The Olden Time Series Volume IV Part 4

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May 11, 1761.

Imported by

John and Thomas Stevenson, And to be Sold at their Shop, at the Sign of the Stays, opposite the South Side of the Town-House, _Boston_, at the very lowest Prices, _Viz._

Lawns of all Sorts, strip'd and flower'd kenting Handkerchiefs; cotton and linnen ditto; silk and gause ditto; Cambricks, Calicoes and printed Linnens--white and colour'd Threads;--silk, worsted, cotton and thread Stockings--Women's silk and worsted Mitts--Broad-Cloths; German Serges--Thicksets; Fustians; Jeans; Pillows and Dimities--Broglios; Dorsateens; Venetian Poplins; flower'd and plain Damasks; Prussianets; Serpentines; Tammies; strip'd Stuffs; Camblets; Callimancoes; Shalloons and Buckrams,--worsted Caps; Garters; Needles and Pins--white, brown and striped Hollands--white and check'd Linnen; Diaper; Bed-Ticks; Tartans; Plaids; Breeches and Jacket Stocking Patterns; cotton & silk and cotton Gowns--Stock Tapes--Leather Breeches; Men's and Women's Leather Shoes, _&c. &c._

_N. B. Kippen's_ and _Tilloch's_ Snuff; Scotch Barley and Carpeting and Porter by the Dozen; With a great Number of other Articles.

Jan. 9, 1764.

A Few Hogsheads of choice _Barbadoes_ RUM to be sold: Inquire _Nathaniel Abraham_, at the Golden Key.


_And enter'd upon the 25th of_ March, _in good tenable Repair._

The Five Grist-Mills at the North Part of the Town of _Boston_, with Stabling for Horses, Stores for Grain, &c. Any Person inclining to Hire, may apply to _William Hunt_, in Hanover-Street, whom the Proprietors hath empowered to Let the same. Feb. 23, 1767.

May 4, 1767.

Just Imported from _London_, and to be Sold by Daniel Boyer, _Jeweller_, At his Shop opposite the Governor's in _Boston_,

Best Brilliant and * Binding Wire Cypher Earing & b.u.t.ton * Bra.s.s and Iron ditto Stones * Bra.s.s stamps Brilliant & cypher ring * Buckle & ring brushes stones * Money scales & weights Garnets, amethysts, and * Small sheers & plyers topaz * Screw dividers Ring and buckle sparks * Blow pipes Locket stones & cyphers * Draw plates Ruby and white foyle * Moulding sand Coral beeds * Crucibles & black pots Coral for whistles * Borax & Salt-Petre Shoe and knee chapes * Pommice and Rottenstone, Rough and smooth files * &c.

Where also may be had, most sorts of Jewellers and Goldsmith Work, cheap for Cash.

William Palfrey

HEREBY informs his Customers and others, That he has just opened a fresh a.s.sortment of Goods suitable for the Season, which were imported in the s.h.i.+p _Boston-Packet_, Capt.


_ALSO_, A Variety of Stone, China and Gla.s.s Ware, which will be sold very low at his Shop next Door North of the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, _Boston_.

Imported in Captain _Skillings_ from _London_, and to be Sold

_By_ John Symmes, _Goldsmith_,

Near the Golden Ball, _Boston, viz._

BEST Shoe and Knee Buckles Fluke and Tongs, ruff and smooth Files, Bone Buckle Brushes, Freezing Punches, Binding Wire, Steel Top Thimbles, Cypher and Brilliant b.u.t.ton Stones, Cypher and Brilliant Ring Stones, Ring Sparks, Motto Ring Stones, Amethysts, Garnetts, Brilliant and Cypher Earing Stones, Amethysts Foyle, red & white do. Stone Bosom Buckles, Crusables, and Black Lead Melting Pots, &c. all cheap for Cash.

November, 1767.

Robert Duncan

Begs Leave to inform his Customers and Others, That he has removed from the Store on the Town Dock to the Shop lately improved by Mr. _William Palfrey_, next Door Northward of the Sign of the HEART and CROWN in Cornhill.

A House to Lett in _Hawkins's_-Street, near the Sign of the Parrot. Inquire of Edes and Gill.

No. 1. A House at the North-End of the Town, the Corner of Winnisimett Ferry.

No. 4. One large double House at New-Boston, near the Sign of the s.h.i.+p. Boston, 21st Nov. 1767.

Aug. 13, 1759.

Imported in the last s.h.i.+ps from London, and to be Sold

By John Townley,

At the Sign of the _Wheat Sheaff_, the Corner of _Wing's Lane_, very cheap for Cash;

BROAD cloths, _Yorks.h.i.+re_ plains, cotton velvets and cut-velvet shapes, thicksetts, fustians, white jeans, figured and corded dimothys, silk and cotton gowns, stript linnens, _Manchester_ checks, ruffells, calimancoes, tammys, durants, yard wide & prussian poplins, cross-bar'd stuffs, rich brunets, broglios, stript & plain camblets & cambleteens, lastings of all colours, bombazine, a fine a.s.sortment of _Irish_ linnens, _English_ oznabrigs.

_Imported in the last s.h.i.+ps from_ LONDON, _by_

=Ebenezer Coffin=,

_And to be Sold at the_ Crown _and_ Bee-Hive, _opposite Deacon_ Phillips's _in_ Cornhill, Boston, _very cheap for ready Cash, or on short Credit_,

A Large a.s.sortment of best london, hard-metal and common pewter dishes, plates, basons, porringers, quart-pots, tankards, soup-kettles, communion flaggons and cups, christening basons, tea-pots and spoons, bed and close stool pans, measures, &c.

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