San Amaro Singles: Slammed Part 20

San Amaro Singles: Slammed -

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He followed her into her apartment, so close behind her she could feel his body heat, and when he closed the door firmly behind him, he took hold of her and pushed her farther into the apartment, crowding her up against a wall. He pressed her there, his body hard against hers, the wall flat at her back, and kissed her, hot and urgent.

She kissed him back, her need for him just as urgent, her body aching for him. The o.r.g.a.s.m he'd given her earlier had only been a tease, exciting her even more, amping up her hunger for more.

G.o.d, she'd never been so turned on in her life! But it wasn't just the o.r.g.a.s.m. It was being with Dylan, watching him interact with people, all the people who admired and liked him, people who knew him as more than just pro surfer, second place, third ranked ASP Dylan Sch.e.l.l, people who cared about him. Yes, he could be a selfish b.a.s.t.a.r.d at times, but he could also be generous and caring and sweet.

He dragged his open mouth over her cheek, nipped her earlobe with his lips, making her tremble in his arms. "Brooke," he murmured. "G.o.d."

Just how she felt too. She wound her arms around his neck but he reached for her wrists and lifted them above her head. With one hand, he captured her wrists and pinned them to the wall above her, while his other hand slid up her thigh, pus.h.i.+ng her short dress higher, and then his fingers delved into her wet p.u.s.s.y. She gasped, her head falling back against the wall as he played there, between her legs where she was so wet and sensitive.

"Sweet," he muttered. "Christ that was hot, knowing you were bare under that dress."

"I know," she gasped against his cheek. "And I was so wet...I felt it every time I moved."

"Jesus." He crushed her mouth with his again. "And're all ready for me. Right here. Right now."

"Yes. G.o.d, yes."

He kissed her again and again, sliding his tongue into her mouth, sucking on her tongue, biting softly at her lips. She gasped and kissed him back as he crushed her into the wall, and then his hand slid from her p.u.s.s.y and down her thigh. He lifted her leg to his hip, ran his hand up the back of her thigh and cupped her a.s.s.

She might be bare and ready for him, but he was still wearing a suit, which was way too many clothes, and she managed to get one hand free and pushed at the suit jacket to get it off his shoulders.

"This isn't going to work," he groaned, releasing her other wrist and lowering her leg to the floor.

"I know. But that was hot."

He grinned as he yanked the suit jacket off and tossed it aside.

"Dylan! Not on the floor!" His beautiful suit jacket lay in a heap.

"Jesus. I don't care. I just want to be inside you." He was working the b.u.t.tons at his wrists, so she started on the other b.u.t.tons, leaning in to kiss his smooth hard chest as she bared it. She tugged the s.h.i.+rt out of his pants, ran her palms over his chest and abs, following them with her gaze, admiring his sleek muscles and bronzed skin, then down his sides to his waist while he undid his belt and zipper. The pants loosened around his hips and her breath hitched in antic.i.p.ation of seeing more of him, of having his naked body right there with her again. It felt like forever ago that they'd spent those steamy few days in her hotel room, gorging themselves on hot s.e.x while a tropical storm raged outside.

She melted even more inside, almost panting as he dropped his trousers to the floor. She grabbed for his boxer briefs. He captured her hand in his, but not before she'd brushed over his huge erection behind the soft cotton. "Easy, baby," he muttered.

She pressed herself up closer against him, sliding her free hand back up his chest. "Do it," she urged him, kissing his jaw. She nibbled him with her lips and he sucked in a sharp breath.

"f.u.c.k yeah." He tugged his underwear down, just far enough that it pushed up his c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s. Her blood rushed hot and fast through her veins at the sight, his c.o.c.k so thick and hard, veins prominent, his b.a.l.l.s propped up by the underwear. Her knees went soft, but right away he hoisted her up, slamming her back against the wall. Her dress was still up around her hips and once more she wrapped her arms and legs around him. With his hand pressed between their bodies, he managed to find his c.o.c.k and push up into her.

The air whooshed out of her lungs and her head thunked back against the wall. "Holy shnippits," she gasped. He filled her, completely, deeply, and thank G.o.d he was holding her up because her bones melted and she went liquid around him.

He went still, then his body started shaking. She lifted her head to see him laughing. "What?"

"Holy shnippits," he said. "Christ, Brooke, you make me laugh. Even at a time like this."

