Fallen MC: Duke Part 2

Fallen MC: Duke -

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"Anything I know is useless anyway. It was two years ago." She made one last attempt to get out of it. Maybe she could bargain.

"I'll decide if something's useful or not. Get talking." His eyes were fixed on her and now wasn't the time to mess around but she needed to try to get something out of this. As Duke said, it's all business. She hesitated for a second, building up the courage to do something so

"Okay. Could this count as the compensation you'll want from my Dad?" Her words came fast and all in one small breath. She was glad they weren't all jumbled.

She knew every late payment came with some kind of penalty, otherwise there would be no incentive to pay on time. Most of the time it was markers, money and a swift a.s.s kicking. She'd had to sacrifice birthdays and Christmases so her dad had the extra money to cover compensation in the past, now she wanted something back. h.e.l.l, she deserved something back.

Prez stayed silent and just stared at her. She thought for sure she'd pushed too far when he didn't answer straight away and now she was more desperate to get out of this place than ever. After what felt like forever, he answered.

"Deal." Air rushed into her lungs in relief. "First I want a layout of their compound. Everything you remember. Doors, windows, outbuildings. Everything."

"Okay." The crus.h.i.+ng sensation on her chest lifted as relief flowed through her entire body.

Her brain felt scrambled as she started to search her memory for every detail she could. Duke, rose to get paper and pens from the office and Kick, went to get refills for everyone. A new brother slid in next to her, she was startled by how much he resembled Duke. He had the same colouring and his features were similar, but he wasn't as physically imposing as Duke. He didn't affect her the way Duke did either. It was impossible not to compare them to each other.

"I'm Razor. You are seriously hot. I bet you've got a sweet tasting p.u.s.s.y. You owned?"

He said this so quickly and seriously that she couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her, she was so startled by what he'd said. He hit her with a panty dropping smile. Was he serious?

"f.u.c.k, that's a great laugh. What other noises do you make?"

At this she laughed even harder and felt some more of her leftover tension slip away. Someone cleared their throat just as she was going to try to answer. She looked across at Duke. He wasn't looking at her, he was staring daggers at Razor. Prez, slapped the table making her jump. All her tension rushed back.

"Here, get to it and explain while you go." He pushed a pad of paper and a pen in front of her.

She started drawing and describing everything she remembered. She had to keep going back and redraw what she'd done so far because she remembered more and more as she talked it through. Everyone at the table was listening intently. Kick and Hollywood stood nearby ensuring n.o.body else overheard. She then made a list of everyone she'd met or heard mentioned, including all the brothers and their rank, prospects, old ladies and even club s.l.u.ts. Prez even asked for descriptions. Then she told them what she'd heard about Fallen MC and described any weapons she'd seen. She even described the whip and cane that Wrath had used on her.

Then she ran through her day to day duties and activities. When she spoke of her punishments, everyone at the table was still and quiet. No one interrupted with questions or asked for clarification, like they had through the rest of her information. She could only hear the heavy breathing from Razor and an intermittent growl coming from Duke. Shel and Jewel were looking at her with eyes. She didn't want pity or sympathy. She'd lived through it and come out the other side when she was sure there were plenty of others who hadn't. That was all behind her now. Eventually, she ran out of things to tell them. Leaning back and downing half the wine cooler in her hand in one gulp, she let herself relax slightly. Shel smiled at her.

"Wow. That's one h.e.l.l of a memory. I don't think I'd be able describe this place in as much detail."

"Yeah, well you learned to pay attention, especially around Wrath and his inside men. Get s.h.i.+t wrong and all h.e.l.l rained down on you.....whether or not you deserved it. They didn't bother with finding out the facts or the truth before doling out punishments. When you're constantly looking for places to disappear, you remember every nook and cranny."

Shel stayed quiet, nodded her head and lifted her gla.s.s for Nicole to clink. All the brothers looked enraged and clearly wanted more details about the punishments that she'd briefly talked about. She could almost see their minds turning, thinking of the best ways to ask their questions, but that was her personal story and she wasn't sharing. It had nothing at all to do with the information they wanted.

"You got everything you need here?" Shel asked. Nicole could tell this was Shel reaching out.

Nicole chortled. "I wouldn't mind if someone would go to my apartment and get my bras." Shel burst out laughing and Razor whined that it wasn't necessary.

