A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller Volume III Part 7

A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller -

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And why? Because my soul laid hold in faith on that word: "Of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Matthew xix. 14. Believing, therefore, as I did, upon the ground of this word, my soul rejoiced, instead of mourning, that my beloved infant was far happier with the Lord, than with me.--Further, When sometimes all has been dark, exceedingly dark, with reference to my service among the saints, judging from natural appearances yea, when I should have been overwhelmed indeed in grief and despair, had I looked at things after the outward appearance: at such times I have sought to encourage myself in G.o.d, by laying hold in faith on His mighty power, His unchangeable love, and His infinite wisdom, and I have said to myself: G.o.d is able and willing to deliver me, if it be good for me; for it is written: "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" Rom. viii. 32. This, this it was which, being believed by me through grace, kept my soul in peace.--Further, When in connection with the Orphan-Houses, Day Schools, etc., trials have come upon me which were far heavier than the want of means, when lying reports were spread that the Orphans had not enough to eat, or that they were cruelly treated in other respects, and the like; or when other trials, still greater, but which I cannot mention, have befallen me in connexion with this work, and that at a time when I was nearly a thousand miles absent from Bristol, and had to remain absent week after week: at such times my soul was stayed upon G.o.d; I believed His word of promise which was applicable to such cases; I poured out my soul before G.o.d, and arose from my knees in peace, because the trouble that was in the soul was in believing prayer cast upon G.o.d, and thus I was kept in peace, though I saw it to be the will of G.o.d to remain far away from the work.

--Further, When I needed houses, fellow-labourers, masters and mistresses for the Orphans or for the Day Schools, I have been enabled to look for all to the Lord, and trust in Him for help.--Dear reader, I may seem to boast; but, by the Grace of G.o.d, I do not boast in thus speaking. From my inmost soul I do ascribe it to G.o.d alone that He has enabled me to trust in Him, and that hitherto He has not suffered my confidence in Him to fail. But I thought it needful to make these remarks, lest any one should think that my depending upon G.o.d was a particular gift given to me, which other saints have no right to look for; or lest it should be thought that this my depending upon Him had only to do with the obtaining of MONEY by prayer and faith. By the grace of G.o.d I desire that my faith in G.o.d should extend towards EVERY thing, the smallest of my own temporal and spiritual concerns, and the smallest of the temporal and spiritual concerns of my family, towards the saints among whom I labour, the church at large, everything that has to do with the temporal and spiritual prosperity of the Scriptural Knowledge Inst.i.tution, etc. Dear reader, do not think that I have attained in faith (and how much less in other respects!) to that degree to which I might and ought to attain; but thank G.o.d for the faith which He has given me, and ask Him to uphold and increase it. And lastly, once more, let not Satan deceive you in making you think that you could not have the same faith, but that it is only for persons who are situated as I am. When I lose such a thing as a key, I ask the Lord to direct me to it, and I look for an answer to my prayer; when a person with whom I have made an appointment does not come, according to the fixed time, and I begin to be inconvenienced by it, I ask the Lord to be pleased to hasten him to me, and I look for an answer; when I do not understand a pa.s.sage of the word of G.o.d, I lift up my heart to the Lord, that He would be pleased, by His holy Spirit, to instruct me, and I expect to be taught, though I do not fix the time when, and the manner how it should be; when I am going to minister in the Word, I seek help from the Lord, and while I in the consciousness of natural inability as well as utter unworthiness, begin this His service, I am not cast down, but of good cheer, because I look for His a.s.sistance, and believe that He, for His dear Son?s sake, will help me. And thus in other of my temporal and spiritual concerns I pray to the Lord, and expect an answer to my requests; and may not you do the same, dear believing reader? Oh! I beseech you, do not think me an extraordinary believer, having privileges above other of G.o.d?s dear children, which they cannot have; nor look on my way of acting as something that would not do for other believers. Make but trial! Do but stand still in the hour of trial, and you will see the help of G.o.d, if you trust in Him. But there is so often a forsaking the ways of the Lord in the hour of trial, and thus the food of faith, the means whereby our faith may be increased, is lost. This leads me to the following important point.

You ask, How may I, a true believer, have my faith strengthened? The answer is this

I. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James i. 17. As the increase of faith is a good gift, it must come from G.o.d, and therefore He ought to be asked for this blessing.

