Vampire Council Of Ethics - Carinian's Seeker Part 4

Vampire Council Of Ethics - Carinian's Seeker -

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Chapter Six

Carin's plan was to stick around this big blue ball they called Earth for as long as she could, not die at an early age like all the rest of her family. Not only did she plan to enjoy life well past ninety, she wanted to be here until she met up with Jean Luc Picard and the Stars.h.i.+p Enterprise.

h.e.l.l, she wanted Jean Luc to play a song on his flute for her, then take her on a romantic interlude on the holodeck. And after she'd screwed Jean Luc's brains out, she'd dump him for Commander Data.

Who the h.e.l.l wanted to die? n.o.body in their right mind actually looked forward to the day when they discovered what it was like to slip from this life into...into what? Most people believed death was a great step into the beyond, a step we all must take. Carin didn't agree. As far as she was concerned, death was overrated.

Her grandmother had succ.u.mbed to a flesh-eating disease at age sixty-two, her mother to lung cancer at forty-seven. Her sister died at thirty-nine from a freak blood clot that developed in her leg on a long flight and traveled up to a major artery to block it. Carin had no grandparents, no parents, no aunts or uncles. No one. The thought of loving someone just to lose them overwhelmed her with a grief too profound for words. Every person close or important to her had been taken one way or another.

As tired as she was, Carin forced herself to keep working. She would find a way to become something other than destined-to-die-young if it killed her. A type of vampirism seemed to be the best option, and she was close.

Although something inside of her reached out for Bix, trusted him, he would never understand her reasons for secretly tampering with her own genes. He'd probably tell his superiors on her, like anyone else in their right mind would. But she couldn't let that happen, couldn't afford to lose her job, her reputation, and most importantly, access to the lab. Her secret had remained safe for years and it would stay that way. Connection, attraction, or not, Mr. Bix would remain in the dark along with everyone else. Now, if she could just get her thoughts off the man and under control before she let something slip.

She was on the verge of a breakthrough when her cell phone rang. Whoever it was had s.h.i.+tty timing. s.n.a.t.c.hing it off the lab table, she flipped it open without bothering to check the caller ID.

"Derrickson here," she said shortly, s.h.i.+fting the phone from one ear to the other.

"Hi, sweetheart."

Sweetheart? Ooooh, yummy. Bix's s.e.xy voice floated through the earpiece and made its way down her body. She glanced at the ceiling as her stomach danced with a mix of longing and annoyance. Hadn't she just seen him this morning, and not under the best of circ.u.mstances? The b.a.s.t.a.r.d was her project coordinator and would be snooping around her lab. She didn't like the idea one bit, so why was she so d.a.m.ned happy to hear his voice? The grin melted off her face and she rolled her eyes on an impatient sigh.

"What do you want, Bix? I'm kind of busy here."

"You working late?" he asked.

"I'm always working late," Carin said absentmindedly as she reached for yet another notebook to place the results of the improving tissue and serum tests.

"Great, I picked up some dinner. I'll bring it over."


"Be there in half an hour."

"But, Bix..." The line went dead. d.a.m.ned man. She didn't have time for this right now. She catapulted out of the chair and grabbed onto the edge of her heavy wood desk as her stomach went one way while her head went the other. Lord, she was dizzy. Perhaps eating would be a good idea after all considering it was now evening and she hadn't bothered to take a proper lunch. She made her way across the room, loaded her arms with beakers and gla.s.s containers, and moved to one of the large sinks. Her hands in a pair of non-latex gloves, she wiggled her fingers in front of the sensor to get the hot water running and started giggling. Bix was coming over. She couldn't wait to see him. No, wait, that wasn't right. One minute she was glad to see the man, the next she wanted to stick him in the a.s.s with a pitchfork. Yep, she was definitely working too hard. And definitely h.o.r.n.y, er, hungry. For food, d.a.m.n it.

Bix eased open the door to Carin's lab, made his way to a table off to the side of her work area, and watched her jot notes into a thick notepad. After looking into the microscope, she rolled her eyes up to the ceiling with a loud, frustrated grumble. Rubbing her temples, she muttered to herself before taking more notes.

Concentrating on whatever was under the microscope, she screwed up her face into a fierce frown. She peered harder at the specimen as if her gaze could make the anomaly correct itself. He could tell, no, could feel, she was at a total loss.

"What am I doing wrong? I've modified this blasted serum twenty times already."

