Love at Large Part 13

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"The weather service says this line of storms is getting nastier." The old man stared at the metal roof as it rippled in the wind.

Rick remembered Jade's comment about not liking storms, and an overwhelming frustration that he couldn't go back to the island to see her through this one flooded his heart. But there was nothing he could do except send positive thoughts her way and hope she wouldn't be too scared.

"Are you going home or staying here?"

"Home." Rick pulled open the pa.s.senger door and yanked out his jacket. "I'm not about to sit around and wait for a tornado to plow through this flimsy airport."

"It's weathered fifty years of storms, Montgomery,"

Rick put on the jacket, checked to make sure the medallion was in the pocket, and headed for the hangar doors. "There's always a first time." He motioned Toby outside and slid the doors shut as soon as his friend cleared the entry. "Stay safe, old man!"

Toby waved and drove off for the main hangar as Rick ran for his Jeep. Lightning hit a tree at the western edge of the airport, the surprise and its proximity causing him to miss his first attempt at unlocking the door. He couldn't get to the end of his ten-mile drive home fast enough. The trees would help protect his top-heavy jeep from the wind somewhat, but they would also hide anything that was about to drop out of the sky.

The rain finally came down with a whoosh as he peeled out of the driveway. Rick set the winds.h.i.+eld wipers on high as he slowed to thirty-five miles an hour. Turning on the radio, he settled back and tried to listen to the overnight host of his favorite sports talk station. But instead of concentrating on the announcer's words, his thoughts again traveled to Jade. He smiled at the memory of her spinning in the wind and giggling like a little girl.

And then, a few hours later, finding that the little girl had changed into a woman who had quietly listened to him reminisce about Susan and wanted to keep him safe by giving him a silly medallion. He could still feel the warmth of her hand in his and the softness of her cheek against his thumb and wished that he had kissed her lips instead of her hand. s.h.i.+fting in his seat, he wondered if he'd actually found a woman worth bringing his heart out of the closet for.

After allowing himself another moment to fantasize about kissing her, he turned his attentions back to driving. There were few vehicles on the road so late and in such weather, most heading in the opposite direction. Still, it was nice to know he wasn't the only fool out on a night like this. Up ahead of him was a curve he knew was very sharp, so he slowed his Jeep a bit more.

Too bad the SUV sliding across the other lane didn't do the same.

Rick spun the steering wheel hard to the right then braced for the crash he knew was inevitable.

THE EARLY MORNING sunlight was warmer than the air as Jade stepped out of the shop, wrapped in a purple sweater with a mug of fresh coffee cradled between her hands. Leaning back against one of the porch posts, she gazed at the debris-littered street.

The storms during the night had been bad. Signs were down, awnings ripped, some windows were broken, and everything from tiny twigs to small trees were scattered everywhere. Island maintenance workers and shop owners were busy cleaning up the mess, righting overturned items, and tossing unsalvageable ones into wagons. The Curiosity Cove had a small window broken out on the western side, which soaked a few books, but no other damage. And that was good, since Ann was upset enough as it was.

Staring up into the clear blue sky, she wondered what Rick would have to say when he came by later. The thought of seeing him made her smile. The storms hadn't been the only thing that had kept her awake most of the night. In fact, she'd been grateful for a distraction from the booming thunder and gusting winds.

"Hi, Jade."

"Hey, China." Jade looked away from the sky as the young woman bounded across the street towards her. "How'd the hotel fare?"

"Management has every available employee out looking for what blew off the porch last night, which is just about everything. I decided to take a break and check on you. How'd you survive?"

"We have a broken window and a few inventory casualties, but that's it. I didn't think Mackinac Island got storms that bad."

"We do, but only about once a season."

"Good. Then we're done for the year."

"Let's hope." China walked past Jade and peeked into the front windows of the shop. "Are you guys going to be ready next week?"

"Yep." Jade took a sip of her coffee and returned a wave from a pa.s.sing wagon driver. "Most of the mess is just newspaper and boxes that need to be thrown away."

"Good." She turned away from the windows. "Guess what I heard this morning?"


"Rick Montgomery's in the hospital."