She stared, then smiled back at him, warmth spreading inside her. He gave her a fast, hard kiss and then bracing herself on his shoulders, she lifted herself on him while he used his hands beneath her b.u.t.t to help, sliding her up and down on his shaft. The friction sent pleasure zooming through her veins, spreading from her center all the way through her body until she was tingling everywhere. He found her mouth with his again, devouring her, and she kissed him back, as desperate and hungry as he was. Her hands moved over him, his shoulders, his neck, his face, holding him there as they kissed and f.u.c.ked up against the wall.

"f.u.c.k that feels good," he mumbled. "Brooke...ah, man."

She sucked his tongue, bit at his bottom lip, all the while moving against him so he slid in and out. She tightened her thighs around him to tilt her pelvis just...there, oh yeah, and now the additional friction on her c.l.i.t made her insides tighten.

"Christ," he gasped. "I love that."

They bounced together, finding a rhythm. She held on tighter, squeezed her body around him tighter. Her breathing quickened, her heart crashed against her ribs, every nerve ending sizzling.

"Yes," she said through gritted teeth. "Oh G.o.d, Dylan, yes, f.u.c.k me, just like that."

"Holy h.e.l.l, Brooke...gonna come."

"Me too." She rubbed against him more, sensation building in a tight twist inside her, her body clenching hard around his thick column of flesh. "Oh G.o.d...oh G.o.d, me too...." And pure ecstasy peaked inside her, sharp and hard. She cried out again and again, buried her face in the side of his neck while his hands tightened on her a.s.s and held her snug against him as he pulsed inside her.

"Oh f.u.c.king h.e.l.l," he gasped. "G.o.ddammit."

She moaned, still quivering around him, luscious sensation pulsing through her veins.

"We didn't use a condom," he groaned, his body still taut from his o.r.g.a.s.m. "Again, dammit."

"Oh for..." They were cursed. Why were they so d.a.m.n stupid with each other? This was ridiculous. She sighed. At that moment, she still felt too good to get worked up about it. "It'll be okay."

"f.u.c.k," he muttered again. "I'm sorry, Brooke. You make me lose my d.a.m.n mind."

He eased out of her body with a rush of fluid and she bit her lip.

"Hold your dress up," he murmured, stepping back. He tucked his half-hard p.e.n.i.s back into his boxer briefs and kicked at the trousers around his ankles. "We need to clean you up. f.u.c.k, I look like an idiot." His s.h.i.+rt hung open over his underwear and he wore dark socks and shoes. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her.

Their eyes met and his lips quirked too. He toed off his shoes, bent and tugged off his socks and tossed them aside, then pulled off his s.h.i.+rt and shoved down his boxers.

"Your clothes are going to be so wrinkled," she said.

"Whatever. That feels better." He stood there in her hall, completely naked and completely at ease.

"You like being naked, don't you?"

"Yeah." He grinned. "You need to be naked too."

"I wish I had your confidence."

His eyebrows sloped down. "You look gorgeous naked."


His frown darkened and he grabbed for her hand. "Hey. Come on."

Chapter Sixteen.

He dragged her down the hall. She only had one bedroom so it wasn't hard to find, and in the dark room he found the lamp beside her bed and switched it on. He turned and looked around. "There." He pulled her toward the dresser with the big mirror above it.

He situated her in front of him, in front of the mirror, and he found the zipper at the back of her dress and drew it down. The strapless dress slid down over her hips, and she stepped out of it as he unfastened her bra, leaving her naked.

She dropped her gaze to the dresser and he reached around her, his big, hot body pressing against her back and her a.s.s. He lifted her chin and met her eyes in the mirror. "Look at yourself," he murmured. "You're beautiful."

"I'd rather look at you."

He smiled and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, thumbs rubbing over tight nipples. Ripples of exquisite pleasure ran over her body. "Your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are perfect. Round and soft. I love your nipples." His hands flattened on her ribcage just below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. One hand slid down over her waist and hip. "Your hips are beautiful." The other hand glided over her abdomen and then covered the small patch of curls at the juncture of her thighs. "Your stomach is so smooth and pretty."

He turned her so she was sideways to the mirror, staying behind her but putting some distance between them so he could palm her a.s.s. "Your a.s.s is spectacular," he said, his voice a little hoa.r.s.e. His erection nudged at her back. He was getting hard again. He cupped her b.u.t.t with both hands and then, to her shock, he went to his knees behind her and pressed his mouth to the small of her back. In the mirror, she watched his eyes go heavy-lidded then close as he kissed her b.u.t.t cheeks, opening his mouth slowly on her skin, then rubbing his lightly-stubbled face on her sensitive skin there. Sensation sizzled across her body, up and down her spine.

