The Olden Time Series Volume IV Part 12

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As an Arithmetician, _He Adds, Subtracts, Divides and Multiplies,_ Tells how many persons there are present, _Discharges a loaded Cannon, and jumps through a Hoop._

To conclude--the proprietor will suffer any Lady or Gentleman in the company, to make choice of a card, and the Dog, notwithstanding the face of both packs are concealed from him, will discover the card so drawn.

--> Tickets at 25 cents, to be sold at Cus.h.i.+ng & Appleton's Book-Store, children half price.--No money received at the door.


The "Shaksperian Society" of Boston has "new revised" articles in 1795, according to the following notice to members:--

Shaksperian Society.

TAKE NOTICE--All persons who have regularly been balloted for, as Members of the above Society, who have not yet signed the Articles, since their being new revised, must attend this Evening, and execute the same, or they will not be admitted as Members thereof. Members of the above society are requested to attend early on particular business. By Order, March 7, 1795. J. ROBINSON, Sec'y.

Connecticut "Election Goods."

THE Subscriber refers the generous Public to his late advertis.e.m.e.nts to be informed of the articles he still continues to sell by wholesale and retail; and also respectfully informs them, that he has just come to hand, a fresh a.s.sortment of Chintzes and Callicoes, Gentlemen's fancy Waistcoating, silk Romal, buff and other Shawls, printed Jeans, cotton and linen Handkerchiefs, a variety of Ribbons, all of a late importation; Nankeens of a superior quality, and cheaper by nine pence in the single piece than can be purchased in New-York by the quant.i.ty. Among his fancy patterns for ladies are, the Covent Garden Cross-bar, the Renelagh full moon, the Prussian stormont, Harlequin's motto, and an olive check inclosing four lions rampant and three flours de Luce; and for gentlemen's waistcoating, the Sportsman's fancy, the Prince of Wales's New-Market jockey, and the modest pale blue. He doubts not in the least, but that among the great variety of figures he has, every fancy may be suited; and as for the prices, he makes not the least hesitation to a.s.sert, they will be approved.--He also has taken the greatest pains to procure for young masters and misses such cloths and figures as will be durable, pleasing, and well suited to the approaching general election.


N.B. A few pair of gentlemen's doe skin hunting Gloves, and choice old Spirits by the gallon; a _little_ of which may be used as a cordial. 9

_Hartford, next door south of Mess. Hudson_ } _and Goodwin's Printing-Office, 1788._ }

_The crooked Staff of Life._

PURE, mild and unadulterated St. CROIX RUM, to be sold by the hogshead, barrel or lesser quant.i.ty, on pleasing terms, for one of the great essentials, _Solid Coin_, by the public's very humble servant, next door to Hudson and Goodwin's Printing-Office.


_Connecticut Courant_, May 19, 1788.

_Republican BEEF._

THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Hartford, that he has purchased the fattest OX and COW perhaps in Connecticut, which will be killed and ready for sale for the ensuing Election, at a low price for the times. Those who wish to purchase _real good Beef_, will please to apply to


April 28, 1794.

_Connecticut Courant._

Nantucket wit and humor on the 4th of July, in the year 1829.

A GRAND TOUCH. The last Nantucket Inquirer contains the following advertis.e.m.e.nt:--

At the sign of the Eastern Pine, Where the red and the white combine.

JOHN PETERS, a descendant of the famous English Divine, Hugh Peters, informs all the tidy citizens of Nantucket, that Apollo and the Graces came over in the last packet, and have taken up their abode at the corner of Pearl and Water streets.

He officiates as high Priest in their temple, where it is his delightful task to adorn the outward man, to _shave_ off excrescences, and trim into proportion the shrubbery which nature has reared around the headpieces of mankind.--By a judicious application of the _scissors_ of discrimination, the _soap_ of good nature, the _brush_ of reform, and the _razor_ of decision, he expects to bring about results which, like powers of the Steam Engine are, as yet, only dreamed of. The grace of the Athenian beau and the dignity of the Roman senator shall be so intermingled in the _grand contour_ of all who submit to his touch, that the _toute ensemble_ cannot fail to kindle love and command respect.



TAKES this method publicly to return his grateful thanks to his friends of Marlborough street, Cornhill, &c. for their kindness to him during the past season; not only in patronizing him while able to perform his usual labors, but in a.s.sisting him while under the influence of a distressing and debilitating disease. He has grown old in the service of the inhabitants of Boston, and they do not forget him--they do not cast him off, or suffer him to become an inmate of the Alms-house; and although _he is an African_, he will not be guilty of the _blackest_ of sins--that of ingrat.i.tude. He humbly solicits a continuance of their favors, to enable him to buffet the inclemency of the approaching season, (when his regular employment fails) and flatters himself he shall still be able to sustain that character of fidelity which the partiality of his friends has bestowed upon him.

BOSTON, _Nov. 28, 1815._

_Columbian Centinel._

THE subscriber wishes to notify his old honourable customers, who practise stealing and destroying his fruit every year, that his Water Mellons are now almost ripe; and if they do not as usual destroy the fruit and vines immediately, they will get entirely ripe; and then some body or other will be the better for them, which will be a grievous mortification to those manly gentlemen.


Simsbury, August 4, 1794.

_Connecticut Courant._


SAMUEL MYLOD informs his friends and the public that he has removed from Danvers to the building belonging to Mrs. _Martha Procter_, near Buffum's corner, Salem, where he colours all kinds of wearing apparel. Silks cleansed from spots or injury from sea. N.B. Pickles that will keep the longest voyage, for Sale. Oct. 11.

_Salem Gazette, 1805._

In "old times" even publishers were sometimes short of money, and ready to barter with their subscribers. So celebrated a character as Isaiah Thomas, of the "Worcester Spy," was occasionally obliged to give "hints" to his "Delinquent Customers and Postriders." The latter were distributers of papers to country customers.

_To Delinquent Customers._

-->_Serious Times--or the_ PRINTER _without_ Money--_or a Final Hint to_ Delinquent Customers _and_ Postriders!<-->

THE Subscriber has frequently given _Hints_ to his _Delinquent Customers_ and _Postriders_, that he was in want of Cash and has repeatedly invited all indebted to him to come forward and make an immediate settlement, without being put to any _extra cost_--he now, for the last time, informs all that are indebted to him for _Newspapers_, _Advertis.e.m.e.nts_, _&c. &c._ that an immediate settlement must be made, and all who disregard this notice, may depend upon having their Notes and Accounts put into the hands of an Attorney.

To accommodate those who cannot pay money, the following articles will be received until the FIRST of JANUARY, 1803, viz. _Corn_, _Rye_, _Wheat_, _Oats_, and _Wood_--Those who have not the above articles, and who cannot make it convenient to pay the money at present, their NOTES will be received, payable in _Three Months_, provided they are given previous to the _Second Wednesday_ in _March_ next.


_Worcester_, November 17, 1802.

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