Fallen MC: Duke Part 7

Fallen MC: Duke -

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"Sons?" Duke was grinning.

"Yes, you're going to have three sons."

Duke threw his head back and howled so loudly that security and nurses rushed into the room, not knowing whether they were facing an emergency or an attack. They stopped dead in the entry, quickly realising nothing was wrong. Dr Scance was waving his hands to discourage them from approaching. Duke had reacted by taking a defensive stance at the end of the bed, ready to protect her from whatever was rus.h.i.+ng through the door. She couldn't stop the all out laughter that escaped her looking at the faces of eight people scared to move because of Duke. He turned when he heard her laugh.

"You just had to howl didn't you!" Tears were rolling down her face at this point.

Shortly after everyone left, Dr Scance continued her appointment. She'd done her own research on multiple births since finding out. She knew she'd probably end up on bed rest and having a c-section, so she wasn't surprised to hear that. She was shocked by how many calories she had to intake daily and that soon her centre of gravity would dramatically s.h.i.+ft, so she'd have to be extra cautious when moving around. Duke was ready to wrap her in bubble wrap already, so she knew his protectiveness was about to become stifling. They left the clinic happy and from then on it was all baby names and planning where to live.

Nicole was expecting Duke to be a little b.u.mmed to be losing his good old bachelor pad. He'd lived there since getting the position of VP three years ago and was his first stable home. He wasn't though. Duke was forever coming back with real estate agent brochures and browsing online for the perfect house. He was more fussy than Nicole on what his boys needed to grow up. Things like a treehouse, game room and a big back yard with a park nearby. Whereas she was more concerned with good school areas.

It turned out the club owned several acres surrounding the fenced-in compound. Duke was reluctant to move too far away, he wanted her close to the compound when he would be away on runs in the future. He negotiated and brought an acre of land from the club and had a local architect design and build her dream house; a five bedroom home, with open plan family room and kitchen and a pool in the garden. It even had everything Duke wanted. Nicole was positive they'd end up having to compromise but in the end there was no need. She was so excited.

Duke told her it would be nearly a year before it was ready to move in, but she was ok with that. She'd joked that staying at the apartment with three babies would be an educational experience for them and give the brothers plenty of chance to learn how to change diapers. Duke had wanted to rent a house in the mean time but Nicole refused to waste money when the babies would be sleeping in the same room as them for a while anyway. The apartment was far enough away that they would never be disturbed by the noise from the bar and the sound of tail pipes were going to be present no matter where they stayed, so the babies would have to get used to them either way.

The plan of them building their home had s...o...b..lled throughout the club. Razor immediately purchased the acre next to them and was building his own house. When Duke found out she could tell that he and Razor were holding back tears. Their eyes were suspiciously Later, she discovered that a childhood pact was made, declaring that when they got older they would live next door to each other, so they'd always be close. Needless to say she turned into a weeping mess after hearing it.

Soon after acres were being bought by everyone. Her home would now be in the middle of Razor and Slam. Prez, Hollywood and the Musketeers had also bought acres and everyone was building straight away, driving the cost down for all. Even the single brothers purchased plots even if a few of them weren't building yet. They were going to have their own Fallen MC neighbourhood!

Debates were already underway about street names and road construction. She was staying well out of it. Shel and Jewel were well involved and she trusted them to not to let her live in a street named 'Devil's Canyon'. That name had proved popular when suggested. One thing was for sure, there would be no need for neighbourhood watch. Anyone stupid enough to try to attack or rob their homes would live to regret it. She'd seen the plans for security for the area that all the 'residents' were equally chipping in for and it was extensive. Her sons wouldn't be safer anywhere else.

She was pulled from her recollections by Duke ma.s.saging her shoulders. It felt wonderful and she soon turned to putty under his hands.

"You feeling ok, baby?" He dropped his hands to rub her belly and was rewarded with several rolls and kicks.

"Yeah, looking forward to this party. Hopefully I won't fall asleep part way through." She chuckled. Duke pulled her off the stool and turned her in his arms to face him.

