time to pack.a aYouave been on your own a lot.a aDoesnat bother me. I mean, if I was here with a girlfriend or something, Iad want to be with her all the time, but I donat mind being by myself with Julie. I want her to have a good time.a aWho knows? Maybe next time you take this trip, you can talk Sarah into coming alongapus.h.i.+ng the beds togetheraa Though she grinned with embarra.s.sment, it was clear she liked the idea very much. aOnly in my dreams, mate.a aYou need to start living those dreams, Jo. You canat keep letting life pa.s.s you by.a aYeah, well. Youare not exactly living yours, or you wouldnat be bunking down here with me.a aI lived them, but they didnat last.a Kelly gathered her small bundle of belongings and stuffed them inside her gym bag. aNo regrets, though.a aSo what are you going to do today?a aI was here a few years ago when I was in the navy and I remember a coastal road that goes all the way out to the airport. I thought Iad take a nice long run and clear my head. Iall come back about noon and round up my gear before my roommate gets back.a aStow it here if you need to. And thereas a pretty good chance Julie will sleep with her lady again tonight.a aThanks, mate.aKelly liked using the friendly Aussie moniker. aI may have to take you up on that.a aSo what happened with you and Natalie? Last time I saw you, things were looking up.a aYeah, I thought so too. Turns out we were looking at different things.a aSorry it didnat work out.a aMe too, but like I said. No regrets.a She stowed her tidy bag in the closet. aIall pick this up later.a Hardly anyone was stirring in the hallway as she made her way to the exit on Deck 2. The tours would leave around eight, which meant Natalie and the others were probably at breakfast. She had plotted half the night about strategies to avoid further contact. It would be nice if it worked out for her to stay with Jo again, but she was prepared to sleep in one of the lounges if she had toa"anything to keep from seeing Natalie again.

She followed the signs to Bahamas Customs and flashed her and key card. Then she exited the row of shops along the pier and began to run. If the map was right, it was twelve miles to the airport and back. That would give her a good workout and put her back on the s.h.i.+p well before Natalie returned from her carriage tour.

aaShe didnat sleep here. I have no idea where she went, but all of her things are still in the drawers.a Natalie paced as far as the phone cord would allow. aNo, you and Yvonne should go on to Atlantis. No reason for anyone else to be miserable. Iam going to wait right here for her to come back.a She hung up and started out onto the balcony so she could watch the pa.s.sengers depart. She doubted Kelly would leave the s.h.i.+p alone, but it didnat hurt to watch for her. A loud knock on the door stopped her short. The cabin steward usually tapped gently and announced his presence, so that could only mean one thinga"Didi had awakened, hung over and filled with remorse for her rude behavior. Too d.a.m.n bad.

But it was Pamela, not Didi, on the other side of the peephole. aWhat on earth happened last night, Natalie?a Her face was a mask of worry.

aIam afraid youall have to get that story from Didiaif she can even remember it. People as drunk as she was are lucky because theyare spared most of the memories.a She left the door open for Pamela to follow her inside.

aShe never said a word about it last night, but I knew something was wrong. I let her sleep it off, and then told her this morning that Iad had enough of her acting like she could do whatever she wanted, that this was my vacation too. She left while I was in the shower.a aLook, I really like you and I donat mean to be rude about this. I know I havenat exactly been gracious toward you because, frankly, I was jealous. But believe me, Iam over all that. You can have her with my blessing.a She didnat owe Pamela the level of honesty about Didias intentions to dump her when they got back to Rochester. Didi would have to do her own dirty work on that one.

