Demonsense: Demon Master Part 6

Demonsense: Demon Master -

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"Well, I can easily see how we might need you for warding tonight. If I have to try to pull off an exorcism in a crowd, it's going to be important for wards to be strong around the subject. We can't have demons getting loose in the transition and burning people."

"Not only that," Daniel added, "there's a good chance that some Keltoi will show up. If this really is the start of a demon war, Keltoi are going to be involved and stirring it up for their own reasons. I expect there to be some battles, so warding will come in handy for that. Kevin, I want you to stay focused on warding Bree and yourself, as well as helping Bree out with any warding needs for exorcisms. Bree, I think it would be good if you took some time right now to review some of the offensive and defensive spells we've been working on. You may have to use them."

Bree felt a little calmed by Daniel's words, by the certainty in his tone. She had to admit that for all her doubts about him, he had a competence and confidence in battle situations that was contagious. She did as he'd suggested, reviewing her spells as she pulled her hair into a French braid so it would be out of her way in the coming action.

Both Daniel and Kevin were quiet, and it took her awhile to register that it was the quiet of tension. Kevin was fidgety. He messed with cleaning his, pulled a pair of gloves on, then took them off. Then he fiddled with the heat and vent controls until Daniel slapped his hand away.

Finally, Kevin could no longer contain himself. "I really think it's a mistake for you to get involved in this, Daniel. Please at least consider keeping out of the thick of it. If it's as bad as we think it's going to be, I don't see how you'll be able to control going for a Binding or using your Demon Master talent. The place will be crawling with Keepers. Isn't this the kind of thing that got you in trouble back in Boston?"

"If it is that bad, there'll probably be so much chaos that no one will notice if I do end up going there. But I don't plan to use either of those talents if I can help it."

"I just don't see how you can avoid it!" Kevin insisted. "What if someone is likely to be killed if you don't use them? I mean, isn't it instinctive?"

"I've trained myself out of it being instinctive," Daniel returned. He changed lanes rather abruptly.

"Yeah, well, that's what's so f.u.c.ked about the whole thing," Kevin replied, voice rising. "Here you have these abilities that can protect you and others, and you'll basically be crucified if you use them."

"Kevin, I don't even like to use them. I'll admit I have at times, when it seemed like there was no other way. And yeah, okay, that could happen tonight. But do you really expect me to stand by and watch a bunch of kids get hurt, and maybe killed?"

"There will be other people there to help. Why does it have to be you that has to be the hero, that has to risk everything?' Kevin answered stubbornly. It was clear as day to Bree that Kevin was anxious about tonight, and that was part of what was driving him to push Daniel on this. She also knew this was all part of a many years long conversation, and she was staying out of it.

"I tried to retire. I've been trying to contribute by doing research instead of being on the front lines. That's what you always wanted, isn't it? But if this is the start of a war, we have to do everything we can to nip it in the bud. We can't let them succeed, not the Keltoi, not the demons. It can be pretty scary, how fast things can destabilize once you start getting riots."

"I just wish..., oh h.e.l.l, I guess it doesn't matter what I wish," Kevin sighed. "I should just shut up and get ready."

Both Daniel and Bree forbore agreeing with him out loud. Silence descended, broken only by a few curt directions from Kevin. When they were nearly there, he pulled a black marker out of his jacket pocket, and Bree felt a quiver of power in the air as he focused and set his personal wards. He wrote warding symbols on the palms of both hands to seal the wards, and Bree knew it was a measure of his concern that he did so. As a high power Warder, he could ward with a thought, but setting the ward with a spell was a form of extra protection. He pa.s.sed the marker into the back seat for Bree, and she did the same. She pa.s.sed it back up, and Daniel held out first one hand, then the other and let Kevin set the wards for him.

Soon they were making their way along Alki Avenue, the street hugging the south sh.o.r.e of Elliot Bay. It was full dark, and the downtown skyline could be seen across the water. A mix of high-rise apartment buildings and funky little beach shacks lined the street on their left, looking across the bay at the view. A white ferry, lit up like a floating birthday cake, was chugging across the water.

They were moving slow, and traffic was dense, doubtless due to kids arriving for the flash mob. As they neared the designated meeting spot, Kevin directed Daniel down a side street so they could find parking. He ended up parking illegally, too close to a stop sign, but they were all anxious to get out and get moving. Kevin led the way to the bakery, and as they moved closer to the main drag, the sounds of a crowd grew on the cool evening air. There was a faint cacophony of music, several people having apparently brought boom boxes, or perhaps playing their car stereos, and there was the murmur of a lot of people talking. So far, Bree noted with relief, there were no screams or yelling that she could make out.

