Erasing Memory Part 17

Erasing Memory -

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"Lip service, some bilateral agreements. The European Union has changed everything, of course. It's like young actors wanting to move to Hollywood. Everybody wants in, and Interpol is constantly dealing with bad actors from both countries." She looked at her watch. "Okay, kids, gotta go. I've got a big meeting at six tomorrow morning."

"You've been a great help to us, Bozana, and I don't know how to thank you." MacNeice closed his notebook and was about to push back from the desk.

"Thank me by finding out who did it. Dobranoc." Dobranoc." And with that Bozana smiled and reached out to the keyboard. The screen went dark grey as the connection ended. And with that Bozana smiled and reached out to the keyboard. The screen went dark grey as the connection ended.

A moment later, Ryan, the young intern from the IT department, appeared at the opening of the cubicle and knocked on the part.i.tion.

"What is it?" Aziz asked.

"Uh, I got the hard copy of the emails from the laptop." He was holding a stack of paper two inches deep. "I also brought the last week of phone calls and text messages from her cellphone. They're the ones on top, listed backwards from Friday at noon."

"Great. Just put them on my desk. And thank you."

"Do you want all the stuff about music too? It takes up ninety percent of the memory."

"No, just the emails will be fine."

"Then you got 'em. See ya." With that he was gone, back to the windowless room a floor below that was recognizable only by the green glow that oozed out under the door.

"I'll take these home and read them tonight, if that's okay with you," Aziz said.

MacNeice, staring at the whiteboard, said a distracted yes under his breath. He was thinking about adding Antonin Petrescu's name to the list, but he couldn't quite believe that he belonged there.

"The victims of that toxic soup," he said, "were either Romanian or Bulgarian. The syringe was potentially designed by a former KGB agent, a Bulgarian engineer-" MacNeice's cellphone went off. Aziz swung around as he answered, his head down, staring at the carpet. "Yes, this is MacNeice. Yes...yes...uh-huh," and finally, "We'll be right there-Room 2111, under Clark Terry."

"Who's Clark Terry?" Aziz asked.

"He's a great jazz player. That wasn't him. That was Marcus Johnson. He didn't go to Wawa-that was a ruse. He's terrified." MacNeice was already out of his chair as Swetsky came around the corner of the cubicle.

"I'm coming, boss," Aziz said.

"Swetsky, what about the second boat?" MacNeice asked as they pa.s.sed him.

"Do you want me out at the marina or with you?" Swetsky's armpits were stained with sweat.

"We're okay, I think. This is the kid-the girl's boyfriend. Check on that boat."

"No problem." He slid over to the telephone on Vertesi's desk. They could hear him as they hit the exit staircase. "Yeah, get me Gibbs's Marina. Yeah, that one."


AS THEY GOT OUT OF THE ELEVATOR and turned right, towards Room 2111, Aziz asked, "How could Marcus Johnson afford to stay in this place?" and turned right, towards Room 2111, Aziz asked, "How could Marcus Johnson afford to stay in this place?"

"It's a good question. And since he's obviously not running from us, who is he running from?"

They stood outside the door for a moment. A DO NOT DISTURB DO NOT DISTURB sign was looped over the handle. The television was on, the volume high enough that they could hear him channel surfing in the hall. MacNeice knocked twice, hard enough to be heard over the din. The door opened to the length of the security chain and a dishevelled mop of hair and pale face appeared. "You MacNeice?" sign was looped over the handle. The television was on, the volume high enough that they could hear him channel surfing in the hall. MacNeice knocked twice, hard enough to be heard over the din. The door opened to the length of the security chain and a dishevelled mop of hair and pale face appeared. "You MacNeice?"

"Detective Superintendent MacNeice and Detective Inspector Aziz. Open the door, Marcus." The door shut and reopened, but the young man was already back on the bed before they could close it behind them.

The room was smoky and dark, and the drapes were drawn. The TV was turned to the food channel, where someone was rapid-fire-cutting leeks. The table lamp was on and Marcus Johnson sat propped up against pillows on the unmade bed-which wouldn't be made till the DO NOT DISTURB DO NOT DISTURB sign was taken off the door. He was wearing jeans and a wrinkled T-s.h.i.+rt but no socks. sign was taken off the door. He was wearing jeans and a wrinkled T-s.h.i.+rt but no socks.

"Do you mind?" MacNeice said as he walked over to open the patio doors.

"f.u.c.kin' A, I mind. I'm scared s.h.i.+tless here. Yes, I do f.u.c.king mind." Yes, I do f.u.c.king mind." He buried his hands in his hair and scratched violently back and forth as if he had a ma.s.sive itch. He buried his hands in his hair and scratched violently back and forth as if he had a ma.s.sive itch.

