The Connected - Exiled Part 26

The Connected - Exiled -

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They froze. The helicopter propellers were closer and vehicles sounded like they were minutes away.

"Michael, you've got to get out of here. I mean it. Leave," Zaren hissed. In a blink he returned to the hidden s.p.a.cecraft.

Of course Michael understood why they wanted him to leave, but he wasn't going to. Not yet. Not until he'd figured out how to kill Vinny. "I'm not leaving," he said, looking at Venus. His eyes pled with her to understand.

She gave him a sad smile. "Hang on."

Michael followed every move Venus made, including her conversation with Zaren. Their interchange made him jealous. Zaren talked to Venus in a tender, loving manner. It was easy to see he cared for her as more than a friend. Venus responded by nodding and touching his face with the palm of a hand. Zaren reached behind his back and pulled a sword from its hilt. Michael hadn't even noticed that he'd changed back into the clothes he'd seen Zaren in that first day.

Venus hugged him and then tried to run back.

Ugh, hadn't she ever been told not to run with sharp objects. As the thought entered his mind, Venus tripped over something-a rock, maybe-and fell, the sword sailing from her hand.

"Venus!" Michael and Zaren yelled together.

Then Zaren said, "Michael, please help her."

"Already on it." Michael reached her and helped her stand. She picked up the sword. He noticed her hands shook.

"Are you hurt?"

As he asked the question a humming started in the spot where the invisible s.p.a.cecraft stood.

"I'm fine. Here, take it. This can kill a kelvieri." She held the sword in front of her.

He struggled to focus on the sword because a bright light, like the twinkling of a star, sliced the air in front of Zaren. As the light grew, he was better able to see the sword. It glistened. Michael took it from her by the handle. And the strangest thing happened. It began to glow. Intense, like the beam of a flashlight. Michael nearly dropped it, surprised. It felt alive. Sent jolts of energy and glimpses of knowledge into his body.

"What's happening?"

A smile crept over Venus's face. "Michael, I don't believe it." She started coughing, doubled over. When she moved away the tissue, it was dark with blood.

"Venus!" He grabbed her around the waist.

"Don't worry about me." Venus pushed out of his arm.

Zaren had turned and was staring at Michael, his face filled with astonishment.

"What? Am I doing something wrong? Isn't this supposed to happen?" Michael held it lightly, in case the sword burst into flames, or worse, caused him to burst into flames.

"That only-" she began, but couldn't finish. She'd fallen to her knees.

"Michael, bring her over," Zaren barked. He knew it killed Zaren that he couldn't be in both places at once. Obligated to get them on their way, yet filled with need to help Venus. He knew because he had the same feelings.

With one hand Michael lifted her and helped her walk over to . . . It wasn't one s.p.a.cecraft, but two. The effing things looked nothing like the round, domed s.h.i.+ps he'd seen on TV as a kid. They didn't even look like a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p out of Star Wars, Independence Day or any other alien movie. Instead, there in front of him sat two glowing . . . marshmallows. He would've said eggs, but no. They were cylinder-shaped. Exactly equal on top and bottom. Marshmallows.

A conversation between Venus and him, while he'd been driving Red, popped into his head. Oh, this better not be what she considers cooler than my car, because these are ridiculous.

Zaren snorted and pressed against the side of one of their s.p.a.cecraft.

Michael was half-tempted to lift his nose in the air. Would they smell like the warm, sticky gooeyness of a roasted- "They aren't marshmallows, you idiot," Zaren yelled.

Venus let out a noise, as though she wanted to crack a joke and instead gasped for air, like a fish out of water.

"You can read minds, you sneaky SOB." Michael would be p.i.s.sed later, when Venus wasn't clinging to life.

Zaren swore, but ignored Michael.

Michael moved closer. The s.p.a.cecraft may've looked like large white gooeyness, but they weren't squishy. As Michael watched Zaren tap it with his fingers, a panel slid down to reveal strange symbols, each one flas.h.i.+ng brilliant red. He touched several and a door slid open.

"Venus, get inside," Zaren said.