"Typical brothers." She rolled her eyes. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, my clock. And if someone could go in my purse and get my bank card, draw some money and pay my landlord for the next couple of months rent, that would be great. I'm never giving that b.a.s.t.a.r.d my bank details. Also, can I get a lock for my door?"

Shel, Razor and Hollywood broke into more laughter while everyone else looked stunned. She supposed it was quite a list to what she knew had been a rhetorical question. But if you don't ask, you don't get.

"Sure, I'll get that s.h.i.+t sorted for you. For now though, get your a.s.s back behind the bar for two more hours while most of the brothers are still standing. I'll come get you when you're done and show you what you can do for me tomorrow." Shel smiled and winked at her.

Nicole didn't mind being dismissed, especially by Shel. She seemed the type of woman she could be friends with. She needed to get her mind on something else, going over all that Riot stuff was giving her a headache and dragging up some memories she'd rather stay buried.

"Thanks, Shel." She returned Shel's smile and went back to the bar.

She could feel Duke's gaze on her back. She didn't have the mental energy to be p.i.s.sed at him anymore. After listening to some of the stories they'd mentioned of their dealings with a Riot, Nicole could understand why Duke would do anything to give them the upper hand. She had ignored him completely through the entire conversation. He had a way of muddling her brain and at the time she wanted to stay mad at him. If only she could stop wanting him, but she didn't. Her body and mind were at war and so far her body was winning. Then again, her mind wasn't putting up much of a fight. A tumble with him might just clear her headache, she smirked to herself.

Duke He hated watching Nicole walk away from him. It felt unnatural somehow. The group continued to discuss what she'd told them.

"f.u.c.k. I never thought how dangerous it would be for her to be here after she told me about Riot earlier. Just thought about what we could find out. s.h.i.+t." Duke was trying to keep his cool, he hadn't fully appreciated her unwillingness to share. He thought she was just being cagey or hiding something. He understood it now though, after everything she'd said. Listening to her describing her punishments and encounters with Wrath, and other Riot brothers, made him want to attack them straight away. He knew she'd majorly skimmed over the details too, and he wanted so badly to know everything so that he could make every punch and bullet hole coming to those f.u.c.kers count.

She sure as s.h.i.+t wouldn't be put in any danger by being here at the compound, if he had anything to do with it. She could stay with him in his apartment upstairs, if need be. It would get her off the first floor and no one would expect her to be in there. He supposed she could move into one of the brothers' rooms on the second floor that wasn't occupied full time and knew plenty would offer. He would pound every last one into the ground if that happened until she had nowhere to go but to him. He chose to ignore the fact that the compound had never been infiltrated, and that what floor she was on was of little consequence. His growing obsession was starting to p.i.s.s him off. He needed to screw her out of his system, that was all. One night and he'd be back to his old self. He internally scoffed, he couldn't even convince himself of that lie.

"f.u.c.king, Nole. He should have told us she'd spent time there. He may be a dumb b.a.s.t.a.r.d but he knows enough, and he would be well aware that this could start a storm of s.h.i.+t with Riot." Razor always had his back.

"Nothing we can do differently now. She'll have to stay inside the compound boundaries at all times. I know, Shel, you were gonna pa.s.s the grocery shopping on to her while she was here, but it ain't goin' to happen. You'll have keep it up. Other than beat the p.i.s.s out of Nole Fletcher, there's not much else we can do until we know more. The s.h.i.+t she told us, if it's still accurate, is like the f.u.c.king golden goose taking a dump in our lap. This could all be a good thing. Guess we'll have wait and see." Prez was right. As usual.

"s.h.i.+t, Tanya just texted saying Rod's sick. I'm gonna have go get him and take him home. Razor, could you show Nicole the kitchen and say I'll sort the rest with her tomorrow? She seemed comfortable around you. I've gotta go." Shel stood up to leave.

"Sure. No problem. Besides she may need a hand!" He waggled his eyebrows and thrust his fingers suggestively.

Something in Duke exploded. "You keep your f.u.c.king hand to yourself! I'll show her the f.u.c.king kitchen." The mere idea of his brother getting to her first had him spitting.

