Sea Legs Part 6

Sea Legs -

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Though Kelly had said she would wait until Natalie had settled the matter of Didi once and for all, that didnat mean she couldnat nudge it along. As the auctioneer droned on, she began to formulate a plan.

A new game was on.

Natalie put the finis.h.i.+ng touches on her makeup and checked the bedside clock. The auction should have finished an hour ago. Since Kelly hadnat returned, she used the extra time alone to freshen up, something she didnat normally do in the afternoon unless they were dressing for dinner. She was only doing it today becausea"yes, she could admit this to herselfa"because Kelly noticed and appreciated how she looked.

Why was she taking so long to come back to their room?

No sooner had the question run through her mind than she heard the sound of a key card in the door. She hurried to the couch and picked up the daily update, feigning to read.

aHey, Natalie! Did you and Didi buy out the store?a aWe didnat see much. We spent most of the afternoon in the observation lounge. How was the art auction?a aInteresting. I had no idea Pamela was so smart. She knows all about art, even more than some of the people working the auction. Turns out her stepfatheraa The words were like white noise as Natalie watched Kelly kick off her sandals, empty her pockets and stretch out on her bed. Off and on all day, she thought of how she felt when Kellyas lithe arms had enveloped her last night as they closed in for a kiss. There was something vastly different about kissing Kelly, a sensation she had never gotten from either Theresa or Didi. She couldnat put her finger ona"

aDo you like it?a The question jarred her, and she tried to play back the last bits of what Kelly had said. Her best guess was something having to do with art. aWho doesnat?a aI didnat used to. My father had no use for it. Art to him was one of those landscapes you bought at the furniture store to hang over your couch. I took an art appreciation cla.s.s at the community college in Buffalo and guess what happened? I wound up appreciating art.a aMaybe we can take in something at ARTWalk this spring.a aThat would be nice.a Kelly propped up on her elbow. aI really like Pamela. Sheas pretty down-to-earth for someone working and living in the middle of such a dynamic industry. And you would expect a woman as pretty as her to be stuck up about it, but she isnat.a Natalie didnat like the flavor of these new revelations. For one thing, it bothered her to think Kelly just threw around compliments about pretty women, and that her words the night before had been just ordinary plat.i.tudes. More important was the possibility that Pamela might have turned Kellyas head.

aI heard the weatheras supposed to be better tomorrow,a Kelly said. aAny idea what you want to do on the private island?a aWhat are our choices?a Only moments ago, she had seen the description of activities in the daily update, but her mind hadnat processed any of it.

aThey have an adults-only beach. Itas supposed to be quiet and relaxing. I doubt Didi would be up for anything in the sun, but Pamela probably would. We could get an umbrella like we did back on Antigua. As long as we donat let Didia"a aMaybe we should do something by ourselves. The cruise is almost over and we havenat really had a chance to get to know each other.a Kelly sat up and rested her forearms on her knees, a barely perceptible smile emanating from her lips. aIad like that. Just us.a aJust us.a Natalie drew in a deep breath as a warm flush crept up her neck. Kellyas smile had gotten bigger, and now she was sporting one of her own.

Chapter 17.

Kelly peered over the balcony to watch the tenders shuttle pa.s.sengers to the private island. aWeall get to ride in the lifeboats today, Natalie,a she shouted through the open door.

Natalie appeared beside her, dressed for another beach day in her swimsuit, shorts and a beach wrap. aNice to know they all float.a No doubt about it. Kelly had stumbled onto the perfect plan, and it was coming together perfectly. Pamela had unknowingly provided the missing piece, and was also lending a sense of urgency for Natalie to make up her mind once and for all to move on to something new.

aDonat forget your shades,a she said to Natalie as they started for the door.

Natalie spun around and plucked her from the bed.

aLooks like this will be our last chance to get some sun before we go back to the dreaded ice and snow.a Didi had pouted through dinner the night before when the others talked about their day of sun and relaxation on the private island, so much that Natalie had offered to shop with her in Na.s.sau on their last day in port. Kelly promptly responded by asking Pamela if she had any interest in a carriage tour of the island. When she agreed, Natalie twisted Didias arm to give up the shops and tag along. That was all the confirmation Kelly needed to know she was on the right track.

Her strategy for winning Natalie was two-p.r.o.nged. First was to show a hint of interest in Pamela, which had probably been the catalyst for Natalieas suggestion that they go it alone today on the private island. Second was to take advantage of her new insight into Natalieas dynamic with Didi, one that suggested she might enjoy being on the receiving end of the attention for a change.