She huffed out a frustrated breath and pushed away from the lab table, taking her temper out on the top of the stainless steel surface. Cursing, his little h.e.l.lion smacked it loudly with the flat of her hand. He smiled as she rubbed her palm on a wince, stood abruptly and turned to retrieve a new sample from the specimen cart beside her.

She almost ran smack into him.

"d.a.m.n it, Bix, will you please stop moving around here like a d.a.m.ned cat? You scared me half to death," she growled, reaching past him to get the vial she was after.

"Sorry, sweetheart." But he knew his grin told another story. Her little show of temper amused him, but she didn't look like she'd appreciate knowing that right now.

Bix's eyebrows inched up as he listened to her speak into a little digital voice recorder. What the h.e.l.l was the woman up to?

"Skin cell sample has stabilized. Collagen and melanin content increased significantly, which is good. Toxins in fat cells underneath the skin decreased. Before application of serum, vitamin D level was normal. After application, absence of vitamin D occurs and affects the epithelial layer."

She barely looked up when he set an a.s.sortment of plastic bags filled with containers on one of the cleared lab tables. He'd selected something he hoped would appeal to her senses and was pleased when he heard her stomach growl. But she didn't budge from her stool, determined to figure out whatever was puzzling her.

Bix let her work while he removed paper plates, napkins, cups and plastic forks out of one of the bags and made a place setting for both of them. Cups were filled with cold cranberry juice and several take-out boxes were arranged in the middle of the table. A couple of Bunsen burners rummaged from one of the supply cabinets took the place of candles.

He turned and watched her hand make its way to the small of her back to ma.s.sage the tense muscles there. All the while, her eyes remained plastered to the microscope lens as her fingers worked their way into the hollow of her spine, just above the curve of her a.s.s. His gaze dropped to that sensual slope where toned thighs gripped the stool she sat on. His mouth started to water.

Carin had no idea how long he'd actually been tailing her, and he'd sure as h.e.l.l make sure she never found out. Every night since she'd become his target, he'd done nothing but dream about those legs wrapped around his waist as he buried his d.i.c.k deep in her body. His mind was constantly filled with the thought of Carin's smooth, warm flesh glowing sweetly as she lay in front of the fireplace in his home, her hair in a wild tangle as she rode him hard, taking him fully inside her tight heat.

He'd enjoyed kissing her, but knew when they finally made love it would be mind-blowing. And they would indeed make love. Addicting, hot and fulfilling love. Before he could stop himself, his legs carried him across the room to stand right behind her tall metal stool.

His fingers found several knots in both her shoulders and the tender muscles stretched tight from her neck to the base of her skull. She sighed with pleasure, lifted her eyes away from the microscope and let her head fall forward as Bix worked on her. The breathy quality of her moans wrapped around his c.o.c.k and squeezed. He s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably as his swelling flesh strained against the zipper of his pants. Resistance is futile, he thought, leaning forward to bury his nose in her hair where the clean scents of rosemary and peppermint made his c.o.c.k jump. So much for dinner. He needed more than a nice meal right now. He needed some hot, wet woman. This one in particular.

"Carin?" he breathed harshly, his fingers still digging into her neck muscles.

"Mmmm?" she responded lethargically, not bothering to look up.

"Is there any tape around here?"

"On the desk over there." She motioned lazily across the room. A smile inched up one side of his mouth when she groaned at the departure of his talented fingers from her tired muscles.

With a roll of tape and a piece of paper he covered up the small window on the lab door, slid the deadbolt home and returned to the delicious sight of Carin, legs spread on her stool, eyes closed with her chin on her chest. His fingers eased back to her shoulders and kneaded the flesh there.

He was unworthy of her trust, knew she had no idea why he was really here in San Diego. But when she shrugged out of her lab coat and let it fall to the floor, his strength of will flew out the nearest window. He couldn't have forced himself away from her tempting body if he'd wanted to.

Carin's pristine white jacket pooled on top of his boots, and when she leaned her head to the side, baring her neck to him, a long, deep groan rippled down from his chest and vibrated a path to the underside of his b.a.l.l.s. d.a.m.n, he was toast.

He let his thoughts run free, not bothering with any s.h.i.+elds or precautions. Instead he wanted her to understand, to see and feel how much he longed to strip off her blouse so he could tease her bare skin. Her breath hitched when his fingers teased her throat then moved to unb.u.t.ton her top.

The blouse joined the lab coat on the floor and his heightened senses felt her body infuse with heat as his head dipped forward over her shoulder so his lips could travel across the length of her collarbone. She reached back and buried her hands in his hair. His head moved in an erotic dance as his chin pressed into the stiff, sore muscles of her neck between erotic nips and kisses.

