The Connected - Exiled Part 13

The Connected - Exiled -

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"You also hold an attraction for the human, Michael."

He knew what'd happened at Michael's house. Ah helker, mind-reading was annoying. "I guess. Maybe. I don't know. It was strange. Out of my control." Venus had been trying to avoid all recollection of what'd happened. At the mention of Michael's name, though, a bud of hunger for him entered her belly. More dancing b.u.t.terflies. Great, I really am an emotional wreck.

"Many humans claim the same reasoning all of the time." He studied her until she looked away.

After a few minutes, he went on. "A human can also become attracted to a person for who they are. Their likes and dislikes. Their personalities and views, the way they treat others. That connection is usually much bigger and lasts longer. It sustains the physical attraction, compliments it."

That made sense, she supposed.

"Can I share one more thing with you?" He appeared unsure, but resolute. Evidently it was important.

"Yes, as long as you aren't going to kiss my skin again and then back away." She'd said the words in mock severity, but they both knew she meant it. Her body still vibrated with longing.

He tenderly pulled her around to face him. "Venus, if or when that happens, it'll be because you instigate it. And be prepared, because I won't be able to hold back again." His beautiful eyes bore into hers with such intensity she wished the next time was right this minute.

Did that mean Zaren felt attracted to her? Could physical attraction be as strong, as pleasurable, on Kelari once she'd become a kelvieri? Did Zaren have those types of feelings even though he was immortal? What about an emotional connection? Obviously he did. She knew he read her mind. Venus watched his face, trying to gauge his answers without asking the questions aloud. Truthfully, deep down she didn't know if she was ready for the answers.

Venus nodded. "Go ahead."

29. Still Loving You.

Zaren had been in love with Venus since she'd turned fifteen. He'd cared for her much longer . . . as a friend, a Formytian and his queen-to-be. Given his station in life, there'd never been any hope for more. He'd accepted his lot and loved her from a distance. Now they were on Earth. Everything had changed.

Venus had released him from his vow, as her eternal guardian, which meant he could pursue her as a potential suitor. There was still the issue of Palmo. Joining the countries had been a desire of his king and queen for many years. Zaren knew Venus would abide her duty and marry him. On their planet, love hadn't meant anything to her. Of paramount importance to her were the needs of the people. They mattered most. Her honor ranked highly as one of many traits he loved about Venus.

On this foreign planet, she'd been experiencing real feelings. Sure they were over the top, more than normal, but that she felt at all, filled him with happiness. He'd wanted her to understand what she'd been missing. Zaren wished to give her all of the love, pleasure and joy she deserved.

He knew there was affection between them. Zaren also knew she wasn't sure what that meant, especially since she harbored feelings for the human, too. He wanted her to realize the beauty of love and everything the word meant.

Turning her on, but resisting the urge to kiss her lips, as she so clearly craved, had taken all of his effort. It was possible, though, because he wanted their first kiss to be when she had control over her physical desires, when she really wanted only him. He'd wait for that day.

Venus watched his face, intently.

Right now his greatest desire was to share the most beautiful love story-ever. The account of the G.o.ds, Ith and Aetha, and how they came to be together. Allowing her to experience the way their love began, and grew even now, would help her understand the exquisiteness of finding and loving your soul mate. And someday, perhaps he and Venus could find that same splendor with each other.

"Lie back down and close your eyes."


When she'd situated herself, he lay next to her.

"Clear away your thoughts. Relax."

He expanded his mind, pouring his thoughts into hers, like spilling grape juice over a clear countertop. Once it'd covered hers, he felt a ripple and knew their minds were synched. Then he released the story into her mind. A breaking dam, he felt the memories of the G.o.ds rush through her. And, as though a movie turned on, the images began to flow. Except they weren't viewing the memories. They were living them, as the G.o.ds.

Zaren breathed in, smelling death and decay. He peered down at his body-the body of Ith. Then he searched the smoking countryside. He let the air in his lungs rush out. Next to him stood his eternal lover-Venus, in the body of Aetha.

"C'mon," he said with a smile, grasping her hand and pulling her forward. "We've a world to save."

30. Broken Wings.

Cheverly lived on one of the largest cattle ranches in Cheyenne. That's what Dervinias had told them on the ride over. Suitably named after their family, it was called The Hartford Ranch. It'd taken almost an hour to get out there, but once they arrived, Venus saw it'd been worth the wait. Vast was the one word that described the ranch.

