The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 35

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Conditional, Li estus povinta = _He would have been able to_, or, _He could have_.

Examples.--_Cu vi povas tion fari? Jes, mi povas_ = Are you able to (can you) do that? Yes, I can. _Mi ne povas vidi la arbon, kiun vi montras_ = I cannot see the tree which you point out. _Mi povis fari tion, kion vi volis_ = I was (have been) able to do what you wished. _Mi ne povis fari tion, kion vi postulis_ = I was not (have not been) able to do (I could not do) what you required.

_Mi povos tion fari morgau_ = I shall be able to (I can) do that to-morrow. _Se vi povus veni mardon, mi povus vin vidi_ = If you should be able to (if you could) come on a Tuesday, I could see you. _Mi povus tion fari morgau, se...._ = I could (should be able to) do that to-morrow if.... _Cu li estos povinta plenumi la laborajon, kiam vi lin vidos morgau?_ = Will he have been able to complete the work when you (will) see him to-morrow? _Se vi venus hierau, mi estus povinta vin vidi_ = If you had come yesterday, I could have seen you. _Li povus veni, se li volus_ = He might (would be able to) come if he wished (see pars. 237 (_l_), (_m_)).


237 (_g_). Sidi = _to sit_, _to be sitting_. Sidi has sometimes the signification "to be" in some defined place.

Examples.--_En la cambro sidis nur kelke da h.o.m.oj_ = In the room were (sat) only a few (some) men. _La kuiristo sidas en la kuirejo_ = The cook is (sits) in the kitchen. _En la kandelingo sidis brulanta kandelo_ = In the candlestick was (sat) a burning candle.

Sin trovi.

237 (_h_). Sin trovi = _to find oneself_. This expression (or, trovigi = _to be found_, _to find oneself_, _to be_, or, _to be situated_) is often used for the English verb "to be."

Examples.--_Sur la arbo sin trovis multe da birdoj_ = On the tree were (found themselves) many birds. _Super la tero trovigas aero_ = Over the earth is air.

Cesi, Dauri, Pasi, Fini, Komenci.[17]

237 (_i_). In English the following and many other verbs are used in both a transitive and intransitive sense:--_to stop_, _to continue_, _to pa.s.s_, _to finish_, _to commence_. In Esperanto cesi, dauri, pasi are intransitive; so, to make them transitive, we must add _IGI_. On the other hand, fini and komenci are transitive; therefore, to make them intransitive, we must add _IGI_ (par. 280).

Transitive. Intransitive.

_Cesigu tiun bruon_ = _La pluvo cesis fali_ = Cease (stop) that noise. The rain ceased to fall (stopped).

_Li daurigis sian rakonton_ = _La ventego dauris unu horon_ = He continued his story. The storm lasted an hour.

_Li pasigis du horojn en la budo_ = _La tempo pasas rapide_ = He pa.s.sed two hours in the booth. Time rapidly.

_Li finis sian laboron_ = _La monato finigos morgau_ = He finished his work. The month will finish to-morrow.

_Si komencos sian vojagon morgau_ = _La semajno komencigis hierau_ = She will commence her journey tomorrow. The week commenced yesterday.


[17] The following is a list of the chief Esperanto verb roots whose English equivalents are used both transitively and intransitively.

(E.g., _wakes_, in _he wakes her_, is transitive; in _she wakes_ it is intransitive.) Esperanto follows international usage in giving such verbs one meaning only, either transitive or intransitive.

Transitive Verbs (can be used in the pa.s.sive, and with -ebla, -inda; may be used intransitively with -ig-):--

Aplik, balanc, ban, cagren, etend, fend, ferm, fin, flar, fleks, izol, klin, kolekt, komenc, lev, mezur, montr, mov, nask, past, renvers, romp, rul, renkont, sku, sving, sufok, sancel, sang, sir, tren, turn, vek, vers.

Intransitive Verbs (cannot be used in the pa.s.sive, nor with -ebla, -inda, unless made transitive by -ig-):--

Bol, brul, ces, daur, degel, dolor, dron, eksplod, fal, glit, halt, kresk, krev, kus, lum, odor, pas, pend, sid, son, sonor, spruc, srump, svel, velk.

Do, Did.

237 (_j_). The English verb "to do" is represented as follows:--

(1). In the sense of to "perform," "make," "commit," "execute," etc., it is represented by fari or agi.

Examples.--_Ne faru tion_ = Don't do that. _Batante la knabon, li faris_ (or, _agis_) _malprave_ = He did wrong in beating the boy. _La cambristino faris tion, kion mi ordonis_ = The chambermaid did what I ordered.

(2). In interrogation and negation it is represented by the present and past tenses (pars. 58, 63, 64).

Examples.--_Cu vi pensas, ke li venos?_ = Do you think that he will come? _Cu vi lin vidis hierau?_ = Did you see him yesterday? _Mi ne konas lin_ = I do not know him.

(3). As an emphatic auxiliary, it may be represented by ja = _indeed, in fact_, or other similar adverb: e.g., sincere (par.


Example.--_Mi ja esperas, ke li venos_ = I do hope he will come.

(4). As an inquiry after health.

Example.--_Kiel vi fartas?_ or, _Kia estas via sano?_ or, _Kiel vi statas?_ = How do you do? or, How are you?

(5). To "do," in the sense of "to cheat," by trompi or friponi.

In the sense of "to suffice" by sufici.

Examples.--_Li friponis min_ = He did (cheated) me. _Tio suficos_ = That will do.

(6). Followed by prepositions, it must be translated in accordance with the sense of the phrases.


To do away with (abolish) = _neniigi_, (destroy) = _detrui_.

To do business = _komerci_, _fari negocon kun_.

To do for, or away with (murder, kill) = _mortigi_.

To do into (translate) = _traduki_.

To do well (prosper) = _prosperi_.

To do up (arrange) = _arangi_, (tie up) = _kunligi_, (repair) = _ripari_.

To do with (make use of) = _fari uzon el_.

To do without (dispense with) = _forlasi, ne bezoni_.


237 (_k_). The English verb to "get" must be translated in accordance with its numerous meanings. For instance:--

(1). To "get," in the sense of to "become," may be rendered by igi = _to become_, or the suffix _-IG-_.

Examples.--_Edzigi_ = To get married (man). _Edzinigi_ = To get married (woman). _Levigi_ = To get up. _Alproksimigi_ = To get near. _Lacigi_ = To get tired. _Tedigi_ = To get bored. _Cu vi pretigas_ = Are you getting ready? _Mi malsatigas_ = I am getting hungry. _Mi kutimigas je tio_ = I am getting accustomed (used) to that. _Mallumigas_ (or, _Igas mallume_) = It is getting dark. _La tagoj pli mallongigas_ = The days are getting shorter. _La infanoj kusigis_ = The children got into bed (lit., lay down). _La vespermango malvarmigas_ = The dinner is getting cold; but _malvarmumi_ = to get (or catch) a cold.

(2). To "get," in the sense of to "make," to "cause," is rendered by igi = to make, or the suffix _-IG-_ added to a verb.

Examples.--_Igu sin veni al nia dancado_ = Get her to come to our dance. _Mi presigos la libron baldau_ = I shall get the book printed soon.

(3). To "get," in the sense of to "have got," or to "possess," is not translated.

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