As they walked closer to the corner where they were to meet, Bree could make out the stiff, straight form of Keeper Javier Ortiz. He was talking to a group of perhaps fifteen or twenty people, all crowded in close to hear. She saw Dion standing a little to the right of Javier, and he saw her as well and gave her a wave. Bree and the others came up to the edge in time to hear Javier saying, "So I want you to disperse into the crowd in small groups of two or three. Do what you can just to be that adult presence, and intervene, ah, normally where you see trouble starting. Those of you able to pick out which of the kids are particularly troubled," he said, obviously code for 'possessed kids', "keep close to them. If it comes down to it, you may have to physically subdue them and get them out of the crowd where you can deal with them. Police officers are arriving, so let them handle trouble where that's feasible. We're just trying to keep a lid on things here, and anyone who can ward will help with that. We can't expect to solve the troubled kids' problem tonight, at least not all of them." More code, for "we can't expect to do exorcisms on all of them tonight."

No s.h.i.+t, Bree thought, trying to picture setting up and concluding a full exorcism ritual with this many people around. Maybe if they could get the possessed kids away from the crowd, but how were they going to accomplish that?

"How many troubled ones have you counted so far?" one of the women near the front asked.

"Eighteen on my last walk through," Javier replied grimly.

"Eighteen!" Bree whispered. It was a disastrous number of possessed. She looked around her. Of the few people in the group she was actually acquainted with, there were only five she knew for certain were Exorcists, and that included her, Daniel and Javier. Dion was a low power Reader and a high power Healer. Probably some of the people were Keepers, and those were more likely to be Exorcists as well, but they weren't all wearing their normal Keeper blue, so she couldn't tell at a glance.

As Javier finished his instructions, he began dividing people up into groups. When he got to her, Daniel and Kevin, Javier said curtly, his voice pitched low so as not to be overheard, "You three make a team. Thorvaldson, try to limit your casting to the less obvious. If you see a chance to pull one of the possessed kids away from the crowd, you and Bree go ahead and try for an exorcism. Bree, let Daniel take primary, he's got more experience."

Daniel caught Bree's eye at that, and she grimaced as Javier nodded and moved on. Like h.e.l.l he was going to take primary, not if she could help it. Daniel turned to include Kevin, and said resolutely, "Let's go."

They crossed the street and were immediately enveloped in a throng of young people. They covered the steps down to the beach, and she could see from the top of the steps how far the crowd extended to either side. She had no sense of how big the numbers might be, as she had no experience in trying to guess such a thing. But it looked like one h.e.l.l of a lot of teenagers.

There were three bonfires going on the beach, and kids were densely packed around and between each of them. Some were swaying and dancing to tunes coming out of boom boxes, others were talking and laughing, and she saw not a few drinking from flasks or surrept.i.tiously smoking joints. She forced herself to open her Demonsense, which she had been consciously preventing in self-defense.

She immediately felt the presence of multiple possessed, which triggered a shaky nausea. As they wound their way through the crowd, towards the furthest bonfire where Bree could feel a likely target, she saw the first sign of trouble. Raised voices, then one young man shoving another hard in the chest. The second one nearly went down, and with a snarl, he steadied himself, then shoved back. Voices were raised all around them, some trying to calm the two boys, some egging them on.

Bree glanced around, saw a police officer heading their way, and continued on. The sounds of the conflict intensified behind her, and she felt her shoulder blades drawing in and tensing in response. She suddenly felt far too short, and hemmed in.

With relief, she felt Kevin take her hand, felt the bulk of him behind her. She heard some more cries in front of her then, and tried to quicken her pace to keep up with Daniel, but the crowd seemed even denser now.

Adding to the difficulty was the fact that where she might be able to squeeze through, Kevin couldn't easily follow. Bree glanced at the faces around her. Some were still smiling and laughing, but many of the kids were looking ahead, the taller ones able to see what she couldn't, the source of the rising yells somewhere in front of them.

Before she could break through to where the action was, she was jostled quite hard, as whatever conflict was up ahead started to spread out and affect the people nearby. Some tried to get away, while others pushed to get closer. Bree got her feet stepped on several times, and was shoved almost to her knees another time, only Kevin's grip on her hand saving her. A frightening image of getting trampled to death leapt to mind. It wasn't a crazy fear, either. If a crowd this big got out of control, she was sure it was a possibility.