"Okay, okay. I know the score, you saw her first. However, if you don't seal the deal tonight, all bets are off come morning. That's some quality p.u.s.s.y and I ain't gonna give any other brother the chance of a shot with her if she don't want your moody a.s.s." His brothers started laughing, particularly Kick and Hollywood.

"f.u.c.k you! You stay the h.e.l.l away from Nicole, or I'll nail you to the f.u.c.king wall!" He couldn't stop the words firing from his mouth. He'd lost control. f.u.c.k. He had never threatened his brother unless they were joking around.

"He's right you know. Musketeers have already offered her a trial run." Hollywood, added. He loved pulling a reaction out of Duke.

No way Duke would let her end up with those three's 'property of' rockers on her back. He stormed outside to get some air. s.h.i.+t, he'd completely lost it. What was the b.i.t.c.h doing to him? He was gutted that he'd lost it with Razor, the guy was his younger brother and they always had each others backs. It must have been hearing all that f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.+t that had happened to her that set him off. It had his mind turning over, and he was sure Nicole hadn't told them all of it.

He would bet every cent he owned that she'd have left out the worst stuff. After every reveal the need to pick her up, wrap her in his arms and protect her had increased. She'd barely looked at him though and he craved that connection. This b.i.t.c.h was old lady material and he'd got no intention of letting his brothers find out if they'd want to own her first. She was his. Where the f.u.c.k had that thought come from? s.h.i.+t, now he was scaring himself.

"Duke, what the f.u.c.king h.e.l.l was that? Jesus Christ! You soft on the b.i.t.c.h or something?" Razor had followed him.

"Nah, just need to get f.u.c.ked. Staring at her tight a.s.s and ripe t.i.ts most of the day has got me twitchin'."

He knew every word he'd just spoken to his brother was pure bulls.h.i.+t. Usually no matter what a b.i.t.c.h looked like, once he'd dipped his d.i.c.k, all interest was gone for him, but he knew deep down that that didn't apply to Nicole. Sure, she's a f.u.c.king stunner, yet the more he learned and listened to her, the more she'd affected him. He knew if it was just her body he wouldn't have any reaction to the things she said, but he'd been gripped to every word. Every negative experience she'd described added to the burn building in his chest. He couldn't believe it'd only been a day since he'd first seen her face. f.u.c.k, a lot had happened today.

"Okay, Duke, I'd lock it up soon though. Plenty of brothers are gonna make a move through the night, you already know the Musketeers are quietly sizing her up and they're looking to own." Razor was right.

Most brothers loved the freedom of being single. It gave them endless amounts of p.u.s.s.y, offered up freely for the taking. It never mattered where they were or what they were doing, they had no one to answer to other then their brothers. He knew heads had turned when Nicole came through the bar earlier, and like him, his brothers weren't stupid. They would lock on to a quality b.i.t.c.h like Nicole without giving their single lives a second glance.

They could all go f.u.c.k themselves. No way were they touching what he thought of as his, and Nicole was going to be his. His decision solidified in his mind; talk about his crazy mind taking him through a complete one-eighty. He'd be saying goodbye to plenty of p.u.s.s.y, but he knew with every fibre of his being he'd regret not locking down Nicole, and there was zero chance of him putting up with her being with someone else. Blood would be shed. He had enough regrets, he didn't want another added to the list.

A finger nail dragged down his bicep, snapping Duke back into himself. Helen sauntered around to his front and tried to wrap her arms around his waist. He'd been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't heard her approach. That was a first. He held her shoulders and pushed her away, putting plenty of distance between them. He glanced over to the bar to make sure Nicole hadn't seen her touch him. Helen was not going to f.u.c.k this up for him. She saw him look towards Nicole. She grabbed onto his arm, digging her nails in.

"No way are you pus.h.i.+ng me off for that ugly c.u.n.t in there! That weird f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h ain't touching this c.o.c.k!" She tried palming his d.i.c.k through his jeans with her free hand. Duke slapped it away. Time to cut the s.h.i.+t. This b.i.t.c.h needed cutting down to size.

"I don't know how you think you can get off telling me where I can stick my d.i.c.k! Your used up, loose p.u.s.s.y ain't anything special. You're a crazy f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h! You ain't my old lady and never had a chance to be, so f.u.c.k off before I make you leave - permanently."