Kelly had observed Didias habit of complimenting clothes rather than people, and wanted to send a different message. aSpeaking of, that teal swimsuit really brings out your eyes. Theyare gorgeous anyway, but they seem extra bright next to that suit.a Natalieas beaming smile told her she had struck the perfect chord. aI think itas the sun, which Iam starting to think I canat get enough of.a They ran into Steph and Yvonne on the steps.

aYou guys just missed Didi and Pamela,a Steph said. aDidias slathered in sunscreen and has on an enormous hat.a To Kellyas disappointmenta"and Natalieas too, from her look of annoyancea"their day alone was now a group outing.

aLetas go. Theyare saving us a place on the tender. Oh, and thanks for the books, Kelly.a Natalie glanced between them with confusion. aWhat books?a aI ran into Jo this morning and she had finished two more books, so I got a couple of Stephas and swapped them.a aYouare addicted to that stuff, arenat you?a aWhat can I say? Iam a sucker for romance.a Kelly brought up the rear as they walked down to Deck 2 and out onto the platform to board the tender. She doubted that Didias motivation was being with all of them. If her behavior of the past couple of days was any indication, the one she wanted to be with was Natalie.

Her theory panned out when they reached the boat and found Didi and Pamela on a long bench saving the four seats between them. Didi immediately gestured for Natalie to take the seat next to her. Rather than sit on Natalieas opposite side and compete with Didi for her attention, Kelly scooted in next to Pamela at the other end, leaving the middle s.p.a.ces for Steph and Yvonne. aIam glad you decided to come along,a she said loudly enough for Natalie to hear. aOur time with friends will be over soon.a aI doubt that,a Pamela replied sweetly. aI think weall see lots of each other once we get home.a aI want to come to the city so you can show me around all the art museums.a aWouldnat that be fun?a Ever the charming hostess, Pamela leaned around and invited Steph and Yvonne to join them.

Natalie frowned, but then her face lit up. aKelly, if youare ever interested in touring the Eastman House, Iad love to go. Itas one of my favorite museums.a Yes, her plan was coming together. aJust name the day, Natalie. That sounds like fun.a They reached the island and set off en to the adults-only beach, which was situated by a peaceful cove. Didi quickly claimed a shaded hammock, and Yvonne and Steph dragged several beach chairs so they could all sit alongside.

Kelly darted off to the vendoras hut and rented two foam rafts. By the time she returned, the others had already ordered drinks from a pa.s.sing waiter.

aI got us a couple of beers,a Natalie said.

aGreat. And I got us a couple of escape pods,a she said, holding up the rafts.

aYou read my mind.a Kelly led the way into the warm, clear water carrying both of the rafts. aI know we put on sunscreen, but weall still have to be careful not to burn. It would be a shame for you to cover that nice tan of yours with blisters and peeling skin.a aLike someone else we know?a aPrecisely.a aYou really enjoy Pamela, donat you?a Though the question seemed to come out of nowhere, Kelly knew better. Natalie was bothered by her conversation with Pamela on the way to the island. aHonestly, I think sheas one of the nicest people Iave ever met.a Natalie frowned and grabbed one of the rafts. aI know. Iave tried not to like her, but I canat help it.a Kelly chuckled and took mercy on her. aBut if I had to choose only one woman to spend time with, it wouldnat be Pamela.a aNo?a aNo, Iam pretty happy right where I am, thank you. Iave stolen the prettiest woman on the beach from all her friends. Now Iam going to tie our rafts together and set us adrift. Does that sound all right with you?a Natalie smiled and stretched out on her raft, sucking in a breath as the water hit her belly. aI wanted this to be a day for just us.a Kelly fell across her raft too, maneuvering so they were floating face to face, barely a foot away. aSo did I. Now that weare all alone out here, why donat you entertain me? Tell me whatas on your mind.a She rested her chin on her hands.

aI think Didias about to break up with Pamela.a A sick feeling enveloped her, and she let the words float along with them for several seconds. aThatas what you wanted, isnat it?a aI used to think so.a Natalie stared at her fingers as they trailed gently through the water. aI expected to be a little more excited about it. Instead, I just feel sad for her.a aSad enough to go back to her?a Natalie reached out to grasp the edge of Kellyas raft to stop her from floating away.aIave always been there for herawhatever she said she needed.a aHas she been there for you, Natalie?a aMostlyabut not always. We were pretty happy a long time ago, but Iave started to think weall never get that back.a There was a distinct tone of melancholy in Natalieas voice, but also a hint of resolve. aI think I could persuade her to give up New York, but why should I keep her from that if itas what she really wants?a aNew York is just a small piece of this. The real question is whether or not you love her, and if you want to spend your life with her.a Natalie looked up with sad eyes. aYes to the first. No to the second. Iam always going to love her, but I think weare both better off if we can just be friends and business partners.a Kelly wanted to smile at her own good fortune, but it gave her no pleasure to see Natalie so glum. aWhat about the New York thing?a aMaybe if she breaks up with Pamela, it wonat be such a big deal.a If Pamela was right, Didias dream of moving her business to the city wouldnat just go away. But it might be easier to resolve if Natalie could disentangle her emotions and make the best decision for the store.

aThereas the guy with our drinks,a Natalie said. aIad rather float around out here, but Yvonne paid for our beers, so I guess we should get them while theyare still cold.a aStay where you are.a Kelly slid into the water and pushed both rafts toward sh.o.r.e. Only when they reached knee-deep water did she stop to help Natalie stand.