It spread out over hundreds of acres. Two training corrals were out in front, each enclosed by a wooden three-rail fence. Behind those sat a gigantic south-looking mansion. Made of wood, it'd been painted yellow. White columns stood grandly on either side of the front steps.

The door looked unyielding as a thousand-year-old Wekking tree from home. It'd been stained a beautiful dark color. The porch stretched the length of the house on both levels. Dark green shutters framed the windows. There were eight on top and six on the bottom.

Pine trees adorned the landscape throughout the ranch. The top layers of the branches were covered in snow. It looked like a picture she'd seen in her Earth Studies book on different holidays celebrated by diverse religious sects. The only thing missing: a horse-drawn sleigh decorated in red bows.

There hadn't been any snow within the city of Cheyenne. Up here, drifted snow rested against fence posts and trees. A crisp layer crunched underfoot as they made their way to the house. Cheverly didn't give them a chance to go inside. Instead she met them on the porch.

"Hi guys. You ready to ride." Chev beamed excitement, though Venus sensed an underlying nervousness.

"Absolutely," Venus said. Zaren and Dervinias agreed, too. Venus had noticed right away that Michael's car wasn't there. She wondered if Cheverly told him she'd be coming and he'd declined. Nausea hit her stomach. The eggs and toast she ate for breakfast rolled around.

After what Zaren had shown her, by entering her mind, and the plan they'd discussed on the drive over to help Chev and Michael get together, Venus had a lot to think about. She'd seen so much and realized how little time she had. The G.o.ds . . .

Dervinias turned to face her. She closed off her thoughts the best she could, reflecting instead of pancakes, pretty clothes, and the radiant sun overhead.

He smirked.

Exactly. She glared.

"If looks could kill. Cheese, Vinny. What'd you do?" Cheverly asked.

Dervinias scratched his nose with a gloved hand, faking innocence. "No idea. V is in a mood."

"Oh." Cheverly had on a red puffer jacket and a red and black scarf wrapped around her neck. A black cowgirl hat adorned her head, making it difficult to see her face, but her long black hair curled down the back of her red coat. She had on black jeans that said Wrangler with a black leather belt. It'd been braided and held together by a huge silver and gold belt buckle. A rider held tightly to a bucking bull with one hand while the other was raised in the air. On her feet were red cowboy boots. She looked completely at home here on her ranch.

Venus, on the other hand, wasn't nearly as prepared. Zaren had tried to warn her that it'd be cold, but at the time she figured she'd be fine. Such a doof!

Her boots were great for horse-back riding, and she had on a pair of jeans, but she didn't have a coat warm enough. Nor did she have a hat, scarf or gloves. By the time they reached the barn, Venus couldn't stop s.h.i.+vering.

Zaren, on the other hand, looked cozy in his black parka. Gloves had appeared from somewhere and were now on his hands.

Where'd he get those?

Venus wasn't sure she'd make it until the end of the day, especially if they had to saddle their own animals. She'd no idea how to do it. Dervinias had given them a quick run through, but she still worried.

When they reached the barn there were two stable workers who'd readied the horses.

Zaren went to Cheverly and whispered in her ear. She giggled. "Sure."

"Hey, guys. Zaren and I are going to run up to the house for a quick second. We'll be right back. K?"

Venus gave him a questioning look. He took Chev by the arm. "Give us a few minutes." The two of them left the barn and headed toward Cheverly's house.

Dervinias groaned, turned to Venus and winked. "It'll probably be more than five . . ." He paused and glanced over at Zaren and Cheverly. Shrugged. "Maybe not." He let out a rough laugh. "I'm going to get started. Wanna come?"

Venus was pretty sure the frown she shot him said, "No way." Just in case, though, she spoke aloud, "Yeah, thanks for the offer, but I'd rather check out the barn."

He shrugged again. "I'll meet you at the halfway point." He took one of the horses, un-tethered it and walked out.

"Are you sure, Vinny? We'll be right back." Cheverly spoke with nonchalance, like she didn't care either way. Dervinias told Zaren and Venus on the drive over that he'd been riding out here before.

"Yeah, laters." He jumped on his horse and took off at a trot.