"I'll keep the drapes closed, Marcus, but if we don't get some air, Detective Aziz and I will expire, and then you'll have some more explaining to do." MacNeice opened the slider completely and looked out over the railing of the interior balcony to the gla.s.s roof of the lobby nineteen storeys below. He closed the brocade drapes, which billowed a bit in the breeze but not enough to reveal the room. When he wasn't glancing at the TV, Johnson shot looks their way as he chewed on a nail.

"Right." MacNeice went over and turned off the television. "We're going to have some order here, Marcus."

"That chef's a hack anyway. I don't care." He rearranged the pillows behind him and sat up straighter.

"Ronnie Ruvola is a friend of yours, I believe?" MacNeice asked.

"Ruvola was my dealer-just for pot, though. I don't do anything stronger."

"Are you aware that he was found tied to a boat at the bottom of Lake Charles?"

"Why do you think I'm here? I knew when the TV said an unidentified body had been pulled out of the lake that it was probably him."

"He paid for the boat; you paid for the cottage. Why didn't you pay for the boat too?"

MacNeice sat down by the telephone table. Aziz took the only other seat, a club chair by the television set upholstered in salmon and green. She was silent, notebook in hand, watching the young man on the bed.

"Ruvola gave me the cash. He got it from them. I had a couple of bottles of Champagne, some dope and a girlfriend." Tears spilled out of his eyes and tracked down his face. He paid them no mind, just ran a hand through his thick bush of hair and continued. "I was gonna have a romantic f.u.c.king sleepover on the lake with the most beautiful woman I've ever met-that was all. We dropped her stuff at my place and headed out. It was the first time I'd ever seen her without a cellphone, and mine was dead, so it was going to be quiet, beautiful, no distractions."

"So who gave Ruvola the cash?" Aziz asked.

"I don't know who it was." Now he was weeping openly, wiping his face with the sleeve of his T-s.h.i.+rt.

"Did you ever wonder why someone would pay you to take her to a cottage?" MacNeice asked.

"Aw, f.u.c.k.... Look, I'm a photographer. I'm a good photographer. I am." He looked first at MacNeice, then briefly met Aziz's eyes, as if willing them to believe him.

"We know you are, Marcus. We've seen your work." MacNeice's voice was calm.

"No s.h.i.+t? You've seen my work? Where, at the college?"

"You have a wonderful talent, but let's stay focused on why we're here." MacNeice picked up his notebook, indicating that he should continue.

"Okay, so I've taken nude shots of women before-I did the girl who told me about the cottage-but the photos of Lydia were the best, by far the best. She loved them too...she loved them." For a moment he looked eager to persuade MacNeice that she did indeed love them, but then he choked up, grabbed a pillow and buried his face in it as he let out a long, agonized groan. When he looked up again, he threw the pillow aside and took out a cigarette. MacNeice just waited, and after Johnson had got his cigarette lit, he shakily carried on.

"When he comes to my place with the weed one night, Ruvola says to me, 'Dude, I've met these guys who'll pay us seventy-five hundred to watch a photo session between you and your girl.' I laughed at him, so he says-like, he spells out each syllable-'That's an even split of se-ven-thou-sand-five-hundred-dol-lars, dude, and all you gotta do is do what you do. She won't even know.'"

"You'd shown him your photos of Lydia?" Aziz asked.

"Yeah, well, he came by when I was printing and he saw them. Some of them."

"How was it supposed to work?" MacNeice asked.

"Ruvola would drop off a bag of my gear at the cottage. Lydia and I would go by boat, drinking Champagne on the lake at night. Then I was going to recommend we do some moonlit nude work on the beach, and then some more in the cottage. The men-Ronnie wouldn't say how many-were going be watching from somewhere else. They were supposed to set up hidden cameras inside."

"Were you okay with that, Marcus? Did they actually set up those hidden cameras inside the cottage?" Aziz's voice was steady.

"No, well...If she never knew, and somewhere there's a guy jerking off to pictures of her...I don't f.u.c.kin' know, man. So, was it set up? I don't know that either. We get there and I carry her ash.o.r.e. She looked amazing, and she was so happy...." He paused for a moment, welling up again. "All I remember is getting there. We finished off a bottle of Champagne on the boat, and we were loosened up, all right. But that's all I remember. I woke up some time later with my face planted in the sand. The boat was gone; there was no one around. I went up the stairs where the music was playing, music that she'd brought with us because it was the piece she was going to do for her first professional concert...and there she was-dead. I couldn't believe it. She looked so beautiful, but she was dead. I couldn't find my equipment-my bag was gone. I ran. I figured I'd be blamed if I stayed, so I ran."

"Why did you need the money?" MacNeice asked.

