Dead Man's Wharf Part 17

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'You might might have managed to get one of them killed.' have managed to get one of them killed.'

Kirkwood scoffed. 'How do you make that out?'

'The press coverage could have given our killer the idea.'

'Then Nick shouldn't have started it. It was a stupid idea. Nick was full of them.' Kirkwood didn't bother looking up from his computer screen.

Horton had had enough. Sternly he said, 'Mr Kirkwood, do you think I could have your full attention, or would you rather answer these questions at the station, where you will be free from distractions?'

It did the trick. Kirkwood sighed, pushed down the lid of the laptop and s.h.i.+fted his narrow backside up the bed so that he was leaning against the headboard. 'Fire away.' He folded his arms and eyed Horton curiously.

'When did your engagement to Ms Denton break up?'

Kirkwood's expression darkened. 'August, but the b.a.s.t.a.r.d had been s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g her since June. He took great pleasure in telling me that. And it was while we were filming the Diving off Dorset Diving off Dorset series. I should have left him trapped in a wreck, the two-timing scheming git.' series. I should have left him trapped in a wreck, the two-timing scheming git.'

'Instead you lured him to Oldham's Wharf and killed him?'

'You're kidding.' Kirkwood's lips formed the edge of a smile, then obviously seeing that Horton was serious, he quickly added, 'Of course I didn't.'

'You quarrelled though.''Wouldn't you? I told Corinna not to be such a b.l.o.o.d.y idiot. She said she and Farnsworth were in love.'

Those pale green eyes weren't so relaxed now, thought Horton. Here was a man who'd had his pride severely dented and his ego crushed. Horton knew what it was like to be tossed aside and compared with the next lover and his body stiffened involuntarily. He had wanted to tear Edward Shawford, his wife's lover, to pieces and had only just managed to stop himself. Had Jason Kirkwood felt the same way and killed Farnsworth? Quite frankly, though, looking at him, Horton didn't think Kirkwood strong enough either mentally or physically to get the better of Farnsworth.

Kirkwood said, 'You have to understand Nick. He took pleasure in taking what he wanted from people, using them for his own purposes and then spitting them out again when he'd finished with them or got bored. He would have done the same with Corinna if someone hadn't done us all the favour of killing him.'

It was pretty much what Daisy had told him. Horton sat on one of the two chairs that faced the bed. 'What would Farnsworth have wanted from Corinna, apart from s.e.x, that is?'

Kirkwood winced, but said sharply, 'Me off the programme and more of a say in who should be his co-star.'

'He didn't get on with Perry Jackson?'

'They hated each other's guts, but they were contracted to do the series. This is the third and there's another three planned. Nick probably thought he could get rid of Perry before the next series was filmed. It's my guess that Nick made those first two calls to scare Perry and force him to quit.'

'And you played along,' Horton said scathingly.

'Yeah, but only to surprise Nick. I didn't want to scare Perry. I thought that Nick would have to admit he'd made the first two calls and look rather childish.'

Horton studied the scrawny young man and thought he was telling the truth. 'Why didn't you leave the programme when Corinna told you about the affair with Nick?'

'Why should I?' he declared hotly. 'I wasn't going to give him him the satisfaction of seeing me out of a job. OK, so I admit it hurt like h.e.l.l to be around those two, in fact it made me feel physically sick, but I wanted to be a thorn in that b.a.s.t.a.r.d's flesh for as long as I could, and until I secured another position.' the satisfaction of seeing me out of a job. OK, so I admit it hurt like h.e.l.l to be around those two, in fact it made me feel physically sick, but I wanted to be a thorn in that b.a.s.t.a.r.d's flesh for as long as I could, and until I secured another position.'

'You have no alibi for last night.'


Kirkwood didn't seem bothered about it. Maybe he had hung around hoping to pick up the pieces after Farnsworth had chewed up and spat out Corinna. Horton had the feeling that Kirkwood was still genuinely in love with her. Time to take a different tack.

'Did you know Daniel Collins?'

'Never heard of him.'

It looked and sounded like the truth. Nevertheless Horton asked, 'Where were you on Christmas Eve?'


'All day?'

'Yes. I had an interview for a job, and I got it. Filming off the Caribbean beats the s.h.i.+t out of filming in the Solent. I went out to celebrate that evening with my mates. Why do you want to know?'

Kirkwood couldn't have killed Daniel, but he'd reserve judgement on Farnsworth's death. Returning to his original line of questioning, Horton said, 'Why didn't Farnsworth and Jackson get on?'

'It wasn't always like that. They started off as great buddies; in fact Jackson got Farnsworth the job.'

Horton was somewhat surprised at that; hiding it he said, 'How? Explain the process.'