Helen's face twisted in rage and she stormed off towards the other s.l.u.ts hanging around by the fire pit. He felt better having let out some of his frustration. Taking a deep, calming breath, Duke strode into the bar. He was going to sit, have a beer, get in Nicole's head and get her to forgive him for spilling to Prez. That was the plan. It rapidly changed as he approached. She turned to him and unleashed a bright, genuine smile his way before quickly covering it. She didn't want to show her hand either. He could appreciate that, but there would be no hiding from him. His body nearly convulsed with the heat that shot through him. He couldn't wait another f.u.c.king minute, the imprint of his zipper was most likely forever etched on his c.o.c.k.

"Nicole, come on, I'll show you the kitchen." She looked up at him and he could tell she was making a great effort to keep her face neutral.

"I thought Razor was taking me? Anyway, I have another half hour to finish up." She pointed towards the clock above the bar and started to inch away from him.

Losing any small amount of patience that he had left, he grabbed her hand and pulled her all the way out of the bar and upstairs to his apartment, forgetting the kitchen altogether. He could hear her protesting behind him and trying to escape from his grip. His brothers whistled and yelled out but he blocked it all out. He had but one purpose right now. He wasn't giving her a chance to protest. Pulling her through the door, he turned to slam it shut and lock it.

"I don't know what your f.u.c.king problem is. You don't get to drag me around like a f.u.c.king dog on a leash." Her face was flushed with anger and her chest rose and fell quickly as she panted from the rush upstairs. He liked her fire.

Duke stayed silent and slowly stalked towards her, backing her into the wall. Pressing his body to hers, she pushed against him but it was like a fly trying to move a mountain. He slowly raised his hand and stroked his fingers from her temple to her chin, never looking away from her eyes. She fit to his body as if carved from his own form. He needed to find out what it was about her that he reacted to. No, he needed to find out everything about her, period. This wasn't like him at all. He liked the women to do the chasing while he remained indifferent to their attention and took advantage of it only when he wanted to. Everything was different with Nicole, it was an entirely different thrill and much more potent.

"You need to let me go. I'm still meant to be behind the bar and I'm covered in beer, I need a shower." She puffed out. He felt her every word vibrate through his chest.


"After what?" Her eyes were glazing over. She knew.

He took the tie from her hair, leaving it to fall like a thick, silken wave over his hands. Fisting the hair at her nape, keeping her trapped, he leaned down and touched his lips softly to hers while never looking away from her jewelled eyes. Nicole's lips were parted from her soft pants and their softness moulded to his lips. He kept her still as he explored their plumpness with his own lips. She wasn't struggling against him now. He felt as the fight left her body and she melted into him. The weight of his body kept her propped up, leaving his other hand to stroke softly up and down her arm, savouring the soft as f.u.c.k skin under his fingers. He'd never felt anything so soft. His hand came to rest on the side of her neck, her pulse thumping under his palm. He begrudgingly inched away from her mouth to start his exploration of her body.

Nicole hands were fisted on the sides of his cut, keeping their bodies flush. He licked his lips and tasted the trace of sweetness left behind from their brief touch. She mirrored his action and he heard a tiny whimper emerge from her throat. Abandoning his plan and tightening his hold, he slammed his mouth back onto hers and forced his tongue through her lips. Her taste exploded in his mouth. Sweet and intoxicating. Her tongue moved with his, twisting and gliding with each other. Duke couldn't pull back. This was bliss and better already than most of the s.e.x he'd ever had. He wondered how long he needed before taking his next breath. Nicole split away first and ensnared him in her hypnotic gaze. f.u.c.k, he'd never seen anything so beautiful. Her swollen lips were beckoning him back to her.

Her voice was a pleaded whisper. "Take me. f.u.c.k me. Please....."

Chapter five.

Nicole What was it about him? He's the only one to ever knock through her walls and reach the woman beneath and he hadn't even had to try. She couldn't even play the part in front of other people if he was there. With Prez, Shel and the brothers earlier, she was totally herself. There were no ramblings, the unaffected front she usually wore had crumbled and she'd laid herself bare. She'd felt safe, she never felt safe and now here she was begging Duke to f.u.c.k her! The very man who'd started all this and she knew nothing about! What was he doing to her mind? How was it possible she'd only known him for a day?