Michael carefully let her go. She seemed to want to get inside by herself, but she took two steps and fell down. "Dammit. Why are you so stubborn?" he whispered, setting down the sword and lifting her into his arms.

"Not. Stubborn."

"Ha!" He went to the s.h.i.+p and carefully set her in what he guessed was a chair. It was white, but shaped like a banana. There were also lots of different b.u.t.tons, compartments and panels. All of them blinking, flas.h.i.+ng or speaking some strange language. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked.

"I'll be fine."

She'd said the words, but he had a feeling she lied. What can I do for her? She looked so broken, so frail.

Michael ran around to the other s.p.a.cecraft and found Zaren sitting in his chair pressing b.u.t.tons. "She's in," Michael said.

"Good. Now you'd better get out of here." He appeared stressed. Michael turned to go, but Zaren stopped him. "That sword-I'm glad it lit up for you. Be careful with it. The sword contains immense power, especially since it's taken a liking to you. And your father, Frank will want it, to study how it works. Don't let that happen. Your world isn't ready."

51. Should I Stay Or Should I Go.

"I'll be careful." Michael wouldn't let Frank, Abe, or anyone else get a hold of it. It'd be used for one purpose. To destroy Vinny. Afterward he'd stash it, hide it away.

Zaren grunted.

Michael realized Zaren read his mind, and nodded. He wanted Zaren to understand he'd never do anything ever again to put Venus or her people in jeopardy.

"When you next meet Dervinias, be careful. He's faster, stronger and more cunning than you are. He's been alive a long time. And he can break you with the flick of his fingers. All you'll have is the element of surprise." Zaren shook his head. "I don't know if that'll be enough. But I understand your need to try. As soon as I get the chance, I'll let those in control on Kelari know what is going on here. I promise."

"I understand." Michael moved away from his s.h.i.+p.

"Venus is ready, right?" Zaren asked. He appeared tormented that he couldn't be there with her.

"Yes, but I'll make sure."

"Thank you . . . Michael." The door slid closed.

Michael ran to check on Venus. She looked bad. Her eyes were closed.

"Venus." He shook her softly. She didn't respond and the book he'd given her fell from her hands. "You must wake up." He checked for a pulse. It beat slowly. He picked up the book and placed it in her hands. "C'mon. You can do this." When she still didn't react, he ran over to Zaren and banged on the door. "Zaren, help. She isn't waking up." The door slid upward and opened.

"Michael, come here." He poked his head inside the c.o.c.kpit. "See this b.u.t.ton." Michael nodded. "That's to close the s.h.i.+p's door. See this here?" He pointed to a large rectangular k.n.o.b.


"Turn that once counterclockwise and press. This will put it on autopilot." Zaren looked at Michael with grave seriousness. "I'd do it myself, but I can't. Both s.h.i.+ps must be returned or there'll be more trouble-"

"Not a problem, Zaren. I'll do it." He started back, but Zaren called him. "Michael!"


"I may've misjudged you." It seemed hard for him to say it. Anger still filled his eyes.

"Get out of here. I'll take care of it."

The door to his s.h.i.+p closed and Michael ran back to Venus.

"Wake up." He tapped her on the face. It didn't help. "Cret," he cursed and climbed inside to reach the b.u.t.ton. He turned it counter-clockwise and pressed. "Just a little longer and you'll be home."

She let out a sob and whispered, "I'll be dead."

"Not true. You'll see."

"Michael. You don't understand . . . love." She turned away from him.

A sudden wind blasted them. A helicopter hovered in the clearing. "Suck," he yelled.

A ping, like a rock bouncing off metal, ricocheted off the Transport. Michael peered back and saw three different Army Hummers, a machine gun on the top of each. About fifty people dressed in suits and camo-clothes surrounded the area. He didn't see him, but guessed Frank was among them.

A large, bulky man wore a hard smile. Must've been excited by the whole scenario, tracking Venus and finding the s.h.i.+p.

The gray-haired man pointed a gun at Michael. h.e.l.l, they all had guns or rifles aimed at him.