Her p.u.s.s.y clenched hard on a wave of intense arousal and she found herself cupping her own b.r.e.a.s.t.s, heavy and aching. He held her hips as he wors.h.i.+pped her a.s.s with his lips and tongue, possibly the most erotic thing she'd ever experienced, especially the visual of it in the mirror, his dark hair hanging over his forehead, his beautiful face pressed to her a.s.s. She began to tremble, and when he slipped his fingers between her thighs, her entire body jerked.

"Your thighs are all wet," he muttered. "From my come. I was going to clean you up."

"I like it," she whispered.

He turned his head and met her eyes in the mirror, his gaze lifting briefly to where she held her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Hot," he growled. He rose gracefully to his feet and once again turned her to face the mirror. His body was big and darkly tanned behind her, his eyes glowing in the lamplight. Bravely she studied her own image, her tight b.r.e.a.s.t.s pink with a flush that spread all across her chest, her nipples puckered. She lifted her chin and shook her tangled hair back. Her cheeks were also blushed pink, her eyes sparkling, her lips full, and d.a.m.n, she did look...s.e.xy.

He took hold of her hands and moved them to the dresser in front of her then laid a palm on the middle of her back and pushed her down a little. She lifted her gaze to his, loving the erotic promise on his face.

"Gonna f.u.c.k you again," he murmured. "Like this. Right here. And you're gonna watch."

Heat zoomed low in her belly as he kneed her legs apart. In the mirror, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s looked bigger as she bent forward. He slid a hand around to fill his palm with one and gently squeeze, and she widened her arms to accommodate his touch. "So beautiful," he murmured. "See?"

She nodded mutely, taking it all in, excitement tightening inside her. Behind her, he ran his thick c.o.c.k up through her wet p.u.s.s.y, up the crack of her a.s.s, making her s.h.i.+ver, then back down. "Have you ever tried a.n.a.l?" he asked.

Heat flashed beneath her skin, into her face and she shook her head, still holding his gaze in the mirror.

"Want to?"


"Okay. Not now." He rubbed his c.o.c.k over her b.u.t.t, then between her thighs again. With some thrusts of his hips, his c.o.c.k slid between her thighs, back and forth. He groaned. "We'll get you ready for it some time."

Some time. When would that be? She pushed away the memory that he wasn't going to be in San Amaro very long. His fingers at her nipple, pinching and rolling it, distracted her, and ribbons of pleasure tugged from her nipple all the way to her core. She moaned.

"So wet," he whispered, rubbing his cheek against her hair. "Your p.u.s.s.y is so sweet. Hot and wet, like liquid fire."

Sweet Jesus, his s.e.xy words turned her on even more. She gripped the edge of the dresser and watched as he turned his face against hers, rubbing his stubble over her jaw then kissing the side of her neck. Erotic. Exotic. Hypnotic.

He slid one hand up to her throat and cupped her there, the sensation exquisitely dominant and protective. Their eyes met once more in the mirror and heat and light sparkled between them.

With his big thigh he pushed her legs even farther apart, opening her for him, pressed her lower so her b.u.t.t was out. She bent her arms and rested her elbows on the dresser as he found his c.o.c.k and pushed into her once more, her tissues there swollen and sensitive. "Oh G.o.d," she cried softly. "Oh yeah."

"Feel good, baby?" He leaned over her and gathered her hair into his hand, twisting it tightly. Sensation cascaded from her scalp all the way down her spine to pool in thick liquid heat in her p.u.s.s.y. He pulled aside her hair and sank his teeth so gently into the back of her neck. She gave another soft mewl of ecstasy as he filled her again, stretching her, easing slowly into her body until his crisp curls were pressed against her a.s.s. The strength and heat of his body pressed into her, and she bent her knees and her elbows to adjust the angle so she could push back against him and take him deeper still.

"Yeah," he muttered, licking her neck, then down her back. He kissed her between her shoulder blades. "f.u.c.k me back, Brooke. You're so f.u.c.king hot."

He began to move, in and out, the pull and drag of his hard shaft on her flesh so sweet, so very deep, this angle hitting so deep inside her it edged on pain. He tugged her hair again, lifting her head, and tears in her eyes blurred the vision in the mirror. She blinked, not wanting to miss a minute of this, watching Dylan Sch.e.l.l f.u.c.k her from behind. It looked so amazing, so...beautiful.

"Oh my G.o.d," she breathed. She gasped as he hit deep inside her again. And again. "G.o.d, Dylan."