aI knew you were jealous, Natalie. And I could tell you were trying to get under her skin by hanging all over Kelly, but I figured you might as well take your best shot. If youare the one she really wants, itas better for me to find that out now. I love her with all my heart, but I want her to be happy, no matter what happy is.a Natalie sighed and slumped onto the couch. Pamela was a better person than all of them, and more mature to boot. aGood luck. I promise I wonat make any more trouble for you.a aThank you. So will you help me find her before she does something totally stupid, like leave the s.h.i.+p and fly home without her things?a aIall help you find Didi if youall help me find Kelly. She left during dinner and I havenat seen her since.a aSo thatas what it was. Didi shared one of her little fas.h.i.+on critiques about Kelly.a aIt was a good bit worse than that, but youave got the general picture.a Pamela started for the door. aIam going to walk around the s.h.i.+p and see if I can find either one of them. And Iall leave Didi a note to come talk to you if she comes back to the room.a aI donat really want to talk to her, Pamela. Whatever else needs to be said is between the two of you.a They traded grim looks. aIt must have been quite a scene. Iam sorry I missed it.a aI wish we all had missed it.a The run was just what Kelly needed, a chance to punish her body and take her mind off the events of the night before. How on earth had she ever convinced herself that someone like Natalie would find her attractiveaor even acceptable? She knew her own limitations. Women were charmed by her adoring, chivalrous doting, not by her looks. The beautiful onesa"women like Nataliea"were well out of her reach.

She had been running along the beach road for nearly an hour, and a low-flying plane signaled her proximity to the airport. In a perfect world, she could walk onto a plane that would take her to Miami, where she would meet the s.h.i.+p once the others had disembarked. Then she would collect her belongings and take a late flight back to Rochester alone. Her hopes of making friends were dashed. No way did she want to be part of a social circle that included the likes of Natalie and Didi. Where did those people get off pa.s.sing judgment on everyone around them?

She had expected such behavior from Didi, but it crushed her to find that Natalie had been a part of it too. Apparently, deception was her forte. If what Didi had said was true, their lovemaking had probably been a sham too.

Of all things to enter her head as she pounded along the crushed that lined the roadway, making love with Natalie was the last thing she wanted to think about. If indeed she had faked her bodyas response, she was quite the actress. The low moans and twitching torsoaher breathless kisses and thras.h.i.+ng hipsaand her throbbing inner walls.

It wasnat possible, she realized. Even the best actress in the world couldnat make her v.a.g.i.n.a spasm like that.

Kelly smiled with satisfaction that Didi had been wrong about that. Just because Natalie had faked it before didnat meana"

Her left foot suddenly found a hole that was deep enough to turn her ankle. aOw!a She hobbled a few feet to the line of porous gray coral that separated the road from the beach. This was definitely bad news. She was as far from the s.h.i.+p as she could possibly be, and it was Natalieas fault. If she hadnat been so focused on the vivid memories of making love, she would have seen the hole and stepped over it.

Several minutes pa.s.sed and the pain lessened, but after a few test steps, it was clear she wouldnat be running anymore today.

Out of options, she started the slow walk back to the s.h.i.+p, wincing each time her foot bore weight. If she persevered at this rate, she would cover the six miles inaabout a day and a half.

Natalie peered over the rail at the familiar figure in the distance. It was hard to believe Didi would go shopping in Na.s.sau as though she hadnat a care in the world. It was some consolation that by her posture she looked miserable as she made her way back to the s.h.i.+p with her bags.

Still no sign of Kelly. She was probably hiding out on the s.h.i.+p somewhere, since she hadnat been among the adventure tourists and she certainly wasnat shopping or taking the carriage tour. Pamela had walked every deck several times in search of both Kelly and Didi and had finally given up. Now it was after two, and only an hour or so before all were due back on board.

She stepped back inside and dialed the number for the cabin next door. aThought youad want to know that Didi is coming back onto the s.h.i.+p right now, and sheas carrying a load of shopping bags. She ought to be up here in a few minutesaNo, no sign of Kelly. I think Iam going to walk around and look for her myself.a Didi would be coming up the elevators at mid-s.h.i.+p, so Natalie turned aft to avoid her. Kelly could be anywhere, so she started with a full sweep of the s.h.i.+pas common areas. She half expected to find her in the observation lounge on the top floor, since that had been a regular watering hole. But the lounge was empty and she continued through the fitness center, checking the exercise room, the spa and the steam shower.