Finally, she got close enough to the bonfire to see what was happening. She and Kevin came up beside Daniel and saw a fist fight was in full swing, involving at least six kids, most of them boys, but two of them girls, their screeching epithets rising above the lower rumble of the boys' grunts and swearing. Quickly, Bree focused her Reader sense on the group, and what she felt made her heart sink. One of the boys was possessed by a good sized demon, and worse, both he and one of the girls were powered kids, both Casters.

Teenaged powered could definitely be a danger to themselves and others. And short of being Binders or Demon Masters, young Casters were by far the worst. They didn't have the skill yet to shape their power into really lethal castings, but with enough emotional energy, they could stumble their way through some quick and dirty spells that could do some serious harm. And, of course, the easiest and the most harmful spells were those one could cast against people in close proximity.

Even as she stood there trying to evaluate the situation, a skinny blond girl flung out an arm at the girl across from her and sent the other girl sprawling and clutching her throat. Dear Lord, Bree thought frantically, she might have actually tried a stop breath spell. At least now Bree knew where to start. "I'll deal with the girls, you see if there's any cops nearby to flag down to break up the boys' fight," she shouted hurriedly in Kevin's ear.

He nodded and released her hand with a little squeeze. "I'll see what I can do to keep the boys in line," Daniel told her. Bree hurriedly agreed, and marched over to the blonde girl who was standing over her opponent with a twisted smile on her face, both fists outstretched. Bree slapped the girl's face and grabbed the girl by both arms and shook her before her face could finish registering shock at being struck. "You listen up, little girl. We do not cast in front of normals, and we do not cast to hurt another, except in self defense."

An expression of mixed fear and defiance came over the girl's face. "What're you, some Keeper?" she sneered, and Bree realized from the tone of it that she was most likely holding a Keltoi's daughter in her grasp.

"Yeah, something like that," she told the powered girl with another little shake. The other girl was climbing to her feet now, to Bree's great relief. "No matter the right or the wrong of it, it's just plain stupid to cast in public," she hissed at the girl, moving in closer, trying for a little domination with physical proximity. "You think your people would be happy to hear you did such an incredibly idiotic thing?" Her attempt at projecting a convincing level of intimidation must have worked, because the girl's defiance slid right off of her face, and she muttered, "Okay, okay, fine. I won't do it anymore."

"Go home before somebody gets killed here tonight. And don't be so sure it won't be you," Bree admonished with a final shake.

The little blonde turned away, face flushed, and looked around, probably trying to find some of the people she came with. Bree would like to have followed her to see that she left, but she had bigger fish to fry.

She turned to see that while she'd been dealing with the girl, the fight had spread. She saw Daniel physically separating two boys, one of whom was considerably heftier than him, and the big one was pus.h.i.+ng back. She saw Daniel's left hand make a subtle little waving gesture, and the boy fighting him flew back and landed on his a.s.s in the sand. It was a beautifully controlled telekinetic spell. If she hadn't been watching closely, she would have thought Daniel had simply been successful in pus.h.i.+ng the boy.

He turned to the other kid, and did the same thing. "Okay boys, that's more than enough," he admonished. "You all came here to have fun, not get into trouble. This place will be crawling with cops any second. Do you seriously want to get arrested for a.s.sault?"

Both kids were scowling as they shook their heads and muttered, "No."

Bree was shaken out of admiring how Daniel was handing the situation by a hard shove to her back. She stumbled towards Daniel, and his hands caught her and kept her from falling.

Daniel's eyes narrowed in concentration as he focused on whoever had slammed into her. This time, she didn't see him move at all, just felt a wash of power shoot by her. She heard a grunt and some swearing. Daniel must have cast another telekinetic spell to push people away from her. He let go of her and went on past her.

She turned to see him facing an angry group of four young men, two of whom were climbing to their feet. With dismay, she registered that two of them were both possessed and powered. Those two had likely perceived that Daniel had cast against them.

Daniel was holding up his hands palm out in a soothing, placating gesture. "Look, I don't want anyone to get hurt here."

"The only one who's going to get hurt here is you if you try that again!" one of the possessed boys sneered. He was a soft, chubby looking kid with long brown bangs. He was clearly hopped up on the sense of confidence and power that being possessed could supply.