Natalie grabbed her wrist as they walked toward their friends. aWhy donat we get our drinks and take a walk down the beach?a aI have a better idea. You wait here and Iall run these rafts up there and get our beer.a Kellyas idea was to hurry off before anyone asked to come along.

Natalie stared at Kellyas retreating figure. Somehow, in the last eleven days, board shorts on a woman had become s.e.xy. Or maybe it was the twitching muscles in Kellyas calves as she plowed through the sand. No, it was the way said shorts hugged that very tight b.u.t.t. Or the broad shouldersathe air of confidenceathe total package.

With every minute that pa.s.sed, Natalie became more convinced of what she wanteda"and what she didnat want. In the last twenty-four hours, she had imagined what it would be like to get her old life back. Thanks to Didias none-too-subtle overtures, her feelings about a rejuvenated relations.h.i.+p had been quite vivid. Each time she took a mental step in that direction, she found herself filled with doubts and misgivings. Going back to Didi meant a return to a life that was dull and unfulfillinga"for both of them. They had invested enough of their lives in each other. Their love was safe forever, but the romance was over.

From her stance near the sh.o.r.e, she grew anxious to see Didi trying to climb from her hammock as if to come along. But then Pamela put a hand on her shoulder and she fell back.

Moments later, Kelly was handing her a beer and steering her in the opposite direction. aWe almost had company.a aSo I saw.a aItas curious that Pamela doesnat seem to be jealous. Didi isnat making any secret that she wants to be wherever you are.a aDidias a complicated person. Sheas probably sending Pamela other messages too. She needs to manage all the pieces around her.a Natalie took a sip of her beer as they waded into the gently lapping water. aThat probably makes her sound like a control freak, but she isnat like that. She just doesnat trust people to have her interests at heart, so she micromanages everyone close to her.a aIt must have been hard not to feel trusted.a Natalie felt a wave of shame in thinking Didi had been right not to trust her after all. But it wasnat fair to Kelly to mention that and not elaborate on the humiliating details. aI understood why she did that, even if I didnat always appreciate it.a They walked in silence for several minutes, until her curiosity got the best of her. aYou got quiet all of a sudden.a aI was trying to figure out how to say something without sounding like just another person trying to tell you what to do.a She laughed softly. aI guess if I stopped letting people lead me around by the nose, that wouldnat be an issue.a aI promise I wonat try to do that.a Kelly took a long pull on her beer. aI was just thinking it was only a couple of days ago that you wanted Didi back. Now youare saying you donat, and while a part of me feels like jumping up and down, the other part is worried about you rus.h.i.+ng into things, or out of things, as the case may be.a She exhaled with relief, glad that Kelly had just confirmed she was still interested. On the other hand, she was embarra.s.sed to have her erratic emotions on full display. aIam not usually this wishy-washy. Itas just that I realized I didnat really feel the way I thought I did. I guess I just wanted something familiar.a aIt happens like that sometimes. A womanas prerogative is to change her mind. When you think about it, itas amazing a couple of lesbians can ever agree on anything.a aDo you do that too? You want something so badly that itas all you can think about, and then when you get it, itas not as nice as you thought it would be?a aI think thatas where they get that saying about the gra.s.s always looking greener on the other side of the fence.a aMaybe thatas it. Somebody came along a couple of days ago and showed me that the gra.s.s on this side could be pretty green too.a She looked up to see Kelly break into a grin. Those dimples were adorable. aI donat know why I went off and killed a whole day with Didi yesterday. I guess Iam just in the habit of doing whatever she says. What I really wanted was to spend the day with you.a aJust like I really wanted to be with you instead of Pamela.a aNext time, just step on my foot or something.a aI hope there are lots of next times. So does this mean I can relax and be charming again? Iave been trying to hold it in.a Natalie laughed heartily. It was nice to be rid of their serious tone. aI bet you couldnat hold it in if you tried.a By this time, Kelly was walking backwards in front of her, sporting a flirtatious smile. aNo more than you can stop turning heads.a She looked at the other beachgoers, none of whom were looking their way. aI think youare imagining things.a aYouare certainly turning mine.a Natalie slogged through the water with Steph until they were waist-deep. aLetas see if we can lie down on these without falling into the water like a couple of klutzes.a aHow did you manage before?a aKelly helped me. But I canat ask you to help because youare the only one I know whoas clumsier than I am.a aThanks so much.a Steph fell onto her raft awkwardly and wiggled until she was in the center. Though her long curly hair was tied back, a stray ringlet soaked up the water like a sponge. aTheyare all watching us, just waiting to laugh.a aI know.a Natalie straddled her raft and leaned forward until she was aHa! Made it.a aWow, this is the life. Thanks for coming out here with me.a aIam surprised Yvonne didnat want to come.a aShe does, but I needed to talk to you first. I have good news and bad news.a Steph craned her neck to peer past Natalie toward the sh.o.r.e.

