A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller Volume IV Part 18

A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller -

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July 11. By sale of trinkets, &c. 14l. 13s. 7d. From Gloucester 1l., from Tenby 1s. 6d., anonymously 5s., and from one of the labourers in the work 3s.--Thus I had again this evening enough to meet the ordinary housekeeping expenses for the coming week, but I am now looking out for fresh supplies to meet the expenses connected with ordering a fresh quant.i.ty of oatmeal from Scotland, &c.

July 12. The Lord has quickly given me an answer, and granted the desire of my heart. I received this morning a donation of 117l. 2s. 7d., to be used as the work of G.o.d in my hands might require. Of this sum I took 67l. 2s. 7d. for the Orphans, and 50l. for the other objects.

Aug. 1. From July 12th up to this day we were comfortably provided with means; but this evening, at our usual prayer-meeting, I had only 8l. to give to the four matrons towards the house-keeping expenses of the coming week, which I did give in the full a.s.surance that the Lord would provide more by the time that this sum was expended, if not before.-- Now see how G.o.d at this time also helped in His faithful love, and thereby proved that we did not call upon Him in vain. On the next day, Aug. 2, I received from London 1l., from b.u.t.tevant 1s. 6d., from "a Leamington grocer" 2s. 6d., from Bedminster 5s., and by sale of Reports 10s. 6d.--On Aug. 3rd came in by the sale of Reports 1s., from Langport 7l. 4s., from a very poor widow 2s., and 8s. besides.--On Aug. 5th was received from Mr. G. B. C. 1l. 1s., from Marbury 6d., from Brighton 10s., from Ayrs.h.i.+re 1l., and from Newbury 1l.--On Aug. 6, from the neighbourhood of Wotton-under Edge 7s., and by profit by the sale of ladies' baskets 10s.--On Aug. 7th from a Christian lady 1l., by sale of Reports 1s., from a sister 10s., through the Chapel-boxes 2s. 6d., and 6d., from Tockington 1l. 1s., through the Orphan-boxes in my house 13s. 6d., from Northam 2l., and from Cork 1l.

On Aug. 8th by sale of articles 18s. 2 d. By sale of Reports 8s. Thus I had everything which was requisite for the expenses of the past week, and had this evening, Tuesday, even 7l. left to advance towards the house-keeping expenses of the coming week. My hope and prayer is, that the Lord will be pleased to send in more means before this is gone, as it will only suffice till Friday morning.

Aug. 9. The Lord has been very kind today, and proved afresh that none who trust in Him shall be confounded. There has come in by the sale of Reports 1l. 13s. 10d., by sale of another book given for sale 9d., and from Clevedon 10s., together with a pair of gold ear-drops, a buckle, and a pencil case. This evening, while I was walking in my little garden, lifting up my heart for further supplies for the work of G.o.d in my hands, there was given to me a registered letter from Liverpool, containing 20l. for the Orphans. There came also from Lymington 5s. Thus I am able to send the remainder of the money which is needed for house-keeping expenses for this week.

Aug. 10. The Lord has sent in still further supplies in answer to prayer. From a brother I received 1l., from the Isle of Wight 5l., from Bath 5l., from Barking 2 gold seals, 2 pairs of gold ear-rings, 2 gold brooches, a gold snap, a bead necklace, and a small telescope.

Aug. 11. By sale of Reports 1l. 9s. 2d. From Bath 5l.

Aug. 12. From Norfolk 1l. 10s.

Aug. 13. Anonymously 2s. 6d., ditto 6d., ditto 1s.

Aug. 14. By profit from the sale of ladies' baskets 1l.

Aug. 15. Through a box in my house 10s., by sale of articles 15s. 2d., by sale of Reports 2l. 0s. 6d., anonymously 2s., from Keswick 1s., from one of the labourers in the work 10s., and from Chelsea with a great variety of articles 7s. 8d., 7 d., and 1s. I received also from Bath 2 mourning rings.