As she crossed the pool deck, she spotted a familiar face in a shaded deck chair. aHi, there, Jo.a The young woman nodded and smiled, apparently pleased to see Natalie. aIave been hiding out here reading all day. I feel like Iam on my own private s.h.i.+p.a aIam really sorry to disturb you. I was wondering if youad seen my friend Kelly. Iave been looking for her all day.a From Joas bemused look, Natalie knew instantly that she knew something.

aWhere is she?a aIam not really sure she wants you to know.a Natalie s.n.a.t.c.hed the novel from Joas hands and jumped back. aIf you want to know how this story ends, youall come clean.a Jo sprang from the deck chair to swipe at her novel. aHey, give me that.a aTell me,a Natalie demanded, holding the book over the pool.

aShe said she was going for a run to clear her head, and shead be back by noon to get her gear out of the room.a Natalie shook her head. aShe never came back. Iave been watching for her from the balcony.a aIam telling you, she had on her trainers with shorts and a tank top. She said something about a coastal road out to the airport that she knew from when she was here in the navy.a Ten minutes later, Natalie was climbing into the backseat of a taxi. aIs there a road that runs along the sh.o.r.e to the airport?a aWest Bay Road,a the old man answered in a song-like cadence.

aLetas take that. Iam looking for a friend whoas out running for exercise.a They wound through the traffic of Na.s.sauas shopping district, finally emerging on a two-lane highway that paralleled the sh.o.r.e. Natalie looked left and right for signs of a runner, all the while checking the clock on the dash anxiously to be sure she got back to the s.h.i.+p on time. As they approached the airport, she realized the futility of her search. Kelly must have sneaked back aboard somehow, because a runner this far out with only thirty minutes before boarding had zero chance of getting back on time.

aI guess we should turn back. She doesnat seem toa"a aIs that your friend?a She followed his eyes to a lone figure sitting on a rock at the edge of the water and her heart lurched. aStop the car.a Unfortunately, the water along the sh.o.r.e was too warm to stave off the swelling. With mounting concern, Kelly examined the blue hue of the puffy skin below her ankle. It wasnat the worst sprain shead ever had, but she could cross running off her list for the next two or three weeks.

And by her watch, she could cross cruising off as well. The gangway was going up in about thirty minutes and she had no way of getting back to the s.h.i.+p. Waving down a pa.s.sing taxi wouldnat do her any good, since she didnat have any cash. No taxi driver would trust her to come back and pay after going through customs to get back on the s.h.i.+p.

As backup plans went, hers sucked, but it would have to do. Once she reached a point where she could walk again, she would head back to the airport and call her brother collect. He would probably gripe about it, but with some cajoling would front her the cash to purchase her ticket to fly back to Miami tonight. She could sleep in the terminal and catch the early departure for Rochester, long before the others disembarked. That meant leaving her belongings behind, but at least she had her If Natalie thought to gather up her things, she could collect them from Yvonne later.

Somehow, she would have to get word to the group that she was fine. Though she didnat want to talk to any of them right now, it was cruel to make them worry. Maybe the airline would pa.s.s on a message.

A dark blue taxi abruptly slid to a stop in the gravel. She briefly toyed with the notion of throwing herself upon the driveras mercy and begging for a ride back to the port, but the more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of going back by plane and avoiding Natalie and Didi.

Then the back door opened, and the last person on earth she wanted to seea"next to last, actually, since had it been Didi, she might have gotten up and started running againa"crawled out and started walking toward her. Kelly spun around on the rock to stare out to sea. The footsteps stopped only inches behind her.

aIam so sorry, Kelly. I donat even know where to start.a aItas okay. Letas just forget it.a aNo, it isnat okay and Iam not going to let this go.a Natalieas hand came to rest on her shoulder. aI said something ignorant and judgmental the first time I saw you, and Iam ashamed of that. But you taught me a lesson. And whether you believe it or not, I started learning it the first time we sat down and talked. I know now that itas not about how a person looks. What matters is what theyare like inside.a Kelly bristled with frustration. aThat isnat all that matters. This may come as a shock to you and your friends, but I happen to like the way I look. My hair, my clothesabelieve it or not, I do these things on purpose. I donat care if people accept me, but I expect the person Iam making love with to actually like those things about me, not overlook them.a aI do like them,a she said plaintively, walking around to look her in the eye. aYou turn me on like n.o.body ever has. Didnat I show you that?a When she realized Natalie was stubbornly waiting for her answer, she nodded weakly.

