Vampire Council Of Ethics - Carinian's Seeker Part 15

Vampire Council Of Ethics - Carinian's Seeker -

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He approached slowly, all sinewy grace, muscles rippling and tensing as they rolled underneath his skin. G.o.d, would she ever get used to seeing this magnificent man in all his naked glory? Her p.u.s.s.y wept at the sight of his proud c.o.c.k bobbing, reaching for her with every step. The heat in her veins skyrocketed until her skin sizzled and melted like caramel syrup tossed into a hot pan. Just the sight of him made her mouth water, her breath heave in and out of her chest. She wanted, needed to taste him so badly, she trembled. Even her lips quivered as her tongue snaked out and left a wet trail over them. She sat up and waited. Waited for him to bring her what she desperately needed.

He stood in front of her now, his delicious c.o.c.k mere inches from her face. Just as she opened her mouth to take him deep, out of nowhere defiance rose up. While she wanted him to take her, it was the "taking" part that called to her blood, the need to make him prove he was strong enough to handle her. Instinctively, she went with it. She snapped her mouth closed, looked up and waited.

"You. Naked. Now." Bix's voice was raspy and his speech halting, as if he had trouble stringing the words together. Carin knew exactly how he felt.

Tearing her gaze away from his rock-hard length, she rose from the couch and stared up at his towering, tense frame. "No, don't think so," she purred, then turned away from him. A low, menacing snarl sounded behind her. It was all the warning she received.

Strong hands grabbed her by both arms and whirled her around. Her womb throbbed in cadence with her heart and sent a gush of silky need trailing down her thighs.

"Wrong answer, Carin."

She looked up into the eyes of the deadly predator Bix always kept under such tight control.

Yes, this was what she wanted-his control in shreds, just like hers. The tick in his jaw said his pa.s.sion was barely leashed. He wanted her desperately. Did she dare push him any further? A half-smile quirked up at the edges of her lips. Of course she dared.

"I've changed my mind." Surprised her voice was somewhat steady, she braced herself for what would come next. She'd always gone to him willingly, but something about this, about their bonding, made her want to defy him. Made her want to be taken, won and subdued.

His head tilted to the side and a single raven-black brow winged its way upward. "I don't think so, baby."

Bix's large hand held both of hers over her head. She was strong, but he was stronger and her struggles gained her nothing. The fingers of his free hand wrapped around the spaghetti straps of her dress and in a single yank, they landed across the room. Sequins and beads flew everywhere as the lovely royal blue silk was torn from her body in shreds. A delicious tremor snaked down her sides as her bra, thong and stockings followed, leaving her with only ankle-strap high heels and the sparkle of beautiful sapphires and gold against her skin.

The heated skin of his powerful chest scorched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he pulled her roughly to him, grinding his engorged c.o.c.k against her trembling belly and the smooth mound of her p.u.s.s.y.

Opening his mouth wide as if he were going to bite her sent a new rush of wetness glazing down the inside of her thighs, and she knew he could smell it when he let out a deep, hungry groan. His fangs, and the c.o.c.k pressed into her stomach, grew and stretched beyond anything she would have thought possible.

Her knees threatened to buckle when he lowered his head and played with her like a lion toying with his prey. The tips of his incisors trailed along the sensitive skin of her neck, around the front of her collarbone. By the time he nipped her just above her right breast, the s.h.i.+vers racing along her nerve endings shot up through her pores, peppering her body with glowing sparks, burning every inch of her body. It was exactly what she wanted.

He released his grip and her hands fell uselessly to his shoulders. Bix filled his hands with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, wrapped his lips around the crown and pulled roughly. Her very soul vibrated as if a dozen bungee cords wove a path from her aching nipple to her navel, down through her body, and tied off at the base of her spine. The urgent draw of his demanding mouth and the of his fangs strummed over the connection, and each cord vibrated endlessly. He worked her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, from one to the other, until she whimpered helplessly, her body a wanting, restless knot of tense muscles.