All night since her time in the booth, her focus had been on him, her gaze seeking him out wherever he was and whenever she had the chance. It all began to feel like foreplay. She fought when he pulled her away to his apartment, yet she knew if he'd let her go she would have hated it. Duke's alpha vibes made her want to challenge him but she she had to admit to herself that she hadn't put up much of a fight. She had this fantasy in her head of him throwing her over his shoulder and taking her with such vehemence that no other man would ever be able to compete. So far she was getting her wish but she'd had enough now and was primed for the main event.

Her body was quaking, her p.u.s.s.y swollen and wet, every ounce of her being was focused on his lips. Her skin was hyper sensitised and the cool air that pa.s.sed between the few gaps between them irritated her senses. She couldn't bear any distance between them. She closed the gaps, kissing and nibbling his neck, making her way back to his lips. She pressed hard against him, wanting to be sheltered in his warmth and coc.o.o.ned by his body.

His skin was hot to touch and so smooth. Her lips p.r.i.c.kled as they swept against his stubble. His hands slid down her back and stroked her exposed skin before ripping her tank up, forcing her arms above her head. She was desperate to have his skin against hers. He started ma.s.saging her swollen b.r.e.a.s.t.s and plucking her nipples, sending shock waves to her core. She pushed his cut from his shoulders and started pulling up his tee. He finished the task for her, whipping it over his head and across the room.

Their bodies clashed together. His skin on hers felt so right, her whole body reacted with a pleasant spasm and a moan tore through her from deep inside. His hands moulded to her a.s.s and lifted her up, squeezing and separating the cheeks. She swung her legs around his body and ground her c.l.i.t against his rigid c.o.c.k, coating his pants with her slickness that had already soaked through her shorts. The kissing grew desperate with sharp nips on each others lips. Duke strode to the bedroom where they collapsed onto his king size bed.

Cool satin sheets soothed her back as Duke tore at her shorts while she tackled his zipper. Her hand wrapped around his thick c.o.c.k and started to stroke his length, needing to feel every inch. The sheer sized amazed her and caused the aching emptiness to increase between her thighs. He pulled her hand away, kicked of his pants, leaving his sculpted form exposed for her viewing. He stepped forward and pulled off her shoes, tore her shorts off her legs and froze.

"Holy. f.u.c.k." He groaned. "That's the s.e.xiest f.u.c.king thing I've ever seen." His eyes were fixed on the soft pink bow tattooed on her bare mound. The ribbon tails fanned out to the top of her thighs, framing her p.u.s.s.y. His fingers traced softly over it before dipping down into her heat, running a fingertip over her pulsing c.l.i.t. Her back bowed as sharp pleasure shocked her at his touch. "I've gotta taste you, baby."

He lay between her legs, grasped her thighs and moved them up to rest on his shoulders. His eyes moved to fix on hers as he gave a long slow lick from her entrance to her c.l.i.t. Her body convulsed with the movement of his tongue and her head dropped back onto a pillow. She reached down and threaded her fingers in his hair, clinging as sensation swamped her. Lifting her a.s.s and pus.h.i.+ng his tongue deep, he started to circle her c.l.i.t with tip of his tongue, driving her into madness.

"Come for me. I want to taste it on my tongue. Give it to me, baby." With one flick over the top, her o.r.g.a.s.m burst from her centre, obeying his command before spreading to the rest of her body. She s.h.i.+vered and jerked with aftershocks. Duke's weight pressed down on her, he sucked her nipples and she felt his c.o.c.k pressing at her entrance. She tried to push herself down to draw him in but he held her in place. Even after the best o.r.g.a.s.m she'd ever had, her body was still screaming at her to be connected to his.

"f.u.c.k, you taste so sweet. Your p.u.s.s.y's sucking the tip of my d.i.c.k, dripping your juices, crying to get me inside. You're so ready for me." With that he thrust into her to the hilt, stretching her to the max and sending her straight into another o.r.g.a.s.m. His c.o.c.k had hit every nerve and sweet spot of her walls on its entry. She grabbed his a.s.s, holding him still, not sure if her body could take much more. She knew it would have to. He filled her so full she felt a twinge of pain and it was so much better for it. Duke was managing to push her limits in every way.

