The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 38

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247. Adverbs and the accusative case.--Adverbs exercise no influence on case (see par. 243), but used adverbially, participles of active verbs are followed by the accusative if used without a preposition (see par. 66 (_b_)).

After such adverbs as konforme, rilate, escepte, spite, etc., it is optional either to use the accusative or to add a suitable preposition with the complement in the nominative, as konforme al, kun, or je; rilate al; escepte de (or, kun la escepto de = _with the exception of_); spite de (see par. 258 (_a_)).

248. Comparatives and superlatives.--These are marked in the same way as adjectives (see pars. 112-114).

Examples.--_Pli rapide, ol bone_ = More quickly than well. _Malpli forte, ol kutime_ = Weaker (less strong) than customary. _Tiel dolce, kiel eble_ (or, _kiel eble plej dolce_) = As sweetly as possible. _Si kantas la plej bone el ciuj_ = She sings best of all.

_Li agis tre sage_ = He acted very wisely.

248 (_a_). Adverbs and adjectives.--Be careful not to use the adjective for the adverb.

Examples.--_Li kuras rapide_ = He runs rapidly. _Parolu pli laute_ (not _lauta_) = Speak louder (more loudly). _Si vidis lin piediranta pli malrapide, ol kutime_ = She saw him walking (that he was (is) walking) more slowly than usual.

N.B.--Note that _piediranta_ is predicative (see par. 209 (_b_)).


248 (_b_). The following list of adverbs contains all those found amongst the primary words and some formed from them, also a number of useful grammatical adverbs.

Adiau = _Adieu_, _farewell_, _good-bye_.

Example.--_Li diris al si adiau, kaj foriris_ = He said good-bye to her, and departed.

Afrankite = _Post-paid_.

Ajn = _Ever_. Ajn is generally used after the correlative words beginning with _K_, as kia, kiam, etc. (see table of correlative words, par. 147). It then answers to words ending in "ever," but, unlike English, it is never joined to the preceding word (par. 145).

Examples.--_Kia ajn_ = Whatever kind of. _Kiam ajn_ = Whenever, whensoever. _Kie ajn_ = Wherever, wheresoever. _Kiel ajn_ = However.

_Kies ajn_ = Whosesoever. _Kio ajn_ = Whatever, whatsoever. _Kiom ajn_ = However much. _Kiu ajn_ = Whoever, whosoever, whichever, whichsoever.

Aliloke = _Elsewhere_.

Alivorte = _In other words_.

Almenau = _At least_.

Example.--_Donu al mi almenau la duonon de tiu biskvito_ = Give me at least the half of that biscuit.

Alvenante, Alveninte = _On arrival_.

Ambau = _Both_, _one and the other_ (p.r.o.noun).

Examples.--_Ili ambau kuris al la stacidomo_ = They both ran to the station.

Ankau = _Also_, _too_.

Examples.--_Li ankau gin faris_ = He, too, did it. _Nek mi ankau_ = Nor I either (also).

Ankorau = _Yet_, _still_. (See remarks on Jam).

Examples.--_Cu li estas ankorau tie ci?_ = Is he still here? _Mi ankorau ne vidis lin_ = I have not seen him yet.

Antaue = _Formerly_, _previously_, _beforehand_, _in front_.

Aparte = _Aside_, _apart_, _separately_, _specially_.

Apenau = _Hardly_, _scarcely_.

Example.--_Mi apenau pensas tion_ = I hardly think that (_or_, so).

Baldau = _Soon_.

Example.--_Mi esperas, ke li venos baldau_ = I hope he will (may) come soon.

Bis = _Once more_, _again_, _encore_.

Example.--_Bis!_ = Encore!

Bonstate = _In good condition_.

Certe = _Certainly_.

Ci = _The nearest_ (tio = _that_, tio ci or ci tio = _this_), (tiu = _that_, _the former_, tiu ci or ci tiu = _this_, _the latter_), (tie = _there_, tie ci or ci tie = _here_), (tien = _thither_, tien ci = _hither_), (cio = _all_, cio ci = _all this_) (par. 143).

Examples.--_Restu ci tie_ = Remain here. _Venu ci tien_ = Come hither.

Cial = _For all reasons_, _for every reason_ (par. 150).

Example.--_Cial tio estas la plej bona_ = For every reason that is the best.

Ciam = _Always_, _ever_ (par. 151).

Example.--_Li venas ciam, kiam oni ne bezonas lin_ = He always comes when one does not want him.

Ciame = _Perpetually_, _continually_.

Example.--_La infano ploras ciame_ (or, _sencese_) = The child cries perpetually.

Cie = _Everywhere_ (par. 152).

Examples.--_Cie mi lin vidas_ = Everywhere I see him. _Li iras cien_ = He goes everywhere.

Ciel = _In every (manner) way, all ways_ (par. 153).

Example.--_Tiu estas ciel la plej bona sidejo_ = That is in every way the best seat.

Ciom = _All of it, the whole, all, every quant.i.ty_ (par. 156).

Example.--_Prenu iom, ne ciom_ = Take some, not the whole.

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