He picked her up, dumped her on the couch again. When she scrambled to her knees, his honeyed gray gaze glittered dangerously while his fingers sank into the coils of her hair. Hairpins flew in a wide arc as her face was brought to a level with his c.o.c.k.

"Now suck." The words were pushed through clenched teeth and came out a rough order she had no intention or desire to challenge.

She instantly obeyed, taking him into her mouth so suddenly his breath left his chest on a whoosh.

"Oh yeah, that's it, baby. Suck it."

She glanced up to see his head thrown back and the cords of his neck straining against the flushed skin. d.a.m.n, he turned her on. She hummed and licked and sucked until his hips pumped furiously against her lips. And she wanted more of him. Wanted to milk him with her tongue. She let all her thoughts and emotions swirl out from her mind in a fierce storm cloud of l.u.s.t.

"Mmm, you taste so good, Bix. I want to suck you dry."

"Tempting, but not tonight. Tonight I'm going to show you how a vampire really f.u.c.ks his mate."

Oh, Lord, what did he mean, exactly? Their loving had always been wild and explosive. What would be different this time? And could she handle it?

"Trust me, Carin, you can take it. You will take it."

In a blur she was turned around on the couch on her knees, her body bent forward over the low back, and her a.s.s in the air. Bix pulled her towards him, rocking against her c.u.n.t, coating his c.o.c.k with her slick juices. Long, rough fingers slipped up and around her c.l.i.t, r.i.m.m.i.n.g the folds of her swollen, wet p.u.s.s.y until she felt the throbbing of her blood in every cell of her body. Her belly fluttered with every breath as pa.s.sion flared and consumed her like a fire fanned by a hot desert wind.

And still he teased her mercilessly, pushed her to mindlessness. Every muscle quaked and flexed with need.

"Bix, please..."

"Please what, baby?"

"Please, take me. Fill me. I-I..."

He positioned himself at her welcoming entrance and pressed slowly into her. When the crown of the thick head popped through her tight opening, he leaned forward, the muscles of his pecs jumping and twitching against her back. Bix whispered in her ear as his c.o.c.k continued to torture her.

"Is this what you need?"

"Oh G.o.d, yes." She squirmed and wiggled against him, trying to get more of him inside her thirsty heat. His fingers dug into her hips and held her still as he pulled back, giving her just the tip.

"Then tell me you need it. That you want it," he growled, sucking a sensitive lobe into his warm mouth.

"I need it. Oh G.o.d, Bix, I need you, baby. Please."

"Whose p.u.s.s.y is this?"


"And what do you want me to do with my p.u.s.s.y, Carin?"

She knew what he wanted, and was more than ready to give it to him. Anything to put out the raging fire in her blood.

"I want you to take it. Take it all."

He slammed into her then, so deep she felt it behind her eyeb.a.l.l.s. His glorious c.o.c.k stretched, filled, speared into her wetness with amazing speed. Vampire speed. In-tormented every nerve ending deep in her slick heat. Out-tantalized the sleek flesh of her c.u.n.t in a blur of wicked movement. In seconds a devastating o.r.g.a.s.m thundered through her very soul.

He gave her no time to recover from the blistering climax. Instead, he threw her into another one, and then another until she was excessively sensitive. Each stroke triggered a scream, and every thrust made a slos.h.i.+ng noise as he moved within her drenched s.e.x.

When her knees buckled under the onslaught, Bix, still planted deeply, picked her up and carried her into the ma.s.sive bedroom. Rearranging her body so she lay on her back with her thighs over his shoulders, he rode her into sensual oblivion.

His roared release sounded in her ears but faded quickly as Carin, crossed eyes and all, drifted into blessed, sated unconsciousness with a silly grin on her face. Talk about a wedding night.

d.a.m.n, the man had f.u.c.ked her blind.

"Your lack of progress is trying my patience, my dear."

"Look, timing is everything. Until you've taken care of your own business, stop riding my a.s.s,"

she said matter-of-factly.