The scent of her body wafted up to tickle his nose and her blood called to him. His tongue flicked out to taste and tease her sensitive skin, and her pa.s.sion blossomed under his knowing touch. Quiet sighs a thing of the past, she moaned constantly now, her back pressed tight against his chest as he nibbled and sucked all the little erogenous zones on her neck and shoulders. His hands roamed at will and pleasure pooled deep in his loins when her tight abs jumped and fluttered under the pads of his fingers. Pleasure-pain caused his eyes to drift closed when her hands tightened at his scalp and pulled his mouth more firmly against her neck. Her flesh was sweet, smooth, like the richest chocolate.

Her pebbled nipples reached out to him as he explored her lush body. He wasn't sure where he got the ability to hesitate, but hesitate he did. Even when Carin's hips squirmed on the edge of her lab stool and her sweet faint moans became needy whimpers, he wouldn't touch her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Suddenly the act of touching a woman there had never seemed more intimate. He wanted to brand her, mark her, but he needed something else first. Something he'd always a.s.sumed with every other female.

"I need your permission, sweetheart."

"You have it. Please...please touch me." She guided his palm away from her stomach and up to her swollen, tempting b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Caught up in the escalating pleasure as deeply as Bix, she hadn't even flinched at communicating psychically.

"You're going to be mine, baby. After this, you're mine alone."

"Mmmm, yes," she purred as he turned her around on her stool to face him.

Bix eased Carin's knees open and stepped between them. He lifted her from the stool and groaned when her legs automatically encircled his waist. He walked with her hot core centered directly over his throbbing erection all the way to the back of the lab to the door she hadn't bothered to open for him earlier.

Bix pressed her hard up against the door, taking her mouth in a brutal kiss until she gasped and squirmed in his arms. Her desperate plea echoed in his head when he set her to the floor on shaky legs.

"Don't you dare let me fall on my a.s.s."

Her telepathic words were as shaky as the fingers trying to fit the key into the lock. While she frantically searched for the correct one he lowered his lips with one thought in mind-drive her insane with desire. He caressed the full globes of her a.s.s and she empathically reached for him with a longing so openly wild it made total chaos of any remaining sanity. By the time she got the lock open, he wanted nothing more than to run to the bed, strip her bare and spread her wide.

He crowded her inside, closed and locked the door behind them. She moved around the small room, flipped on a couple of soft lamps, and pulled the covers back on the bed. And he was on her heels every step of the way. Never stopped touching her. Never stopped stroking her. He just couldn't help himself. Her body and soul enchanted him. Her blood called to his with such strength, it scalded his veins as it pumped through his body, craving to mix with hers.

Bix tortured himself by slowly stripping her where she stood. Very slowly. Every bit of skin he exposed made him swallow convulsively. Every moan and intake of breath was precious to him. She was projecting her emotions again. He was glad to know she'd pushed aside any anger at his unexpected arrival, or apprehension about his special abilities, and given in to her need. Her need to be filled, to be be loved? No, she still fought that one. But he was a patient man.

With an arm under her knees, Bix lifted her up against his chest. Her fingers eased under his coat and slid over the muscles covered by his white silk s.h.i.+rt. His skin caught fire. Bix didn't miss the wicked gleam in her eye nor the self-satisfied smile when his pec muscles jumped and twitched under her touch. Eyes on Carin, he tossed her into the middle of the bed with a bounce, sending several of the plump pillows flying. He unlaced and toed off his boots without ever taking his gaze off her, allowing his burning need to zing from his eyes to hers with laser accuracy. Carin stretched and preened while he watched her rub her bare arms and legs against the bedding. Mmm, he couldn't wait to get his hands on her.

He growled like the hunter he was when Carin went still as a statue, her full attention on the movement of his fingers as the black leather trench dropped to the dark blue carpet in a pile.

b.u.t.ton by b.u.t.ton, his s.h.i.+rt parted to reveal more and more of his body. His golden skin glowed in the dim light, and she couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from the muscles bunching and releasing with each movement. The s.h.i.+rt was laid neatly at the foot of the bed before he turned to let her look her fill.

He ran his hands over his flushed skin, tweaked his own nipples, and licked his lips while he pinned her with a sensual stare. The man was such a tease, but a beautiful tease. His chest was baby smooth, with not even a light sprinkling of hair. G.o.d how she wanted to feel that skin, stretched over such perfectly developed muscles, sliding against hers. And he was moving too d.a.m.ned slow. Carin sighed with relief when he finally unbuckled his belt, followed by the b.u.t.ton and zipper holding his trousers closed. He spread the top of his pants, buried his hand inside and stroked himself, keeping his silver-streaked eyes on her face.