II. The following means, however, ought to be used: 1, The careful reading of the word of G.o.d, combined with meditation on it. Through reading of the word of G.o.d, and especially through meditation on the word of G.o.d, the believer becomes more and more acquainted with the nature and character of G.o.d, and thus sees more and more, besides His holiness and justice, what a kind, loving, gracious, merciful, mighty, wise, and faithful Being He is, and, therefore, in poverty, affliction of body, bereavement in his family, difficulty in his service, want of a situation or employment, he will repose upon the ability of G.o.d to help him, because he has not only learned from His word that He is of almighty power and infinite wisdom, but he has also seen instance upon instance in the Holy Scriptures in which His almighty power and infinite wisdom have been actually exercised in helping and delivering His people; and he will repose upon the willingness of G.o.d to help him, because he has not only learned from the Scriptures what a kind, good, merciful, gracious, and faithful being G.o.d is, but because he has also seen in the word of G.o.d, how in a great variety of instances He has proved Himself to be so. And the consideration of this, if G.o.d has become known to us through prayer and meditation on His own word, will lead us, in general at least, with a measure of confidence to rely upon Him: and thus the reading of the word of G.o.d, together with meditation on it, will be one especial means to strengthen our faith. 2, As with reference to the growth of every grace of the Spirit, it is of the utmost importance that we seek to maintain an upright heart and a good conscience, and, therefore, do not knowingly and habitually indulge in those things which are contrary to the mind of G.o.d, so it is also particularly the case with reference to the growth in faith. How can I possibly continue to act faith upon G.o.d, concerning any thing, if I am habitually grieving Him, and seek to detract from the glory and honour of Him in whom I profess to trust, upon whom I profess to depend? All my confidence towards G.o.d, all my leaning upon Him in the hour of trial will be gone, if I have a guilty conscience, and do not seek to put away this guilty conscience, but still continue to do things which are contrary to the mind of G.o.d. And if, in any particular instance, I cannot trust in G.o.d, because of the guilty conscience, then my faith is weakened by that instance of distrust; for faith with every fresh trial of it either increases by trusting G.o.d, and thus getting help, or it decreases by not trusting Him; and then there is less and less power of looking simply and directly to Him, and a habit of self-dependence is begotten or encouraged. One or other of these will always be the case in each particular instance.

Either we trust in G.o.d, and in that case we neither trust in ourselves, nor in our fellowmen, nor in circ.u.mstances, nor in any thing besides; or we no trust in one or more of these, and in that case do NOT trust in G.o.d. 3, If we, indeed, desire our faith to be strengthened, we should not shrink from opportunities where our faith may be tried, and, therefore, through the trial, be strengthened. In our natural state we dislike dealing with G.o.d alone. Through our natural alienation from G.o.d we shrink from Him, and from eternal realities. This cleaves to us more or less, even after our regeneration. Hence it is, that, more or less, even as believers, we have the same shrinking from standing with G.o.d alone,--from depending upon Him alone,--from looking to Him alone:--and yet this is the very position in which we ought to be, if we wish our faith to be strengthened. The more I am in a position to be tried in faith with reference to my body, my family, my service for the Lord, my business, etc., the more shall I have opportunity of seeing G.o.d?s help and deliverance; and every fresh instance, in which He helps and delivers me, will tend towards the increase of my faith. On this account, therefore, the believer should not shrink from situations, positions, circ.u.mstances, in which his faith may be tried; but should cheerfully embrace them as opportunities where he may see the hand of G.o.d stretched out on his behalf, to help and deliver him, and whereby he may thus have his faith strengthened. 4, The last important point for the strengthening of our faith is, That we let G.o.d work for us, when the hour of the trial of oar faith comes, and do not work a deliverance of our own. Wherever G.o.d has given faith, it is given, among other reasons, for the very purpose of being tried. Yea, however weak our faith may be, G.o.d will try it; only with this restriction, that as, in every way, He leads on gently, gradually, patiently, so also with reference to the trial of our faith. At first our faith will be tried very little in comparison with what it may be afterwards; for G.o.d never lays more upon us than He is willing to enable us to bear. Now when the trial of faith comes, we are naturally inclined to distrust G.o.d, and to trust rather in ourselves, or in our friends, or in circ.u.mstances. We will rather work a deliverance of our own somehow or other, than simply look to G.o.d and wait for His help. But if we do not patiently wait for G.o.d?s help, if we work a deliverance of our own, then at the next trial of our faith it will be thus again, we shall be again inclined to deliver ourselves; and thus with every fresh instance of that kind, our faith will decrease; whilst, on the contrary, were we to stand still in order to see the salvation of G.o.d, to see His hand stretched out on our behalf, trusting in Him alone, then our faith would be increased, and with every fresh case in which the hand of G.o.d is stretched out on our behalf in the hour of the trial of our faith, our faith would be increased yet more. Would the believer, therefore, have his faith strengthened, he must especially, give time to G.o.d, who tries his faith in order to prove to His child, in the end, how willing he is to help and deliver him, the moment it is good for him.