Natalie groaned. aI donat want any bad news.a aYouare getting it anyway. When Pamela and Yvonne went to pick up the towels, Didi told me sheas on to your little charade with Kelly. I asked her why she thought it was a charade and she said there was no way youad ever be interested in somebody like Kelly. She thinks youare being a s.h.i.+t for using her like thata"and by the way, Yvonne said the same thing until I told her Kelly was in on it.a The news wasnat as bad as she had feared. In fact, it was of no consequence at all, since she had been straightforward with Kelly. She didnat care what Didi thought about it. aWhatas the good news?a aThat it worked. She said, and I quote, aIam starting to think getting back with Natalie would be the best thing for everyone,a unquote.a aHmm.a The good news in combination with the bad news made it all very bad news. Now she had to send a new message to Didi that she wasnat interested anymore, and the only way to do that was to tell her flat out.

aThat is good news, isnat it?a Even Steph was having a hard time sounding enthusiastic.

aI suppose she knows youare out here telling me all this.a aYeah, she wanted me to talk to you. She wants to wait until we all get home to break up with Pamela, but she asked me to let you know so you wouldnat have to hang out so much with Kelly.a aSo I wouldnat have to. Thatas pretty funny.a Natalie laughed softly and shook her head. aWhat if I want to?a A knowing smile spread across Stephas face. aI knew it.a She splashed water on Natalieas back. aYou and Kelly.a aNot officially, but Iam coming around. You were right.a aOf course I was right. Didi might know fas.h.i.+on, but I know hotness. Tell me everything.a aThereas nothing to tell, except I discovered the other night that sheas a very good kisser.a Natalie wasnat ready to commit her feelings about Kelly to words. aSheas different. I donat really know what it is.a aSheas a top. Youave never been with a top before.a aPfft! I think tops and bottoms are a bunch of bunk. I like women who like being women, not ones who want to be men.a aThatas not what a top is. Do you think Yvonne wants to be a man?a aOf course not.a aTrust me, Yvonne is a top, and I wouldnat have it any other way. That doesnat mean I donat take over once in a while, but I like having her be the aggressor most of the time, and she likes it too.a aA partners.h.i.+p is supposed to be equal, though. Didi and I didnat play roles.a aBecause youare both bottoms. Thatas what made you equal. Iam surprised you didnat both die of Lesbian Bed Death. Thatas what happens when n.o.body takes charge.a aThere was nothing wrong with our s.e.x life.a Even as the declaration left her lips, she knew it to be a lie. aIt wasnat fabulous all the time, but at least it was regularaor semi-regular. And it wasa"a She started to say satisfactory, but that was the biggest lie of all. aOkay, so it wasnat all that great. To tell you the truth, it was pretty flat, especially after the first year or so.a aWhich one of you initiated s.e.x?a Steph asked in a tentative voice.

Natalie sighed and contorted her face. aI canat believe weare talking about this.a aCome on, Nat. Weave been best friends for eighteen years. We used to talk about s.e.x all the time.a aThat was back when it was fun and interesting. Now itas just another thing to stress about.a aIt shouldnat be that way. Are you s.e.xually attracted to Kelly?a Did l.u.s.tful twitches in her loins count? aI think so.a aAnd Didi?a Natalie turned her head to see the others on the sh.o.r.e. Didi was lying in the hammock, gazing out in their direction. aIt isnat a fair comparison.a aRight, because Kellyas new and exciting. But if Didi isnat pus.h.i.+ng your b.u.t.tons anymore, you might as well just be friends, right?a aI suppose.a That was exactly what Didi had said two years ago when they broke up. Back then, Natalie had thought she had lost interest in s.e.x. Now it seemed she had only lost interest in s.e.x with Didi.

aAre you going to say something to Didi, or do you want me to?a aI guess I will. Iam not going to rush into anything with Kelly, but I donat want Didi to think Iam out there waiting in the wings.a Steph began to paddle away from sh.o.r.e.aOkay, Iam done with you now. Will you go back to the beach and send my girlfriend out here?a aNot that youare trying to get rid of me or anything.a

Chapter 18.

On the balcony, Kelly s.h.i.+elded her eyes from the sun as they rounded the tip of the island and headed for the open sea. Even with the whole group in tow, her day with Natalie on the s.h.i.+pas private island had been almost perfect, the best of it being that Natalie was no longer interested in getting back with Didi. The missing piece was whether or not this was the right time to pick up where they had left off the other night. She had a feeling it was, but thought it best to proceed slowly, not because she was worried Natalie would change her mind but so they could avoid any missteps. She wanted more than just an onboard fling, and she hoped Natalie did too.