"s.h.i.+t, man, with that much money I could have my own show. At a serious gallery, I mean, not at the college. A guy in Toronto had already offered me a one-man show, but he said I had to come up with the money for printing and framing, and that s.h.i.+t costs. I could have done it, though.... A lot of what I'd be showing was going to be shots of Lydia. She'd be cool with that."

"It's too late to say what she'd be cool with, Marcus," MacNeice said flatly.

"How do you think her father would have felt?" Aziz asked "Not my problem. Lydia said she'd tell him-this weekend. She was going to be with him"

"Did you know she was pregnant?"

Johnson just stared at MacNeice as though an insane world had gotten even crazier. Then he realized the detective was waiting for an answer. "f.u.c.k, no. No. Oh G.o.d in heaven, I didn't do this, and I don't know why anyone would. I just wanted to make some money. I wouldn't have hurt her.... I loved her." Tears spilled down onto his T-s.h.i.+rt, leaving dark stains on the faded grey cotton.

"You hadn't told her what you intended to do at the beach house?" MacNeice asked.

"No, I thought I'd do the gig and then we'd have the rest of the night to make love and celebrate her graduation. Honest to Christ, I wouldn't have done anything to hurt her." He got up off the bed and began to pace in front of the TV. He took a small bottle of whisky from the mini-bar, opened it and drank it down in one long swallow. He put the empty bottle beside several others and then sat on the edge of the bed opposite MacNeice.

"Get dressed, Marcus. I need you to come with us." MacNeice stood up and put his notebook away.

"How'd you pay for the hotel room?" Aziz asked.

"I used a credit card that'll bounce for sure. If I hadn't called Miss Hausser to see if anyone had come looking for me, I'd probably have skipped out on the bill. She gave me your phone number."

"She's a very nice lady. Marcus, let's go. We need to take you in for questioning-and to keep you safe. We don't know if the people who murdered Lydia are coming after you too," MacNeice said.

"Can I just take a shower? I reek, and I haven't changed my clothes for days." He stood up, sniffed at his stained s.h.i.+rt and looked at MacNeice. "I'm okay, though. I'm actually relieved it's over."

"Okay, here's the deal. While I bring the car around to the front entrance, Aziz will pay for the room. You've got ten minutes. If you're not in the lobby in ten, we'll be back up to get you." As he and Aziz headed for the door, Johnson went into the bathroom. They heard the shower start as they stepped into the hall.

At the elevators Aziz said, "Not concerned that he'll bolt, sir?"

"No, I think he's done with running."

In the lobby, a humid two-storey gla.s.s-topped greenhouse featuring live palm trees, a water wall with vines growing on either side of it and rainforest birdcalls, Aziz went to the reception desk to check Clark Terry out of his room while MacNeice went out the revolving front door. He was only a few yards into the parking lot when he heard a loud bang followed by several screams. MacNeice burst back through the door. In the lobby, three guests were crouching behind a sofa while Aziz, her weapon drawn, was standing beside the desk clerk, both of them staring straight up.

"Up there," the clerk said. "Oh my G.o.d. Call an ambulance!"

Johnson was sprawled face down on top of the gla.s.s roof. A splatter of blood around his head, like a burst red-paint balloon, was starting to streak downwards. His arms were above his head as if he were sleeping, or dancing; one leg was straight down, the other tucked awkwardly behind it. His feet were bare. As they looked up, there was a creaking sound. Blood flowed down the gla.s.s, puddling at the mullion. Another creak.

"Aziz, are you okay? Look at me." MacNeice reached for her arm. She made no acknowledgment of either his words or his touch. "Aziz, come away. Fiza. Fiza?"

Another creak, and then suddenly a whoosh whoosh-the entire gla.s.s panel, with the young man's body riding it, burst loose and came cras.h.i.+ng towards them. MacNeice wrapped his arms around Aziz and threw himself forward as hard as he could. An enormous explosion seemed to envelop them and then half-inch cubes of b.l.o.o.d.y gla.s.s rained down. When the noise stopped, he opened his eyes. Aziz was beneath him, her eyes still screwed shut, tears was.h.i.+ng streaks of dust and mascara towards her ears. MacNeice brushed some of the gla.s.s out of her hair, then rolled off her and looked around. The gla.s.s panel had landed about a foot away from his shoes, and what was left of Marcus Johnson was now bleeding all over the rug. In that strange way that details present themselves in a crisis, MacNeice noticed the small tattoo low on his neck-a blue line drawing of a Ha.s.selblad camera.

"Come on, Fiza, we've got to stand up." MacNeice got to his knees, then pushed himself to his feet, s.h.i.+elding her from the view behind him. "Give me your hand. Come on, that's it." As he lifted her up, she buried her face in his chest and began sobbing convulsively. He held her tight.

