Walk Of Shame: Hemy Part 7

Walk Of Shame: Hemy -

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He smirks and slaps my shoulder, walking past me and into the house. "Nice to see you too, guy." He jumps over the couch and takes a seat. "Dude, this couch smells like s.e.x."

Slamming the door shut, I walk over to stand behind the couch. "Yeah. Your hand is in my dried up c.u.m right now. Now what the f.u.c.k do you want?"

My att.i.tude doesn't even phase Stone. He's so used to my mood swings that he just brushes it off. He knows I mean no harm. That's one thing I like about this kid. He may only be twenty-one and a little inexperienced, but he's a pretty decent dude and doesn't take stupid s.h.i.+t to heart.

Lifting an eyebrow, he shrugs off my outburst. "Let's go out tonight. It's Cale's night to work. I have a place in mind that I want to go to but I need a partner." He pauses for a second to turn on the TV. Sure, make yourself at home. "There's a girl I want to see. I met her at that house we danced at last week. Her name is Ash. She's s.e.xy as all h.e.l.l but I'm trying to play it cool. I know she wants me, but I'm not giving this d.i.c.k up that easy."

I think about it for a second and then I realize that this Ash girl probably works with Onyx. She might not like me showing up at her work again, but I don't give a s.h.i.+t. I will show up there every night until she gives me a second chance. That's how stubborn I am.

"Where?" I take my towel off and run it through my hair. "I might be down."

Stone turns around to look at me right as I wrap the towel back around my waist. "Vixens Club, man. I heard from one of the other girls that she works there. I've been thinking about going to see her for a while. You down?"

"Yeah," I say stiffly. "I'm down. Meet me back here around nine."

Standing up, Stone gives me a fist pound and heads for the door. "Alright, bro. I'm out."


I watch as Stone walks outside, forgetting to shut the door behind him. "Idiot," I mutter before walking over to shut it.

I stand here in thinking mode for a moment. This may make me sound like a p.u.s.s.y, but I want to be sure to look s.e.xy as h.e.l.l for her tonight. I'm going to dress this body of steel up for her and she won't be able to resist. I'm making it my mission to make her mine again.

When nine o'clock rolls around, I'm standing outside my house waiting on Stone to show up. I'm dressed in my favorite white b.u.t.ton down, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and the top few b.u.t.tons undone, displaying my tats. I threw on a pair of dark fitted jeans that show off my muscular thighs, black boots and my hair is pulled back out of my face. h.e.l.l, I even trimmed my beard a bit to be sure it looks s.e.xy for her.

Stone rolls up in his Jeep and whistles when I walk over and jump in the pa.s.senger seat. "d.a.m.n, dude. You trying to give the ladies a walking o.r.g.a.s.m? You look studdish tonight." He reaches over and grabs the top of my collar, tugging slightly. "d.a.m.n, guy. I need to borrow that s.h.i.+rt sometime."

Shutting the door, I smirk slightly. "Come on, man. Stop creaming yourself over my clothes and let's go. No woman is going to want your a.s.s if you walk in with nut stains."

"f.u.c.k yeah, they would. Once I bust out my moves; the ladies can never resist." Stone lets out a satisfied laugh while grinding in his seat and pulling back out in the street and taking off. "No worries here."

We drive in silence for a few minutes, me lost in my own thoughts, trying to decide my best move for tonight before Stone interrupts me.

"You dressing up for someone? You never did tell me why you ran out of Walk Of Shame that night." He glances over at me and I grind my jaw at the thought of that night. I still can't get over what I found that night; her being in that place, rubbing all over that filth. She's too good for that s.h.i.+t. "I'm guessing it's for some fine a.s.s girl. I've never seen your a.s.s try before. Usually the grungy Hemy look is enough, my man."

"Yeah, man, not this time. Trust me," I reply. "It's for the girl. Not just any f.u.c.king girl. And she works with this Ash chick so don't make a fool out of yourself around me. I need to prove to her that I'm a different person. I'm taking it easy on shots and all that hard s.h.i.+t. Got it?"