Natalie emerged through the sliding door dressed for dinner in a casual tropical blouse with slacks and sandals. A tan sweater hung about her shoulders, its arms tied across her chest.

aVery nice.a aYou like it?a aYes, but you could make a potato sack look good.a She nudged the deck chair back to make room for both of them to stand at the rail. aI canat believe weave been out here for over a week and you still have things you havenat worn.a aI brought too much. Iall probably have to change three times a day from here on out just to get through all my stuff.a aI hope I get a chance to see your winter wardrobe when we get home.a It was a lame way to broach the topic, but at least it was benign. If Natalie wanted to talk about what was next for them, the door was open.

aIam counting on it.a Kelly turned so they were face to face, relis.h.i.+ng Natalieas faint smile. aDoes that mean what I think it means? Am I going to be able to charm you into a date when we get back to the frozen north?a aIs that what you want?a aThatas just the beginning. Iam hoping for a lot of dates.a She tugged Natalieas head toward hers and delivered a soft kiss. aI donat want to rush things, though. If I get too charming, youall have to call me down.a aIall grant you a little leeway in that department.a Their eyes met in a sultry gaze that might have led to another kiss had Didi not suddenly appeared on the balcony next door.

aYou two ready for dinner?a From the smile on Didias face, she relished every single chance she got to disrupt their private moments. Now that she was on to their jealousy scheme, she would probably be even more annoying, at least until Natalie set her straight.

aSure, see you in the hall,a Natalie answered as she went back inside. aI need a few minutes with Didi.a aIall tell her to wait for you, and Iall walk up with Pamela.a Kelly stopped at the door and turned. aBe sure, Natalie.a aI am.a Natalie took a deep breath and opened the door to the hallway.

Didi was leaning against the wall with her arms folded, wearing what looked like a satisfied smile. aI take it you got my message.a aI did.a She held her tongue until an older couple pa.s.sed by. aYou looked like you were enjoying yourself in that hammock. We used to have one of those in our yard in Mississippi, till the neighboras dog chewed the rope on one end and my poor Aunt Maureen fell on her behind and dumped a whole gla.s.s of ice tea on her Easter dress. Mama said the dog didnat have anything to do with it, thata"a aYouare rambling, Nat. What did you think about what Steph said?a Natalie couldnat believe she had walked into this conversation without planning exactly what to say. It was no simple matter to explain that she didnat want their old relations.h.i.+p back again, nor did she want a new one, even on different terms. At a complete loss for words, she shook her head.

aWhatas that supposed to mean?a aIt means Iave been thinking about it, and I believe weare better off as friends.a Didi flashed an irritated look before plastering on a smile. aThatas exactly what I want tooa"a lover and a partner who is also my friend. I was wrong, okay? I admit it. We should have chilled just a little bit and gotten back together a year ago, but then Pamela came along. Call it a midlife crisis or whatever. I was an idiot, but Iam over it.a Natalie couldnat argue with that, but there was nothing in Didias declaration that told her their life would be better than before. And even if there had been, she now had a new piece of information in the form of Kelly Ridenour. Actually, it wasnat only what she saw in Kelly. It was what she saw in herself, which was a hunger for a different dynamic, one in which she didnat constantly feel pressure to impress. aIam not the same person I was two years agoaor for that matter, a week ago.a aLook, if youare worried about Pamela, I promise weall cool things until we get back and Iall break up with her as soon as the plane lands. I just donat want to ruin her trip, you know?a As usual, Didi wasnat listening. aThis isnat about Pamela. Itas not even about you. Itas about me. I donat want to go back to what we had.a Didi caught her elbow and they stopped at the entrance to the dining room. aSo what do you want? What do I need to change?a aNothing, Didi. Youare a wonderful person just the way you are, and so am I. But we donat go together anymore.a She forged ahead to their table without waiting for further argument. If Didi wouldnat listen, she would have to find another way to make it clear they were finished. The obvious answer was to be more open about her new feelings for Kelly but now that their attraction was no longer a charade, she didnat feel right about using Kelly to make her point.

Kelly held the door against the stiff wind as Natalie stepped out onto the Promenade Deck. aItas cool out here. We must be getting farther north.a Natalie pushed her arms through the sleeves of her sweater and hooked her hand around Kellyas elbow. She had been quiet through dinner, and declined the invitation from Steph to take in a movie.

aYou okay?a aFine.a Her face was expressionless.

aHow did your talk with Didi go?a Natalie shrugged. aI talked, but that doesnat mean she listened.a So was Natalie quiet because Didi had pleaded her case and gotten to her, or was she frustrated that disentangling was going to be more difficult than she thought? aI donat think anyone takes no for an answer the first time. They always think they can change your mind if they say or do just the right thing.a aDidi should know better. Sheas been working on me to move to New York for a whole year and I havenat budged.a Kelly hoped that meant she wasnat budging now, because if she showed the slightest hint of being receptive to Didias pleas, she would have to back off and give them the s.p.a.ce to try to work things out. aI donat want to pull on you, Natalie. I meant what I said about not rus.h.i.+ng things. Iam not going anywhere, and if you need some time to sort this out, you should take it.a aIam walking with youa"not Didia"on the Promenade Deck and holding your arm.a aYes, you are.a aI spent most of the day floating around with youa"not Didia"in a romantic lagoon. And if Iam not mistaken, it was you I kissed earlier on the balcony.a Kelly was picking up on the pattern, and she smiled at Natalieas roundabout way of rea.s.suring her.

aOn top of that, Iam thirty-seven years old, which is old enough to know what I want, when and with whom.a aYes, maaam.a They reached the back of the s.h.i.+p, where the waning moon cast a rippled streak toward them. Kelly wrapped her arm around Natalieas waist and guided her to the rail. aI believe thatas our moon.a aWhat makes it ours?a aThis.a Kelly dipped her head and waited for Natalie to meet her lips. When they came together, she folded Natalie into her arms and pulled her close. The delicate, womanly feel of her body sent a shockwave directly to her core, and she heated up quickly.

