The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 76

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Bonan vesperon. Kion vi Good evening. What do deziras, sinjoro? you desire, sir?

Bonan, aeroplenan litcambron A good, airy bedroom on sur la tria the third floor, facing etago, kontrau la lago. the lake. What is your Kiom vi postulas? charge (do you ask)?

Mi havas guste la cambron, I have exactly the room kiun vi deziras, you desire, sir. The sinjoro. La prezo dependas charge depends on the de la dauro de length of time you via logado en la hotelo, stay in the hotel, and kaj cu vi luos la cambron whether you take the kun au sen nutrajo. room with or without board.

Mi restos almenau kvin I shall remain at least tagojn por la Kongreso, five days for the Congress, kaj mi prenos ciun and I shall take mangon en la hotelo. all meals in the hotel.

Tiuokaze la prezo estos po In that case the charge ok frankoj por ciu tago; will be (at the rate of) au, se vi restus tutan eight francs a day (for semajnon, la tuta kosto each day); or if you estus kvindek frankoj, should remain a whole kiu enhavas la servadon week, the entire cost kaj la lumigon. would be fifty francs, which includes attendance and light.

Nu, do, mi pensas, ke mi Well, then, I think I restos unu semajnon, se shall stay a week, if I mi trovos la nutrajon shall) find the food bona kaj la litcambron good and the bedroom pura kaj komforta. Je clean and comfortable.

kiomaj horoj okazas la At what hours are the mangoj? meals?

Matenmango kiam ajn vi Breakfast whenever you deziras; tagmango je wish; lunch at one la unua, kaj vespermango o'clock, and dinner at je la sesa kaj half-past six.


Bone. Bonvolu suprensendi Good. Kindly send my mian pakajon al luggage up to my mia cambro. room.

CORRESPONDENCE (Korespondado).

The following are some of the more usual forms of dates, commencements, and conclusions of letters:--


_Londono, Anglujo._ _je la_ 24a _de Januaro_ 1906a.

_je la_ 24a _de Jan-o_ 1906a.

_la_ 10an _de Feb-o_ 1906a.

25 _Junio_ 1906a.

N.B.--The preposition _je_ is generally omitted and the accusative used in its place, as:--_La_ 12an _de Marto._

Reference to Dates.--In referring to date, the preposition _de_ is generally used, e.g.:--_Responde al via letero de_ ... = In reply to your letter of....

_De la_ 4a _de la lasta monato_ = Of the 4th of last month.

_De la_ 4a _de la lasta_ = Of the 4th ultimo.

_De la_ 4a _de la nuna (kuranta) monato_ = Of the 4th of the present month.

_De la_ 4a _de la nuna_ (or, _kuranta_) = Of the 4th instant.

In speaking of future dates, _venonta_ or _proksima_ is used, with or without _monato_, as:--_Je la_ 4a _de la venonta_ (or, _proksima_) _monato_ = On the 4th of next month, or on the 4th proximo. _Je_ can be omitted and the accusative used, as:--_La_ 4an _de la venonta._


The style of address varies considerably among nations, but the following are some in more or less general use:--


Commencement.--_Estimata_ = Esteemed. _Kara_ = Dear. _Mia kara Karlo_ = My dear Charles. _Kara_ (or, _mia kara_) _Sinjoro B._ = Dear (or, my dear) Mr. B. _Sinjorino B._ = Mrs. B. _Fraulino B._ = Miss B. _(Mia) kara Samideano_ (or, _Samideanino_) = Fellow thinker (if an Esperantist), lit., partisan of the same idea.

Conclusion.--In the undermentioned examples _kun_ may be omitted and the accusative used, as:--_Amikajn_ _salutojn._ This shows that some verb (such as _mi deziras_) is omitted (see par. 105 on ellipsis, and par. 65 (_c_) on accusative).

_Kun amika saluto_ = With friendly salutation.

_Kun estimo kaj_... = With esteem and...

_Kun kora saluto_ = With hearty salutation.

_Kun saluto_ = With salutation.

_Kun ciu bondeziro_ = With good wishes.

_Kun miaj bondeziroj_ = With kind regards.

_Kun la plej granda estimo_ = With the greatest esteem.

_Via (tre) sincere_ = Yours (very) sincerely.

_(Tre) kore via_ = (Very) heartily yours.

_Tute via_ = Entirely yours.

_Ciam via_ = Always yours.

_Via fidela amiko_ = Your faithful friend.

_Via_ = Yours.

_Sindone via. Amike via._ _Mi restas via._ _Kredu min (esti) ciam, k.c._ _Vin salutas, k.t.p._


Commencement.--_Sinjoro_ = Sir. _Sinjorino_ = Madam. _Fraulino_ = Mademoiselle. _Estimata_ = Esteemed, may precede the above, or, in some cases, _kara,_ or, _tre estimata._

Conclusion.--_(Tre) fidele via_ = (Very) faithfully yours. _Via (tre) vere_ = Yours (very) truly. _(Tre) sincere via_ = (Very) sincerely yours.

t.i.tles.--For the use of _Mosto_ in addressing persons with t.i.tles, or in official positions, see par. 283.


In correspondence with near relatives, the following are some of the terms which might be written:--

Commencement.--_Mia kara_ ... = My dear ... _Plej kara_ ... = Dearest ... _Mia karegulo_, or, _karegulino_ ... = My darling ...

_Amata_ ... = Beloved ... _Kare amata_ ... = Dearly beloved ...

Conclusion.--_Kun multe da amo (por ciuj)_ = With much love (to all). _Via (tre) amanta_ = Your (very) affectionate. _Via ameganta patrino_ = Your loving mother.


Commencement.--_Sinjoro_ = Sir. _Sinjoroj_ = Gentlemen, or, Sirs.

_Estimata, estimataj, kara, karaj,_ may precede the above.

Conclusion.--The modes of conclusion are numerous; the following are a few:--

_(Tre) fidele via_ = (Very) faithfully yours.

_Kun ulta estimo_, or, _Altestime_ = With high esteem.

_Via obea, or obeema (humila) servanto_ = Your obedient (humble) servant.

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