Nodding his head, he pulls up to Vixens Club, parks the Jeep and kills the engine. "Sure thing, man. I've been there once. Good luck is all I can say. Once a woman sees all your f.u.c.k ups, it's hard for them to see you for the good. That s.h.i.+t stays with them forever."

My jaw ticks from his words as I stare up at the neon sign in deep thought. It just reminds me that there's a huge chance that Onyx will never forgive me for all the s.h.i.+t I put her through. Doesn't matter. It won't stop me from trying.

"Come on, man. Let's go."

I jump out of the Jeep and slam the door behind me, with Stone hopping out right after. I didn't mean to close it to the point of almost breaking it, but I can't seem to control the negative thoughts swarming through my head. The thought of not having her as mine makes me want to slam my fist through something.

"Take it easy, dude." Stone flares his nostrils while looking his Jeep over for any damage. "Don't take it out on my s.h.i.+t. Save it for the a.s.sholes in the bar."

"My bad," I growl. "I'll buy you a new one if I f.u.c.ked it up. Let's just get this over with."

We reach the door and some guy made of muscles with a bald, s.h.i.+ny head and long beard about six foot five comes over and asks for Stone's ID. He gets ready to ask for mine but after getting a glimpse of my face, decides against it and just waves us past.

"Seriously, dude?" Stone complains. "Is it because of my handsome baby face?" He rubs his hand over his face as if he's all smooth and s.h.i.+t.

I give his dumb a.s.s a push as the bouncer gives him a blank look while crossing his arms. "Real men have beards. Grow one," I say annoyed.

After getting past the bouncer, we quickly order a couple drinks and take a seat in the far back. The club is fairly busy tonight and the thought of having all these creeps' eyes on my girl is driving me mad.

I know she hasn't danced yet because the bartender said there are a couple more girls before her. I don't really care to watch the show. Onyx is the only one I came to see. Until then, I'm invisible in the background.

Sipping back a Gin and Tonic, Stone pulls out his wallet and sets it on the table. "This club is pretty d.a.m.n nice. A h.e.l.l of a lot nicer than ours." He runs his hand over the table in front of us while admiring it. "Black gla.s.s tables, red suede chairs and look at that stage. That's a sweet a.s.s stage. I wonder if they'll let me dance here. You know," he smirks confidently, "To help bring them some more cash in."

I tilt back my beer and block Stone out. I haven't been this f.u.c.king nervous since before I hit f.u.c.king p.u.b.erty. All I can think about is thras.h.i.+ng all the men in this room. I saw the way that piece of s.h.i.+t handled her last time I was here and it makes my blood boil that I didn't kick the s.h.i.+t out of him.

I take a look around the room, taking in all the a.s.sholes waving money around and screaming out like pigs. This must be the image Onyx has of me in her mind. I'm just like every one of these a.s.sholes. Until I can change that; that's what she sees.

Taking a long swig of my beer, almost finis.h.i.+ng it off, I slam it down on the table and look over at Stone. He's too zoned in on the entertainment on stage to even notice me standing up. "I'll be back."

Walking away with a quickness, I make my way back over to the bar and call for the bartender to come over. The beautiful blonde that helped us when we walked in, lifts her eyebrows and adjusts her tiny top while walking my way.

"Can I help you with something," she looks me up and down while playfully biting her lip, "big guy? You're looking awfully s.e.xy to be here alone."

I ignore her sorry attempt to get my interest and pull out my wallet, prepared to make this s.h.i.+t happen my way tonight. "How much would it cost to get one of the girls to dance for me in a private room instead of on stage?"

The girl looks me up and down while leaning over the counter and reaching for my collar. "Why would you want to pay for one of these girls to dance for you when you can get any girl for free?"

"How much?" I growl out, pulling away from her touch. She gives me a confused look. "If you don't know then ask your manager. I need to know and quickly."

She takes a step back, her cheeks turning slightly pink with embarra.s.sment. She clears her throat. "Umm. Well, we don't get that happening very often. If they're set to dance on stage then they usually can't do private dances until they're through. It's all on a schedule to fill the time."

