The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 63

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_Patrino_ = mother, _bopatrino_ = mother-in-law, _duonpatrino_ = stepmother.

_Avo_ = grandfather, _boavo_ = grandfather-in-law, _duonavo_ = stepgrandfather, _geavoj_ = grandparents, _prageavoj_ = great-grandparents.

_Filo_ = son, _bofilo_ = son-in-law, _duonfilo_ = stepson.

_Filino_ = daughter, _bofilino_ = daughter-in-law, _duonfilino_ = stepdaughter.

_Nepo_ = grandson, _pranepo_ = great-grandson, _genepoj_ = grandson(s) and granddaughter(s), grandchildren.

_Nepino_ = granddaughter, _pranepino_ = great-granddaughter.

_Frato_ = brother, _bofrato_ = brother-in-law, _duonfrato_ = step, or half, brother, _gefratoj_ = brother(s) and sister(s), _bogefratoj_ = brother(s) and sister(s)-in-law.

_Fratino_ = sister, _bofratino_ = sister in law, _duonfratino_ = step, or half, sister.

_Onklo_ = uncle, _praonklo_ = grand, or great, uncle, _geonkloj_ = uncle(s) and aunt(s).

_Onklino_ = aunt, _praonklino_ = grand, or great, aunt.

_Nevo_ = nephew, _pranevo_ = grandnephew, _genevoj_ = nephew(s) and niece(s).

_Nevino_ = niece, _pranevino_ = grandniece.

_Infano_ = child, _duoninfano_ = stepchild.

287. Prefixes DE-, DIS-, FOR-. (Ex. 31.)

These three prefixes give the idea of separation or change of position.

(_a_). _DE_- as a preposition = _from, of_. As a prefix it marks the point of departure, or movement from one place or position to another.

(_b_). _DIS_- denotes a separation, in the sense of a rupture, or breaking up into parts, or in several different directions.

(_c_). _FOR_- as an adverb = _away_. As a prefix it denotes distance from something.

(_d_). Thus, birds on a tree can fly down from the tree to the ground = deflugi; or fly in different directions, viz., _disperse_ = disflugi; or fly away altogether from the tree = forflugi.

(_e_) The following examples will give a good idea of the meanings of these prefixes:--

_Siri_ = to tear, _desiri_ = to tear from, to pluck.

_dissiri_ = to tear to pieces, to lacerate.

_forsiri_ = to tear away from.

_Iri_ = to go, _deiri_ = to go from (a place).

_disiri_ = to go in different directions, to separate.

_foriri_ = to go away, to depart.

_Jeti_ =to throw, _dejeti_ = to throw down, to overthrow.

_disjeti_ = to throw about, to demolish, scatter.

_forjeti_ = to throw away, to discard.

_Meti_ = to put, _demeti_ = to put down, take off, doff.

_dismeti_ = to disperse, to distribute.

_formeti_ = to put away, to omit.

_Porti_ = to carry, _deporti_ = to carry from, to deport.

_disporti_ = to carry here and there.

_forporti_ = to carry away.

288. Prefix EK-. (Exs. 19, 32.)

_EK_- denotes an action just begun, of short duration, sudden, momentary.

Examples.--_Kanti_ = to sing, _ekkanti_ = to begin to sing, or to start singing. _Ridi_ = to laugh, _ekridi_ = to burst out laughing.

_Krii_ = to cry, _ekkrii_ = to exclaim, to cry out. _Lerni_ = to learn, _eklerni_ = to begin to learn. _Iri_ = to go, _ekiri_ = to start, to set out. _Plori_ = to shed tears, _ekplori_ = to burst out crying. _Kapti_ = to catch, _ekkapti_ = to seize. _Dormi_ = to sleep, _ekdormi_ = to fall asleep. _Vidi_ = to see, _ekvidi_ = to perceive.

_Tremi_ = to tremble, _ektremi_ = to start (with fear, etc.).

_EK_- is useful in such expressions as "begin to," "come to,"

frequently used in English before a verb, as:--Kiam mi ekpripensas = _When I begin to_ (or, _come to_) _reflect_. Kiam mi ekpensas pri gi = _When I come to think of it_.

289. Prefixes MAL-, NE-, SEN-. (Ex. 33.)

(_a_). These three prefixes give an opposite or negative meaning to the words before which they are placed, the nature of which varies with the prefix used.

(_b_). _MAL_- is used as a root in the adjective mala = _contrary_, and the adverb male = _on the contrary, conversely_. As a prefix it signifies that the word has a meaning exactly the contrary to that which it had before _MAL_- was prefixed. It is never used to give the meaning of badness, unless because it is prefixed to some word signifying goodness. For instance, timulo = _a coward_ has a bad signification, but its opposite maltimulo = _a bold man_ has no such meaning. Bona = _good_, malbona = _bad_, simply because "bad" is the opposite of "good."