"Hey, I'm just trying to keep people from getting trampled," Daniel replied, posture relaxed. "No harm done." Bree could see at once that Daniel's attempt at de-escalating the confrontation was working. Three of the boys had relaxed and had turned their attention elsewhere. A short, wiry Hispanic kid, one of the possessed, wasn't buying into it. His eyes narrowed, and he took a step towards Daniel, one hand raised to gesture some kind of offensive spell.

The kid never had a chance. Without moving out of his relaxed posture, Daniel twitched the fingers of his right hand, and the boy staggered and fell to the ground. Another flicker of Daniel's fingers, and the boy was clutching at his eyes.

"What the f.u.c.k?" he cried.

"Sand in your eyes?" Daniel enquired, not quite managing to hide his satisfaction at putting the boy in his place.

One of the other boys growled, "Back off, dude," and stalked towards Daniel.

Daniel held his hand up again, said, "I'm backing off. I don't want any trouble."

It might have worked if the influence of demon kind weren't so heavy in the air, stimulating aggression. The boy, another Hispanic kid, this one taller, with long hair and a bad case of acne, charged Daniel, fist raised. Daniel dodged the punch easily, took the boy's extended wrist, and used the kid's own momentum to pull him past and plant him hard in the sand.

One of the other boys came at Daniel from behind, and in a move far less subtle than Daniel had managed, cast a dizziness spell. His aim was off, and spell barely glanced against Daniel, who recovered his balance quickly.

Daniel was already half turned around when the boy barreled into him, shoving hard. Daniel almost went down, but he managed to pivot out of the boy's reach, one hand in the sand, the other extended in a throwing motion. The boy attacking him froze just long enough for Daniel to push back up to his feet.

By now, the sight stop spell was wearing off, and the boy on the ground was shaking his head and blinking his eyes hard. In the meantime, a small crowd had formed around the fight. As Bree glanced around, she saw a circle of avid faces, only a few registering concern or fear. She was having a hard time figuring out how to cast in a manner that would both help Daniel and not be too obvious. Practicing with Daniel in his work room was clearly far simpler than a real life battle. She clearly needed to practice in a group setting so she could get some idea what to do with several opponents at once.

Both she and Daniel also had to be careful to have little to no physical contact with the possessed, for fear the demon might try to jump bodies. Their personal wards would protect them to a degree, but if the demon was big enough, the wards would not be enough to save them.

There was only a brief pause as the boys worked up their courage to come at Daniel again. He wasn't all that physically intimidating, but there was an air of confidence, and a readiness to his posture that indicated he wasn't afraid. How nice for him. Bree was more than afraid, she was freaking terrified.

The three boys still on their feet rushed Daniel all at once. In a flurry of moves, Daniel dodged, pushed, put out a foot to trip, and added a telekinetic shove to leave all three boys on their b.u.t.ts or on their faces in the sand. There were cat calls and a roar of approval from the surrounding crowd. Bree heard one girl cry, "Go ninja guy!"

Demonic energy rose as the demons possessing two of the kids became enraged and surged to the forefront. She had the strong feeling that if she and Daniel didn't put these boys down, fast, more people were going to pitch in, if only to see what Daniel could do. So in the pause in the action where the boys got back to their feet, including the one that had been blinded earlier, Bree stepped up beside Daniel. "We'd better end this fast," she told him.

"Then it won't be subtle," Daniel warned.

Bree glanced around again. "Lesser of two evils," she offered, stomach clenching at the looks of rage being sent her way by the advancing boys.

Daniel nodded without looking at her. "I'll take the demon boys, you focus on the other two."

She didn't have time to respond. As the heftier of the kids reached out to grab at her, she cast a dizziness spell at him, putting a foot out at the same time so it might look like she had tripped him. He stumbled past her, grabbed at his head and fell down. There was no time to congratulate herself, as the tall boy got hold of her right arm, and his fist struck out at her face. In mid-motion, his eyes widened in surprise and stayed there as his body froze.

Bree seized the opportunity to shove him, and he went down. She turned to see Daniel grinning at her. The two possessed boys were down as well, one on his side, the other on his face. Daniel strode forward, and touched the shoulder of the larger boy Bree had put down, for all the world looking as if he were checking to see if the kid was okay. And maybe he was. But Bree could tell by the stiffening of the kid's face that Daniel had also hit him with a heavy duty freeze spell. As she looked around, she realized he had done the same to the other three.

Daniel stood up and came over to Bree, glancing around quickly to a.s.sess for further trouble. He leaned in and spoke in her ear. "That'll hold them for a bit. I think we should get out of here before we attract any more attention."