'The production company, Phantom, circulated an e-mail to all the diving clubs in the UK asking for expressions of interest. There were several auditions, which didn't include demonstrating diving expertise because Phantom was initially looking for someone who looked good in front of a camera, and Farnsworth did. b.l.o.o.d.y good, in fact, even though it pains me to say it, the smooth git. Then he went on a dive with me and Perry-'

'Jackson had already been recruited?' asked Horton, trying to get the facts clear in his mind.

'Yes. The programme was his idea initially and he sold it to Phantom. He was on the panel to interview Farnsworth.'

That was news to Horton.

'Then about six months ago Nick found out who Perry's new girlfriend was and he wasn't very pleased. He didn't like having a taste of his own medicine.'

Surely that wasn't Daisy.

Kirkwood said, 'Annette Hill, Farnsworth's ex.'

'How do you know this?' Horton asked sharply.

'I overheard Nick and Perry rowing. We'd returned from a dive. Corinna had gone off to make a few calls and the three of us were sorting out the diving gear. Nick criticized something that Perry had done on the shoot. Corinna was beginning to let Nick have his own way. She was meant to be directing, but she caved in to most of Nick's suggestions, which meant Nick was in more shots. Perry was being elbowed out. Corinna would relay instructions to me on who and what to shoot, and I did as I was told even though I could see it wasn't right. On this occasion Perry flipped. He called Nick all the names under the sun, told him that he was going to get him thrown off the programme and when Nick laughed and said Perry had no chance, Perry told him he was dating his wife and she had said something like, it's nice to be in a relations.h.i.+p where both parties get to have an o.r.g.a.s.m.'

Nasty. 'How did Nick take that?'

'He went silent, stared at Perry and stormed off.'

'And after that?'

'They only spoke when they had to. But if I know, or rather I should say knew, Nick, he'd have been plotting and planning a way to get back at Perry.'

And Horton wondered if he had found one. Daisy had said that Farnsworth would find something that his victim valued above everything else and then destroy it. Annette Hill was out of the country so Farnsworth hadn't killed or maimed her. Was her relations.h.i.+p with Perry Jackson still on? He needed to find out. But what else was dear to Perry Jackson? It had to be the programme. If Farnsworth had told Perry he was able to get him slung off it that could have precipitated his death. Horton only had Kirkwood's word for this, but it fitted with what Daisy had told him.

'We'll need someone to formally identify Mr Farnsworth. Maybe you could accompany Corinna.'

Kirkwood looked about to say with pleasure, and then realized it might not be a good move, so he simply nodded.

'We'll send a car for you when we're ready.'

He left Kirkwood to his laptop computer and found Cantelli in the corridor.

'Corinna knows of Nathan Lester but she claims never to have met him. And she's never heard of Daniel Collins. All she knows about the marine archaeological project is that Farnsworth is its patron and helps raise money for it.'

Which confirmed what Lester had told them. He briefed Cantelli on his interview with Kirkwood. 'He's got motive for Farnsworth's death and no alibi.'

'My money's on Perry Jackson,' Cantelli said.

Horton agreed that he was a strong contender. 'We'll need to speak to Annette Hill in the Caribbean to confirm Kirkwood's story.' Horton consulted his watch. 'Let's see what Dr Clayton can tell us about Farnsworth's death.'


'He was killed by a forceful blow to the throat, which compressed the vagal nerve causing the heart to stop. Death would have been instantaneous,' Gaye Clayton told them twenty minutes later.

Horton peered at the photographs spread across her desk, which had been taken before her knife had cut into the dead man's flesh.

'It was a karate chop delivered with the side of the hand.' Gaye made a slicing gesture with her right hand. Cantelli winced.

Well, that ruled out Daisy Pemberton, Horton thought, rather relieved. He shuffled the photographs around to get a better look. She was far too small to deliver such a blow to Farnsworth's throat, even if she were a karate expert. But maybe Farnsworth had been crouching down when he was struck. Was it possible to inflict a blow severe enough at that angle to kill? And what about Jason Kirkwood? Weedy he might look, but perhaps he was lethal with the edge of his hand. Then there was Perry Jackson.

'It was one of the silent kill methods used by commandos in the Second World War,' Gaye continued. 'And it's taught to troops undergoing training in unarmed combat. You're not necessarily looking for a serviceman or woman, or even someone ex-service though, anyone trained in martial arts could have done it.'

'And the fingers?' asked Cantelli, staring down at the photographs showing the stumps on Farnsworth's hand.

'Sliced off by a sharp knife with a serrated edge. Divers usually carry knives so it could either have been the victim's own knife or his killer's.'

And given what Horton had just learnt from Daisy about Farnsworth's Narcissistic Personality Disorder, his theory that the killer had severed the fingers as a message that's what you get for messing around with my fiancee or wife it was possible. Kirkwood again?

'Any idea of time of death?' he asked hopefully.