"You get tired, you leave. No excuses. I won't have you feeling bad because you were trying to keep up with b.i.t.c.hes who aren't growing three boys at the moment. They'll sit there drinking while you're sat forming three pairs of lungs. That s.h.i.+t is crazy."

She wanted to giggle but she could tell if he was being serious. "I promise I'll be careful with how much I do. It's a baby shower, I can't see it being too crazy. Anyway, I need you to be careful too. I know you want tonight over with but I don't want you being hot headed with my Dad." He snorted and rolled his eyes at that. She gripped his shoulders, "Just remember that while yes, he is a s.h.i.+t father and a general f.u.c.k-up, I wouldn't have met you if he wasn't and we wouldn't be getting this amazing family, so just be calm, okay?"

He drew in a deep breath through his nose and hugged her to him. "Okay baby. I'll try to keep that in mind but f.u.c.k, you've been here the best part of six months and he's only now paying up. He has no idea how you're being treated or if you're well or not!" He was getting riled up so she ran her hands up and down his back until his body slumped. "Sorry baby, it just me off to think about. I can guarantee though he will have nothing to do with the club or you and my boys from here on out. My family is not for him to use in his deals. If he even tries, I'll gut him from throat to d.i.c.k."

Nicole agreed with Duke on all of it and was ashamed to admit that she'd completely forgotten about her Dad being involved with club business. She supposed it was because she was an old lady now and they'd never really treated her as collateral. From pretty much the very beginning she'd been accepted into the fold. What she hadn't known was that all the time she was not thinking about it, Duke had been silently seething.

Nicole came to terms with cutting her Dad out of her life. She'd cried and agonised about it but she knew deep down it was the right thing to do, especially for her boys. It didn't make it easier to do, just easier to accept. There was one thing she wouldn't budge on - she was determined to see him one last time.

Duke They'd argued this point back and forth over the last two weeks, after Nole had finally contacted the club to make his payment. He had dreaded telling Nicole about it because he was sure she would want him in her life again and he didn't that worthless s.h.i.+t anywhere near her. She's so loving, forgiving and tries to see the best in everyone, but sometimes the hard fact is there are no chances left to give. He was sure that her insistence on seeing her Dad was that she thought that she should do, rather than that she actually wanted to. The idea of it just didn't sit right with him. Her Dad wasn't owed a real goodbye as far as Duke was concerned.

They'd shared long talks about their childhoods and so he knew her story and all the situations Nole had put her in. She saw them through the eyes of a child and so didn't perceive them for the truly dangerous events they were, but he did. He knew or had heard of most of the people she had to deal with and the list was enough to turn his stomach.

Eventually they'd compromised. Nicole acknowledged that it was time to live her own life and leave her Dad behind. She'd never want to endanger their kids either and she knew she would be doing exactly that if she allowed Nole any contact with her or them. But, she did want to see him one last time, to a.s.sure him that she was well and happy in her life and to say goodbye.

This was their compromise, she'd get to see him, supervised of course, before breaking all contact. Part of him felt bad for pus.h.i.+ng this but he couldn't live with himself if anything happened to her. He could see her bottom lip was swollen from where she'd be chewing on it because of her nerves for tonight's meeting. He couldn't have that so he had a plan of distraction.

He pulled the small bag from his pocket containing three small boxes and handed it to Nicole.

"What on earth is this?" He loved being able to give her things, it satisfied a deep macho part of him to provide and care for his woman.

"Just open them, baby. It's a surprise."

She lifted the lid on each box and gasped. She gently picked up each thin leather band and stroked them. He'd had them made to fit his sons as they were both so paranoid of mixing them up before they could tell them apart. This was his solution. Each band was adjustable and made to go around the wrist or ankle of the babies and was branded with the first initial of the names they'd agreed on. He watched her trace the A, J and R with the tip of her finger before she threw her arms around his waist. Her was stopping them from getting too close these days. He loved to feel his boys kick against his stomach while they were lying in bed. He'd never been happier to have a king size as his old lady was taking up a lot more room than before.