Natalie must have felt it too, because her back arched into the embrace as her arms slithered around Kellyas neck.

The sound of footsteps broke their kiss but not their hold on one another. Locked in a fiery gaze, they were barely aware of another couple pa.s.sing. Kelly could see her desire mirrored in Natalieas face. aDo you have any idea what kissing you does to me?a aI think I do.a She stepped back and reached for Kellyas hand. aLetas go back to our room.a Natalieas pulse quickened when Kelly latched the door and turned to reveal a l.u.s.tful look. Within seconds, she found herself swept up in strong arms with Kellyas mouth descending onto hers. The sensations darted from one place to another as her body awakened to the hands that streamed from her hips to her shoulder blades. The instinctive grinding of her hips encouraged the exploration and erased for both of them any fleeting doubts about where they were headed.

The seconds turned to minutes as their kiss grew more intense. Kellyas lips left hers and traveled to the soft skin below her ear, sending a s.h.i.+ver up her spine. She dropped her head back and guided the hot mouth to her throat.

aYou smell so good.a Natalie made a mental note of which cologne she had dabbed behind her ears and in the hollow of her neck. Whatever Kelly liked was her new favorite.

Kelly had to know what she was feeling, but she seemed to be holding back as if waiting for something. Permissiona submissionaNatalie didnat care if it was a mission of mercy as long as they didnat stop. Finally, she felt a tug on her zipper and responded in kind, making quick work of three b.u.t.tons on Kellyas s.h.i.+rt.

aThis would be so much better in bed,a Kelly said.

Natalie stepped out of her dress and waited self-consciously for Kellyas appraisal, which came in the form of a low whistle. She would buy more black lace to wear with that cologne.

aNatalie Chatham, you are one beautiful woman.a Kelly followed her to the nearest downturned bed, which happened to be Natalieas, dropped her trousers and shed her s.h.i.+rt. Her nipples peaked against her white tank top.

As Natalie lay back on the bed, Kelly straddled her, sliding one arm underneath to cradle her back. More kisses followed, now with Kelly lying almost on top of her. Never in her life had she been kissed so thoroughly, and never by someone who seemed impervious to her other urgent needs.

Natalie lowered her hands to Kellyas hips, marveling at the rock-hard muscles beneath her fingertips. None of the other women she had been with had felt this way, nor had they moved over her with such authority and intent. She shamelessly writhed upward for more contact just as Kellyas mouth left hers to start again down her neck.

Spiraling with want, she grasped the hem of Kellyas tank top and pulled it upward. Kelly obliged, breaking contact to remove it and toss it aside. Natalie caught only a small glimpse of her small brown nipples before Kelly lowered herself to continue her attentions.

aPlease touch my b.r.e.a.s.t.s,a she murmured, guiding Kellyas hand to her lacy, strapless bra.

Kelly worked her way downward at an excruciating pace, finally trailing her tongue along the top of her breast. The hand under Natalieas back effortlessly released the clasp, and the other slid the bra from between them as Kelly returned to her mouth.

The sensation of their warm b.r.e.a.s.t.s together sent Natalie climbing even higher. She was on the verge of begging for more when Kelly finally took a breast in her hand and squeezed.

aIave never touched anything so perfect.a Kelly used every part of her handa"her fingertips, her palm, the backs of her knucklesa"to caress her stiffened nipples. Finally her lips took over and she drew a taut nipple between her teeth.

The jolt traveled instantly to Natalieas c.l.i.toris, which she began to grind against Kellyas leg. She was literally moments from her climax when Kelly sensed her urgency and s.h.i.+fted her leg to the side. aI have to touch you.a Natalie groaned at the loss of contact, but the sensation evaporated instantly. Kellyas fingers were sliding under the band of her thong, which meant her secret swirl wasnat going to be a secret much longer. Inch by inch, the lacy elastic slithered from her hipato her thighaand to the floor.

aSo lovely,a Kelly murmured, her fingertip following the trail of the sculpted swirl into the wetness below. Lower it crept, until it firmly pressed against the base of Natalieas v.a.g.i.n.a as if gathering its forces to breach the wall. Then it tracked upward along the cleft of her l.a.b.i.a, stopping just short of her c.l.i.toris. Again. And again, the most exquisite torture imaginable.

aYouare driving me insane.aThe rest of her body felt paralyzed as she concentrated on Kellyas touch. When Kellyas mouth found hers once again, the sensations intensified, now darting in a circuit from her center. She turned her head for air, but Kelly stayed close, their lips only millimeters apart as their breath came in shallow rasps. Finally Kelly slipped inside her and the sublime quiver began. aOh, G.o.daa Kelly murmured something, but Natalie didnat hear. She was subsumed with powerful shockwaves that made her bury her face in Kellyas neck as she cried out.

aabeautifulaa Kelly brushed her lips along her chin as she withdrew her hand.

