The Connected - Exiled Part 17

The Connected - Exiled -

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"If I'm told not to do something, I get an overwhelming urge to do the opposite. The shaman said they wouldn't come off. I had to see for myself. But, they came off easily." Venus shrugged, irritated with herself.

Dervinias lifted his head. "Venus, that explains a lot about you." He scratched a cheek. It sounded like sandpaper. The crazy alien needed a shave.

"What? That I'm rebellious. A terrible listener. An immature child who does what I want, when I want, regardless of anyone else. Cret!"

Dervinias stood. "I need a shower and . . . a shave." He nodded at her. "Remember, Princess. You said the words, not me." He shuffled out of the kitchen.

Venus sat there in silence.

Zaren eyed her. "I've been worried about you taking off the boots. Beginning with that day in the clothing store." He rubbed a hand over his face. "But, I dismissed my misgivings because I figured it was another quirk that came with your being exiled to Earth." He brushed a thumb over her bottom lip. "I've been a terrible guardian. I'm so sorry."

A slight wheezing escaped when she exhaled. "Don't say that. I'd be lost without you." She crawled into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest.

His arms encircled her. "Are you going to sulk again?" he asked, tenderly.

She held him tighter and he reciprocated. Into his s.h.i.+rt, she said, "No. But I'm dying. I'll be gone and you'll go on living. Forever. Without me." A sob caught in her throat. Tears formed and spilled onto her cheeks. She let them fall, his s.h.i.+rt catching most of them.

Zaren pressed her closer. "I know you're dying, which is beyond frustrating. But, don't give up. Keep fighting until your last breath. And maybe, just maybe you won't die. You'll live! And we can get you home. Figure out who did this to you."

She sniffled. "If I die, what will you do?"

He shook her a little. "You aren't going to die. I won't let that happen."

"But, I-"

"I'm yours for as long as you need me."

She sniffled again, snuggled deeper into his chest, enjoying the lemons and honey.

Very few kelarians ever died. If one did, it was usually a young kelki or a kelni within the first two years of life. Their race born at their weakest. The future rested in the hands of the young, yet the young were the most fragile. All of life worked that way, she knew, but she didn't have to like or understand it.

Venus hadn't enjoyed her kelphi years. Since the age of twelve, when her mom and dad had explained what it meant to change, she'd dreamed of her sixteenth birthday-receiving her boots. Venus considered the Kelvieri's Boots and taking her journey the most important moments in her life. Everything after becoming kelvieri would be like a delicious dessert.

She knew there were those who fought against taking the journey. They didn't believe all kels should become immortal. Those were the Dissenters. Their propaganda constantly talked of finding a new ruler, one who'd accept their kind in their mortality.

Venus knew it was about power more than mortality. If only a few received immortality, it'd be easier to rule them, subject them to their beliefs.

The Dissenters wanted to change everything Venus desired, everything she'd waited her whole life to become. They'd caused her mom and dad, the Queen and King of Alayeah, a lot of trouble, as well as the other countries.

Not that any of that mattered, if she didn't return, and soon.

Zaren pushed her back and stared intently into her eyes. "It all matters. And I believe those Dissenters probably have something to do with why you're here."

"You think? Why?"

"It's been foretold that a female kelvieri warrior would return peace to Kelari. I believe that warrior is you." He brushed the hair that'd stuck to her wet face off, and moved it behind her ear.

"Me? But that . . ." In truth, it would explain why she'd been accused of blasphemy.

"This is why you can't give up. There's always a way. We haven't found it yet, but we will. I promise you."

Venus nodded. "I'll fight, but I have to know where to begin. We have no idea where Michael is."

He winked. "Perhaps you know someone who does." He waited for her to understand what he meant.


"That's right. Why don't you call her?" He smiled. Huge. Breathtaking. And full of love.

She chewed on her lower lip. Her mother would be so disappointed if she knew Venus had started in on her bad habit again. She didn't stop, but concentrated, stretching her mind over Cheverly's. What she saw confused her. "Holy cret! I think you're right. I'll call her."

"Good idea."

She hugged him again. She'd meant for it to be quick, but he felt so good, she lingered. He held her, too. His hands rubbed her back and found their way into her hair. Tingles of longing p.r.i.c.kled her skin, and her heart. She wanted to kiss him. When she pulled back, she saw the desire reciprocated on his face. My Zaren. She leaned in . . .

He cleared his throat.

Disappointed, she hopped off his lap, grabbed the phone, and ran into her bedroom.

37. Right Here Waiting.

After getting dressed she called Chev. She seemed relieved to hear from Venus. Before Venus had a chance to say anything, Chev blurted the details.

"Have you heard anything from Michael? Probably not." Her words came fast and breathy, like she'd just finished running a race. "I talked to him early this morning. He said his mom was killed by a-a creature and that his dad was taking him away-with him. I tried to get more but someone made him hang up. I'm so worried."