Carin held her breath as the garment was pushed over his trim waist, down his powerful legs to settle on the floor. A nice-fitting pair of black silk boxers was left behind. The guy obviously liked black. She couldn't blame him, he looked d.a.m.ned good in it. Ooh, he had such a tight a.s.s. Taut and perfectly rounded. And his legs were to die for. Legs even a woman would be jealous of. They were heavily muscled, smooth and lightly tanned, just like the rest of him.

His boxers. .h.i.t the floor and Carin gulped. Oh my G.o.d. Her heart rate had been beyond elevated the moment he kissed her, but it was nothing compared to the thrumming in her chest at the sight of Bix's impressive c.o.c.k. Thick, ridged with veins and pulsing with a life of its own, it was so hard and long it tapped against the planes of his stomach. Despite being concerned about his girth, Carin's mouth watered at the thought of what he tasted like. Soaking wet, she wondered for a second if her p.u.s.s.y and her mouth were having some kind of contest to see which could get wetter the fastest. Again, his hands found his stiff rod and stroked. She moaned as his thoughts pushed into her mind and her head filled with the pleasure he felt as his hand moved up and down his hardness.

He released his c.o.c.k and Carin watched it bob up and down as he approached the bed. His movements were sinuous and sleek. Oh Lord, he was doing the predator thing, and it was so d.a.m.ned s.e.xy she stayed there on her back, lifted her legs up in the air and purred like a lioness in heat. He kneeled between her thighs on all fours, and leaned down to take her mouth in a wild openmouthed kiss that left her panting and hungry.

She s.h.i.+vered from the inside out when Bix lowered his head and feasted on the underside of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, nudging the full globes with his chin and nose, taking in her scent as he moved over her body. Carin arched against his mouth, fingers tangled in his thick midnight hair. She wanted him to gobble her up. To take every bit of her into himself. Never in her life had she wanted to be devoured like she wanted it right now.

Bix cherished every moan, every shudder. Her reaction to his touch overwhelmed him. He could hear her, smell her, feel her. And it made the tasting that much more acute, deep. He loved knowing how much she wanted his hands, mouth and tongue all over her. Focusing on her breast, wrapping his lips around the crown, he pulled it deep into the heat of his mouth. After one taste, he was like a starving man. Couldn't get enough of her sweet Hershey's Kiss nipples.

While he licked, tasted and lavished attention on her swollen, full globes, Bix rubbed the head of his throbbing c.o.c.k against the slick, pink folds of her p.u.s.s.y. He shook with his own need, but no matter how great his want, her pleasure came first. As his mate, it would always be this way.

As gently as he was able, he slid the sensitive head into her creaming opening. She was amazingly tight. The feeling of her honeyed walls squeezing him was exquisite and sent his senses reeling. The sound of her aroused panting inflamed his own desire as he pushed slowly into her hot, warm sheath, inch by torturous inch.

The sleek caress of her sheath told him she hadn't given herself to many men. h.e.l.l, she gripped him so hard if not for the absence of a hymen, he would have thought she was a virgin.

Well, he might not be the first to take her, but d.a.m.n it, he would be the last. The feelings of possessiveness and desire were headier than any he could remember in all his long years. Her smooth, cinnamon thighs were spread wide in invitation when her body suddenly stiffened beneath him. Bix looked down at her face and froze.

Her eyes were squeezed shut and he could feel her warring with herself, trying not to tense.

There was no true pain, but she projected a slight stinging sensation as her body stretched to accommodate him. He knew he was a large man and a distraction was probably a good idea right about now.

His lips moved softly over hers, then over her ear, coaxing her out of her fear with words so erotic she blushed.

"Carin, you taste so good. I love the sweet heady scent of your p.u.s.s.y. It calls to me, begs me to sink my tongue inside and feast on your dewy center. G.o.d, I want you so bad, baby, I can barely control myself."

When he returned to her mouth he dove right in and kissed the care right out of her head. The tickle of his teeth back and forth along the sweat-slickened skin of her throat caused a delicious s.h.i.+ver to work its way through her body and infuse into his.

He barely managed to maintain control over his body, but his fangs? h.e.l.l, there was no controlling them at all. They just plain wouldn't listen to him and extended with a mind of their own. He hoped she wouldn't notice the sharp incisors, because heaven help him, he couldn't stop now. He felt her wonder at the pleasure-pain of the little scratches and revel in the ripples of pleasure they sent down her spine. Pleasure she wanted to experience again and again.