I now return, dear reader, to the Narrative, giving you some further information with reference to the 17 months, from December 10, 1840, to May 18, 1842, as it respects the Orphan-Houses, and other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Inst.i.tution for Home and Abroad, besides the facts of which mention has been already made.

During this period also--1, Two Sunday Schools were entirely supported by the funds of the Inst.i.tution. 2, There were two adult schools, one for females, and one for males, entirely supported during these 17 months, in which on two evenings of the week the males, and on two evenings the females were instructed, quite gratuitously, in reading and writing, and were furnished with books and writing materials gratuitously. There were, during these 17 months, 344 adults taught in these two schools, and on May 10, 1842, the number under instruction amounted to 110. The chief object of these adult schools is, to teach grown up persons to read, in order that they may themselves be able to read the Holy Scriptures; but, at the same time, those who teach them take opportunity to point out the way of salvation to them, and, while the word of G.o.d is read, they seek to make remarks on the portions which are read.--3, There were, during these 17 months, also six Day Schools entirely supported by the funds of the Inst.i.tution, three for boys and three for girls. These schools are intended to enable persons of the poorer of the inhabitants of Bristol, to send their children to school, either entirely free, or on paying only the fifth or sixth part of the expenses connected with the instruction which the children receive; they are also, especially, intended to keep believing parents, who have not much means, from the necessity of sending their children to unbelievers for instruction. On May 10, 1842, the number of the children, who attended these Day Schools, was 363; and the total number, who from the formation of the Inst.i.tution on. March 5, 1834, up to May 10, 1842, had been instructed in the Day Schools, which are supported by the funds of the Inst.i.tution, amounts to 2616.--4, During these 17 months, 798 copies of the Holy Scriptures were circulated, and from the commencement of the Inst.i.tution, up to May 10, 1842, 6,842 copies. 5, During these 17 months was spent for Missionary purposes, the sum of 126l. 15s. 3d. of the funds of the Inst.i.tution, whereby a.s.sistance was rendered to the work of G.o.d in Jamaica, in Australia, in Canada, and in the East Indies. 6, At the commencement of these 17 months, i.e. on December 10, 1840, a new object was begun., the circulation of such publications as may be instrumental, with the blessing of G.o.d, to benefit both unbelievers and believers.

We laid out for this object, during these 17 months, from December 10, 1840, to May 10, 1842, the sum of 62l. 17s. 4d., for which twenty-two thousand one hundred and ninety such little publications were purchased, and of which number nineteen thousand six hundred and nine were actually given away.--7, There were received into the three Orphan-Houses, from Dec. 10, 1840, to May 10, 1842, 15 Orphans, who, together with those who were in the houses on Dec. 10, 1840, make up 106 in all. Of these, five girls were sent out to service, two boys and one girl were apprenticed, one girl was removed by a lady who had placed her for a time under our care, and one was sent back to his relations, as he was injurious to the other children.

There were on May 10, 1842, 96 Orphans in the three houses, i.e. 30 in the Girls?-Orphan-House, 37 in the Infant-Orphan-House, and 29 in the Boys-Orphan-House. Besides this, three apprentices were supported by the funds of the Inst.i.tution, so that the total number was 99. The number of Orphans who were under our care from April, 1836, to May 10, 1842, amounts to 144.

I notice further the following points in connexion with the Orphan-Houses.

Without any one having been asked for any thing by me, the sum of 5,276l. 14s. 8d. was given to me from the beginning of the work up to May 16, 1842, as the result of prayer to G.o.d. Besides this, also, many articles of clothing, furniture, provisions, &c.--During these 17 months we had very little sickness in the three houses, and not one of the children died. I desire publicly to state this, and in it to acknowledge the hand of G.o.d.

The total of the expenditure for the various objects of the Inst.i.tution, exclusive of the Orphan-Houses, during these 17 months, amounted to 710l. 11s. 5d.; the total of the income amounted to 746l.