His hips slowly pulled back and with a hard thrust he pushed himself to the hilt again, his b.a.l.l.s slapping against her a.s.s. He started a frantic rhythm that pushed her higher and higher. She'd never experienced anything so intense. He was playing her like he knew every inch. Sweat coated their bodies, easing their movements. His smell surrounded her. She would willingly drown in it. She needed to taste him. Licking his chest and neck, she tasted salt, musk and something she didn't recognise that was exclusively Duke. He was addictive.

His thumb pressed to her c.l.i.t and made fast, firm circles. Her eyes met his before her head was again thrown back in ecstasy, her nails digging into the skin of his back, desperate to find purchase. She screamed her release and his s.e.xy, deep groan that followed, nearly pushed her into climaxing again. Her p.u.s.s.y locked on his c.o.c.k, ma.s.saging and milking him into coming. He thrust once more and stilled, spilling himself deep in her p.u.s.s.y. He withdrew quickly, spurting the last rope of his c.u.m over her bow tattoo. He coated her using the head of his c.o.c.k, rubbing back and forth on her mound. Watching his work, his eyes never left her tattoo until he was done stroking himself over her. She felt liked she'd been marked.

He collapsed his weight to the side of her, leaving his heavy leg and arm sprawled over her body. She was pinned to the bed, she'd be happy to stay there forever. Their breaths continued to saw in and out of their chests. Nicole was still twitching with aftershocks as she stared at the ceiling trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. She'd never responded that way during s.e.x before. Her body had followed his every move, totally surrendering to him. She twisted her head to look at him. His eyes were already focused on hers. Neither spoke. What do you say after the single most amazing s.e.xual encounter of your life? Thank you? No, she just held his gaze and let herself enjoy this connection they shared until it ended. He inched his face closer to hers and pressed a slow, chaste kiss on her lips. She felt her insides flutter.

"You still wanting that shower?" He voice was deep, s.e.xy and rough, like he'd gargled with gravel. His lips tipped up into a small smile.

"Yeah, that'd be good." She felt almost shy now. She'd let herself be vulnerable and it was unnerving to her. Shaking her head, she pulled herself together. "Through there?" She pointed to the door at the back of the bedroom.

"Yep. I'll grab us a couple beers for when you're out."

She felt his gaze follow her the entire way to the bathroom. She loved it. She knew if she turned around and looked at him that she'd never make it to the shower. That wasn't an option. She desperately needed one. She stood under the hot spray letting it ma.s.sage her neck while she replayed the last half hour through her mind.

His skin had looked bronzed and glistened with sweat as he held his powerful form above her. Muscles contracted and rippled under his smooth skin. The power of his thrusts pounded her towards the headboard. She could feel how slick her thoughts were making her p.u.s.s.y. She had to have him again, especially if there would only be this one night. Nothing was certain. She didn't like how unwelcome that thought was in her head. She finished her shower and wrapped a towel around her.

Coming into the bedroom she saw Duke on the bed. He was lying flat on his back, hands behind his head with his erection twitching the closer she got. She could have stood for hours just memorising every bulging muscle, every ripple of his torso and the veins running down his arms. Black and grey tattoos decorated his ribs and arms, weaving through each other making them look like one big piece of art. She could think back on that picture later, right now she needed a proper taste of him. She dropped her towel and heard his breath hitch. His eyes widened and went from hot to smouldering. She'd never felt so wanton before. This guy was basically a stranger but she just couldn't help herself. Moving from the bottom of the bed, she crawled up his body, running her hands up his muscled, lightly-haired legs, squeezing and separating them on her way.

"f.u.c.k, baby, you are one s.e.xy b.i.t.c.h. Can't wait see those fat lips on my c.o.c.k." He groaned out. He wouldn't have to wait long.

Duke He ran his fingers into her silky hair to hold her head. He had to touch her, it was almost a compulsion. When she was walking towards the bed his fingers were itching to feel that smooth, soft skin again. He focused on her perfect f.u.c.king face. The gleam in her eyes made her look hungry, like she was about to devour him. His c.o.c.k leaked more at the visual. Her head bent but she kept her eyes to him as her nose nuzzled his b.a.l.l.s. Her delectable lips opened and she sucked each one into her mouth and rolled them with her tongue. She hummed and the vibration shot through his b.a.l.l.s straight up the length of his c.o.c.k. He growled at the sensation and could have come from that alone.