The voices around them began to invade-more crying, and people yelling about what to do. The elevator doors opened on a group of guests; seeing the carnage and chaos, they just stood there, hands over mouths, in shock. The doors closed on them again.

He looked around for Aziz's service weapon, a Glock 17, then realized it was still in her hand, hanging down beside her. He patted her back gently and, as her sobbing subsided, reached down and took hold of the weapon, prying her fingers off the grip and away from the trigger.

MacNeice heard sirens approaching as he led her, stiff-legged, to a chair near the lobby entrance. Easing her into it, he smoothed the hair away from her face and took out his handkerchief to wipe away the tears. She looked up at him and said, "I should have stayed with him, Mac. I should have stayed."

"I didn't see anything and you didn't see anything that indicated he was a risk to himself." He could hear the first of the emergency vehicles pulling up to the entrance.

"Observation, Mac. Where was it?" She was crying again.

"It's an imperfect art, Fiza." He removed another cube of gla.s.s from her hair.

The first person through the door was a burly black firefighter carrying a large aluminum case. He recognized MacNeice and rushed over. "She okay?" He was looking at Aziz.

"Yes, she is."

"Was he a jumper or was he pushed?" the firefighter asked as he turned towards the body.

The question hit them both like an electric shock. Wide-eyed, Aziz pushed herself out of the chair and started running through the lobby, MacNeice close behind.

"You take the elevator, I'll take the stairs," MacNeice yelled. "But wait-Here, you might need this." He held her weapon out and she grabbed it from him, pressing the Up b.u.t.ton as he ran for the exit door to the stairwell.

A second firefighter asked the first, "What'd you say to those two?"

OPENING THE STAIRWAY DOOR, MacNeice stood and listened. He could hear the metallic thumping of someone running up or down the stairs, but before he could identify which it was, it had stopped. So he took off down the stairs, drawing his weapon as he ran. At the first level of the parking garage he threw the door open and listened again. The echo of screeching tires making fast, tight turns sent him running back up. He slammed open the lobby-level door and ran towards the entrance, past the growing ma.s.s of police, paramedics and firefighters who were tending to several people who were either in shock or had been cut by the flying chunks of gla.s.s. Someone had covered the boy's body with a blanket that was now blotched with large patches of dark blood.

He tore through the front doors and looked up and down the street, but could see nothing. Traffic noise obscured any sound trail. He was certain that they were long gone, but he didn't like the idea of Aziz being on her own. Back in the lobby, he spotted the hotel clerk-"Give me the key to Clark Terry's room, now!"-but the clerk seemed frozen in fear, staring at him as the absurd soundtrack of tropical birdcalls played on. MacNeice took a deep breath and was about to ask again when the clerk snapped out of it and handed him a master key.

He made sure the clerk was making eye contact and said, "Find the cop in charge of the scene. Tell him to rush a forensics unit to 2111. Do you understand me?" He looked down at the plastic ident.i.ty badge on the man's jacket pocket. "James, do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir. Find the cop in charge.... Room 2111."

Turning to head for the elevator, MacNeice said, "Good, and when you're done that, go and check the video feed for the underground parking. I want to know what vehicle left just now."

"Yes, sir." The clerk was in motion by the time the elevator doors had closed on MacNeice.

HE FOUND A AZIZ STANDING JUST INSIDE the open door, which showed no signs of being forced. But one glance into the room showed him that Marcus Johnson had put up the fight of his life. Blood was splattered on the carpet near the balcony doors, and the brocade drapes had been torn off their hooks as if he had held onto them in desperation. The coffee table was broken in two, its gla.s.s top shattered and scattered about the floor. A Nike duffle bag was open beside the bed, T-s.h.i.+rts, socks and jeans spilling out of it like blue, white and grey guts. the open door, which showed no signs of being forced. But one glance into the room showed him that Marcus Johnson had put up the fight of his life. Blood was splattered on the carpet near the balcony doors, and the brocade drapes had been torn off their hooks as if he had held onto them in desperation. The coffee table was broken in two, its gla.s.s top shattered and scattered about the floor. A Nike duffle bag was open beside the bed, T-s.h.i.+rts, socks and jeans spilling out of it like blue, white and grey guts.

Aziz went over to the balcony. "Boss," she called, "there's blood on the railing and the floor." She looked down. The blanket covering Marcus looked to her like a Rorschach test, black blots on grey. Several people were being treated for cuts in a makes.h.i.+ft triage unit over by the waterfall, next to the long, white snaking sofa. Three uniformed officers were standing beside Johnson's body looking up, trying to imagine the trajectory of his fall.

"They're gone," MacNeice said, holstering his weapon as he stepped onto the balcony and also looked down. "We should get out of here. We know he didn't jump. Aziz, let's go. Forensics will take care of the scene."

"Who did this, Mac?"

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