1s. 0 1/2d. The total of the expenditure for the three Orphan-Houses, from December 10, 1840, to May 10, 1842, amounted to 1,337l. 15s. 2 3/4d.; the total of the income amounted to 1,339l. 13s. 7d.

May 11, 1842. When the accounts were closed last evening, the balance in hand for the Orphans was 16l. 18s. 10 1/2d., though the actual amount for use at present is only 6l. 8s. 10 1/2d. as 10l. 10s. is put by for the rent.--With this 6l. 8s. 10 1/2d. therefore we had to begin again the work, whilst there were 107 persons to be provided for with all they required.

From May 11 to May 27, we were always so provided for by the Lord, that we received fresh donations before the last money was spent, for there came in 28l. 15s. 8 1/2d.; but now we should not have had sufficient for the need of tomorrow, May 28th, when today there arrived a parcel from Kendal, containing 6 frocks, 5 tippets, 6 pinafores, 6 chemises, 2 s.h.i.+rts, 3 ap.r.o.ns, and the following donations in money: with Ps. xxvii., 10s.; Proverbs iii. 5, 6, 2s.

6d.; from a sister who earns her own, bread by her daily exertions, 10s.; from another individual 10s. There came in also by sale of articles, given for that purpose, 2l. 1s.

May 28. There came in still further today 3l. 4s. 4d., so that we are richly provided, with all we need, and have more than enough.

June 3. For several days past I had not been particularly led to pray for means for the Orphans. Last evening, however, I did so, as we had now again no money in hand, there having come in only 10l. 2s. 2d.

during the last five days; and in answer to my request 2l. 19s. 6d.

came in this morning.

June 6. Monday. There was now no money at all in hand. I had therefore asked the Lord for fresh supplies, and since afternoon the following sums have come in: By sale of articles 1l.

4s., FROM AN AGED SERVANT, ILL IN A MORTAL DISEASE, 4l.; anonymously put into the boxes at Bethesda yesterday, in a small parcel, 11s., a gold ring, 3 small Spanish silver coins, and a small American silver coin; ditto 4d.; by a sister was given 6d., and by another sister 5s.; anonymously put into the box at Callow-hill Street Chapel 2s.

This morning I received from A. B. 50l., to be laid out as it might be most useful. I took the whole of this sum for the other objects, as the disposal of it was left to me, whereby I am enabled to order a fresh supply of tracts, some Bibles and Testaments, and to give something to the brethren and sisters who labour in the Day Schools, who are much in need of some supply. The stock of Bibles, as far as I remember, has never been smaller than it is now, for several years; there is likewise only a small quant.i.ty of tracts left, and the demand for them is great on the part of brethren who gratuitously circulate them. How kind therefore of the Lord to give us this supply! If our work be His work, He is sure to provide the means for it!

June 9. On the 7th came in 3s. for the Orphans,--on the 8th 2l. 6s.

2d. Today was sent anonymously from Bath 5l., with the words "Jehovah Jireh." These words are very appropriate; for the money came after I had asked the Lord for some, and is required for our need tomorrow.

June 11. afternoon. As only 6s. 10d. had come in since the 9th for the Orphans, there remains no money in hand for evening. The Lord has already sent a little towards the need of next week, as an earnest, that during the coming week also He will be mindful of us for this evening came in by sale of articles, 1l. 8s. 7d., and a little boy gave 3s. 7 1/4d.

June 12. There came in further today 7s. 6d.; anonymously 10s.; ditto 2l.; and with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, was given. 10s.

June 15. As since the 12th only 1l. 13s. 6d. had come in, there was now again no money in hand for the need of to-morrow. I gave myself therefore to prayer. Immediately after I had risen from my knees, I was told that some money had been put into the box at my house. I opened the box, and found it to be a sovereign.

June 16. The sovereign which yesterday had been put into the box at my house was not enough. On my morning walk I asked the Lord, therefore, for more means, and when I came home I found that 1l. 16s.

had been sent for articles given for sale, There came in still further by sale of articles, 1l. 1s. 6d., and by a donation from Leeds, 2l. 10s. 3d.

June 17. 1l. 18s. 9d. came in today.

June 18. Having had to meet the expenses of the funeral of a dear Orphan boy, who, after having been two years in fellows.h.i.+p with the saints, and walked consistently, had fallen asleep, all means were now again gone, when an Irish lady sent this morning 10l., of which 8l. is to be used for the Orphans, and 2l. for my own personal necessities. Thus we are again supplied for the-present.