That left Venus to admire the horses, her first time seeing the creatures up close. Antic.i.p.ation surfaced. Except for the cold, she felt at home. The barn loomed large, well lit and clean. She loved the sweet stench of the hay, nutty oats and the dirt. A horse whinnied and Venus walked to the stall. Peering over the gate, she determined the animal as female.

"Hey, girl." Venus let the horse smell her hand, which had turned a bright red. The horse's nose was soft, excluding the whiskers. They tickled.

The horse blew out, hot. Nickered. Stomped her hoof and shook her head. "What's the matter?" Venus touched the supple white triangle of fur between her brown eyes. So deep, they appeared to be filled with untapped wisdom. The horse pressed her head into Venus's hand.

"Hey," one of the stable hands yelled.

Venus turned. "Yes?"

"That one doesn't usually like to be touched. Be careful."

She peered back at the seemingly calm horse. "I like you more already." Venus slowly slid her hand up the soft fur to the tuft of sable brown hair, watching the horse's eyes. "So, tell me, what's your story?" The horse leaned her head down, pus.h.i.+ng her nose into Venus's chest. She scratched between the furry ears, pressed her cheek against the horse's head. Tears pooled in her eyes. "I had a best friend, her name was Sadraden. She died."

The horse stomped a hoof and tried to move closer to Venus. She let out a grunt and blew into Venus's hair. "In a way you remind me of her. My irrihunter was strong, like you. Didn't like many to touch her either." Tears spilled down her cheeks. She contemplated how Sadraden died, who'd done it and why. The horse snorted again, shook her head. Venus lifted her face, wiped her eyes.

"Irrihunters are different. They're black, with violet eyes." She scratched the horse's head. The horse blinked. "Sadraden stood taller than you are, but don't let that bother you. She was huge. Scared most everyone." Venus stroked the horses' neck with both hands. "They can fly; look a lot like the black panthers on this planet, but with gigantic wings, like a bat. One thing that's the same, they have a mane, like you, but s.h.i.+ny black.

Want to know what's totally different about irrihunters? When a male irrihunter wants to mate, his black coat changes into what looks like a million little rainbows. He's glorious. Struts around. Reminds me of male peac.o.c.ks. Sadraden found a gorgeous male. She was pregnant when she died." Venus sniffed. The horse rubbed her nose against her cheek. "Thank you. You've helped a lot. I wish I could return the favor." Venus patted her neck.

"V, what're you doing? That horse is dangerous. You shouldn't go near her." Cheverly had her hands full, but came forward. The horse moved away, neighing in anger and rearing up on her hind legs.

"Cheverly, would you mind?" Venus pushed her back. Zaren helped. "What's her name?"

The word tumbled out. "Ishtar."

"Ah." Venus moved back over to the horse. "Ishtar. Named after a G.o.ddess of Love as well." Ishtar stamped and shook her head up and down, but came back over to Venus. "It'll be all right." She stuck her hand out for Ishtar to come. The horse placed her forehead into Venus's palm. "If I had more time . . ."

"Shall we, Venus?" Zaren asked.

"I guess. See you around, girl."

"Zaren was right; you do have a way with animals." Chev gave her a look. "Here, I brought you one of my coats, some gloves and a hat."

"Thanks." Venus switched into a brown puffer jacket, a purple scarf with purple gloves and a tan cowgirl hat. "This is much better. Sorry I wasn't more prepared."

"No problem. I know you're not from around here. Oh, and Michael called, said he'd be late and to go on without him. Let's go." Cheverly had already picked out horses for them. A smaller cream-colored female had been saddled for Venus. "Betsy's glossy coat matches your hair." That's what Chev used as the reason for giving her the horse. Betsy had a sweet demeanor, but was a little too docile for Venus's tastes.

Zaren rode a tall dark chocolate male named Thor. The horse matched his name-strong, dominant. Cheverly had an obedient male chestnut, a couple of hands taller than Venus's.

Zaren gave her arm a squeeze. His way of apologizing for the mount Cheverly had chosen. She shrugged. Cheverly hardly knew her. If Chev had known Venus, she would've realized Ishtar was the perfect mount. Animals with a lot of spirit-they were what she liked. Since she'd come to this polluted planet, she'd been weak though, and that's what Chev saw.

With a sigh, she rode in silence behind the two of them. It gave her a chance to think.