The mug threatened to slip out of Jade's hands. "What?"

"I heard it from one of the housekeepers who flew over this morning with Captain Lawson. I guess Rick's Jeep got smashed between an SUV and a tree last night while driving home during a storm."

"Is he okay?"

"I hear he has a broken right arm and tons of cuts and bruises. His Jeep's toast, though. The police say he's really lucky to be alive."

Jade raised her eyes to heaven. "Thank G.o.d. What hospital is he in?"

"Cheboygan Memorial."

"Where's that?"

China smirked. "In Cheboygan."

"Which is how far away from here?"

"Are you planning on going to see him?"

"I'd like to."

"Well, the next flight off this island won't be until after lunch. It'll take you a couple hours to find a ride and get down to Cheboygan. By that time, he'll probably be released."

"Then I'll call the hospital."

"Like they're going to tell some strange woman over the phone how he's doing?"

"Then I'll ask for his room."

"I suppose you could. But if he's already gone, you could always call him at home."

Jade stared at her friend. "You have his number?"

China laughed out loud. "Gosh darn, Jade. I thought you weren't interested in him."

"We're friends."

"My. That was fast. So, when did this little relations.h.i.+p go from just being a pa.s.senger and a pilot to friends?"

"Last night."

"Oh?" China raised an elegant eyebrow. "Were we the co-pilot of his mattress?"


After waiting for more information that never came, China sighed. "Okay, I get it. None of my business, right?"

Jade took a sip of her now cold coffee.

"He was too old for me anyway," China said after a short silence.

The thought of China being hurt by her admission had never crossed her mind until now. She looked at the slightly disappointed frown on the younger woman's face. "China, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, really." China shrugged and stared at the street. "Just don't hurt him, okay?"

"I won't. And maybe we're both just looking for a no-strings-attached relations.h.i.+p with lots of hot s.e.x."

China tilted her head, then shoved her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. "I doubt that. Well, I guess I'd better get back to hunting for porch chairs and potted plants. And don't worry about me, okay. There're lots of men out here for me to drool over who will drool over me."

Jade knew that was true. China headed down the street, and every man she pa.s.sed turned to watch her.

"Who was that?" Ann appeared in the shop door.

"China Davis. One of the people I met on yesterday's flight."

Jade heard Ann say something else, but didn't catch the words. She was too busy trying to figure out if this island had a Star Trek-type transporter beam so she could go to Rick's bedside right now. She wanted to see him, and talk to him and...and take care of him with a desperation she could taste.


Suddenly, Ann's voice brought her mind back to the front porch of the shop.

"What did she want?"

Jade drew in a long breath. "She just wanted to see how we survived the storm." The last thing Jade wanted was to share the news about Rick with Ann. Knowing her friend, she'd beat her to the airport, or the phone. s.h.i.+fting off the porch pole, she headed into the shop. "I need to make a call."

The week had flown by with the rush to get the shop ready to open. But in between unpacking, cleaning, and setting up, Jade couldn't stop thinking about Rick. After finding out that he'd been released when she'd phoned the hospital, she'd waited for a call or visit from him. Neither came. Two mornings later, China had told her that the doctors had grounded him for a month, but otherwise, he was okay. That news had cheered her, but it would've been nice to hear it from him and not through a third party. She'd whipped off a note to Rick and had John take it up to the airport that afternoon to give it to Tom Lawson, but now, after a week of silence, she was sure her moment in time with the handsome pilot had come and gone. It was as she'd feared. She'd let herself fall for someone who couldn't, or wouldn't, return her affections.

Jade s.h.i.+fted in one of the comfortable, faded, green velour armchairs at the front of the tiny shop and scanned the room. A vast array of treasures lined the shelves and sat on antique dressers and cabinets just waiting for the first customers to come in the morning. With this final triumph, Ann had declared her night was over and had gone up to her apartment to soak in a hot tub. Jade had showered, then slipped into a long black tank top and gray leggings. But instead of going right to bed, she decided to return downstairs, listen to her favorite soft piano music, and spend some time alone.