Aggravation takes over as another girl enters the stage, swaying her hips wearing next to nothing. Onyx is next and I don't have time for games. I'll pay whatever the h.e.l.l they want. I could care less about the money.

"Tell your boss I'll pay three grand to have Onyx dance for me in private. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the extra cash. Just make it happen."

The girl holds up her finger before walking over to the phone and making a call. She comes back a minute later and points down the hall. "The room all the way to the back. It's our biggest room and it gives you some privacy in case you don't want to be seen by the dancer. Roman said he'll make it happen. I'll give Onyx the message."

I turn to walk away, but stop before taking a step. "Do me a favor and don't describe me to her."

She nods in understanding so I turn and walk away.

Hope she still likes surprises . . .

Chapter Ten.

Onyx Half asleep, I fight to stay awake while finis.h.i.+ng up my makeup. As much as I don't want to be here tonight, I'm up next on stage and I really don't have much of a choice. A huge part of me wanted to call in tonight, but the other part of me knows I can't let my emotions get in the way of earning my bill money. Still, I'm just so . . . exhausted.

I crawled out of Hemy's bed around eight this morning and left while he was too deep in sleep to take notice. I knew I had to get out of there before he woke, or else he would've somehow talked me into spending the whole day with him. I couldn't let that happen. The more he brings up the past and shows me how different he is, the more I want to give in and trust him. It's too soon for that.

After I got back to my own bed, I thought I would be able to get some rest, but I couldn't shut my mind off enough to fall back asleep. I ended up spending most of the day cleaning a house that was already clean and watching stupid TV shows, hoping they would wear me down enough to sleep. No luck there.

Tossing down my eyeliner, I look over to see if Ash is dressed and ready to go. She's up for her set on stage after me. I met Ash about a year ago, before I moved back home. We hit it off really fast and after she explained how she was tired of her dull life and her parents smothering her, I thought maybe it would be nice to bring her home with me and let her live a little.

I really had no idea what the h.e.l.l I was going to do for a job, but then an old friend of mine told me about Vixens needing a couple dancers. I mentioned it to Ash and in her rebellious state she was down for it, and ready to have a little fun. Plus, knowing that I was going to be so close to Hemy kind of made me want to rebel a bit myself. I needed a hard exterior to make me seem less vulnerable. It worked for a while.

"You still like this job, Ash?" I ask, now questioning my decision to bring her here.

Smiling, she sets down her red lipstick and uncrosses her legs. "Yeah, for now. It's not a bad place. Plus, the money is way better than working some dead end waitressing job." She shrugs. "Might as well have a bit of fun while I'm still young."

I return her smile and then look beside us as the door opens and Kylie rushes in. She gives me a not so pleasant look and rolls her eyes. "There's been a change of plans. You're not going to be dancing on stage tonight."

Standing up, I place my hands on my hips and give her an equally disgusted look. Kylie usually seems to be friendly, but right now, I feel like slapping that smug look off her pretty little face.

"And why the h.e.l.l is that?"

Mumbling under her breath, she tosses me a wad of cash and I reach out, barely catching it. "I can't believe Roman agreed to this, but someone paid a s.h.i.+t ton of money to have you do a private dance instead. Roman told me to give you a grand to do it." She turns and starts heading back for the door. "The s.e.xy a.s.shole is waiting in room ten. You probably shouldn't keep him waiting. d.a.m.n a.s.shole," she mutters and leaves the room.

I hold up the wad of cash and bite my bottom lip in thought. I feel a rush at the thought that Hemy could very well be that s.e.xy a.s.shole waiting on me. The problem with that is I wouldn't expect him to pay a ton of money for me to dance for him when he knows he can practically get anything he wants. He always did . . . until I left him.

Just as quickly as I let the thought consume me, I push it away and take a deep breath. I guess if anything, it's still better than being on stage. I still can't get used to dancing for a room full of men. I seem to do better one on one. Plus, it's easier to stay in command when you only have one a.s.shole to deal with.

Handing the cash to Ash, I force a smile. "Mind putting that away for us? Looks like I have a s.e.xy a.s.shole waiting for a show."