Before he had time to react, she gripped his length in her tiny hand and engulfed it in her sweet, hot mouth. With no encouragement she took all his length right into her mouth and throat. His hips jerked off the bed even though he was using extreme effort to hold still. No one had ever sucked him so good. Looking at her lips stretched around his c.o.c.k, slick with saliva, working his entire length, brought him right to the edge. He started to gently thrust his hips in time with her movements. He let his head fall back, the sight of her was too much. She nipped and licked his helmet then pulled him deep. He couldn't hold back any longer and with a final thrust he shot his c.u.m so hard it felt almost painful. A guttural sound blasted from his mouth.

"That's it baby - take it all."

He gripped her head so tightly, he was worried he was hurting her but he couldn't loosen his hold. His body was frozen in ecstasy. As the pleasure ebbed, his body collapsed back onto the bed as he tried to pull more oxygen into his lungs. f.u.c.k. He needed to check his b.a.l.l.s weren't inside out. Her head was resting on his thigh. He reached down, hooked her arms and pulled her up his body. Her already pouty lips were swollen from her effort and looked more delectable than ever.

"s.h.i.+t, baby, don't know how I had anything left after that f.u.c.k but h.e.l.l, whatever there was you just sucked right outta me..... I think I need a nap before we go again."

She giggled and the sound tightened something in his chest. He was really starting to like this b.i.t.c.h. He rolled them over onto their sides, tucking her close. Her head was lying on his bicep and his other arm pulled her body flush with his and rested over her hip. He inhaled the clean smell of her hair and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Waking in the morning his body felt like it did after hours at the gym. They'd woke another three times in the night to f.u.c.k. He couldn't get enough of her body no matter what angle he was looking at it from. One thing he was certain of; one night would never be enough. His eyes took in every perfect curve pressed against him and he had to fight his body from turning Nicole over and taking her again.

He looked at the clock. He definitely didn't have time, he'd got a couple of meetings to go to with Razor for club business and he couldn't be late. Also, he wouldn't put it past his brother to charge into his apartment and he didn't want Razor or anyone seeing an inch more of Nicole than they needed to. Possessiveness was a feeling he had never had before but now it was taking over his entire being as the thought of anyone taking her like he had sent him raving mad. Trying unsuccessfully to push it aside, he started kissing, sucking and nibbling Nicole's neck, marking her even more than he did in the night and breathing in her sweet fragrance. Her tight, curvy body was amazing and he couldn't help but palm one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She moaned and he felt her nipple pebble under his palm. He forced himself away from her quickly, he really didn't have time he reminded himself as his c.o.c.k started to fill. If he stayed next to her for one more second, he would never go. Her heavy eyes opened.

"Morning baby, that was quite the f.u.c.k you gave me last night." She looked s.e.xily rumpled and sated. Maybe that hadn't been the most romantic thing to say, he'd never done the morning after thing before.

"You're welcome." She rolled her eyes and he chuckled. He liked her sa.s.s. "I gotta head out. Club business. Use the bath, shower, whatever you want. Okay?" He didn't wait for answer just attacked her mouth for one long wet kiss, needing her taste back in his mouth. She melted right against him.

He got out of bed, quickly dressed and left. He didn't look back, if he had seen her spread out on his bed he would have turned right around, not giving a s.h.i.+t about his plans. He admitted to himself that second thing he was sure of was that regardless of anything else, she would be his for as long as she was here. He'd have to make it clear to the brothers. They wouldn't have chance with Nicole anyway, he had plans that would keep her very, very busy. For the first time he was glad Nole Fletcher was such a f.u.c.k up. Nicole was a G.o.ddess. He got downstairs just as Razor was coming into the club.

"You ready?" Duke asked. Knowing Razor he was good to go, his brother hated being late. He had no manners, no subtlety or hesitation in laying somebody out but the f.u.c.ker was fanatical about punctuality. He'd been known to walk away from major deals because the client hadn't shown up on time. Crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

"Yep. You looked thoroughly well f.u.c.ked. s.h.i.+t, now I don't get a shot for a while. Could never handle your sloppy seconds." Razor would have looked genuinely disappointed if it wasn't for the smirk pulling at his lip.

"There's nothing about Nicole that is sloppy brother."

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