As he pulled back, Bree saw his expression. He was still smiling a bit, and his eyes were bright with a combination of excitement and satisfaction. "You're enjoying this," she accused.

"Maybe just a little," he admitted. "Come on." He took her arm, and pushed his way through the crowd of onlookers, who gave way readily at first, then less so as they got into that section of the crowd that hadn't witnessed the fight. They finally made it out to an area that was less dense. "Where's Kevin?" Daniel asked, dropping her arm and looking around alertly for further trouble.

"I sent him to look for a cop. Now I'm not sure that was the right move. I was just hoping we could prevent a major fight without having to do any casting."

Daniel was scanning the crowd alertly. "Things are only going to get crazier with this much demonic energy floating around. I don't see how we're going to be able to avoid casting if we have any hope of keeping a lid on things. Besides, people don't want to think they saw something unexplainable, something supernatural. I've seen that be the case over and over in dealing with normals. Try to be subtle, but don't let that preoccupy you too much."

"I can see your point, but the whole thing makes me nervous. I've never cast in front of normals before. In fact, I'm amazed that I'm casting offensive spells at all."

"Admit it, it's fun." Daniel's grin was infectious, and she smiled back in spite of herself.

"There you are," Kevin called, and Bree turned to see him trotting towards them. "I never could find a cop," he said as he came up, a little breathless." When I couldn't find one quickly, I figured the whole thing might already be over, and tried to make my way back to where I saw you before. I a.s.sume it was you two who put the freeze on those boys I saw?"

"He did," Bree replied, nodding at Daniel.

"I should be appalled at your lack of discretion, but I'm not," Kevin admitted. "It's getting pretty out of control here."

"Well, then, back into the fray," Daniel responded, heading back towards the crowd.

Kevin came up to walk beside Bree. "He's enjoying this," Kevin muttered.

"I know, that's what I said!" Bree responded.

They wove through the crowd, and it didn't take long to find more trouble. Bree felt the demonic energy signature up ahead, a whole cl.u.s.ter, and had to swallow hard to push down the resulting nausea. She could will it away if she concentrated, but she had too much else to focus on.

At first, all she could see was a group of boys jumping up and down. There was a boom box rumbling out a persistent ba.s.s line, and she thought maybe the boys were dancing. But as they pushed closer, she could feel the combination of aggressive and s.e.xual energy, wound about with a miasma of demonic energy, and she knew in her gut that something worse than dancing was going on.

She and Kevin followed in Daniel's path as he deftly pushed his way to the center with little surges of telekinetic and warding energy to clear the way. In the middle of the crowd of shouting boys were two girls, neither of whom looked a day over thirteen, dancing with their tops off, small b.r.e.a.s.t.s bared to the cold night, their faces distant and glazed. Both were possessed, smaller demons, but obviously large enough to take control. Daniel strode without hesitation into the middle of the circle. He bent down as he went, scooping up the tops and coats the girls had dropped to the ground. The girls looked slack jawed and startled as he shoved the bundled clothes at their chests. They both grabbed the bundles reflexively. There was a howl of outrage from the watching boys, and Bree felt the hot swell of Kevin gather his warding energy, ready to employ it if necessary.

Bree got her dizziness spell ready. Freeze was a better spell, but she wasn't always consistent with it. She could see Daniel's lips moving as he spoke with the girls. She felt a brief surge of Demon Master energy, and both girls stumbled as the demons left their bodies. The demons must not have been too big, because both girls were still upright, if a little unsteady. He put a hand lightly on each of the shoulders, got them facing the same direction, and started marching them out of the center of the circle. The watching boys shouted their disapproval and surged forward. Daniel whirled around to face them, and was immediately lost to Bree's sight. She tried to push towards him, as did Kevin. Kevin raised a physical ward close around them both, and while it buffered them from the pus.h.i.+ng and shoving, it didn't help them get closer to Daniel.

Almost immediately, they were pushed forcefully backward as whatever Daniel was doing to defend himself caused the people in front of them to stagger and fall. Kevin had a hand on her arm to help her stay upright. Bree was frantic to get to Daniel, but while they tried, she and Kevin couldn't find a way through the crowd. And while the ward was protecting them from harm, she couldn't cast through one that strong.

"Maybe we should retreat and try to find a better angle in," she shouted in Kevin's ear. He nodded, pulled her around and bulled his way through the edges of the crowd.