June 25. As, besides the 8l. which came in on the 18th, only 9l. 14s.

10 1/2d. had been received since, there was now not sufficient in hand for the expenses of the day; but the Lord, as usual, made it manifest, that He is mindful of our need, and that He hears our prayers. For there was sent today from Clapham a parcel, containing a frock, a pinafore, and 13s. 4d. Also, through the same donors, in the same parcel, were sent from Brighton, 8 frocks, 6 pinafores, 6 handkerchiefs, 3 chemises, 2 petticoats, and 10s. Likewise a Christian lady sent a sovereign; and 1s. 6d. came in by sale of Reports, and 1l. 18s. 0 1/2d. by sale of articles. Thus we were abundantly supplied for the need of today.

July 1. All our money was again spent, as only 8l. l5s. 4d. had come in since the 25th, when last evening an Orphan arrived from Barnstaple, with whom there was sent 2l. 5s. 10d. The Lord has repeatedly ordered it so, that when Orphans have been brought, money has been sent with them, whereby our present necessities have been supplied.--I add here, that we do not require any money to be sent with them, nor is there any interest required to get the children admitted, and much less is the Inst.i.tution of a sectarian spirit, so that only persons of certain religious views could succeed in making application for the admission of Orphans; but without respect of persons, from all parts of the kingdom, so long as there is room, needy children, bereaved of both parents, may be admitted.--I received today still further 10l. And likewise, by six other donations, came in 1l. 10s. 2d. We are now again for a few days supplied.

July 6, On July 2nd came in 10s.; on the 3rd 2l. 2s. 9d.; on the 4th 1l. 18s.; on the 5th came in four donations from Hackney, amounting to 3l. 6s.; a donation of 2l. from Plymouth; a donation of 4s. from a brother in Bristol; by sale of Reports 5s. 3d.; anonymously was sent from Fairford 3l.; a Christian lady gave 1l., and the following articles were sent from Tottenham: a two-guinea piece, a quarter-guinea piece, a half doubloon, (a Portuguese gold coin), a gold coin of James I., and two gold chains. Likewise this evening came in with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, 3l. 1s. 6d., and 3s. 6d. by sale of stockings. By the donations of yesterday and today I am enabled to meet many needful expenses, such as ordering oatmeal from Scotland, buying peas, rice, Scotch barley, materials for boys? clothes, &c.

July 9. On July 7, 8, 9, had only come in 3l. 11s., so that now today,, after I had supplied the matrons with what they needed for today and for tomorrow, all the money was again spent; yet we had been, by the good hand of the Lord, brought through another week, and nothing, that had been needed during the week, had been lacking.

July 11. Monday. Yesterday and today came in 3l. 9s. 6d. This money was quite enough for the need of today; and when now again, after this day?s need had been met, scarcely any thing was left, the boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, which contained 2l. 3s. 4 1/2d.

July 12. 13s. 9d. came in today.

July 13. When our purse was now again empty, the Lord kindly sent 5l.

this morning from Glasgow.

From July 13th to 19th the Lord sent in 22l. 5s. 10d., and on July 19th I left Bristol for a season, being able, through grace, to leave the work in His hands, and feeling a.s.sured, that He would provide while I was absent from Bristol; and truly the Lord did not suffer me to be disappointed. For during the time of my absence, from July 19th to Sept. 10th, whilst I was labouring at Barnstaple, and in the neighbourhood of Bideford, the Lord richly furnished us with means, though twice during that period we were quite poor.

From July 19th to Aug. 10th had come in, during my absence, 51l. 3s.

7 1/2d.; but now on Wednesday, Aug. 10th, all the money, except ONE PENNY, was spent in the three Orphan-Houses. Between 9 and 10 o?clock in the evening brother M. brought 7l. to the Boys?-Orphan-House. 5l.

of this he had received from Q. Q., 1l. with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, and 1l. from a sister who had received this money from Weymouth. When the latter told brother M. that the money might be applied as most needed, he replied to her, that he would give it to the Orphans, as he believed them to be in need. When brother M. brought the money, he said, that when in prayer in the morning for the Orphans, who had been particularly laid on his heart, he felt a.s.sured, that we were in need. Thus this brother not knowing any thing about our circ.u.mstances, was led by G.o.d to help us with his intercessions.