She f.u.c.ked him back, pus.h.i.+ng her a.s.s back at him, meeting every thrust, and she pressed a hand to her abdomen where he filled her with such delicious pain. Once more she lowered her face to rest on her folded arms, and his hands roamed over her body, her waist, her hips, her back, her hair. Every drive hit harder, deeper, and pushed a cry from her throat, soft sounds of pleasure/pain.

His hand slid around her hip, dipped to her p.u.s.s.y and his fingers settled over her c.l.i.t, rubbing in small circles.

She cried out.

That was just what she needed, just where she needed it, sensations twisting up inside her once more, every plunge of his c.o.c.k inside her sending sparks sliding through her veins, illuminating her from the inside out, setting every nerve ending on fire. Noises slid helplessly from between her lips, formless sounds of pleasure and delight. "Dylan! G.o.d, Dylan..."

"Look at me." He growled out the words as he tugged her hair again, lifting her head. The image in the mirror was surreal, erotic and beautiful, s.e.xy and sensual, her face glowing, her eyes hazy and lost in sensation, her lips parted and gleaming wetly in the low light. Dylan's face behind her had tightened into taut lines of near agony as he held back his release until she had hers.

"Yes," she hissed. "Oh yes..." His fingers worked magic on her c.l.i.t, and as he hit the exact right spot with his fingers and with his c.o.c.k, she exploded, a storm of lightning blinding her vision, thunder in her ears, waves and waves of bliss pouring over her like the ocean, endless and immersive and powerful. She cried out once more, her forehead landing on her forearms as Dylan pumped into her again, again, and...

"f.u.c.king h.e.l.l," he yelled and pulled out.

Her head jerked up as she tried to rise, but he held her down with a hand on her upper back while liquid heat spread over her lower back.

"s.h.i.+t," he muttered moments later, his taut body relaxing a little behind her. "I know it's too late, but we forgot the f.u.c.king condom again."

Dylan sucked big gulps of air into his straining lungs and gazed down at the s.e.m.e.n on Brooke's back. Jesus Christ, what was the matter with him? He never f.u.c.king forgot protection, and now he had with Brooke how many times? And pulling out like that was so stupid, with his s.e.m.e.n still on her thighs from the first time he'd nailed her up against the wall.

He closed his eyes. He was a risk taker, always had been, but never with s.e.x. Getting a girl pregnant had always been one of his biggest fears. He valued his freedom more than anything, and if having a kid wasn't the fastest way to lose that and get tied down, he didn't know what was.

Looking down at her back, also rising and falling with her still labored breathing, with his seed splashed there was G.o.dd.a.m.n hot.

"Now we really need to clean you up," he murmured, reaching for a box of tissues on the end of the dresser. He wiped her back mostly clean and dropped the tissues into a waste basket, then turned her into his arms and picked her up. With a gasp she grabbed his shoulders.


He headed toward a door that looked like it might be a bathroom and sure enough, it was. "We need to shower," he said, lowering her feet to the small rug on the tile floor. He started to reach for the light switch then paused. Instead of turning the light on, he left the door open and some illumination filtered in.

Once again they were both reflected in the big mirror above the vanity, the lines and curves of their bodies shadowy. He reached into the shower and cranked it on, barely taking his eyes off Brooke. "You okay?" he asked, setting his hands on her shoulders.

"Yes." She met his eyes and gave him a rueful smile. "I know I should be p.i.s.sed off and worried, but I'm not. I mean, it's both our faults. And..." One slender shoulder lifted beneath his hand. "It'll be okay."

He nodded. "Brooke...we should talk about it."

She shook her head. "You don't need to remind me that you're leaving. I know what your life is like."

"That's not what I was going to say." He searched her face with his eyes. "If anything happens...f.u.c.k it, if you get pregnant, I'll be there for you. f.u.c.k the tour. Whatever you want or need from me, you'll have it."

He said that without even a hint of terror that should have accompanied such words. He meant it. And with a strange sense of Zen, he felt completely calm about it and completely protective of Brooke.

She nodded slowly. "Okay." She swallowed. Steam began to fill the small room and he turned her by the shoulder toward the bathtub. She stepped in and he followed, pulling the curtain behind him.

In the small s.p.a.ce, nearly dark with the shower curtain blocking much of what little light came in the bathroom, he positioned them beneath the pouring water, facing each other. With both hands he tipped her head back a little to wet her hair, and she closed her eyes. He pushed his fingers into her hair, dragged them down through the soaked strands and reached for a bottle of shampoo sitting on a corner shelf.

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