Natalie had craved each impulse, and even in the wake of her climax, her center still popped like a live wire. She suddenly became aware of her hands, which were tucked inside Kellyas briefs, gripping her tight b.u.t.t. What on earth did a person say at a moment like this? Thank you? Who knew?

Instead of using words, she tried to show her feelings with another kiss, this one smoldering for more than a minute. When they finally broke, she found Kelly searching her eyes. aThat was amazing.a Kelly opened her mouth to respond, but then shook her head. aI donat even have words for it.a aIam still throbbing.a A warm hand tenderly enveloped her mound and she stirred upward.

aMore?a Natalie shook her head. aNo, I canat. I just want you to hold me.a She fingered the elastic of Kellyas briefs. aTake these off.a Kelly complied and pulled the covers up around them as she snuggled close.

aI think weare not finished,a Natalie said as she stroked the newly exposed skin. aYour a.s.s is like a rock.a aItas a runner thing.a aMagnificent,a she said, feeling the curves and cleft. aHow would I go about making you come like I just did?a Kelly laughed softly and kissed the tip of her nose. aI guess Iall have to make a little more noise next time.a aWhat does that mean?a aThat I came already, about ten seconds before you did.a Natalieas mouth opened in shock. That was the most amazing thing she had ever heard. aI wasnat even touching you.a aBut I was touching you. Thatas all it took,a she said, nibbling gently on Natalieas earlobe. aYou excite me like n.o.body ever has. So you can have your way with me again, or we can lie here just like this until we fall asleep. I couldnat possibly be more content than I am right now.a Natalie had never made love before with someone who seemed to take her pleasure from giving it. The invitation to have free rein was tempting, but so was lying in her arms in the warmest afterglow she had ever experienced.

She stared as Kelly emerged from the bed, her nude body sleek and ripped. Piece by piece, she collected their clothing and spread it neatly on the couch. aItas a habit from being in the navy. I hate to iron.a Then she turned out the lights and crept back into bed.

aYou have an incredible body.a aNothing compared to yours, lady. Iave been fantasizing about that ever since our first day at sea when you came out on the pool deck in your swimsuit.a Natalie chuckled and gently pinched her rib. aYou have not.a aI have so. I was watching you from behind my so you wouldnat see me. I got jealous when that redhead Aussie woman started hitting on you.a aJulieaI didnat come on this cruise to have a fling.a She went silent as the magnitude of what she had just done struck her. This was how it always starteda"s.e.x first, with love to follow. Neither she nor Kelly had ever said what this meant, but she hoped it hadnat been just a s.e.xual thing.

Kelly nuzzled her neck. aGood. I hope that means you want more than a fling.a aMmmm.a Natalie relaxed and smiled to herself, thinking that Kelly had read her mind. It was way too soon to put words to this new feeling, but she liked where it was headed, and gave Kelly a warm, rea.s.suring squeeze.

The slow, even breaths signaled Natalieas restful sleep.

Kelly wasnat so lucky, left awake and wondering why her question had gone unanswered. Maybe Natalie hadnat realized it was a question. Her only response had been a hug, which Kelly would have relished had it not seemed like a dodge.

No matter what happened after tonight, making love with Natalie had been one of the most wonderful experiences of her lifea"sweet, satisfying and filled with promise. While she wanted to believe it could lead to mutual love, the cold hard reality was that she and Natalie had very little in common. Few things could be so different as construction and fas.h.i.+on. In fact, her only real understanding of fas.h.i.+on was that Natalie looked fantastic in everything she wore. That didnat mean she wasnat willing to learn about the important things in Natalieas life, though it was hard to imagine developing a real interest in it beyond what mattered to Natalie.

Despite their differences, one thing they had going for them was chemistry, especially if tonight was any indication. The question was whether or not it was enough to seed a lasting relations.h.i.+p. In some ways, it was the most important piece, because if Natalie felt the chemistry too, it was motivation to work for more. But it was also the most fleeting, the easiest to let go, since it could totally vanish once they left the romantic setting they currently shared.

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine their lives one month from nowathree monthsaa year. It made a nice fantasy to see herself hanging sheets of plastic in the doorways at Natalieas house in preparation for gutting the kitchen. In her mindas eye, Natalie would watch her with excitement and interest as she showed off her construction skills. They would share an ice-old beer and trade kisses as they talked about the new fixtures and designs. Then she would take Natalieas handa

Chapter 19.

Natalie stirred, grasping at once that she was alone in bed. Several times in the night she had awakened to find herself comfortably draped across Kellyas chest, wondering what the morning would bring. Then she would sigh, snuggle closer and drift off to sleep again, secure in Kellyas strong embrace. She was convinced this was a wonderful new thing, a chance to build a relations.h.i.+p with someone who valued her for the person she was, no matter what she wore or how she looked.