"Cret!" he swore, looking around for the sword. It'd sunk into the snow, leaving an outline. He reached out to grab it, but bullets. .h.i.t the ground inches from his hand.

"Don't move," Frank shouted. "Michael, I mean it. Stay where you are!"

The sword. Michael had to get to it-save it. He took another step toward the sword, reaching. Another slew of bullets zipped at him. One made contact, hitting him in the leg, above his right knee. The impact felt different than the bullet to the shoulder. Still, there wasn't a lot of pain, more of a sting. As the blood seeped through his pants, he pondered the difference.

"Stop it, Frank," he yelled, frustrated. They weren't going to let him live. Michael had become expendable. All they cared about was getting to the s.h.i.+p and experimenting on whatever was left of Venus. That couldn't happen. He had to make sure she got away safely.

Anxious, he debated what to do.

In an instant, he knew.

Climbing inside the c.o.c.kpit, Michael pressed the b.u.t.ton to close the door. A soft, glowing light appeared after the door sealed shut. A female voice in some strange language began speaking. He s.h.i.+fted Venus so she sat on his unharmed leg and placed her legs between his. "Fly. Take off!" He touched his wounded leg, grinding his teeth at the pain.

An abrupt revving or whining, probably the engine, startled him. There was a whoosh and he was thrown back in his seat. Some sort of mist released into the compartment. He couldn't place the smell, but it reminded him of astringent.

"This is crazy."

b.u.t.tons on the dash started to flash and something began beeping. Oh, c.r.a.p! Am I making this Marshmallow s.h.i.+p too heavy? Are we going to crash?

Venus moaned.

"What can I do?"

She turned so her shoulder poked him in the ribs and snuggled her cheek into his chest.

"Live forever without love?"

She'd spoken the words like a question, but he had no idea how to respond, so he wrapped one arm around her and stroked her hair with the other. "It's going to be okay . . ." He hoped whatever the substance filled the compartment would help her breathe.

Worry pulled at him. If Earth's air made Venus sick, what would kelarian air do to him? Even as the thought occurred to him, Michael realized he didn't care about the answer-not much. He'd made the decision to help her. It'd been the right choice. Whatever happened next, he'd accept the cost. As if the yacking female voice understood, everything stopped beeping and they were left in dark silence.

Michael took a deep breath. The air seemed okay, so far. Thankful, he lowered his chin onto the top of her head, and closed his eyes. He didn't know how long the trip would take or if he'd survive it. Since he didn't have any answers, he decided to enjoy what he did have. Venus. The smell of coconuts in her hair. The way her body felt tucked against his. Knowing she'd be safe. These were the facts he held onto They filled him with happiness.

His life had gone from mundane, boring even, too . . . this. Finding out there was life beyond Earth. That humanity wasn't alone in the universe.

Michael held her tighter.

She sighed.

And those beings weren't green, jellyfish-looking creatures with bug-eyes. Although he figured those types of aliens were possible, but not on Venus's planet. At least he didn't think so. The idea of arriving on her world and the unknown sent a s.h.i.+ver down his spine. But he pushed away his fears. Focused on her-her nearness and all she meant to him. He nestled closer. If anyone deserved to live forever, it was her.

She let out another sigh. "Zaren," she whispered.

Michael froze. Agony tore at his tender heart as well as jealousy-that Venus would think of Zaren instead of him. She should be sighing my name . . . not that I deserve it.

"Michael," a sharp bark cut through their small s.p.a.ce.

"Um, yeah. Who's this?"

"It's Zaren." A holographic image of his face popped up.

"Oh. Hey," Michael said, nervous.

"What are you doing in the s.h.i.+p? I told you to leave."

"Yeah, I know. But I got shot. And Venus was unconscious. It seemed like the right thing to do." Michael wrapped his arms more firmly around Venus, this time for his own comfort.

Zaren rubbed a hand through his hair, then said, "Michael, you realize kelarian air isn't . . . good for humans."

Michael chuckled, knowing that was putting it lightly. He didn't regret his decision in the least. "I kind of figured."

"Why did you do it then?"

Michael shrugged, figuring the answer was obvious. Venus.

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