We both laugh as I start backing away.

"Seems like a pretty generous a.s.shole at least." She lifts a brow and waves the cash. "Tell him thanks from the both of us. I'll be lucky to make half that on stage."

Gathering my thoughts, I take my time walking to room ten. If this a.s.shole was desperate enough to pay the amount of money this had to have cost, then he's desperate enough that he'll wait and still enjoy it when I get there.

Walking past the main room, I see it's almost filled to capacity now. The music is loud, the men are loud, and the flas.h.i.+ng lights make it harder to concentrate on what's on stage. I guess the strobe effects and beat of the music make it more exciting for the men, and to make them feel they have to fight in order to see the half naked girls swaying before them. It keeps them around longer, wanting to see more. That's what Roman thinks, at least. I think it's annoying as s.h.i.+t.

I make it down the hall and stop directly in front of the door, labeled with the number ten, staring for a moment before pus.h.i.+ng the door open and stepping inside. I close the door behind me and try not to pay attention to who is in the room.

Room ten is the biggest private room we have. It's used for rich clients that want to remain discrete and don't want their faces shown to the public. Off in the back of the room, there's a huge leather chair for the client to relax in, and a light switch, giving them the option of showing their face or not. Lucky for me, this client wants to be kept a secret. It makes it easier to dance when I don't have to look into the creepy eyes that are glued to my every move. It's hard to be s.e.xy when you feel so d.a.m.n gross sometimes, as if the filth is sticking to you just by being in the room.

Pus.h.i.+ng all thoughts aside, I walk past the darkened corner, taking long, smooth steps, and swaying my hips on my way up to the stage. The music is already playing a slow, s.e.xy song; perfect for getting aroused to.

Standing with my back against the pole, I bring one arm back to wrap around it, and slowly lowering my body down the pole, while rubbing my other hand down the center of my body, over the white lace. Once I get close to the ground, I spread my knees apart and lower my hand some more, biting my bottom lip, seductively.

I sway my hips to the rhythm of the music, releasing the pole, and wrapping my hands in my hair, tugging as I make my way back up the pole in a stance. I make sure to look in the direction of the darkened corner to verify to the client I'm indeed dancing for his pleasure and his alone. This usually helps me get additional tips on top of what I already get for doing the private dance.

Slowly turning around, I wrap one leg around the pole and arch my back, swinging my wild hair around, before gripping the pole and spinning around it. I spin around a few times, moving seductively to the music, before releasing the pole, walking to the edge of the small stage, and reaching for the ribbon that's holding my corset together.

Pretending as if I'm looking directly in the mysterious guy's eyes, I lower myself to the surface of the stage, down to my a.s.s, and spread my legs wide apart, revealing the sheer lace that's in between. I slightly tug the ribbon, opening my top a little more, and rolling my hips up and down with my back pressed against the stage.

I'm lost in my own little world, hoping to get this guy off, when all of a sudden I feel two hands grip my thighs and pull me to the edge of the stage. Out of instinct, I swing one leg up and wrap it around the guy's neck, squeezing.

I expect for whoever it is to let go of my thighs and apologize, but to my surprise, I get a growl and a bite on the inside of my thigh.

I recognize the growl right away, and I can't help the reaction that my body gets from it. My heart jumps to my throat and my whole body trembles with pleasure.

Another soft bite causes me to open my eyes to the sight of Hemy standing there, his hair pulled back, and his deep amber eyes set on me. His grip on my thighs tightens as I release his neck and lean my head back with my hands in my hair.

"f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t, Hemy," I bite out. "You scared the s.h.i.+t out of me. What are you doing here? I told you-"

"Shhh . . ." he whispers against my thigh. "Don't talk. I'm not here for that. I'm here to taste my p.u.s.s.y and remind you of what is mine."

Before I can think of a response, my panties are pushed aside and Hemy moans out while running his thick finger over my slick folds. My body instantly reacts to his touch, causing me to moan out and bite my lip.