Upon finding Kelly gone, she grew uneasy. Yes, she ran most mornings. And yes, she usually brought both of them coffee so they could relax together in their room or on the balcony a few minutes before facing the rest of the world. It was sweet that she did that every dayabut after what they had shared the night before, it would have been nice today to wake up in Kellyas arms.

Kelly had said she wanted more than a flingaor something like thataand thatas what Natalie wanted too. In her life, shead had only two s.e.xual encounters that she considered flings. Both had been fun, but emotionally empty. She had expected more this time. It was too soon to be taken for granted, and thatas how she felt about Kelly leaving her on her own this morning.

It wasnat as if she didnat have misgivings of her own. They were as different as night and day. And then there was the image of them together in public, her ultra-femme look to Kellyas butch persona.

It must have been her hormones at work, or just the fact that she hadnat had s.e.x in over two years. No matter what had caused her to set all her judgment aside and give in to her l.u.s.t, this thing with Kelly probably had zero chance to turn into a relations.h.i.+p. It was true that with Theresa and Didi she had established a pattern of sleeping with a woman first and then working to build a relations.h.i.+p based on physical attraction. That wasnat going to happen here, no matter how good the s.e.x with Kelly had beena and it had been very, very good. s.e.xual chemistry wasnat enough to overcome her misgivings.

Her mind made up, she swung her legs out of bed and went immediately to the bathroom, where she gasped in horror at the makeup smudged around her eyes. It wasnat like her to go to bed without was.h.i.+ng her face and applying the usual two layers of moisturizer. With the door cracked so she could listen for Kellyas return, Natalie went through the motions of putting herself back in ordera"a face scrubbing, a quick shower, and a once-over with her toothbrush. Finally fit to face the day, she emerged, increasingly irritated about Kellyas prolonged absence. What was she doing that was taking so long? Maybe she was feeling sheepish about last night too, and now she was out there running off her frustrations, anxious about coming back to the room.

A breeze wafted the curtain and Natalie suddenly realized the balcony door was open. She cinched her robe around her waist and peered out to find Kelly stretched out in a deck chair, eyes closed, barefoot and wearing last nightas briefs and tank top. Clearly, she hadnat gone for her morning run at all.

Natalie felt a s.h.i.+ver run up her back as she studied the long, languid form. Only a few hours ago, it had been a sinewy ma.s.s of energy, intent on bringing her pleasure. Those hands, now hanging limply from the arms of the chair, had been alive and in command of her body, as if they had known exactly what she needed. Her center pulsed in response to her wandering thoughts, and she consciously shook them away. This situation called for a little self-control. aKelly?a Kellyas eyes shot open and she straightened up in her chair, a brilliant smile bursting onto her face. aHey, I didnat hear you get up.a aYouave been out here all morning?a aYeah, I woke up a while ago. I was afraid youad open your eyes and find me staring at you, so I got up and came out here. You want me to go get coffee?a aYou didnat go for your run?a aAre you kidding? No way was I leaving today. It was all I could do to tear myself out of bed so I wouldnat wake you up.a It was amazing how quickly her emotional pendulum had swung, from blissfully happy when she first awoke to irritation and doubt when she thought Kelly had gone. Now she found herself beaming like a lottery winner.

aSo what about the coffee?a Natalie eyed her up and down. aI donat know if the rest of the s.h.i.+p is ready for you in your skivvies.a aAre you complaining about my attire, or is this how you flirt?a She lifted her eyebrows and smiled. aThe only reason Iad complain about your underwear would be because I wanted you out of it.a Kelly grasped the belt on Natalieas robe as she pulled herself out of the chair. aDid you like the blue ones I had on yesterday? Those are my favorites.a aThey were very nice. In fact, I was thinking of getting some for myself.a aNo, no. Women like you are the reason they make silk and lace.a Kelly parted the robe daringly and slipped a hand inside. aAnd thereas nothing I like better than removing silk and lace.a A wave of heat rushed through Natalie as Kelly pressed her body against her skin. Their slow grind began anew and they met in an easy kiss, with Kelly nibbling gently at her lips. aWhere did you learn to kiss?a aThis isnat kissing,a Kelly answered. aIam making love to your mouth.a Natalie was so focused on the feel of Kellyas lips and tongue that she was barely aware of being out in the open half naked. Her robe fell completely apart as Kelly cradled her bottom. aIam thinking we should carry this back inside.a aSorry. I canat help myself, especially now that I know all about this glorious body of yours. Iam thinking room service might be a good idea for breakfast.a aAnd lunch,a Natalie answered, tickling the downy hair at the small of her back. aAnd maybe dinner.a aIf we donat get off this balcony, Iam going to devour you right here.a Natalie pulled away and cinched her robe, struggling to get a grip on her desires. aWho knew you were such an animal?a aIad be a whole zoo if thatas what you wanted.a She drew a deep breath as Kelly stepped back and stretched, a move that exposed not only her taut stomach, but the snug fit of her briefs. When she stepped aside to let Kelly through the door, she was startled by warm lips against her temple, which refueled the sensations she had almost managed to tamp down.

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