"Chev, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"I'm not sure. Oh, I feel so bad for him. His family-they've never been the best. Not that he'd tell me much, but I heard rumors. My dad's sheriff." She'd spoken the last part like that explained everything. It didn't, but she kept talking, so Venus wasn't able to clarify. "I'm gonna ask him if he knows anything when he gets home." Venus heard Chev sniffle and knew she was crying. Her next words were soft. "Michael told me he loved me last night. I've got to find him. I don't want to lose him, V." She broke into loud bawling.

"Chev, Chev, it's going to be okay," she soothed. Her head reeled at the knowledge. What she'd seen in Chev's memories had been correct. "He said he loved you?"

She hiccupped. "Yes. Last night was the most amazing of my life, and now . . ." She stopped and blew her nose before continuing, "he's gone."

"Wow, that's amazing, Chev. At least the part where he told you he loved you. I'll do what I can to help. Whatever you need." If they were in love and he'd told her so, why wasn't Venus disconnected from him? Why did she still feel the hold? She clenched at her chest, sensing the power within. The connection that'd formed on the night she entered his mind and searched his memories. Venus had tried, on more than one occasion, to deny it, shake the bond off-believe it wasn't really there. But like a baby goat tethered to a hitching post, no amount of banging her head would separate them. That could only mean one thing. Michael loved Cheverly, but he wasn't in love. Bah, that seemed ridiculous. Michael was seventeen for cret's sake. What more did the G.o.ds expect from him?

"Thanks, V . . . Oh, hang on, my dad's home."

Venus heard m.u.f.fled shouting in the background, but couldn't understand any of what they said. After a moment, Chev came back on the line. "I'll call you back." She hung up.

Snapping the phone shut, Venus ran into the living room. The guys were sitting on opposite ends of the long couch, having a heated discussion. The TV was on, but muted. Venus stopped in front of the old-looking thing. "He told her he loved her," she said, out of breath.

"Yeah, we heard. That's what we're discussing." Dervinias glared at Zaren, full of arrogant self-righteousness. "As I've told you both before, saying he loves her isn't the same as being in love. Don't you get that?" He rubbed his face, visibly annoyed. "I love Starbucks coffee with extra cream and three sugars. That doesn't mean I'm in love with it." He smirked and then continued, "Close, but not quite."

Zaren growled, "Of course we know that. But what he feels should be enough. She's done all she can in the amount of time the G.o.ds have given her." He flung a hand in Venus's direction. She opened her mouth to speak, but Zaren continued. "I'm going to the Transports. I've got to contact Ith and Aetha again. Make them understand."

Dervinias blew out his breath in irritation. "Fine. Yeah, that's great. Go and contact your G.o.ds, but while you're doing that, what about V?"

They both turned to her, as though she were the referee in a heated game of Stavilition, the favored team sport on their planet.

Venus sighed gauging their needs, wis.h.i.+ng she had the words that'd make everything better. Make it so Dervinias could go back to his life before they arrived and so Zaren could return to Kelari. Reaching back and setting the phone on the TV, she decided to try.

Twisting her hands together, she said, "Zaren. Dervinias. I'm sorry. The past several days have been awful. You've both tried to help me and I appreciate it." To Zaren, she said, "I think when you go back to the Transports you should take yours and leave. Return to Kelari-"

Zaren interrupted, "No. I'm not leaving Earth without you. I'll contact the G.o.ds, explain the situation to them and demand they allow you to return." He smashed a fist on the coffee table. A Car and Driver magazine, a novel ent.i.tled PREY and a large mug of milky coffee shook, as though in fear. "That should be enough. You haven't done anything wrong! Killing you for crimes you didn't commit would be reprehensible."

Venus agreed wholeheartedly, but she wasn't in charge.

Dervinias growled, hooked a finger into the handle of his coffee mug, lifted it to his lips and slurped.

Venus smirked, "You have something else to add?"

As he set the red gla.s.s mug on the table, he said, "According to the G.o.ds, V must complete her goal or be destroyed. It's their way or death." He paused and took another sip. "Or worse-Helker." Venus noticed a hint of smugness in his words that filtered onto his face. "It's the dumbest d.a.m.ned thing I ever heard, but there you go," he continued.

"No! No! No! I won't accept that. I'll make them change their minds."

"I'm grateful you want to try. Go," Venus whispered, biting her bottom lip. She knew Dervinias spoke the truth-either she help Michael or suffer the consequences. But she also wanted Zaren to make his attempt, if for no other reason than so Zaren would come away with a clearer understanding. Perhaps accept the way things were. Maybe he'd even leave and return home, as she wanted him too. And who knew, maybe he could convince the G.o.ds to change their minds. If anyone could, she'd bet on Zaren.

Nodding, she continued, "I'd like to know what more the G.o.ds expect. He said he loved her. That's likely all he's got, especially given the circ.u.mstances. I know he means it. He does love her." Venus moved to an oversized purple beanbag and slouched into it. Crossing the boot with the arrow in it over her knee, she watched it float around. The arrow still glowed, but it had dulled significantly. "I don't get it."

"Neither do I, which is why I'm going. Immediately!" Zaren walked over and stood in front of her. "I should be back in a day. You know I'll hurry." Turning to Dervinias, he continued, "You'll watch out for her while I'm gone, right?"

