New Vegetarian Dishes Part 16

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No. 99.--Savoury Rice b.a.l.l.s.

pound cooked rice.

pound mashed potatoes.

2 teaspoons parsley.

2 shalots.

teaspoon salt.

teaspoon mixed herbs.

A little pepper.

teaspoon grated lemon rind.

Egg and bread crumbs.

Chop the parsley and shalots, and mix well with the other ingredients, shape into small b.a.l.l.s, roll in the egg and bread crumbs, and fry in boiling oil until they become a golden brown colour, which will be in about half a minute.

No. 100.--Savoury Rissoles.

4 ounces mashed potatoes.

4 ounces cooked greens of any kind.

4 ounces cooked semolina.

1 onion.

1 egg.

2 tablespoons of sauce superbe No. 177.

1 tablespoon of Worcester sauce.

Pepper and salt to taste.

ounce of b.u.t.ter.

A little short pastry.

Mix the potatoes, greens, semolina, sauces, pepper and salt together, slice and fry the onion in the b.u.t.ter, and add to the mixture with half the beaten egg, and stir well again. A few fine bread crumbs may be added to give consistency if required. Roll the pastry out rather thin, cut into four-inch squares. Place about half a tablespoon of the mixture in the centre of each square, moisten the edges, and fold neatly over.

Brush over the tops with the remainder of the egg, and fry in boiling oil until they turn a light brown.

No. 101.--Sage and Onion Patties.

Sage and onion stuffing.

Mashed potato.


Well b.u.t.ter some small patty pans, nearly fill them with the stuffing, then pile up with very rich mashed potato. Bake until nicely brown, turn out and serve quickly.

These are very suitable for a supper dish. The addition of apple sauce and gravy will be found an improvement.

No. 102.--Sausages.

pint soaked lentils.

1 pints water.

4 teaspoons sage.

1 teaspoon mixed herbs.

1 teaspoon salt.

1 teaspoon pepper.

teaspoon grated lemon rind.

A little grated nutmeg.

ounce b.u.t.ter.

1 egg.

pound bread crumbs.

3 onions.

Egg and bread crumbs.

Frying oil.

Boil the lentils in the water for one and a half hours, then add the onions sliced and salt, and boil for half an hour longer; stir in the b.u.t.ter, herbs, pepper and lemon rind, and leave the lid of the saucepan off for a little while so that the lentils may dry. Turn the mixture out on to a chopping board, chop it, add beaten egg and bread crumbs, form into nicely-shaped sausages, roll in the other egg and bread crumbs, and fry in boiling oil until a rich brown. Serve them standing up round mashed potatoes.

Note.--Mustard should be served with the above.

No. 103.--Sausages in Batter.

Batter No. 197.

Sausage mixture No. 102.

Well b.u.t.ter a baking tin, lay in as many sausages as are required (they should not be too close together), pour the batter round them, and bake about three quarters of an hour.

Note.--The sausages should not be fried before being cooked in the batter. Forcemeat sausages will do equally well.

No. 104.--Brussels Sprouts Sausages.

4 ounces cooked sprouts.

2 ounces mashed potatoes.

2 ounces bread crumbs.

1 ounce b.u.t.ter.

1 teaspoon sage.

teaspoon salt.

teaspoon pepper.

1 egg and bread crumbs.

Mix the vegetables, bread crumbs and flavouring well together, moisten with half the egg, form into sausages, roll in the other half of egg and bread crumbs, and fry in the one ounce of b.u.t.ter or boiling oil.

No. 105.--Sausages with Curry Flavour.

1 dozen b.u.t.ton mushrooms.

2 hard-boiled eggs.

3 tablespoons bread crumbs.

teaspoon curry powder.

teaspoon salt.

A little pepper.

1 beaten egg.

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