aWhat Didi saidaI did that with her, and I got caught, because she asked me one time if I ever faked it, and I stupidly told her the truth. Looking back on it, I wish Iad lied and made her think she was the most perfect lover in the world. But I didnat fake anything with you.a aI know you didnat.a aKelly, youave shown me things about myself that I never knew before. I feel like a totally different woman than the one I used to be, and I love it.a She sat on the rock, forcing Kelly to scoot over. aI like us together. I like the woman I am when Iam with you.a aI like the woman you are too,a Kelly admitted, feeling the full force of her emotions as she began to let go of her anger and humiliation. aYou make me want to give you the world, Natalie. Iad do anythinga"grow my hair outawhatevera"if thatas what you really needed. All you have to do is ask.a Natalie shook her head. aNo, I mean it. Iam falling in love with the real you.a All of Kellyas defensive posturing died inside as Natalie confessed her heart, and she allowed her hand to be taken. aIf that taxi driver sees us holding hands, heas liable to drive off.a aThere are worse things than being stuck with you in the Bahamas.a She stood and gave Kelly a gentle pull. aBut maybe we should come back here another time and do that on purpose. Right now weave got about twenty minutes to get back to the dock.a Kelly shook her foot and gingerly worked her sock into place. aI had a little accident. Youare probably going to have to help me back to the s.h.i.+p.a Natalie flashed a look of alarm and bent down to examine her injury. aWhat happened?a aJust a sprained ankle. I was sitting here already planning another way to get home, because there was no way I could get back to the s.h.i.+p.a She hitched an arm around Natalieas waist and allowed herself to be led to the waiting car. With Natalieas declaration that she was falling in love, the sting of her flippant words was gone. aItas a good thing Iam gimpy. If I could stand on one leg, Iad probably have to kick Didias a.s.s.a aYou let me worry about Didi.a

Chapter 22.

Natalie dumped her toiletries and filled the plastic bag with ice from the bucket in their tiny wet bar. By the time they got back to their room, Kelly was expressing optimism that the sprain wasnat as bad as she had originally thought, and packing it in ice for an hour or so would help minimize the swelling.

She opened the door to the bathroom and stared brazenly at Kelly in the shower. aWhat a body. Youare going to have to show me what you do to look like that and help me get in shape.a Kelly looked over her shoulder and grinned. aOh no, you donat. You have the curves in all the right places, and soft spots I can bury my face into. I better not catch you lifting any weights.a Natalie snickered, remembering Kellyas response when she had teased about buying some briefs like hers. It was wonderful to be with someone who liked the woman she already was. aI fixed you an icepack. I think we should order room service so you can rest.a aI donat think either of us will be getting much rest tonight, but room service is a great idea.a aAre you saying you have other things in mind?a aDefinitely. We have to make up for last night.a aWeare going to have lots of time for that, you know.a aGood, because Iam going to need lots of time with you.a She spun the dial and turned off the water. aGood as new.a Natalie held out a towel and frisked Kellyas short hair. Then she methodically patted her dry from head to toe. aI should call Steph and tell her we wonat be at dinner.a aHave you talked to Didi?a aShe called a few minutes ago and asked me to meet her out on the balcony, but I told her I wasnat ready to talk to her yet.a aYou ought to go, Nat. Youall feel better if you get it behind you.a aIam afraid of what Iall say. Iave put up with her constant critique for eight years, but Iave never known her to be as cruel as she was last night. And I canat believe she said that last part in front of everyone. There are some things you like to think will always be private.a aShe was drunk and she felt things slipping away. All she wanted was to break us apart, and I almost let her do that.a Kelly slipped on her robe and hobbled carefully to the couch. aLucky for me, you didnat.a Natalie fetched the icepack and helped her prop her ankle on a small stack of pillows. aYou really think I should talk to her? Iam not up for another fight.a aIf it feels like thatas going to happen, you can walk away. Iall be right here staring at this picture.a Kelly craned her neck for a kiss as she reached for the photo of the two of them from formal night. aJust knock on the gla.s.s if you need me and Iall hop out there and rescue you.a aWhat would you do?a aI donat know. Moon her?a Natalie laughed heartily, imagining Didias shock at such a gesture. She hated to give up her good mood for a confrontation, but Kelly was right. Settling things once and for all would make her feel better, even though a part of her wanted Didi to stew a bit longer. But she owed it to Kelly and Pamela both to officially end things with Didi once and for all.

