San Amaro Singles: Slammed Part 19

San Amaro Singles: Slammed -

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And then his fingers were between her legs, finding her slick folds, making her shudder with delight. "Dylan, G.o.d, Dylan, we can't..."

"Sssh." He opened his mouth on her jaw. "Relax. Wanna make you feel good."

Her head fell back against the back of the love seat. Done. She didn't care if the whole wedding watched at that point, she just wanted his fingers to continue stroking her, deeper, brus.h.i.+ng over her sensitive c.l.i.t. She was wet, and he spread her cream over her flesh, up to her c.l.i.t where he gave a firm rub.

She parted her thighs as much as she dared, given their near public location. This was risky and scandalous and shamefully exciting. She was supposed to be the voice of reason, the one keeping him from any kind of outrageous misconduct, and here she was partic.i.p.ating in it, for G.o.d's sake!

The buzzing started at his fingers, spread through her body, a coil of heat twisting inside her at his touch. She bit her lip and gave herself over to it, lifting her hips, pus.h.i.+ng her p.u.s.s.y shamelessly into his hand, let the pleasure build higher and higher. Heat swept over her body and weakness slid down her legs as pleasure burst inside in a small shower of sparks. She turned her face into his neck and panted through the o.r.g.a.s.m.

"Oh, there you are."

She and Dylan both froze at the voice.

Chapter Fifteen.

Dylan looked up to see Matt standing across the patio. "Oh hey Matt." His voice came out oddly gruff.

"Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt," Matt said.

"I'll catch you in a few," Dylan said. Matt nodded, grinned and turned to leave.

"Oh. My. G.o.d," Brooke moaned against his neck.

"It's okay." He slid his hand out from under her dress and tipped her chin up. The feminine scent of her arousal rose to his nostrils. "Look at me."

She forced her eyes open. "How will I ever face him again?"

Dylan grinned. "Don't worry. I'm sure it just looked like we're sitting here making out. He couldn't see any of your pretty p.u.s.s.y."

Even in the dark, her cheeks practically glowed with heat. She slapped his chest weakly. "You are a bad, bad man. I can't believe I let you do that."

"You loved it." He brushed a kiss over her mouth. "Admit it."

"So bad."

He smiled. "You okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay." She wriggled and tugged her skirt down. "Give me my panties."



"I'll give them to you later. Let's go dance again." He kissed her once more then rose and took her hand to pull her to her feet. She stared at him in speechless astonishment. Then she blinked, tugged her short skirt down again on firm thighs and reached for her gla.s.s of wine.

"Fine," she said and moved past him. His d.i.c.k so hard he wasn't sure if he could actually walk, he watched her a.s.s. He swore she gave it an added little twitch, just to torment him, knowing she was naked under that dress.

Christ. He almost groaned aloud. This might have been a mistake. He grabbed a paper napkin off a nearby table, wiped his fingers and tossed it into waste basket as he followed her.

Around the corner, other guests sat at tables, stood at the narrow bar running along one wall, or danced on the area that had been cleared for that purpose. He spotted Corey and Matt in the corner, talking to their families.

"I am so embarra.s.sed," Brooke moaned beside him.

He looked down at her. "I'm not."

"And it's all about you," she muttered.

His head jerked and he stared at her. Ah h.e.l.l. She was really upset. And he was a d.i.c.k. "I'm sorry, Brooke," he said softly. "You're right. I was being a selfish jerk. I'm sorry if I embarra.s.sed you."

Her mouth flattened. "You're probably happy he saw us like that."

"Eh." Was he? He examined that. "No. I wasn't doing that on purpose so he'd see."


"G.o.d no! I just wasn't thinking. I was...well, I told you, I was just...excited. I wanted you to feel good."

She licked her lips. Her gaze dropped briefly to his crotch, where he was still hard.

"So I'm not happy he saw us. I just don't care."

"Really?" She stared up at him wide-eyed.

"d.a.m.n, you're pretty."

Her eyelashes dropped. "Stop it."

"What? It's true."

"G.o.d, Dylan. We're not really together. This is an act to get your friends off your back about finding a girl and settling down. Right?"

"Oh, Brooke." He sighed, disappointment filling him up. "I'm not that good an actor."

She bit her lip and studied his face.

"Are you?" he asked, moving closer.


"You didn't fake that o.r.g.a.s.m."

"Oh my G.o.d."

Her blush amused him. He bent and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. "Wanna dance again?"

"Oh. I don't know. I guess so."

"Don't sound so enthusiastic." He plucked her wine gla.s.s from her fingers and set it on an empty table. "Come on."

He pulled her onto the dance floor again, this time a faster number, enjoying watching her dance, lifting her arms, shaking her hips a little as she gradually got over her embarra.s.sment and got into the music. He watched with aroused fascination as her skirt rode up a little higher on her legs. Because s.h.i.+z, she was bare under there.

"You're a good dancer," she said, leaning in to him.

"I like slow dancing better."

"Oh I know."

Their eyes met and held with a sizzle of sparks.

"I'm not done," he said. And he knew she knew what he was talking about as her eyes darkened.