Nicole's hands started to drift to his front and down to his zipper. He knew what she wanted, it was what she always wanted at the moment. He'd never known that pregnancy made women h.o.r.n.y. Nicole couldn't get enough of him and it wasn't exactly easy to achieve these days. He was grateful that he'd always stayed in shape. They were pretty much down to him taking her from behind or her on top. He wasn't complaining though, he'd never been f.u.c.ked so much in his life. His brothers hadn't believed him until Nicole interrupted them at the bar one night and all but pulled him off his stool and dragged him upstairs. His d.i.c.k automatically responded to her presence, even pregnant she was s.e.xy as f.u.c.k. Her big, lush b.r.e.a.s.t.s were even fuller and he could spend hours panting over them and her a.s.s. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time right now. He had to get going.

"I know you need me baby, but I've got to go to meet your Dad and you should have been in the bar ten minutes ago. I don't need Shel and Jewel walking in to find me b.a.l.l.s deep in your tight p.u.s.s.y. You know they'll be here to drag you to your party any minute now."

Just as he said this, they heard the a brief knock on the door before it was opened by Shel, with Jewel only one step behind. They always let themselves in these days to stop Nicole from having to stand to answer the door. He laughed at how right he was but Nicole was pouting. He briefly sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and gently stroked it with his tongue. She was always so sweet tasting.

"I'll take good care of you later, baby." He whispered, then winked and left Shel and Jewel to hurry her along. He adjusted his rigid c.o.c.k and tried to focus on the upcoming meeting.

He walked outside to Prez, Hollywood and Razor. Time to go see the jacka.s.s. He'd promised Nicole not to hurt him. Razor pointed out last night; he hadn't promised her a thing. Duke knew his brother would have to get one good shot in, he loved Nicole like the sister he never had and despised Nole for what he'd put her through. He would be lying if he said he hadn't been tempted to kill the f.u.c.ker.

He'd battled himself internally about it for weeks. If he killed him, he'd never have to worry about Nole ever again and it wasn't like he didn't deserve it. Nicole wouldn't have to know but if she ever found out, he knew she'd never forgive him and could try to take away everything he treasured. He may have risked it, however, the choice was taken away when he promised her that she could see him one last time. He never wanted to break a promise to her. It didn't mean he wasn't tempted though.

Mounting their Harleys, they rode to their agreed upon rendezvous point. Nole was to meet them alone but they were all heavily armed just in case. They saw Nole waiting outside the abandoned warehouse looking haggard and uneasy. He'd obviously had a rough six months. Not surprising considering he spent it with a Mexican gang, no doubt promising s.h.i.+t he couldn't deliver.

He was Fallen's go-between with them for weapons. They were a very decent price so Prez and he had decided to take a chance on Nole. They had given him the money and were supposed to receive the weapons in 8 weeks, it was fair to say that he'd blown that deadline to s.h.i.+t. They took Nicole as collateral. She was offered up by Nole at their first meeting. The deal was that when he delivered the weapons, Nole would get Nicole back. That wasn't happening now. Nicole wasn't Nole's any longer. She was his. Nole would be going home empty handed.

Duke had no sympathy for him. Everything that happened to Nole was because of Nole. Nothing ever happened to him that he didn't instigate in the first place or bring on himself. They parked their bikes in a line facing him. Prez took point as they walked towards him. Nole threw a black backpack at his feet.

"That is all of it. Everything I owe." His voice was quiet and shaky. Prez had dramatically reduced the amount of compensation he should of paid because of the agreement he made with Nicole on her first night behind the bar. Nicole was meant to be the whole compensation but Prez decided he wasn't going to let Nole off that easy.