"You miss my mouth owning your p.u.s.s.y? It craves my tongue, doesn't it, baby?" He runs a hand down my thigh while shoving a finger deep inside me, causing me to grip the stage. "Tell me how bad you want me to taste you," he demands.

I look up at him, now getting a bit angry at him for making me admit it first. He's doing this to see how badly I want him. It makes me want to slap him and then ride the s.h.i.+t out of him. He always had that effect on me.

"Maybe I don't want you to," I whisper, looking up to meet his stare. "Maybe someone else has already claimed what was once yours." I can't resist but to push him back. One of us is bound to cave first.

Pulling my body up higher, he softly blows on my swollen c.l.i.t while pus.h.i.+ng his finger in and out. "You'll always be mine, Onyx." He squeezes my thigh and rubs his bottom lip up my heat, causing me to moan out silently. "This p.u.s.s.y . . . will always be mine. I claimed it six years ago when I made you my girl, and nothing has changed since."

He runs his lip up my p.u.s.s.y again, teasing me with his lip ring. I'm fighting so hard to resist, but I can't help it. Seeing Hemy dressed up, makes me want to have an o.r.g.a.s.m right on the spot. Feeling his mouth on me almost has me exploding beneath him.

I thrust my hips upward, silently begging for him to lick me. He laughs against my throbbing c.l.i.t before reaching up with one hand and grabbing my left breast. His dominance has me on the verge of explosion and I want to feel this to its full extent.

"I want to feel your tongue on me so d.a.m.n bad," I blurt out, thrusting my hips again to meet his mouth. "Remind me of how good it feels. Now."

With a smile, Hemy grips my a.s.s with both hands and pulls my hips up to meet his face. Looking at me with pure heated desire, he runs his tongue, slowly and teasingly, up my wetness, causing me to shake uncontrollably in his arms.

He rubs circles around my c.l.i.t with his tongue, before trailing it back down my folds and pus.h.i.+ng it into my entrance. This causes me to wrap my legs around his head and squeeze. I can't seem to get him close enough and he knows this. He knows my weakness and is using it against me to get me where he wants me. It's working and I hate him for it.

The better it feels the angrier I seem to get, until finally, I growl out and pull away from him. At least, I try to. He catches my legs and pulls me off stage so that I'm straddling his narrow hips. With a smile, he walks us both up the stairs and up to the stage.

He stops in front of the pole, turns my back toward it, and presses me against it, breathing in my ear. "Hold on tight." With little effort, he lifts me up, causing me to reach behind me and grip onto the pole at a higher level. Before I can wonder what he's doing, he rests my thighs on his shoulders, grips my waist, and buries his face in my p.u.s.s.y.

His tongue works like magic, owning my p.u.s.s.y just like in the past. My whole body trembles from the heat of his mouth and the feel of his tongue tasting me, slowly and teasingly.

He reaches up with one hand and rubs his thumb over my c.l.i.t, while working his tongue, rough and fast, speeding up to get me off. My grip on the pole tightens as he shoves his tongue back inside just in time for me to come.

I shake on his shoulders for a few seconds, high off the release of my o.r.g.a.s.m. It feels so d.a.m.n good I can almost cry in relief. Releasing the pole, he pulls me away from it and slowly lowers me down his body, kissing me in different places along the way. It doesn't take much for him to lower me back down to my feet and press his body into mine.

Looking into my eyes, he cups my face and runs his tongue over his lips in satisfaction. "I want you back at my place tonight." I shake my head, but he stops me by pressing his lips against mine, claiming my lips as his. The kiss is rough and possessive, and I can't help but to get turned on again.

After a few moments pa.s.s, he pulls away from the kiss and turns to walk away without another word. My whole body screams for me to run after him, but I can't. I'm stuck in place, trying to figure out how I let him take control of me again.

Screw this. I'm letting him know that he doesn't control me. He hasn't in a long time. He has no say whether or not I go to his place and stay with him. He lost that say years ago.

Making sure that I'm covered, I rush out of the room and walk down the dark hallway. I stop when I get to the main room and look around in search of him. It doesn't take long to point him out. With Hemy looking as s.e.xy as he is tonight, it's hard to miss him.

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