Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation Part 22

Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation -

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"I don't know yet. Depends on what info you give me."

"I don't have any info for ya." He shakes his head, not giving in.

"What you doing on our turf?" I ask, keeping it cool to start with.

"Looking for my woman, the one you took from me."

"You mean the one you beat?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever she told you is a lie. I hardly f.u.c.king touched her." He fights his restraints, but I made sure to secure him good. He's not going anywhere. At least not until I'm ready to let him go.

"See, the thing is, Baz." I squat back down, getting to his level. "She didn't have to tell me anything. I f.u.c.king saw her face the day I picked her up."

"It was an accident," he blurts, only making it worse for him.

"So, you accidently beat your woman." I bark a laugh. This guy is a piece of work.

I pull my arm back, making a fist with my hand as I go and let it surge forward, pounding it into his nose. A nice crack rings out before blood flows down over his lip. "Did that seem like an accident?" I taunt, reaching out, pinching his ear between my fingers and twisting it back.

"f.u.c.k!" He screeches, his body twisting to find relief. "You're f.u.c.king dead." He tries to spit up at me, but misses.

"Now, now. No need for the death threats." I release his ear, pus.h.i.+ng his head back into the shelf with a thud. "Not yet at least. We still have a few things to get through." I stand and walk toward the tools hanging up on the far right wall.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" His voice trembles as he starts to scramble.

Not so f.u.c.king tough now. Just like I thought. A f.u.c.king p.u.s.s.y.

"Beau," Jesse warns as I grab a pair of bolt cutters.

"What? We're just gonna play one game."

Jesse curses under his breath knowing what I'm gonna do.

"I wonder if you didn't have your fingers, would you still be able to accidently beat on a woman's face again." I turn back to Baz. A fine sheen of sweat breaks out on his forehead.

"Are you just going to let him cut my f.u.c.king fingers off?" Baz looks to Jesse. His plea drips in desperation and fear, and I f.u.c.king love it.

"Don't ask him, a.s.shole. You p.i.s.sed in his bed." I squat down and force his face my way.

"I'll do anything. Anything you say." I grip his shoulder and pull him forward. "Please, I'm begging you."

"Does your Prez know you're here?" He doesn't answer. His claim to doing anything to get out of this only seconds before was clearly bulls.h.i.+t.

"Which finger do you want the least? I'll let you choose which one I take." I reach for his hands not in the mood for his s.h.i.+t.

"NONE! I choose none." He starts thras.h.i.+ng, but it's no use. He's f.u.c.ked.

"Wrong choice." With a steady hand, I grab his wrist. His fingers are fisted tight, so I pinch his middle finger and pointer. Digging in, I break them free.

"Does T know you're here?" I ask again, holding both fingers firmly.

"NO! No one knows I'm here." I'm not sure I believe him, so I goad him a little more.

"You sure, Baz? 'Cause it looks like it's gonna be two for one." I lower the bolt cutters to just after two of his knuckles.

"I swear, I was told to leave you alone. They're not interested in finding Sandra. They know I didn't treat her good." He starts spilling his guts in an attempt to save his fingers, but little does he know, it's too f.u.c.king late for him. I'm just biding my time.

"How did you get through the alarm?" I ask my second question.

He hesitates, "There was no alarm."

He's lying.

"Last chance, Baz."

"There wasn't." He hesitates again, feeding me bulls.h.i.+t.

"Wrong answer." Slowly but deliberately, I squeeze down. The sickening crunch of flesh, muscle and bones is the only thing I focus on, dulling the harsh shriek of his screams.

"f.u.c.k! No! No! No!" His voice cracks in pain and I push a little harder. I continue to torture him, drawing out more pain, more blood, before crus.h.i.+ng them entirely between the metal. The faint thud of his fingers dropping to the concrete ends his torment.

"You f.u.c.ker!" He starts to rock his body back and forth, over and over again. I reach down, picking up his fingers and wave them in front of his face.

"Oh, s.h.i.+t. That was an accident." His eyelids flutter three times before his eyes roll back in his head, and then he's gone.

Out like a light.

"Pansy-a.s.s pa.s.sed out." I stand, disappointed my fun is over. Dropping his fingers to his lap, I reach for a rag, wiping the bolt cutters clean.

"You have f.u.c.king issues, man. That's some messed-up s.h.i.+t," Jesse says, breaking the silence.

"f.u.c.ker p.i.s.sed on your bed, marks me, and beats on his woman, probably in front of their kid. He'll be lucky if I leave him with a finger to scratch his a.s.s." I place the bolt cutters back on the workbench as the rumble of a bike pulls into the yard.

Leaving the a.s.shole pa.s.sed out on the ground, I walk out to meet Nix.

"He get ya good?" He notices my arm first.

"Nah, graze." I shrug it off.

"Who is he?" He kicks the stand down on his bike and removes his helmet.

"A f.u.c.king Warrior," I fill him in, watching his eyes darken.

Yeah, a Warrior on our turf is serious s.h.i.+t.

"Bypa.s.sed the alarm, smashed his way in and ripped the clubhouse apart. Every room."

"The f.u.c.k?" Nix moves away from his bike and toward the shed. "How did he manage to get past the alarm?"

"Didn't get it out of him. Could have someone working for the security company. Who f.u.c.king knows." We enter the shed, Nix moving toward Baz.

"Jesus, Beau. Tell me he's alive." He kicks at Baz's feet looking for life. He doesn't stir. Blood pools all around him, his fingers lying on his lap.

"For now."

"He the only one?"