She'd allowed Zaren into her mind and he'd shown her the love story of their G.o.ds. It'd been as though real time had stopped and she and Zaren had become Ith and Aetha. As though they'd gone back in time and lived the G.o.ds lives. It'd been an amazing experience. One she'd never forget. The G.o.ds love was true and everlasting. Their story full of adventure, intrigue and deceit. Parts of their memories shocked Venus. It surprised her how strong their love for each other was. That Ith and Aetha's love had endured. She'd never realized before that moment, with Zaren, that anything so intimate existed. Experiencing love through their G.o.ds had allowed Venus to better understand the difference between undying love and physical attraction.


He turned and beamed, his smile dazzling.

Venus and Zaren had been through a lot today, including the creation of a plan to help Michael realize his true love-Cheverly. Before they left Dervinias's house, Zaren showed her how to enter Cheverly and Michael's mind at will. It was different than what Vinny and Zaren did so effortlessly. They "heard" everything a person thought, if they wanted to. With her she could see images and memories, dreams and desires.

That was the first and most important part of their plan, getting into their daydreams as well as their dreams. Then, once within, she'd plant specific reminders and notions there, as often as possible. Cheverly daydreamed a lot. Michael not so much, but some.

Step two. Locate the fantasies inside their minds and then create romantic situations for the two of them.

Step three. Make sure they spent as much time together as possible.

The plan seemed paltry, but those were the options she had to work with. Venus hoped the three steps would work and fast. Time was running out.

She'd entered Michael's mind on the drive over and placed affectionate ideas inside. Things like: he had to come out to the ranch. Cheverly needed him. Cheverly loved him. She was the most important person in the world. He had to see her today.

Then Venus entered Cheverly's daydreams. From her fantasies, Venus gathered that Chev's strongest feelings were toward Michael. She also sensed a block, purposefully in place. It hid more . . . someone else. Venus wasn't sure what that meant or how Chev did it. Venus also saw a daydream involving Zaren. As she witnessed Cheverly and Zaren kissing, their bodies intertwined, she fought back a building rage.

Zaren had touched Venus softly, stroking her arm, telling her it was okay. The visions she saw were only Chev's desires and nothing to do with him. Venus had tried to calm down, but it was clear Chev had a thing for Zaren.

Secretly, that worried Venus. If Chev thought about herself with Zaren, what did that say about her feelings for Michael? Shaking it off, Venus stoked Chev's other daydreams, the ones she had of Michael, filling them out and making them more real.

A crackling fire. Smoke rising into the dark night. The smell of burning wood, roasting marshmallows, laughing, flirting . . . And, Chev and Michael kissing under a blanket of stars.

Those were the desires Venus wanted Chev to focus on. Those were the daydreams Venus injected with pa.s.sion. She'd make sure the events in Chev's mind came to fruition. Regardless of any leftover, weird feelings she had for Michael. Venus figured it had to do with the bond, which had been placed between them. She told herself the feelings weren't real.

Loud laughter shook her out of her reverie. Venus decided she'd had enough of turtle-crawling Betsy. Leaning down, she patted the side of Betsy's neck. "Hey girl. Are you ready for a run?" She clicked her tongue and pressed her knees into Betsy's sides, pus.h.i.+ng her body forward at the same time. Betsy responded by increasing her speed to a trot. When Venus reached Zaren and Chev, she said, "I'm going to see how fast this sweet creature can move."

They were travelling on a well-worn, dirt trail. Snow lined most of the path. It contained muddied tracks and the occasional patch of gra.s.s. She knew it'd be easy to follow and she needed to run. "I'll meet you at the halfway point? It'll have picnic tables, right?"

Cheverly nodded. "Good luck, though. No one can get Betsy to go very fast. She's kind of-"

Venus clicked her tongue again, pressed her knees harder and leaned further forward into the saddle. "Run girl." Betsy took off like she'd been anxiously awaiting some action for a decade. After a few more clicks of the tongue, Venus didn't need any more encouragement and ran faster. Venus put her head down next to Betsy's; hoping the hat Chev lent her wouldn't blow off.

Thankfully, it didn't.

One thing she hadn't considered was how out of breath she'd be by the time she reached the halfway point. Breathing heavily, she climbed off Betsy, patted her neck, loosened the horse's saddle, tethered her to a rail, and headed toward a table. The ground was slick, though, and she fell onto her hands and knees.

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