(_c_). _NE_ is a primary adverb, meaning "no," "not," and is often used as a prefix to give a negative signification to a word, as:--Plena = _complete, full_, neplena = _incomplete, not full_.

Ne estas certe = _it is not certain_ has the same signification as estas necerte = _it is uncertain_. Used as a root, it forms nei = _to deny_, nea = _negative_, etc.

(_d_). _SEN_ is a preposition meaning "without," and as a prefix it has the same signification; as cesi = _to cease_, sencesa = _without ceasing, incessant, ceaseless_; senco = _meaning, sense_, sensenca = _without meaning, senseless_; senkapigi = _to decapitate_. Used as a root, it forms senigi je = _to deprive of_, seneco = _want_, etc.

(_e_). The student may at first wonder which of these three prefixes to use in a given case. He should bear in mind that _MAL_- denotes the exact opposite of the root, and therefore it may be much stronger in signification than the mere negative ne = _not_, or the privative sen = _without_. For instance, plena = _complete, full_, but neplena = _incomplete, not full_. Now the opposite to "complete" or "full" is not "incomplete" or "not full," but something stronger, viz., "void" or "empty," therefore malplena = _empty, void, vacuous_. Again, from rica = _rich_, we form the opposite, malrica = _poor_, which is clearly a worse state than nerica = _not rich_, or senrica, which, in its literal sense, means "without wealth or riches." A man not rich might be well off, a man without riches might have enough to live upon. Fermita = _shut_, closed; the opposite is malfermita = _opened, open_. Applied to a window it would mean the window was wide open, but if it were only ajar it would be better to say nefermita = _not closed_.

(_f_) In using _MAL_- we must consider the _strength_ of the word to which we are giving an opposite meaning, and not oppose a word like "dest.i.tute" to "rich," for "dest.i.tute" is the opposite to "rolling in wealth," the adjective for which would be "ricega," therefore malricega = _dest.i.tute_. So bela = _beautiful_, belega = _splendid, magnificent;_ therefore their opposites are malbela = _ugly_, malbelega = _hideous_.

(_g_). Generally speaking, it will be right (1), to use _MAL_- if we wish to give a stronger idea than _NE_ or _SEN_ would infer; (2), to use _NE_ in cases where a simple negative will give the meaning; (3), to use _SEN_ if "without" is more applicable than "not,"

as:--Senmova = _without motion, stationary_, but nemovebla = _not movable, immovable_. It will generally be right to employ _SEN_ to represent the English suffix -_less_, as:--Sendanka = _thankless_, senmona = _penniless_, senhara = _hairless, bald_, senutila = _useless_. The opposite to "useful" is something stronger than "useless," therefore malutila = _detrimental, prejudicial_.

(_h_). The following examples will give an idea of the use of these three prefixes:--

_Venko_ = victory, _malvenko_ = defeat. _Videbla_ = visible, _nevidebla_ = invisible. _Sangebla_ = changeable (in the sense "able to be changed"), _nesangebla_ = unchangeable. _Ofta_ = frequent, _neofta_ = infrequent, _malofta_ = scarce, rare. _Simple_ = simple, _malsimpla_ = intricate, complex. _Permesi_ = to permit, _malpermesi_ = to forbid. _Helpi_ = to help, _malhelpi_ = to hinder, _nehelpi_ = to give no a.s.sistance. _Sobreco_ = sobriety, _malsobreco_ = intemperance, drunkenness. _Sageco_ = wisdom, _malsageco_ = foolishness. _Modesta_ = modest, _nemodesta_ = officious, _malmodesta_ = conceited. _Justa_ = just, _maljusta_ = unjust. _Pura_ = clean, _nepura_ = soiled, _malpura_ = dirty. _Pia_ = pious, _malpia_ = impious. _Agrabla_ = agreeable, _neagrabla_ = unpleasant, _malagrabla_ = disagreeable, nasty. _Glata_ = smooth, _malglata_ = rough. _Atento_ = attention, _malatento_ = negligence. _Respekto_ = respect, _nerespekto_ = non-respect, _malrespekto_ = violation.

_Brua_ = noisy, _senbrua_ = noiseless.

290. Prefix RE-. (Ex. 32.)

(_a_). _RE_-, like the English prefix _re_-, means "back" or "again."

It denotes (1) the repet.i.tion of an action, or (2) the return of some person or thing to the person, place, or state with whom, or in which, such person or thing originally was. As a root, ree = _again, in return_.

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