They stayed silent as Prez handed the bag to Hollywood who would do his own count. Money in a bag can easily be made to look more than it is. Nole's eyes flashed to and fro over them, too nervous to make eye contact and he jerked at every small sound. This wasn't the, confident crook they'd dealt with six months ago. Duke couldn't help but be suspicious when Nole started scanning the area as if he was about to be a victim of an ambush. Hollywood finished the count and gave a single nod to Prez. It was all there. Thank f.u.c.k, he didn't want to deal with this a.s.shat again.

"Okay, Fletcher, it's all here. Our business is done. Don't contact Fallen again, you won't like the reception you'll get." Prez warned.

He quickly nodded. "Nicole?"

Duke stepped forward. "What about her? We were led to believe you didn't give a f.u.c.k being that we've been in this deal for six months and that's the first time you've asked," he said through gritted teeth.

"I know but we're done now. The deal's done. When can I come get her?" His voice was small and pathetic sounding.

"You won't. She belongs to me now."

Nole's spine straightened and panic registered on his face. "No. No. You can't do that. She's my daughter. You have to give her back to me. I don't believe she'd want to stay with you."

Razor sprang forward and planted his fist straight in Nole's face, knocking him to the ground. "You're no father! You're a pathetic piece of s.h.i.+t that sells his daughter to every one in the state, not caring what happens to her." He spat on him before walking away. Nole got himself up and his lip curled up in a snarl. Well, wasn't this a turn around. His outward behaviour had completely transformed.

"I want to see her. I don't believe any of you MC f.u.c.kers. No way would Nicole want to stay with you. She deserves better. I want to hear it from her. Face to face. I don't trust you to not be holding a gun to her head on the phone. I know how you bikers keep your s.l.u.ts."

Duke had heard enough, bad enough to insult the club and call them f.u.c.kers but worse, he'd actually referred to Nicole as a s.l.u.t! He was about to deliver a well aimed blow when Prez beat him to it. He was held back by Hollywood and Razor, if he wasn't he would have joined in. Prez tugged Nole up from the floor by his greasy hair and stood nose to nose with him.

"You dare insult us when you happily throw your daughter to the wolves to keep them off your back? You're nothing, you're a piece of s.h.i.+t and if I had my way you'd be buried in the ground somewhere with me p.i.s.sing on your grave." Prez let go and pushed him into the wall and stepped back. "Unfortunately for me, Nicole wants to see you, come by the club gates at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning. If you're one minute late you'll be standing there alone. There are no second chances."

He watched Nole sag against the wall in relief. They turned their backs and went to their bikes. Riding back, Duke couldn't get a read on the meeting they'd just had. He played it on a continual loop in his mind. Nole had gone from weak and pathetic to angry, then to relief. It made no sense for him to act that way. He was acting manic. Duke had a gut feeling something wasn't right, he just couldn't put his finger on it. He could have been reading too much into it. He wasn't very rational with anything regarding Nicole. Maybe Nole was just being a crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d, but there was no way Nicole would be standing at the gates alone tomorrow.

Chapter thirteen.

Nicole The baby shower was awesome. They'd been given so many presents for the boys that she was completely overwhelmed and spent the majority of the party in happy tears. Nicole didn't know what was left for her and Duke to buy. Jewel showed her the room next to their apartment that they had emptied for her and Duke to use as storage. She'd shown them all the bands Duke had given her and they begged her to tell them the names that go with them. She wouldn't, that was just between her and Duke until the babies were born. The ladies continued to beg and guess throughout the night but she wouldn't relent and none of their guesses were anywhere near. Shel had been great and organised games and quizzes that had them all in hysterics, laughing. She lost count of how many times she had rushed to the bathroom to keep from peeing herself. Every old lady was there and Nicole felt she'd been accepted into their sisterhood.

She woke to Duke wrapped around her like always. She never wanted to wake up any other way. He told her the meeting with her Dad had gone okay and that his debt was payed in full. She was relieved and for some reason nervous and apprehensive to see him this morning. She had a ball of guilt in her stomach from what she was going to say to him. He was her Dad and more than likely she would never see him again after today. In fact, that was the plan. She knew it was for the best, she had a family to think of, yet, a part of her despised herself for what she was about to do. She was all he had and she worried over what he would do when he didn't have her any longer.