Dervinias threw up his hands. "Of course. If you have to do this, you'd better leave sooner rather than later."

"Agreed." Zaren stuck his hands out. Venus grabbed hold and he pulled her upright, their bodies touching, toe to toe, though she had to look up to see his face. He caressed her cheek with the back of a hand. "Wait for me, all right? Don't do anything . . . unwise. I'll be back."

She leaned into his hand. "Fabu."

38. Take It On The Run.

Venus had consigned herself to waiting for Zaren. She didn't think her body could handle much more anyway. Since it was Sunday, Dervinias had made plans with friends. Venus promised him she'd stay in the house and he took off.

"So much for watching out for me," she muttered, though she was happy to see him go. Some Venus time sounded great. And she didn't need looking after.

Alone for the first time in days, she plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. After flicking through the channels, she settled on a Mork and Mindy marathon. The main character, Mork, was an alien doof. Much different from any kelarian she'd ever met. Different from any humans, too. The episode running was about Mork being pregnant. "I'm preggers. I've got a bun in the oven." Ridiculous. And hilarious. She couldn't stop herself from giggling. "Oooh. Eeeen. I just felt a sharp pain. What does it mean? The doctor replied, "It means you're in labor and I'm playing singles." It hurt to laugh, but she let herself anyway. She'd seen a couple of the episodes in Earth Studies and thoroughly enjoyed them.

Next to her sat a bowl full of popcorn. She'd popped it in the microwave. Grabbing a couple of the funky-shaped kernels, she set them on her tongue. After chewing and swallowing, she made a face. Venus decided it smelled way better than it tasted. The loose, yellow bits were hard and annoying.

About half way through the second show, Michael called.

"Venus? Hi, it's Michael." He sounded tired. Stressed out. Full of grief.

"Hey Michael. It's nice to hear from you." Grabbing the remote, she muted the TV. She was thrilled to hear from him, but curious why he'd called her. "What's up?" She tried to keep her voice light. But what she really wanted to do was ask how he was.

"Would you like to get together? Hang out." She heard a strange quality in his voice like his words were rehea.r.s.ed.

"Sure, Michael." Venus waited, crossing her legs. The heel of her boot caught her attention. Thump. Thump. Then a pause. Thump. Thump. She wanted to scream at him, "Fall in love already. I'm going to die." She didn't.

He cleared his throat. "Do you remember where we first met?"

Did she remember? He'd slapped her with her first kiss. How could she forget? "Sure, I think so. Why?"

"I thought we'd take a hike and talk."

How odd.

But his voice had created a pulling in her chest, like her heart was one end of a magnet. Her body wanted him near, longed for his touch. She remembered the way his lips brushed hers, and her skin grew hot.

Don't go. Stay away, her mind shouted.

Far away.

His calling meant danger. But she wanted to see him. Shutting off the TV, she said, "Yeah, I'd like that. Um, I don't have a way to get there though." Maybe she could ask Chev for a ride. That might be for the best anyway, the three of them together. Although Chev might think it was weird he'd invited Venus to hang out. What was going through his head?

"No problem. I'll come get you." He paused and blew out a ragged breath. "Where do you live?"

Venus gave him Dervinias's address.

"Cool, I'll see you in about ten minutes." He hung up.

"Cret." She wheezed as she rushed into the bathroom. At the mirror, she checked her teeth for popcorn kernels and decided to brush them. Then she went into her bedroom and changed into a long-sleeved, red s.h.i.+rt and her heaviest coat. The weather had turned chillier, and the air felt thick, heavy with moisture, like it would snow any moment. Venus figured it'd be even colder in the mountains. There wasn't enough time to braid her hair so she left it down. Because of her irritating cough, she also put a bunch of tissues in her pocket.

A nagging worry sat on her heart. She didn't have a way to communicate with Zaren. Even if he could read her mind, she had no idea what he'd say. Well, she had an inkling. He'd say it was a bad decision-unwise. But since he wasn't there, she went with what she wanted. Dervinias wasn't around either. He'd be gone all day. At the last second, Venus wrote a note and left it on the kitchen table, telling them where she'd gone and with whom.

When Michael arrived, a hitch caught in her throat. He looked miserable. Dark circles hung like blackened moons under his eyes. His mother's death had taken a toll on him.

"Hi. You ready?"

"I am," Venus answered.

She couldn't help studying him, searching for some hint of what he was thinking. In spite of everything, he looked gorgeous.

His eyes. Today they were chocolate brown with flecks of green and gold around the edges. His hair kept falling over his eyebrows, touching his long lashes. He'd flip his head every few minutes, trying to move it.

He had on a light blue denim jacket with what looked like lamb's wool lining the inside. His navy s.h.i.+rt b.u.t.toned down the front and he wore a white t-s.h.i.+rt under it. Jeans and black boots completed the outfit.

He looked perfect.

Get a hold of yourself, princess, she berated, trying to think like Zaren.

They walked to his car in silence. After she'd settled into the car and Michael pulled away from the curb, Venus asked, "What's up?"

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