The sound of voices from the adjacent balcony surprised her, not because Didi and Pamela were talking, but because they seemed to be talking amiably. She listened as Didi cheerfully related her shopping experiences from earlier in the day while Pamela laughed. Natalie finally cleared her throat and poked her head around the divider. The conversation abruptly stopped.

Pamela smiled at her and stood. aI think Iall go start packing.a aIall be there in a minute,a Didi said. aI can help you with that big suitcase.a Natalie had the urge to clean her ears. Didi helping?

Didi left her deck chair and sauntered casually to the rail. aI guess itas back to the grind tomorrow.a aAnd to the snow.a aI forgot about that part. Maybe Pamela and I should cash in those vouchers and just stay on the s.h.i.+p. You game?a Natalie shook her head. aI canat. Iave got a lot to do when we get back.a aAbout the store, Natawhy donat we sit on that for a while? Maybe youare right about New York. We could always try opening a Manhattan location down the road, but we should keep the main store in Rochester. You can keep all the business operationsa"a aI thought you wanted to buy me out.a aI donat. I had a brain fart or something. I never really wanted you out of the business. I just thought if I pressured you about it until it drove you nuts, youad move with me. I canat run this store without you. Youare the reason itas been successful. Youave worked hard and made all the smart decisions. Sometimes I need you to save me from myself.a This was a new experience, listening to Didi praise her strengths while admitting her own limitations. aThatas not true. Youare the one who understands how to merchandise. And you always know exactly whatas going to be hot two years from now. Itas amazing. After eight years of seeing you every day, and I still canat even dress myself.a aSure you can, Nat. You always look like a million bucks. Iam sorry I didnat tell you that enough.a Didi folded her hands and gazed out at the open sea. aIam sorry for lots of things, but especially for last night. I was drunk, but thatas not an excuse. I deserve whatever you want to do, but please donat stop loving me.a It was bittersweet to hear Didi finally saying some of the things she had always wanted to hear, now that she had Kelly to tell her again and again. aItas over for us, Didi.a aI know that partas over, but I couldnat stand it if you werenat in my life anymore. No matter what happens or where we go, Iam always going to need you to love me. And Iam always going to love you back, even if itas someone else who makes you happy.a aAnd if itas someone you donat approve of?a Didi looked at her sheepishly. aSorry about that too. I knew you were falling for her. I saw how she practically wors.h.i.+pped you, and thatas when I finally realized what an idiot I was. I never gave you that because I always expected you to do those things for me.a aI never needed to be wors.h.i.+pped, Didi.a aNo, but you deserved it. I was too selfish to see that. I wish I had told you how lucky I felt to be the one you loved.a Natalie fought a well of tears, thinking she had never felt closer emotionally to Didi than she did right that minute. aI kind of wish you had too. I always felt lucky to be with you. But sometimes I felt like you sucked all the light out of the rooma that you didnat leave any for the rest of us.a aYou had your own light, Nat. You were always the prettiest, and you didnat have to work at it like I did.a She looked behind her and tipped her head toward the door. aPamela must be nuts, because she thinks Iam worth holding onto. Lucky for me she likes old hags.a aYouare not an old hag, Didi. You have a cla.s.sic beauty that never ages.a This was an old habit for both of them, Didi disparaging herself and Natalie building her up. aJust donat go too long without telling Pamela those things, because she needs to hear them too.a aI think Iam off to a good start. I slipped off the s.h.i.+p this morning to buy her some very expensive diamond earrings. I would have gotten you something too, but I didnat think I could handle watching you pitch it in the ocean.a Natalie chuckled and shook her head. aIam not sure I could ever get angry enough to throw diamonds overboard.a Her anxiety waned as several seconds of comfortable silence pa.s.sed, and she turned to give Kelly a rea.s.suring wave.