"Believe me, my dear, I'm not riding your a.s.s. Yet. But I do look forward to it. As soon as I find a suitable place for you to bring my visitor, I'll make sure you're ridden well."

Sidheon's sinister, s.e.xy chuckle filled the phone line and a deep ripple spread across her womb. The man was so good at being bad it made her insides quiver, reminding her of the first time they'd met in person while on one of her supposed vacations.

He personally patted her down for weapons and listening devices.

"These days a wire could be worn anywhere, even in your bra, or in your hair," he said, stripping her down to her underwear and motioning her towards a chair in the middle of the room.

His henchmen glared murderously at her as they filed out. She recognized a couple of them. h.e.l.l, she'd provided the intelligence for the missions that had run them to ground, provided evidence resulting in their prison terms, and later arranged their parole. And with the V.C.O.E., justice was dealt harshly to a rogue.

Once they were alone, Sidheon bombarded her with questions about why she wanted to help him bring down the V.C.O.E.

"You told me Dr. Carinian was the target of the Head Seeker. Now you tell me he claims her as mate. Why?"

"Because you needed to know what you were up against if you chose to continue pursuing her,"

she said, far from afraid but still eager for the little interrogation to be over.

"Why? Because you care whether I get hurt?" he drawled sarcastically.

She laughed and shot a retort back at him just as cynically. "Hardly. You're no good to me dead."

"Why would the Liaison for the Western territories betray the V.C.O.E.?" he queried. Beautiful jewel blue eyes bored into hers, reaching for her secrets even as they moved over her practically naked body. She s.h.i.+vered from the very ends of her raven black hair down to her toes at the transformation of those eyes from stark hard coldness to blazing hot l.u.s.t.

"I want revenge against a certain Seeker."


"I don't see how that's any of your business," she snapped, trying to ignore the heat gathering behind her knees, snaking up towards the vee between her legs.

A gifted psychic, her s.h.i.+elds hadn't been strong enough to keep him out of her head. The vamp sensed and exposed half-truths and her rising desire until he had more than just the answers to all his questions. In the end, they both got what they wanted-Bix in exchange for Carin. The rest of their meeting was spent on her hands and knees, on her back, on the table, on the floor, screaming her promise to do anything he wanted as long as he kept her full of his lovely c.o.c.k while sinking his fangs into her willing body. All the while she'd imagined Bix's handsome face so close to hers, his lips on hers, and his strong hand spanking her.

Pus.h.i.+ng the memories away to concentrate on the current conversation, she decided to avoid a fight with this dangerous vamp. Especially since she would see him again soon.

"Listen, lover, things are getting hot around here. Let me know the minute you have things settled on your end, and I'll do the same, all right?"

"But of course," he said calmly.

"Miss me, lover?" she asked playfully.

"Miss your lovely round a.s.s. Perhaps I'll let you wrap my d.i.c.k in that tight hole? Depends on how good a girl you are." Sidheon laughed.

She blushed, glad he couldn't see the mix of l.u.s.t and contempt in her eyes. Disconnecting the secure cell phone, she slammed it down on the desk even as her mind filled with thoughts of what a talented tool Sidheon had. Too bad he was going to lose his b.a.l.l.s by going up against Bix. The head Seeker was a formidable fighter who believed the only fair fight was a won fight. Sidheon didn't stand a chance. But no matter, once Sidheon killed Carin, Bix would be bereft and alone.

And she would be there to comfort him, just as she planned.

Content and purring, Carin lay in her favorite position-sprawled across her husband's chest with her head pillowed on one of Bix's large shoulders. They'd spent the past week shut away in Bix's apartments. Since it was bigger than her whole house in San Diego, complete with all the amenities, they hadn't even come out for meals in the main hall.

He'd surprised her with the knowledge he could cook. In fact, her stomach was still rejoicing from the dinner they'd shared earlier this evening. A meal even her grandma would have appreciated-fried chicken, hot water cornbread, fresh greens and strawberry shortcake complete with gobs of whipped cream.