Aug. 16, Wednesday. This afternoon I received from a brother, who had sold the greater part of his little property, 20l., of which he wished me to take 10l. for the Building Fund and 10l. for present use for the Orphans. Thus I have received for the Orphans altogether in money, besides many articles, since yesterday week the 8th, 61l. 15s. 8 d., whereby I have been enabled to supply the means which were yet needed for house-keeping; and I had likewise sufficient to advance last evening all that is needed for house-keeping for this week, and to meet 38l. 2s.

6d. extra expenses, which have come upon me during the last eight days.

How seasonable were, therefore, the various donations which the Lord was pleased to send me since the 8th, and how manifestly did they come in answer to prayer! But now I have again scarcely anything left, which, however, does not cast me down, as I shall go afresh, by G.o.d's help, to His inexhaustible treasures.

Aug. 22. Tuesday evening. The Lord has again been pleased to send me since last Wednesday morning 17l. 14s. 9d., so that, together with the little which was left last Tuesday evening, I was able to advance the money needed for house-keeping during the coming week. The Lord was pleased to provide me with means for this in the following manner. On Aug. 17th came in 9s. 10d. from Clifton. On Aug. 18th was received by sale of Reports 2l. 1s., and by a donation from Acklow 1l. Also a brother from Bath left anonymously at the Boys' Orphan-House two sovereigns. On Aug 19th a brother from the neighbourhood of Stroud sent me 5l., of which he kindly wished me to take 1l. for my own personal expenses and to use the 4l. as most needed, which I took for the Orphans. Received also 9s. by sale of Reports. On Aug. 20th I received 6s. 6d. and 6s. 10d., being the contents of two Orphan-boxes, also from the neighbourhood of Keynsham 1l., from the neighbourhood of Royston 1l.

and from Batheaston 10s.--Aug. 21. Through a box in my house 1l., from Doncaster 10s., by sale of Reports 18s., and from the Isle of Wight 10s. ?Aug. 22. By sale of Reports 17s. 6d, by sale of articles 12s.

3d., anonymously 1s., from Thornbury 2s. 6d., and anonymously 4d. Thus, then, I had all the means requisite, and had 11 d. left.--Think of this, dear reader! 11 d. I had left and about 130 persons were daily to be provided for, and yet we did not go into debt at that time for anything, nor do we now, nor have we from the commencement of this work.

Nor did I make personal application to any one for anything, nor did I directly or indirectly speak about our need, so that persons might be influenced to give. But why not, you may say, dear reader? Simply because this work has for its first and primary end the benefit of the Church at large and of the unconverted world, to show that there is verily a G.o.d in Heaven whose ears are open to those who call upon Him in the name of the Lord Jesus, and who put their trust in Him. Cheerfully have I dedicated myself with all my physical, mental, and spiritual energies to this life of faith upon the living G.o.d, for everything that I need in connexion with my own personal and family necessities, and in connexion with the work of G.o.d in my hands, if but by any means, through it, mult.i.tudes of believers and unbelievers may be benefited. Thousands have been benefited by it already, but tens of thousands my heart longs to benefit. No trial, no difficulty, no hards.h.i.+ps, no self-denial, will I, by G.o.d's help, count too much, if but this end may be attained.-- I had then, as I said, 11 d. left. Now observe how the Lord helped me again this time in answer to the supplications which the evening before, Aug. 22nd, my fellow-labourers and myself had offered up to Him.

On Aug. 23rd, the very next day, came in early in the morning 4s. 6d. by sale of Reports, and a Christian brother from Barnstaple sent 1l. with Matt. vi. 11 ("Give us this day our daily bread"). Also from Torquay was sent a half-sovereign. From Budleigh Salterton 1l., and from Weymouth 2l. together with a gold brooch. There arrived also a parcel from Stowmarket containing the following little sums; 6d., 7s. 6d., 2s., 2s. 6d., 10s., 6s., and 5s. There came in also from Bath 18s. for Reports. Thus I received altogether that day 7l. 5s. 6d., whereby I was enabled to order 8 cwt. of rice, as I was informed the evening before that our store of rice was exhausted.