She'd recited what she was going to say to him time and time again in her mind. Each time it changed, none of it seemed right or good enough. She wanted to use the time to thank him for what he did do, not reprimand him for what he didn't. Duke didn't understand this and thought she should be totally honest and clear the air. That wasn't her though. She didn't hold grudges and why end their relations.h.i.+p on a low note when it didn't have to? She wanted her Dad to know that she loved him and would think of him often but that she didn't want to risk her family with his lifestyle and his enemies. Over time he'd made a lot of enemies through bad deals and dodgy trades and her sons weren't going to pay the price for it like she had. She prayed he'd understand and want what was the best for her. And the best for her was Duke. He was her other half.

Duke's breathing changed so she knew he'd woken. His hand slid from her to her breast where he palmed her and played with her nipples. She could feel his d.i.c.k getting hard on the small of her back and her p.u.s.s.y flooded in response. He moaned into her neck and kissed and nipped her until she was squirming against him, desperate for him to fill her up. He pushed his c.o.c.k between her legs, moving it back and forth through her wet folds and teasing her c.l.i.t. His hand left her breast to skim down her body. He tucked it underneath her knee, pulling her leg up before sliding into her. She loved it when he first entered her, the stretching and the fullness made her ache with tormenting pleasure and went he bottomed out, the bite of pain heightened everything else.

"Faster. Please Duke, go faster."

"We're taking it nice and slow, baby." He thrust again. "Feel all of me, feel how your p.u.s.s.y grips me like it never wants to let go." She tightened her muscles around him. "That's it baby, squeeze me tight. f.u.c.k, I love you."

"I love you too." She groaned and he kept their pace even. She arched her back to take him deeper and clawed at his hip as the sensations grew. His hard smooth body against hers tormented her. She could never get close enough. She wanted to be surrounded by Duke.

"Give me your mouth. I want your mouth when I coat your p.u.s.s.y."

They were both close. Her p.u.s.s.y started pulsing and Duke slammed home harder each time. She turned her head and thrust her tongue against his. He tweaked her sensitive nipples, sending her flying into o.r.g.a.s.m. She felt him stiffen and moan behind her as he come inside her. He didn't pull out, he wrapped around her again, keeping them connected as they spiralled back down to earth together.

"Are you ready to see your dad, baby?" His voice was so s.e.xy and raspy in the mornings.

"Honestly, not really. I'm worried what he'll say to me when I tell him, but it's got to be done for our peace of mind and I'm ready to start my new life with you. A fresh start."

He hugged her close then turned her to face him. They both gasped as they separated. Looking into his warm brown eyes, she knew anything was worth being able to look into them for the rest of her life.

"I hate that you have to do this, baby. But you're right, this is a fresh start for both of us. We'll leave all our s.h.i.+t in the past and build our new lives together. This is just the final step. You won't be on your own ever again. You're my life now, like I'm yours. It's going to be beautiful, baby, I'll make sure of it. I promise."

He pressed a sweet kiss gently on her lips, stood up from the bed and picked her up bridal style. He carried her into the shower and set her down. They washed each other, slowly and gently, exploring the other with loving touches and sweet caresses. Then stood entwined under the water, sated, warm and content to just be in each other's arms.

Duke held her hand all the way to the bar where Jewel, Shel, Slam, Prez, Razor, Hollywood and the Musketeers all individually embraced her, showing their support and understanding for what she was about to do. Slam put his arm over her shoulder and said "Just think Nic, when this is done you're officially all ours." She couldn't stop the smile stretching her face. He was right, she was doing the right thing. Embracing her new confidence, she took Duke's hand again and made her way to the gates followed by everyone else. None of them wanted her to stand alone. Hollywood had told her that "when you've spoken to your Dad and turn to walk away, you'll be walking towards us."