While thoughtful, kind and his usual bossy self when it came to her well being, he wouldn't tell her a d.a.m.ned thing about the upcoming hunt.

"So," she said sweetly, "do you know when you're leaving to hunt Sidheon?"

"Natasha's still gathering and coordinating the intel for the mission. These things take time.

She'll let me know when it's time."

"Why can't someone else be Liaison? Why does Natasha have to call the shots?"

The answer was a wide, very rude yawn. d.a.m.ned man.

"Who's going to work with me on my fighting skills while you're away, sweetie?"

"Who do you want?"

"Maybe Jaidyn again? Or one of the Hatsepts who stayed behind?" Carin crooned, listening to Bix's strong heartbeat. He stiffened at the mention of the "H" boys. She bit her lip to keep from grinning as she stroked a lone finger up and down the middle of her husband's nicely chiseled pecs. Her fingertips pinched and tugged a tight male nipple. When the muscles jerked under her touch, followed by a low hiss of air between his teeth, her wicked juices started to bubble.

There was nothing she loved more than turning Bix on. Since all the hoopla of the gathering was over and almost everyone who didn't live at headquarters had gone home, there was plenty of time to do just that.

"Are you going to answer my question, Bix?"

"You keep sliding your hand towards my d.i.c.k like that and you'll have more answers than you can handle, baby."

The man gritted his teeth like he was in pain as his chest rose and fell, breath quickening with each caress of her fingers. Times like this made her feel both powerful and humble. Powerful that a mere human woman could bring such a strong vampire to his knees, and humbled by the fact he trusted her enough to let her.

"Answers like what?" Carin purred, smiling big like the cat that swallowed the canary. The next thing she knew she was flat on her back, her mind full of Bix's thoughts.

"Answers to questions like, how do I always manage to be full of Bix's c.o.c.k?" He spread her legs wide, one over each of his shoulders. "And will my p.u.s.s.y ever stop creaming?" a.s.s cheeks clenched as a soft breath wafted over her moist, puffy lips. "Will my husband ever get tired of eating my p.u.s.s.y?" A fang sc.r.a.ped over her unhooded c.l.i.t, followed by a talented, wet tongue. She gasped, burying her fingers in the sheets. "And can I possibly come any harder than I already have?" His pink tongue pierced her hole and slid deep, lapping at the hot insides of her creaming channel, eagerly devouring the steaming flesh like she was his favorite flavor of ice cream cone on a hot summer day.

"I have all the answers, Carin. Do you like those questions, baby?" The words resonated in her brain with a maddening hum.

"Oh G.o.d, yes." She squirmed against his questing mouth, seeking release. She was so close.

Bix sent his emotions streaming into her mind. The depth of his love pushed her closer to the edge. But when the clench of his gut, the ache of his c.o.c.k, and how much he needed to be inside of her flowed through their bond, she squashed down her own need and concentrated on Bix.

In that moment, giving him what he needed was more important than breathing. Up on her elbows now, she pushed away from his tormenting mouth and flipped over onto her stomach. a.s.s up in the air, chest writhing against the bed, Carin gasped as her hard, tight nipples and swollen b.r.e.a.s.t.s sizzled against the sheets. But Bix was still as stone.

Reaching back, a single finger slipped into her soaked c.u.n.t, teasing and enticing her husband to fill her with his ma.s.sive c.o.c.k. Bix's enchanting gray eyes were riveted on that finger, and she knew the prime male inside of him itched to break loose and take her wildly.

Unable to stop the swivel of her hips, she wriggled and squirmed seeking the fat head of his d.i.c.k pus.h.i.+ng up against her dewy lips from behind. His hands tightened on her hips and held her still. But she wanted, needed to move. Wanted him inside, as raw and untamed as she felt. f.u.c.k control. She didn't want him to have any.

"f.u.c.k me, Bix. Take what you need, baby."

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