Aug. 24. By knitting of the children 2s. 3d.

Aug. 25. By sale of Reports 1s., and from F. B. B. 2s. 6d.

Aug. 26. Next Tuesday evening again a considerable sum will be needed for house-keeping, whilst at the beginning of this day I had nothing yet towards meeting this demand. Now observe the kindness of the Lord in helping me again bountifully this day. I received from a sister at Tottenham 2l., from Norton St. Philip's 10s., from a village near Leeds 5l., from Southwell 10s., from Edinburgh 21l., of which the donor kindly wished me to take 6l. for my own personal expenses, and 15l. for the Orphans; and from Thornbury for Reports 10s. 6d., as a donation, 2 old three-penny pieces and 20 copper coins, also 5s. from another donor near Thornbury.

Aug. 27. A half-sovereign was received, but the place of the donor is not to be mentioned; from an aged Christian woman 3l. and a pair of silver s.h.i.+rt b.u.t.tons; and by sale of Reports 10s.

Aug. 28. From a sister as the profit from the sale of ladies' bags 6s.

6d., anonymously 2s. 6d., by sale of Reports 12s., from Weymouth 2l., also 4s., 1s., and 1s. 6d., and from Ryde 1l.

Aug.29. Anonymously from Torquay 1l. There came in also by sale of articles 17s. 6d., by sale of Reports 10s. 6d., and from a sister 2s.

6d.--Thus, by the help of G.o.d, we have again received by this Tuesday evening 42l. 3s. 9d., while last Tuesday evening there was only 11 d.

left. How kindly has the Lord therefore, in answer to our supplications, increased "the handful of meal in the barrel!" Thus I have been enabled to advance the needful sum requisite for the house-keeping expenses till next Tuesday evening, and to meet several extra expenses. The remainder of the money has been put by for rent, and towards meeting the current expenses connected with the apprentices; and I am now again, without anything on hand, looking to the Lord for fresh supplies.

Now observe, dear reader, how again the Lord helped at this time also, and notice in particular how, from all parts of the country, yea from great distances, and sometimes also from foreign lands, the donations are sent, and most frequently from persons whom I have never seen, whereby the hand of G.o.d is the more strikingly made manifest.--I relate now how we were helped in answer to our prayers, this time, when nothing was left.

Aug. 30. Wednesday evening. I had this evening a long season for prayer for the work in which I am engaged, and sought also especially help from G.o.d as to means for present use for the Orphans. While I was in prayer, a parcel of clothes was brought from Weymouth for the benefit of the Orphans, and shortly after another parcel. There were also sent 2s. 6d.

as a donation, and 1s. 6d. for Reports. A few minutes after I had finished praying, I received an anonymous letter from Teignmouth, containing 1l. and these lines; "The Lord permits me to send you the enclosed. Dear brother, ?Only believe,' ?O how great is thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee; which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men.'

Yours ever in Him."--How again has been fulfilled in my experience that word "Only believe!" I am now looking out for more, for I shall shortly again need many pounds, for the current expenses for the Orphans.

Aug. 31. Received from Hull 1l. 8s. 10d., of which 16s. 3 d. is from A. Z., who intends of this, 10s. for the Building-Fund, and the remainder as most needed, which I took for present use for the Orphans.

A young man also sent through A. Z. 6s., and the remaining 6s. 6d. is for Reports. This morning also a sister in the Lord from Malvern called on me, who brought from herself and a few other sisters 4l., of which 10s. is intended by a sister for foreign missions, and the rest to be used as most needed, which I therefore took for the Orphans. I also received from Cheltenham 6s., and 10s. for Reports from Teignmouth, 10s.

ditto from Street, and 1s. and 6d. as donations from Street.

Sept. 1. Received from several believers at Bowness 3l. 0s. 6d., of which they kindly intend 1l. for myself, 1l. for foreign missions, and 1l. 0s. 6d., for the Orphans.--From A. S. 5l.--By needlework of the children 6s. 1d., from s.h.i.+rehampton 5s., and from a sister 2s. 6d.