'Between nine last night and two this morning is the nearest I can get for you. It's difficult to say whether he was killed in situ or moved. But if he was moved, then judging by the pattern of lividity, which is rather limited because of the tightness of the diving suit, it must have been very soon after death.'

Which meant that he must have been killed either at or quite close to Oldham's Wharf.

'There's not a lot more I can tell you, Inspector. He certainly didn't put up any kind of struggle. He wouldn't have had time to react.'

And his killer had taken that into account. Horton was disappointed at the lack of information. He hoped the forensic examination would get something from Farnsworth's car or Taylor from the scene of crime, but he wasn't holding his breath.

'Did you get a chance to look at the PM report on Daniel Collins?' he asked.

'I did. My colleague was right, death by dry drowning. As Collins entered the cold water it caused his throat to constrict and shut off supply to the airways.'

'Anything unusual strike you?'

She eyed him curiously. 'You think the two deaths are linked?'

'Only by the fact that they were both divers and died fairly close to each other.'

'I think you had better rule that out, Inspector,' she replied firmly.Horton recalled the photographs taken at the scene of the incident. 'The car windows were open.'

'He probably thought the fresh air would help to sober him up when we all know it only makes things worse. You step outside after a skinful and wham; you don't know what year it is, let alone what day of the month. There was enough alcohol in Daniel Collins's bloodstream to dull his reactions, but not to completely comatose him, hence he must have gasped as his body hit the freezing water. He was too intoxicated to know or reason how to get out of the car, and as I said, the cold water killed him almost instantly by shutting off his air supply.'

So, no case to answer there. But if this was a professional killing then surely that was exactly what they would be expected to find Collins's accidental death, Irene Ebury's death by natural causes, and Peter Ebury's respiratory failure. The hairs tingled on the back of his neck. He didn't like the thought of it one little bit. He'd dearly love to know if the Intelligence Directorate had someone in mind for these deaths. But even if they did, they wouldn't tell him; this thought fuelled his anger. He didn't like being kept in the dark, and he especially disliked not being trusted.

The day was drawing in as they headed back to the station. Horton felt restless and irritable. Maybe his mood rubbed off on Cantelli because he caught him glancing at his watch several times in an hour. Then Horton's mind rose above the fog of this blasted case to remember that Cantelli's father was being buried tomorrow. Feeling guilty that he had completely forgotten about it, he sent Cantelli home before he could get caught up with Uckfield's investigation late into the night. Cantelli slipped away without protest and a grateful nod.

Horton went in search of the officer who had arrested Farnsworth on the drink drive charge and found him in the canteen. Fetching a coffee, Horton pulled up a chair opposite PC Bateson, a broad-shouldered, redheaded man in his mid-forties.

'What was Farnsworth like last night when you brought him in?'

'Spitting blood and threatening to tell the newspapers what a useless bunch of idiots we were. Pity that second test was negative. We couldn't even charge him for using the mobile phone whilst driving because by the time we reached him he'd hung up. Not that it makes any difference now. I hear he's been found dead.'

'Yes. Did he mention anything about where he was going? Or about being late for an appointment?'

'No, but he kept looking at his watch. We said he could make a call, but he simply said, "I won't be here that long, officer." And the b.u.g.g.e.r wasn't.'

'Where did you pull him over?'

'Along Milton Road, just before the turn off into Velder Avenue.'

Which would have taken Farnsworth on to the dual carriageway heading north out of the city, and past both Salterns and Oldham's Wharfs. But perhaps Farnsworth hadn't intended turning into Velder Avenue. He could have been heading straight on which would have taken him past the prison and eventually out of town. He could have been visiting yet another one of his s.e.xual conquests.

'Did he let you drive his car here?'

Bateson eyed him incredulously. 'He said he would rather take the chance on it being vandalized than let me or Harris in it. He left it in the pub car park.'

'Did anyone drop him back there?'

'We didn't. Someone might have done.''Call into the pub tonight, Bateson. Ask if anyone saw Farnsworth drive off. If so when and in what direction.'

Horton then checked with John Gatcombe, the custody clerk who had been on duty last night. Gatcombe confirmed what Bateson had said about Farnsworth's mood. 'No one arranged for him to be taken back to his car from here. I a.s.sumed he called a taxi on his mobile.'

Horton would get Walters on to that tomorrow morning. He pushed open the door to the incident suite and found Uckfield, Dennings and Trueman staring at the crime board as though it might reveal the answer to Farnsworth's death. All three were jacketless. Both Dennings and Uckfield were showing signs of fatigue and frustration: Dennings by the sweat patches under his arms and Uckfield by the deep scowl on his careworn craggy face. Trueman, though, looked as fresh as when he had started work some twelve hours ago. Horton suddenly became conscious that he hadn't changed back into his normal clothes. He'd completely forgotten that.

'Well?' Uckfield demanded.

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