They emerged near one of the bonfires. She was just starting to feel able to breath again when her Demonsense sent a wash of sick alarm through her. She risked closing her eyes to narrow her focus, and felt a locking in sensation as she pinpointed the possessed kid. She opened her eyes to see a mixed race boy, perhaps eighteen, with close cut, dark curly hair, and he had another boy down on the ground and was punching him in the face, a terrible grimace of pleasure on his face.

Bree was struck from behind, and went down herself. Someone half fell on top of her, then bounced off. She heard a terrible scream, and turned to see a girl get pushed into the fire.

She frantically tried to shove herself to her feet to go to the girl's rescue, but two boys got there first. They hauled the girl out, but her clothes and hair were on fire. "Dump her in the water!" she heard someone screaming.

Before Bree could do anything more, she was knocked over again. She'd already been tense, but now she was feeling truly panicked. Her thoughts were racing so fast that she could barely register one before the next rushed in. What if someone didn't think to dump the girl in the sand to put out the flames? Where was Daniel? And where was Kevin? They'd gotten separated in all the pus.h.i.+ng and shoving. She realized she didn't feel his ward around her any more. She wasn't going to be able to physically remove the possessed boy on her own.

She managed to get back to her feet, and almost as soon as she did so, she locked eyes with the possessed boy. His mouth was b.l.o.o.d.y, and he smiled at her, a flicker of orange demon light in his eyes. Some demons could perceive powered even if they weren't good at reading the energy signature in any detail, and the demon possessing the boy had clearly picked her out of the crowd. A memory flashed across her mind of Gelsenim telling her that demons were likely to be more attracted to her now that she'd been such a compatible host to him. Not to mention stories she'd heard of Demon Masters attracting demons. She might not have to seek out possessed in this crowd. They'd be drawn to her.

The possessed boy moved toward her, making a quick gesture across his chest with one hand. Before Bree could even consciously think it through, she had a defensive s.h.i.+eld up and was deflecting the energy of the spell.

Unfortunately, it was redirected onto the person standing next to her, who flew backwards, landing perilously close to the fire. The possessed Caster across from her looked momentarily disappointed, and Bree scrambled to her left, away from the fire. Another boy was pushed briefly between her and her opponent, and Bree took that opportunity to prepare an offensive spell of her own. With a bowling motion, she sent it toward the possessed boy once she had a clear shot again and saw with satisfaction that he was unprepared. It was a muscle weakening spell, and he slid bonelessly to his knees.

Bree moved quickly toward him, meaning to hit him with the freeze spell she'd been working on with Daniel, but he recovered faster than she would have believed possible. He lunged up at her, grappling with her.

Bree was thrown off her balance, and in a moment she was down, the boy straddling her with his hands around her throat. Her mind frantically tried to think of a spell to throw him off of her, but she couldn't seem to focus. She scrabbled uselessly at his wrists and bucked against him. The boy's mouth was dripping blood onto her face, and his teeth were red with it. Bree started to feel faint. Her eyes darted around, looking for Kevin, Daniel, a cop, any kind of help, and there was no one to be found. Everywhere around her, people were fighting, swearing, screaming.

Just as she started to really think the words, I'm dying, she suddenly remembered she had help, if she would only ask for it. Trouble was, she couldn't speak. Doing her best to shut out the pain, the panic, she focused all her will energy and called, in her mind, Gelsenim, I call you! Gelsenim, I command you!

It took a moment, but faster than she had hoped, she saw the demon take shape in his human form right behind her attacker. She couldn't get the air to say it, but she consciously dropped her personal wards and formed the words with her lips. "Possess me."

In a flash, the demon was inside her, filling her body with a sense of heat and sparkling power. Allow me to help you, my host. You need a telekinetic spell.

Instantly, the spell appeared in her mind, and focusing the last of her fading will, she formed it, invested it with her base energy, stronger by many magnitudes now that she was possessed, and flung it straight at the chest of the boy strangling her.

The boy simply flew off of her and slammed into a boy and a girl wrestling on the ground behind him. Bree desperately pulled air into her straining lungs.

Up on your feet, my host, Gelsenim's voice chided in her mind. Your opponent is down but not defeated.

Bree did as she was told. The possessed boy was getting up as well, a look of rage on his face. Bree was terrified of closing with the boy again. She had more confidence she could cast a paralyzing spell with Gelsenim's help, but she'd have to touch the boy to do it, given how unskilled she was still. Yes, I can help you with that, Gelsenim whispered. You have the form of it, I will boost the power. You must try to get behind him where he can't get hold of you.

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