She took a deep breath and stopped about ten feet from the gate. Prez had said he was only opening them slightly, just enough for her to embrace her Dad one last time. He was already stood there, bruises coloured his face and he'd clearly lost weight but this wasn't a surprise to her. Duke had been honest about what was said and done at the meeting and she didn't hold it against him or the others that they had taken action. Her Dad should have known better than to insult them but he never learned. He seemed destined to repeat his mistakes again and again.

She squeezed and reluctantly dropped Duke's hand, taking the final few steps on her own. She knew he'd be hating this part, he never liked them separated but this is what she wanted. This was her decision and her dad needed to know that to let her go.

As she got closer, she noticed his face was carefully blank. She'd seen this look many times before when he didn't want to give anything away. His eyes dropped to her and widened but that was the only change. She stopped just in front of him, close enough to reach out and touch him. They stood looking at each other in silence for a moment. Her thoughts had emptied and her mouth was dry. This was it. Pulling herself together, she placed her trembling hands on her to remind her why she was doing this and cleared her throat.

"Hey, Dad." He was yet to speak. "It's been a while."

"I'm sorry." His facade crumbled and he looked grief stricken but resolved. He must have accepted that she want leaving Fallen.

"It's not totally your fault, Dad. It's my decision to stay here, they've treated me really well. I've made new friends and found the love of my life. I've never felt so at home or happy as I am here. As you can see I'm going to be a momma soon and this is the life I want for my family." A weight lifted from her shoulders now that she'd got that out. Her Dad continued to stare at her and he took a deep breath. She braced herself for his response.

"I'm sorry; that's not going to happen."

Nicole didn't even have time to register what he said. Shock tore through her as her Dad lunged forward, painfully gripping her arm and yanked her through the gap in the gates. He turned her by twisting her arm up behind her back. She cried out at the pain in her arm and shoulder and saw Duke and the others charging for the gate, weapons drawn.

Suddenly they ground to a halt, skidding on the loose ground just a few feet away from her. She didn't understand. Why weren't they coming for her? Her eyes focused on Duke as his face contorted with rage. She felt something cool touch her temple. Her mouth dropped open and she whimpered when she heard the c.o.c.k of a gun. She could hardly take a breath. Her lungs weren't working. Pain was growing worse through her arm and shoulder. Familiar panic was setting in.

Duke Duke had reacted in a split second when Nole had pulled Nicole to him but he still wasn't fast enough. Now he was stood, looking at Nicole in pain, scared and silently crying as her own f.u.c.king father held a gun to her head. His heart was beating out of his chest. Pure, white hot rage consumed him as he took in the scene. Time seemed to have stopped. No one moved. He could feel blood pooling in his free palm, his fist was so tight that his nails were digging in, cutting his skin. His other hand held steady on his gun, searching for a clear shot at Nole. He didn't have one. His whole body protected by Nicole.

Nole didn't look sane right now. His eyes were twitching, sweat dripped from his brow and the hand holding the gun trembled sporadically. He had to get Nicole away from him. The stupid f.u.c.ker was likely to pull the trigger without meaning to. He knew whatever he wanted, he'd give so long as Nicole ended up unharmed and in his arms. Any other outcome was unacceptable and would end with Nole's head mounted on the club wall.

"Put the f.u.c.king gun down, Fletcher!" Prez shouted, a shake in his voice betraying his own level of anger.

Duke tried to speak but his jaw was set so tight he couldn't. His mind was over flowing with plans, worries and images of Nicole and their time together. He couldn't straighten his thoughts. He took in calming breaths, knowing Nicole needed him. Needed his rea.s.surance right now. His muscles stayed tight and his breath still heaved as he spoke as calmly as he could.

"Baby, take some deep breaths. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He kept eye contact with her, as he saw her nod slightly and do as he said. She trusted him to rescue her and he wouldn't betray that trust. He had to find a way. "That's it, baby. Keep calm. What do you want, Fletcher?"

"Not anything you can give me." Duke gambled a step forward but stopped as Nicole's renewed cry of pain cut through his heart. "Get back! Take one more step and I pull the trigger." Nicole whimpered so loudly that a surround sound of growls released from him and his brothers. "Nicole has somewhere to be and if you want any hope of seeing her alive again, you'll close these gates and go to the back of the yard."