The front door to the shop was open as it had been most of the week, which allowed the cooling, daffodil-tinged breezes to float inside. Now and then the wind chimes near the door pinged, blending with the music. Jade pushed her damp hair away from her face and stood up. Slowly, she walked to the antique hutch where the remaining three medallions were hanging from cup hooks. Drawing her finger through them, she watched them sway and sparkle in the dim light. Tomorrow, this place would be filled with customers. The Curiosity Cove would be a success, and she could go back home with her head held high. It would also be nice to go home with a handsome pilot by her side, but that obviously wasn't going to happen.

She sighed and moved the medallions again. She prayed that maybe someday, some woman would manage to touch Rick Montgomery's heart in the same way his wife had, and he'd learn to love again. He deserved it...

...And she'd be one lucky woman.

"Hey, beautiful."

Rick's voice drifted over the music and tinkling wind chimes behind her. Jade froze in place, trying to decide if she'd just imagined it.

"The place sure looks better than the last time I was here."

Slowly, she turned and saw him standing just inside the door, wearing a b.u.t.ton-down denim s.h.i.+rt and blue jeans. His right arm was cradled in a sling, and there were four bandages on his face.

"Sorry I took so long to get back here." He raised the sling an inch. "But something came up."

"I heard. Are you all right?"

"I will be." He reached into the front left pocket of his jeans and pulled out the medallion. "Thanks to this."

"You still have that thing?"

"I never leave home without it."

"But it didn't work."

Rick folded his fingers over it. "Who says? Something kept me from meeting my maker that night. Since then, I've been out of it on pain killers, sleeping for twenty-two hours a day or hallucinating about giant pink grizzly bears driving SUVs. This was the first night I felt good enough to get out of bed, and the only thing I wanted to do was hop a ride with Lawson to come see you."

His words died in the air, and he stared at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Jade wrapped her arms around herself.

"I said I'd be back."

"I know." She let her voice fade as she glanced at the floor for a second.

Slipping the medallion back into his pocket, he stepped up to her. "Does my reputation precede me?"

"Not your reputation, Rick. Your convictions on relations.h.i.+ps."

"That I'm not looking for one?"

She nodded.

His hand slid under her chin, and he raised her eyes to him. "And you are?"

"Yes." She rethought her answer. "No." She thought on it again, sighed, and gave him a weak laugh. "Maybe."

"Does that mean you want more than a hot and heavy five-times-a-week s.e.xcapade?"

The tightness Jade had been feeling in her chest began to loosen, and the invisible wall she'd been trying to build between them began to crumble. "You mean like seven days a week?"

Rick laughed. "Of course. What warm-blooded male wouldn't with a woman like you?" He moved his hand from her chin to her cheek. "But what I want, right now, is a beautiful woman, who likes to pretend she's a pink and blue whirly-gig, to share this warm, May night with, while the lights of the Mackinac Bridge are twinkling in the darkness, the breeze is bringing the heady scents of the flowers and water to your nose, and the stars are thick in the sky."

He lowered his head, and was a mere breath away from her lips when he stopped. "And I also want to know if that spinning top would let me kiss her?"

"I think so."

"Good, because that's all I've wanted since I walked away from you last week."

He brought his mouth down to hers and let his thumb once again caress the full curve of her cheek. Jade's hands slid around his neck, inviting him to deepen the kiss, which he did by teasing her lips open with the tip of his tongue. She closed her eyes and bit back a quiet moan as he explored her mouth. His hot, calloused hand trailed down her cheek, across her shoulder and moved underneath the straps of her top. She s.h.i.+vered as his fingers traced delicate patterns on her back and shoulders. Lowering her own hands from around his neck, she began to softly ma.s.sage the small of his back, and gently press forward with her hips.

After a long time, she lifted her lips from his and opened her eyes. The smile that had grabbed her heart so tightly that first time in the airport hangar and many times since was there to greet her. Staring into his eyes, she realized it wasn't just a corny line from a romance novel, she really could see forever in them.

"What's going on down here?"

Still held tight in Rick's left arm, Jade saw Ann coming through the stairway door, wearing nothing but a short white satin chemise. "Hey, Ann," she grinned, this time feeling safe as her friend approach Rick. "Look who's back."

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