aIave got to tell you, Nata"and please donat get mad at mea" but you and Kellyathat surprises me.a aIt surprised me too at first, but thatas how I knew it was something special. She just broke through everything I thought I knew about myself.a aYeah, I guess I can see it. Thereas something about her.a She liked to think Didi was being truthful, instead of just trying to smooth things over. aI hope youall get to know her. I want all of us to be friends.a aAre you sure she wants to be friends with me?a aI think so. Sheas a better person than you are,a she added teasingly.

aThat doesnat take much.a Natalie bit back the instinct to respond, thinking maybe just once she would let Didi wallow in remorse. aWeare going to skip dinner tonight. Kelly sprained her ankle and sheas having some trouble getting around.a aIs she okay?a aIam sure sheall be fine. Weall see everyone at breakfast tomorrow.a She held out her hand and Didi gave it a squeeze.

aI love you, Nat.a aLove you back.a Kelly zipped her duffel and set it outside the cabin door with Natalieas luggage. Between the two of them, they had only one small bag to carry off the next morning, a welcome relief for her b.u.m ankle. aThatas it. Hard to believe twelve days went by so fast. Iam ready to go again.a aBelieve it or not, thatas what Didi said.a aAfter all sheas been through? I would have thought shead sworn off s.h.i.+ps forever.a Natalie hadnat shared much about her conversation with Didi, though she had seemed relaxed and settled ever since their talk. aI take it you got everything sorted out?a aMore or less. I think sheall apologize to you eventually.a aItas not necessary.a aIt is if weare all going to be friends one of these days.a Natalie pulled her onto the couch. aWould you be okay with that? Being friends with Didi, I mean.a aSure. Why not?a aI just wondered. She hasnat treated you very well.a aWhat matters to me is how she treats you.a Kelly took advantage of their proximity to slide her fingertips inside the waistband of Natalieas pajama bottoms. aAnd how I treat you.a aAnd how often you treat me,a Natalie added with a tantalizing smile. She turned and leaned backward into Kellyas chest.

aNow youare talking.a Kelly continued her sensuous strokes inside the pajamas, trailing her fingers over the swirl of Natalieas pubic hair. aItas going to be hard to get used to not seeing you every day.a aWho says we wonat? If you ask me, itas sort of silly to make love with somebody and then try to pretend youare taking things slowly.a Though everything about their relations.h.i.+p felt right, Kelly had tried to keep her expectations from running wild. She liked that Natalie seemed to take for granted the fact that they were now a couple. aI hope weall take years to get to know each other, but that doesnat mean I donat want to sleep with you every night.a Natalie dropped her head back on Kellyas shoulder and sighed. aYou canat move in until you build me another closet. Those Victorians must have worn the same clothes every day.a aYou certainly know how to motivate. Iall have that closet finished by the end of next week.a Another set of hands slid under the waistband to cover hers. aThat feels so nice.a aI could do this all night.a Kelly dipped her fingers lower to tickle the smooth skin of her l.a.b.i.a, wondering if Natalie would let the hair grow back after her waxing. aHow long do you think you could stand me touching you like this without making you come?a Natalie reached lower and parted her l.a.b.i.a. aHow long can you touch me like that without touching this?a aGood point.a The folds were already wet and warm, and Natalie began to undulate in response to the slow strokes. aThis is the most exquisite feeling. Are you sure you wonat let me do this all night?a aIamajust a few moreaa Her hips arched upward as she heaved.

aWait for me.a Natalie groaned in protest, but Kelly withdrew her hands and slid off the couch and to her knees. She worked the pajamas to the floor and eyed the glistening softness, which Natalie held open for the touch of her tongue.

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