"Not happening." He wasn't taking one step away from Nicole.

"You think I'm joking?" He dropped the gun from Nicole's temple and shot her in the arm.

It was so close range that he could see the mist of blood that followed. Nicole's agonising scream filled the air. Her knees buckled but Nole held her up and pointed his gun back at her head. Duke let out his own cry of gut wrenching pain at seeing Nicole shot. She was shaking badly as blood ran down her arm, dripping onto the ground. Her eyes were pleading with him to save her. How was he going to do that?

He still didn't have a clear shot and neither did his brothers. Nole, the scrawny f.u.c.k was hidden well behind Nicole's bountiful new form. Did he back off and do as Nole said or attempt a shot in the vain hopes of being quicker than Nole? Adrenalin swam through his veins, leaving him pumped and his mouth dry. He'd never felt more helpless or desperate in his life.

"Shut the gates!" His head snapped around to Prez who had issued the order. Duke trusted his life to his brothers but Nicole was worth more than all of them. Prez better have a plan or Duke was going rogue. His breathing accelerated again as another barrier was put between them. He promised himself, he'd never give up, never let her go, he'd find and save her no matter the consequences or the cost. As the gates clanged shut, Nicole mouthed 'I love you'. He felt his heart splinter.

"I love you, baby! I'm going to get you back, I promise!" Her eyes closed as she nodded. He saw her shoulders sag slightly in relief she knew he never broke his promises.

"Everybody back up. You'd better watch your back, Fletcher, we'll be coming for you!" Prez ordered.

"I'm counting on it." He responded with an air of sadness in his voice.

Every part of his soul screamed that moving away from Nicole was wrong. His feet were so heavy he couldn't see how he was going to move. He absorbed Nicole's green gaze that s.h.i.+ned with her love for him while he was pleading with his to have faith in him and to stay strong, for him and their babies. He felt Razor and Slam grip his arms and urge him back. His feet moved but his eyes and soul remained concentrated on his woman. He was now only about forty feet away but it felt like the Grand Canyon separated them.

A loud whistle from Nole temporarily distracted him. A blacked out truck pulled up behind him and the back doors flew open. Nole dragged Nicole to the back and she disappeared from his sight behind the open door. He swore to himself he'd see her very soon and forced his mind to concentrate on the truck, he needed every clue to be able to find her. One of the doors shut. Taking a chance, he started to slowly move forward. A head and shoulders quickly emerged from the one door still open.

Recognition slammed into him. Wrath flipped the bird to them before manically laughing as the truck sped off, closing the last door as it did. His feet took on a life of their own as he ran to the gates. He forced his way through the small gap that had started to open and he ran off in the direction of the truck. He frantically searched the surrounding area for it for a good twenty minutes. It was gone. The power went out of his legs and he fell to his knees in the road. Grasping his hair tightly in his hands, he let his grief momentarily over take him as he yelled, screamed and cried for Nicole and his unborn sons, who was now at the mercy of Riot MC.

He was pulled to his feet by Razor who embraced him and supported his weight.

"Come on brother. Keep it together for Nicole. We need to get back. Prez has called us to church and I know you need to be part of that. We'll get her back bro. We'll get her back." Razor rasped while gripping him tightly.

He drew strength from his brother and forced his focus to the task in hand. Razor was right, he was no use to Nicole kneeling in the road. He needed to get her back and he knew they'd unleash the full fury of Fallen MC to do it. Running back to the compound, he kept going over the last half an hour in his head, making sure he hadn't missed anything important. Nothing came to mind. He powered through the club with Razor on his heels and into church, which was now packed with all his brothers. He made his way to his seat beside Prez silently appreciating the supportive slaps on his back as he pa.s.sed by everyone.

Prez stood bringing order to the room and banged his gavel on the table to start the meeting.

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About Fallen MC: Duke Part 7 novel

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