They danced, ate decadent chocolates made by Corey, talked to guests. He introduced her to Matt's other sister, Jenna. They talked to the Surf Sisters, Bella and Jaden, who owned a surf shop on the beach and gave surfing lessons. And they talked to Carlos and Mike and their girlfriend Jules, who'd taken all those half-naked pictures of him the other day. Their relations.h.i.+p still blew his mind a little, but hey, to each his own. It wasn't as if he'd never had a threesome, but his just usually lasted a few hours, not a lifetime.

And speaking of lifetime commitment...Corey and Matt were having a blast tonight, celebrating their marriage. Like the words of the song she'd walked down the aisle to, some things were meant to be. And they were meant to be together.

As if she knew he was thinking about them, Corey appeared at his side. "Hey Dylan."

He smiled at her. "Hey Mrs. Ferber." And for the first time, he felt truly relaxed around her, at ease teasing her by calling her that.

"I really like Brooke," she said, nodding toward Brooke where she was talking to Carlos and Mike, then beaming up at him. "I'm so happy for you."

"I like her too," he said honestly. But a mix of emotions tangled inside him. It didn't matter that this thing with Brooke wasn't real, the fact of the matter was he was leaving. Real or fake, they couldn't have any kind of future together. Which was kind of a downer actually. And confusing. But along with that was relief that Corey and Matt didn't feel sorry for him anymore. And all of that put together kept him from saying to Corey that he and Brooke had no future together.

"She's crazy about you," Corey said.

He started. "Oh. Uh. You think?"

She smiled. "Oh yeah. And I can tell you're feeling the same about her. I was watching you, how you couldn't take your eyes off her."

He s.h.i.+fted his feet and resisted the urge to tug at his collar. He smiled though. "Huh. I do like looking at her." So he did, finding her across the patio now talking to Jaden and Bella. And remembering that she was naked underneath that s.e.xy little dress made heat pulse through his body.

Guests were starting to leave. Could they escape now too? Actually it wasn't so much of an escape as he'd feared. The wedding had actually been enjoyable and seeing Corey and Matt together and so happy felt...pretty good. Meant to be.


He looked down at Corey again. "Yeah?"

"When you left last time...we were really worried about you."

"I was fine."

"No. You weren't." She frowned at him. "Why can't you just admit it?"

He sighed and thrust a hand into his hair. "Okay, I wasn't fine. My head was f.u.c.ked up from my accident. That made me do and say and think crazy things. But now...a year later...I can see that it was a lot of drama over nothing."

"Nothing? You call that accident nothing? Geez, Dylan, you wouldn't even tell us about it when you came, we had to find out on the Internet. Clearly it was affecting you, but you wouldn't even talk about it."

"No, no. The accident wasn't nothing," he said slowly. "I meant all that other stuff that happened."

"Oh." Her forehead crinkled. "Really? That was nothing?"

"No. It wasn't nothing." He blew out a breath. He really did not want to go there with Corey. "I mean, I was messed up and I didn't really understand what I was feeling. But you did."

They looked at each other.

And then Brooke was beside him, slipping her arm though his. "Am I interrupting?" she asked lightly. He looked down at her pretty smiling face and read the concern shadowing her eyes. She was rescuing him.

He didn't need rescuing. He could look after himself. Probably this conversation was one he and Corey needed to have, to acknowledge what had happened and move past it. But the fact that someone was looking out for him, someone had his back when he'd never had that before in his life, made his chest tighten. For a moment he couldn't even speak as emotion rose up in his throat. He drew Brooke closer to his side. "No," he said gently. "Not at all." He looked back at Corey. "You were right, Cor," he said. "And I really am fine."

She smiled and nodded, and then moved away to talk to someone else.

Dylan returned his focus to the woman wrapped around his arm. "Thanks," he said, easing a strand of hair off her face then running his hand over her hair.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything is great." Really. "Wanna leave now?"

"Um. Sure. If you're done. You're the best man."

Only a few guests remained and they were saying their good-nights to Corey and Matt. Some of Matt's staff were discreetly cleaning up, picking up empty and beginning to rearrange the patio furniture.

"Let me check with Matt. Come on." They crossed to where Matt stood as Corey hugged someone. "Hey dude," Dylan said. "Anything you need me to do here?"

Matt shook his head and laid a hand on Dylan's shoulder. "Nah. We're good. The crew will clean up tonight." He paused. "Thanks for being here, man. It meant a lot to me. To both of us."

"I'm glad I was here too," he said. "It's been good to see you guys. Really good." Hard. At first. But good. "Brooke and I are heading out then."

"Great." Matt winked. "We'll be there next week to cheer you on."


Corey hugged him and then Brooke, Matt hugged Brooke, and then they left.

Brooke wrapped the silky shawl thing she'd brought around her bare shoulders as they walked out of the restaurant. The ocean breeze blew her hair back off her face and she looked utterly gorgeous in the moonlight.

"Okay," he said. He gave his tie a yank and loosened it, then undid the top two b.u.t.tons of his s.h.i.+rt. "Your place or mine?"

She met his eyes. "Dylan. The wedding's over. The pretend date is over."

"Yeah. It is." Her eyes flickered as he agreed with her. "From now on, s.h.i.+t gets real, babe. Your place or mine? Let's not play games."

They stood there looking at each other for a moment. And she said, "My place."

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