Sept. 2. From Ilfracombe 1l. 10s. From Wakefield 10l. From Windsor 8l.

10s., of which 2l. 7s. is for Narratives and Reports. By sale of Reports 1l. 8s. 8d., and for needlework done by the Orphans 1l. 17s. 2d.

Sept. 4. A very poor Christian widow, having come into the possession of 10l. through the death of her mother, gave 1l. of it for the Orphans.

This sister in the Lord has since fallen asleep. Will she regret the gift now? Our time is short, very short. Let every child of G.o.d stand in the place of service in which He has set him, working while it is called today, "for the night cometh when no man can work." Again and again, while looking over my journal, I meet with names of donors, who have fallen asleep. Shortly, dear reader, your turn and mine may also come.

Sept. 5. The boxes in my house contained 1l. 6s. There came in also by sale of articles 5l. 1s. 8d., by sale of Reports 14s. 4 d., through the boxes of the Orphan-Houses 4l. 14s. 9 d., and from a sister 10s.

Thus this evening, Tuesday, it was found that the Lord had sent in again since last Tuesday evening, when there was nothing in hand, nearly 50l., so that I have been able to meet all the extra expenses of the week, and to advance again this evening money for house-keeping for the coming week.

Now see how the Lord helped further for the week after this.

Sept. 6. By sale of Reports 13s. 9d. Sept. 8. From a lady 7s. 6d.

Sept. 9. By sale of a small cask of pickles, given for the purpose, 12s.

? A brother and sister gave 3l., as a thank-offering to the Lord for the conversion of two brothers, in one week, in answer to prayer. From London 5l. By sale of articles 1s. 4d. From Scotland 12s. 6d. for Reports, and 3s. 6d. for the Orphans. From Crediton was sent 10s., 3s.

6d., and 11s.

Sept. 10. By sale of Reports 11s. 8d.--From a sister 2s. 6d., and through ditto 1s. 6d. Anonymously 1s.

Sept. 11. Profit from the sale of bags 10s.--From a brother in London 10s. From Scotland 3l. 18s. 7d. with 1l. for myself.

Sept. 12. Tuesday. By sale of articles 18s. 8d. By sale of Reports 3s.

By a donation 1s. Thus again about 20l. has come in during the past week, and, with what remained in hand last Tuesday evening, I have had over and above what is needed for house-keeping expenses for the coming week.--When I came home this evening from our usual weekly prayer meeting for the Lord's blessing upon the various objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Inst.i.tution, I found that a brother from Tavistock had left at my house 2l. 2s. 6d.

Sept. 13. By sale of Reports 8s. 2d.--From a Christian lady 2 crown pieces and 2 pairs of socks.--From East c.o.ker 1l. 10s., together with many gold articles, &c. Also 1s. 6d. with many articles and some coins.

From Belper 10s. for Reports, and 10s. as three donations.

Sept. 15. From Kingstown 5s. as a donation and 10s. for Reports.-- This evening 1l. was left anonymously at my house; and a brother left 2 sovereigns at the Boys' Orphan-Rouse. A little boy gave 8d., and 6s.

6d. came in by sale of Reports.

Sept. 10. From a brother at Clifton 1l. 10s.

Sept. 17. By sale of Reports 13s. A.S.A. 10s. Anonymously 10s. From a sister 2s. 6d. Through a sister 10s.

Sept. 19. Tuesday. A gentleman called on me this morning and gave me half-a-sovereign for the Orphans, but would not give his name.--By sale of articles 3l. 0s. 6d., by Reports 8s. 6d., through the box at my house 1l., by a donation 10s. 6d., and paid on behalf of two Orphans 1l.

15s. Evening. Thus again more than 20l. has come in in money during this week, besides many valuable articles. I was thus able to advance all that was needed for house-keeping, and what was left I put by for rent and material for clothes, which have been ordered, trusting in G.o.d for fresh supplies for next Tuesday.

The Lord helped us this time again, as the following shows.

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