"That we know of. Cameras will let us know."

"How much damage he do?"

I look to Jesse allowing him to answer.

"The place is f.u.c.ked-up, boss. Every room trashed. The f.u.c.ker even p.i.s.sed on some beds."

"Jesus Christ." He draws a large breath through his nose and lets it out slowly. "I just would like one f.u.c.kin' month where I don't have to deal with this s.h.i.+t." He spins and kicks at a crate, sending it flying across the shed.

"You think it's an attack?" Jesse asks after Nix calms down a little.

"Nah, I believe him. He's just gone AWOL. He was here on his own. T's not f.u.c.king stupid." If the Warriors wanted a war, ransacking our clubhouse would be the least of our worries.

"He's right. This isn't retaliation. It's not T's style anyway," Nix agrees.

"Well, what do you wanna do with him?" I ask, happy to f.u.c.k with him some more.

"Find out how he made it past the security system then get him out of here. I don't care where you take him, but send his fingers back to his club." He starts to walk toward the door. "And then I want everyone down here. We'll need all hands on deck to help clean," he says before leaving us alone.

"How p.i.s.sed do you think he's gonna be when he finds out he p.i.s.sed in his bed too?" Jesse asks, a hint of humor in his question.

"I should probably get Baz out of here before he finds out. You think I'm twisted? You wouldn't want to know what Nix would do." I look back at the a.s.shole still out cold.

"Well, I can't say this has been fun. Remind me never to f.u.c.k with you." Jesse stands and heads for the door.

"What? You're not staying for the second act? You wound me."

"No, I have p.i.s.s to clean out of my bed, motherf.u.c.ker. Now that I think about it, cut a finger off for me too." He waves me off, leaving me alone with Baz, and my bolt cutters.


Mackenzie "Morning, beautiful." A warm breath skirts over my ear, stirring me from my sleep.

"Beau?" I stretch out, letting myself wake up. My body aches more than yesterday. Muscles I never knew I had groan in protest.

"Sore, darlin'?"

I look up at his question and watch him strip beside the bed.

"It's a good sore," I tell him, my eyes traveling down his chest, abs, and landing on his hard c.o.c.k.

Nope, it doesn't get old.

"We don't have much time." He rips the covers off me and crawls over. My legs are bare, only going to bed in a pair of panties and Beau's s.h.i.+rt.

"We don't?" His fingers reach the thin lace of my panties. Dragging them down my legs, he throws them off to the side. My need is instant. It flows through me, awakening me entirely.

"Nope. Need to go back to the clubhouse. It was trashed last night. Nix wants us all there. I just came home for you." He leans forward and presses his lips to mine.

I open instantly, my tongue rus.h.i.+ng to meet his. I sigh at the contact, letting him take control, his tongue guiding mine in an intimate dance.

The coolness of his c.o.c.k piercing rests on my pubic bone. Lifting my hips, I seek a different angle, hoping to find some friction. It doesn't work. Beau only pulls back, breaking our connection when I get close.

"Patience." His lips move against my skin, peppering small kisses along my jaw and down my neck.

"But I thought we didn't have much time." I roll my head to the side, allowing him better access.

"I changed my mind, forgot how s.e.xy you look in my s.h.i.+rt." He moves lower, bunches the s.h.i.+rt up around my neck and wraps his lips around my nipple. His hand glides to my other breast. Using his thumb and forefinger, he pinches my erect nipple, rolling it and pulling it hard.

Groaning, my back arches, and lifts off the bed, pleasure and pain moving through me.

"You have the s.e.xiest nipples I've ever seen." He swaps sides, moving his mouth to my left breast, and his hand to the right. Repeating the same strokes, he gives them equal attention.

"I do?" It's not that I don't believe him, I just haven't had a man so taken by them before.

"Oh, yeah." He traces his finger around my red nipple. "Look how swollen it is for me." He cups my breast and pushes it up giving me a better view. "Watch." He lowers his mouth and captures it between his teeth, biting down hard and pulling back.

"Ahh." I bite my lip at the pain, but keep my eyes on his mouth. He releases my nipple from his teeth, and then circles it with a soft touch of his tongue. It's the perfect mix of pleasure and pain. After getting his fill of my nipples, he releases my breast and pulls back.

"Haven't stopped thinking about you since I left." His hand trails down my stomach and finds my bare p.u.s.s.y lips.

"You haven't?" I ask, letting him push my legs open wider. He crawls back down the bed, hands around my ankles, and jerks me to the end of the bed.

"I kept picturing my tongue, sliding through this pretty c.u.n.t of yours." He drops to his knees, his mouth at the apex of my thighs. "I wanna make you come on my face, darlin'." He blows his warm breath over me before wrapping his lips around my c.l.i.t and sucking it hard.

"Beau!" I shriek, my hips rising off the bed. Sharp electric currents shoot up through my c.l.i.t. I've never felt anything like it before. Pain then pleasure. Throbbing then contracting.

"Keep your a.s.s on the bed or I stop." He releases his suction, waiting for me to obey.

Instantly, I drop it back to the bed.

"Good girl," is all he says before his tongue glides through my folds, curls around my c.l.i.t twice before sliding back down. The roughness of his beard and the smoothness of his tongue ignite every small nerve to life.

He repeats the pattern again, curling around my c.l.i.t before sliding down. On the third lap, he wraps his lips around my c.l.i.t and sucks. This time two fingers enter me at the same time. White flashes explode in front of my eyes, the name of G.o.d flies past my lips as I press my hips down against his fingers. The walls of my s.e.x contract around him.

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