The whole sum which came in from the 10th to the 26th was 25l. 5s.

3d. On the 26th of August there was now again need of a fresh manifestation of the loving care of our Heavenly Father, as on the coming day, being a, much was needed, and there were only a few pence in hand. And truly, the Lord did appear on our behalf; for this evening came in 10l. with Eccles. ix. 10.--Behold, you who do not know the Lord, what a precious thing it is, even for this life, to walk with G.o.d! Behold also you, dear brethren, who tremble to lean fully and solely upon. Him, that those who trust in Him, according to His word, shall not be confounded!

From Aug. 26th to Sept. 10th came in 22l. 6s. 8 1/2d.

Besides the 98l. 15s. 7d. which had come in, in money, during my absence, many articles of clothes, books, provisions, &c. were given for the benefit of the Orphans; but especially a great quant.i.ty of trinkets was sent, to be disposed of for the benefit of the Orphans.

When I had all these precious spoils before me, which the power of the love of Jesus had won, I found there were no less in my possession than 31 brooches, 2 gold clasps, a pair of gold bracelets, 33 gold rings, a silver gilt vinaigrette, 16 pairs of gold earrings, 2 gold crosses, a gold chain, a gold thimble, 8 gold seals, a gold watch key, a gold watch, 3 lockets, 2 watch hooks, 2 ornamental ladies? combs, 3 ornamental gold hair pins, 2 silver cups, above 30 necklaces, and many other ornaments; also above 60 old silver coins.

I cannot describe how great the joy is, which I have, when I see the Lord Jesus, by means of this Inst.i.tution, bringing forth one needless article after the other, to be disposed of for the benefit of the Orphans.

From Sept. 10th to 28th the Lord supplied our need richly. There came in altogether during these 18 days 92l. 19s. 4d, Though so large a sum had come in, in so short a time, yet as our expenses also had been great, there was again this day, Sept. 28th, not enough to meet this day?s need, when, A FEW MINUTES before I was called on for money, 2l. 10s. was sent from Birmingham.

Sept. 29. There came in by knitting 2s. 6d., and by two donations 7s.

6d. with these words: "J. W. from the Lord" 5s., and "From the Lord"

2s. 6d.

Sept. 30. There was again only 16s. 5 1/2d. left towards the necessities of today, when yesterday afternoon a donor left at my house a good silver watch, which, being disposed of for 6l., supplies us not only for today, but leaves something towards the need of tomorrow.

Oct 1. Yesterday afternoon. 1l. came in from Kensington, and this morning by sale of articles 2s. 6d., and 5s. was put into the box at my house. Thus we had, with what was left, something towards the necessities of this day, but not enough, as this is As the Lord, however, had given me both yesterday and this morning prayer and faith with reference to the need, I was looking out for help, when at half past ten this morning a small parcel was anonymously left at my house, which contained a 5l. note, a gold chain, and an old 5s. piece, to be used for the Orphans. The Lord be praised who disposed the heart of the unknown donor at so seasonable an hour to send this donation! Half an hour, after I had received the little parcel, I was called upon for money, and was thus able to supply the need of today, and have something left towards the beginning of the week.--There came in still further today 4l. 1s.; for this afternoon a sister in the Lord sent two half sovereigns, which had been sent to her by two donors in Wales, and which she would not delay sending at once, "as it was" In the evening about eight o?clock an individual residing in the parish of St. Philip, Bristol, brought a sovereign for the Orphans, and after eight o?clock 2l. 1s. came in by the sale of articles: so that, whilst the day commenced, without there being enough to meet its expenses, we received several pounds more than was needed.

Oct. 8. As since Oct. 2 there had come in by sale of the gold chain, the old 5s. piece, and donations, only the sum of 12l. 16s. 6d., there was (after I had sent yesterday morning the money which was requisite for the day), again only 1s. 6 1/2d. left, towards the need of today, being But the Lord, in whom I had particularly again made my boast this morning before four German musicians, was mindful of our need; for, besides half a sovereign coming in from Hereford, the boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, in which there was found 2l. 3s. 6d. Thus we have already in the morning the greater part of what is needed for today, waiting upon the Lord for the rest.--Evening. This evening came in still further 1l. 5s. 2d., so that we have all that is needed for today.

Oct. 10. Yesterday were put into the chapel boxes three papers, one with Eccles. ix. 10, containing 1l., and two containing 1s. each.

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