"Is he...biting me? Mmm, I like it."

The second he heard those thoughts form in her head, Bix obliged and let his fangs lightly across the column of her neck. Questing fingers slipped down to play in the close-cropped curls of her mound, then after a few torturous moments, drifted lower to skim over and around her c.l.i.t. There was no ability to think at all now. The shared rush built and hummed, sending a blush from the cheeks of her face clear down to the cheeks of her a.s.s.

Bix chose that moment to push fully inside and settle to the hilt. The slick walls of her sheath were agonizingly tight around his hard c.o.c.k. The pressure was exquisite, squeezing him on all sides of his staff until the blood pulsed through the veins twined around it. He gritted his teeth and forced his body to remain still to allow her a moment to get used to his girth.

"Oh yes, this is what I want," she crooned silently. His woman wanted to be full to bursting with his c.o.c.k. To be well and truly s.e.xed. Done up, done right. Heat ravaged his body where their skin touched, where he filled her. Shaking with urgency, Carin gasped roughly against his throat, pressing steamy, openmouthed kisses against his Adam's apple as Bix swallowed convulsively. But the little knot at his throat was the only thing moving.

"Bix," she whispered against his skin, holding him tight, her arms and legs wrapped around his taut body. "Oh, Bix. Baby, please."

He didn't reply. Couldn't form the words against the barrage of sensation traveling from his c.o.c.k to his brain, down to his toes and back. G.o.d, she felt so good stretched around his straining erection. His body was tense, every muscle tight. Sweat ran down the sides of his face to weave a trail of moisture down his neck and chest. The rocks of his biceps trembled with the effort of staying still. But he would cut off his arm before he hurt Carin.

"d.a.m.n it, Bix. Move, please."

Instead he pressed his lips together and ground his back teeth.

"Lord, if you didn't move soon I'll blow a gasket," she yelled this time, urging him to stroke deep inside her body. Instead, he let her feel his need, his urgency, and the iron grip he exerted over himself to make sure this was enjoyable for her. She needed to understand how much her pleasure meant to him.

Strong, warm fingers caressed his bulging arms and up to the solid, flexing pecs of his chest.

Her fingers left little patterns in the sweat pouring over his skin. She pulled him down to her until her nipples stabbed into his chest, sending a jolt of pleasure through his entire torso. Suddenly, Carin stretched up as much as she was able and sank her teeth into his neck where the thick muscles met his shoulder.

The second she clamped down on his neck a shaken growl made its way out of his throat and he threw his head back on a loud yell. Something primitive, primal snapped and sent him careening over the edge. She didn't have the apparatus to pierce his skin, but the sensation of her biting, licking and sucking him in that sacred spot made him hotter 'n h.e.l.l. So hot, the beads of moisture on his skin threatened to sizzle and steam like drops of water tossed into an overheated dry skillet. He couldn't have kept still a second longer if she'd begged him to.

He eased his throbbing c.o.c.k slowly out of her, then slammed home. Her cries of pleasure pulled hard at his already slipping control. Her words were wild, untamed, telling him what she wanted him to do to her, and how hard and long she wanted it. Her body twisted and wrapped around his, gave him pleasure, and took much more. Carin's hips rose to meet his as she tugged and yanked on his hair, spurring him on.

"Harder, Bix," she pleaded, half out of her mind. Her chest heaved, her breathing heavy and labored. "More, baby. Oh, yes, give it to me."

d.a.m.n, she was s.e.xy and hot for him. Only for him. How could he not give her what she wanted? Hard, fast, then harder still. One hand held her hip firmly against his groin as he plunged inside. He arched his body and buried his nose between her lovely b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The sound of her heart thundering underneath the plump orbs was hypnotic. Her blood. He could smell it, almost taste it.

The urge to bite her, to savor the sweet nectar of her body, and then lick her from neck to knees was almost unbearable.

No teeth, no teeth! Oh s.h.i.+t! He clamped his lips closed and tasted blood on his tongue. His blood.

She met him thrust for thrust, pounding against him. Her slick, cream-coated p.u.s.s.y tightened and fluttered, milking him. Taking him. Her sweet channel had a vise grip on his engorged c.o.c.k. If she squeezed any tighter he'd just give up the ghost and die. Panting out his pleasure, he pushed deeper and felt the ring of her cervix encircle him. His pants became growls. Bix went buck wild.

Dominated her in their loving.

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